Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election from Hillary

Now this bitch right here is a Solid Russian Citizen.

Christopher Steele help you with that bullshit or did you get it straight from The Kremlin?

The author was completely discredited by every person he alleges to have quoted.

That makes both you and he propagandists and Putin’s Butt Puppets!


Well Done Comrade Valerie!

NRA Connections
Torshin helped establish a Russian gun group called Right to Bear Arms, whose president calls Torshin "a great gun lover." Torshin is also a life member of the NRA – and forged ties to its leadership after attending the NRA's national convention in 2013. McClatchy reports that, in 2015, Toshin hosted "a high-level NRA delegation" during a week-long Moscow trip "that included meetings with influential Russian government and business figures." An attendee describes a debauched week: "They were killing us with vodka and the best Russian food," he told McClatchy. "The trip exceeded my expectations by logarithmic levels."

Trump Connections
At the May 2016 NRA convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Donald Trump accepted the group's endorsement, Torshin shared a table at dinner with the candidate's son Donald Jr. According to Bloomberg, Torshin claimed to also have met now-president Trump at the convention, and that: "He keeps photos of the event on his computer tablet."

The 2016 NRA convention came off just as Russians were actively seeking contact with the Trump campaign – just weeks earlier, a Russian conduit told Trump staffer George Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, including thousands of her emails. – and hoping to set up a meeting with Trump and Putin.

According to the New York Times, Torshin tried to set up a dinner meeting in Louisville at the time of the NRA convention with then-candidate Trump – with the aim of connecting Trump with Putin. The request was conveyed through a Trump ally in the Christian conservative world, who reportedly sent the campaign an email with the subject line: "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite." (Trump did not attend that dinner.)

Separately, an NRA member, Paul Erickson – who had been part of the 2015 NRA delegation to Moscow – wrote an email titled, "Kremlin Connection," to Trump campaign adviser Rick Dearborn, according to the New York Times. Erickson reportedly told the campaign that Russia was "quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S." and would be seeking "first contact" at the NRA convention.

Weeks later, in early June 2016, the trio of Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner took a meeting with a Putin-connected lawyer who had offered incriminating material on Hillary Clinton. Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon has dubbed that meeting "treasonous."

A Potential Game Changer
The allegation that Russia funneled money into the NRA – to directly support Trump's presidential bid – is staggering. Until now, we've understood the Russian support of Trump to have been oblique, delivered by a cadre of Facebook and Twitter trolls, and by the release of hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails through Wikileaks.

The notion that the Kremlin was supporting Trump's presidential bid financially – and through an organization that holds itself up as a paragon of American patriotism – is almost unreal.

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

try making sense, dimwit. :itsok:
oooh oooogly booooogly "the deep state"

i see vlad has you well hypnotized! :laugh: :itsok:

I am going to knock you on your ass with just a few pieces of easily verified source topics that have been declassified. I believe that you are too blind, stupid and dumb to look them up....but others will and they will see just how badly I have punted your ass into the coffin corner.

The Church Committee Hearings, Cointelpro, Operation Mockingbird, MK-Ultra........I have more but this will do for now.

Seems that you have a lot of reading to do........ if you dare.

Game, set AND as usual? Dale wins the match..... (snicker)


:blahblah: you have nothing but hot air, as usual...
oooh oooogly booooogly "the deep state"

i see vlad has you well hypnotized! :laugh: :itsok:

I am going to knock you on your ass with just a few pieces of easily verified source topics that have been declassified. I believe that you are too blind, stupid and dumb to look them up....but others will and they will see just how badly I have punted your ass into the coffin corner.

The Church Committee Hearings, Cointelpro, Operation Mockingbird, MK-Ultra........I have more but this will do for now.

Seems that you have a lot of reading to do........ if you dare.

Game, set AND as usual? Dale wins the match..... (snicker)


:blahblah: you have nothing but hot air, as usual...

No, Val....what you are saying is that you are too fucking lazy to educate yourself. Knowledge is power......that's why I don't lose debates.
Your lies, jgalt, are so typically pro-Russian alt right. They do not work any more.
Obuthole had a chance to do something, he didn't because the idiot thought it would help the hag Hillary.

you seem to have your troll-farm-talking-points all mixed up. :eusa_clap:

our twice elected president did, in fact, "do something", which is why your troll-farm-talking-point from last week was all about pretending as if the FISA warrants were some sort of partisan conspiracy against candidate trump.

when mueller revealed last week that he had evidence of russian interference going back to 2014, that proved the warrants to monitor russians were absolutely justified and not a partisan conspiracy at all.

"Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President"

those FISA warrants are the reason that team treason got caught red-handed lying to congress and the FBI about their russian contacts... they are the reason sessions was forced to recuse himself and the reason flynn is pleading the 5th, etc...

now that the latest stage of indictments has come down, teflon don is exposed as having obstructed justice, at the very least...
Last edited:
oooh oooogly booooogly "the deep state"

i see vlad has you well hypnotized! :laugh: :itsok:

I am going to knock you on your ass with just a few pieces of easily verified source topics that have been declassified. I believe that you are too blind, stupid and dumb to look them up....but others will and they will see just how badly I have punted your ass into the coffin corner.

The Church Committee Hearings, Cointelpro, Operation Mockingbird, MK-Ultra........I have more but this will do for now.

Seems that you have a lot of reading to do........ if you dare.

Game, set AND as usual? Dale wins the match..... (snicker)


:blahblah: you have nothing but hot air, as usual...

No, Val....what you are saying is that you are too fucking lazy to educate yourself. Knowledge is power......that's why I don't lose debates.

naah your imaginary "debate" is lacking the heft of any actual relevant facts... you are too lazy to post anything more than blathering conjecture.
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...
oooh oooogly booooogly "the deep state"

i see vlad has you well hypnotized! :laugh: :itsok:

I am going to knock you on your ass with just a few pieces of easily verified source topics that have been declassified. I believe that you are too blind, stupid and dumb to look them up....but others will and they will see just how badly I have punted your ass into the coffin corner.

The Church Committee Hearings, Cointelpro, Operation Mockingbird, MK-Ultra........I have more but this will do for now.

Seems that you have a lot of reading to do........ if you dare.

Game, set AND as usual? Dale wins the match..... (snicker)


:blahblah: you have nothing but hot air, as usual...

No, Val....what you are saying is that you are too fucking lazy to educate yourself. Knowledge is power......that's why I don't lose debates.

naah your imaginary "debate" is lacking the heft of any actual relevant facts... you are too lazy to post anything more than blathering conjecture.

No, I have studied our real history. What "relevant facts" do you believe that you have posted that you believe that I overlooked?

What is at the heart of the matter is that you scoff at things that you don't understand or have no knowledge about because it doesn't fit into the leftard narrow world scope.
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...

LMAO!!!! Those are some REALLY credible and unbiased "sources" that you provided there, ol Jake!

dale, you feel free to let me know when you have evidence that a grand jury investigation is taking your blathering conjecture seriously...

JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...

LMAO!!!! Those are some REALLY credible and unbiased "sources" that you provided there, ol Jake!

View attachment 177834
They are very credible. You simply can't match them or the story.

"blathering conjecture" heh
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...
As you have heard and ignore, the report also said NO evidence of any American involvement. You are more pro Russia than I am.
dale, you feel free to let me know when you have evidence that a grand jury investigation is taking your blathering conjecture seriously...


The "grand jury" can indict a ham sandwich if it wants to do so. The very same bad actors that shoved the crimes of the Hildebeast under the rug (because they are just as culpable) are now (snicker) "investigating President Trump and lamely attempting to make chicken salad out of chickenshit using a debunked dossier that was funded by the very crooks that are trying to put President Trump under the's fucking hilarious. You little commies really adhere to the credo of "the ends justifies the means". There is no line in the sand for your kind. Those of your ilk will stoop to the lowest of lows just as long as it forwards the end game. It's not have lost.

JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...

LMAO!!!! Those are some REALLY credible and unbiased "sources" that you provided there, ol Jake!

View attachment 177834
They are very credible. You simply can't match them or the story.

"blathering conjecture" heh
Coming from you highly unlikely.
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...
As you have heard and ignore, the report also said NO evidence of any American involvement. You are more pro Russia than I am.
No proof of involvement, not no involvement.

We know now that the Russians were involved up to their eyeballs.
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...
As you have heard and ignore, the report also said NO evidence of any American involvement. You are more pro Russia than I am.

get a clue, dumbo. that statement describes only those most recent indictments which have nothing to do with any of the other various aspects of the ongoing investigation and other impending indictments.
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...
As you have heard and ignore, the report also said NO evidence of any American involvement. You are more pro Russia than I am.

no assessment has been officially made of the effect yet. keep trying though.
JusticeHammer is a pro-Russian alt right tool.

  1. Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the ...
    The CIA only shared its latest findings with ... Obama administration push to release it ... into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

  2. US Officials Reveal Mitch McConnell’s Threat To Obama If He ...
    As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the reports after report has been released with information proving that Russia interfered with the US Presidential election to ...

LMAO!!!! Those are some REALLY credible and unbiased "sources" that you provided there, ol Jake!

View attachment 177834
They are very credible. You simply can't match them or the story.

"blathering conjecture" heh
Coming from you highly unlikely.
JH and DS, you each have been driven around here like a toothless snowflake running scared in prison. Please study the issues.

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