Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election from Hillary


And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.
Flashback: CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...

LMAO!!!! Those are some REALLY credible and unbiased "sources" that you provided there, ol Jake!

View attachment 177834
They are very credible. You simply can't match them or the story.

"blathering conjecture" heh

They are credible to a leftard only. I downloaded the heavily redacted FISA memo that was 99 pages (104 pages if you count the introduction) and even before the Nunes memo came out it was obvious to me that the FISA court was fed information to warrant spying and tapping of Trump operatives because the FBI lied by omission based on a dossier created by a political opponent. You can't spray this turd with Chanel #9 and claim that it smells good. You ended up looking like an idiot after the Hildebeast lost and being the tribalistic whiner that you are? You just HAVE to spew this bullshit that the Hildebeast was cheeeeeaaaaated!!! It just had to of happened because leftards never lose elections because they work too hard at cheating so if they lose? Well, the other side cheated better and that's? Well, that's cheating.....right, Joke?...I mean Jake?


And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

Even the smartest and most intelligent liberal in the world was duped into being a useful idiot and a Russian tool..

"Progressive director Michael Moore participated in an anti-Trump protest in New York that was organized by Russians, according to information released Friday by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein..."

Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

The left have been siding with Russia since 1946

Upon closer examination, the Left always has more in common with America's enemies, like ISIS, Russia, etc., than they ever do our friends.
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...
As you have heard and ignore, the report also said NO evidence of any American involvement. You are more pro Russia than I am.

no assessment has been officially made of the effect yet. keep trying though.
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...

LMAO!!!! Those are some REALLY credible and unbiased "sources" that you provided there, ol Jake!

View attachment 177834
They are very credible. You simply can't match them or the story.

"blathering conjecture" heh
Coming from you highly unlikely.
JH and DS, you each have been driven around here like a toothless snowflake running scared in prison. Please study the issues.
Running scared in prison, sounds like you have experience.
Substitute ALT RIGHT, toobfreak, and you have it right.

ISIS was funded and armed with the blessing of the Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast. That was one huge reason as to what Benghazi was about.......getting those weapons to Syria in order to fight the next proxy war per the PNAC document.

But those damn pesky Rooskies stopped those (snicker) "freedom fighters" that were raping, pillaging and plundering much to the chagrin of the Barrypuppet thus drawing his if Putin worried about offending that limp-wristed deep state puppet.
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Substitute ALT RIGHT, toobfreak, and you have it right.
I am curious why Obama lied about his involvement in the investigation. He was briefed on every detail according to FBI texts that were deleted and recovered. Reminds me of when he lied about Hillary's email, when he himself emailed her using fake names.

That was hilarious watching the Barrypuppet stutter and stammer when he claimed that the first time that he heard that Hildebeast had used a private server was from the news......LMAO! The Wikileaks showed that he had been conversing with her under another e-mail name! Barrypuppet lied pretty much every time he opened his mouth.
Substitute ALT RIGHT, toobfreak, and you have it right.
I am curious why Obama lied about his involvement in the investigation. He was briefed on every detail according to FBI texts that were deleted and recovered. Reminds me of when he lied about Hillary's email, when he himself emailed her using fake names.

That was hilarious watching the Barrypuppet stutter and stammer when he claimed that the first time that he heard that Hildebeast had used a private server was from the news......LMAO! The Wikileaks showed that he had been conversing with her under another e-mail name! Barrypuppet lied pretty much every time he opened his mouth.
Clearly the brown baboon (many call Trump the orange baboon, just applying the same to Obama), has some major issues. So do his sycophants.
Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election from Hillary

the funnest thing about this so far

is the interview on Sunday on CBS with podesta

Why Did the Russians Know to Focus on Michigan and Wisconsin When Clinton Didn’t?


Substitute ALT RIGHT, toobfreak, and you have it right.
I am curious why Obama lied about his involvement in the investigation. He was briefed on every detail according to FBI texts that were deleted and recovered. Reminds me of when he lied about Hillary's email, when he himself emailed her using fake names.

That was hilarious watching the Barrypuppet stutter and stammer when he claimed that the first time that he heard that Hildebeast had used a private server was from the news......LMAO! The Wikileaks showed that he had been conversing with her under another e-mail name! Barrypuppet lied pretty much every time he opened his mouth.
Clearly the brown baboon (many call Trump the orange baboon, just applying the same to Obama), has some major issues. So do his sycophants.

They are more to be pitied than scolded.......
Substitute ALT RIGHT, toobfreak, and you have it right.
I am curious why Obama lied about his involvement in the investigation. He was briefed on every detail according to FBI texts that were deleted and recovered. Reminds me of when he lied about Hillary's email, when he himself emailed her using fake names.

That was hilarious watching the Barrypuppet stutter and stammer when he claimed that the first time that he heard that Hildebeast had used a private server was from the news......LMAO! The Wikileaks showed that he had been conversing with her under another e-mail name! Barrypuppet lied pretty much every time he opened his mouth.
Clearly the brown baboon (many call Trump the orange baboon, just applying the same to Obama), has some major issues. So do his sycophants.

They are more to be pitied than scolded.......
Nope. They need to be kicked in the metaphorical teeth.
Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election from Hillary

the funnest thing about this so far

is the interview on Sunday on CBS with podesta

Why Did the Russians Know to Focus on Michigan and Wisconsin When Clinton Didn’t?


Because it was a conspiracy, ya see..........these rooskies got through to Hildebeast's staff and they told her that not only was Wisconsin and Michigan were foregone conclusions but Pennsylvania as well, ya see? The fix was in so why worry? Ol Hildebeast needed her rest because those coughing fits take their toll on an old bag like her that could only draw flies to her infrequent appearances.....ya see????


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