
Unless you like the idea of thousands of drones flying in the skies delivering packages, we need to send a message...DON'T DO IT!

Amazon testing delivery by drone CEO Bezos says

Screw that. Amazon is a scumbag corporation run by a scumbag CEO who treats his employees even worse than walmart. Boycott them for being assholes, not for this.

I started boycotting them when bookstores started going out of business. Now there are very few bookstores and even fewer used bookstores.

The small locally owned bookstores are mostly gone now.

Yep. I treasured my used book stores. I liked the people that ran them and Amazon put them all out of business. All while treating their employees like crap and avoiding paying sales taxes which gave them an unfair advantage over the local businesses. They also engage in outright predatory practices when they see a compnay doing something that they would like to get into they will do whatever it takes to put that company out of business to take over that market.

Bezos is a fucking scumbag worse than either of the Koch bros.

So you're finally admitting the Koch brothers are scumbags? VICTORY!

When have I not? I have merely stated that so were Soros, and Steyr and Bloomie. All billionaires that you seem to support because they want to screw this country up in ways that you approve of. I just choose to NOT SCREW THIS COUNTRY UP IN THE FIRST PLACE. Do you see the difference?
Unless you like the idea of thousands of drones flying in the skies delivering packages, we need to send a message...DON'T DO IT!

Amazon testing delivery by drone CEO Bezos says

Screw that. Amazon is a scumbag corporation run by a scumbag CEO who treats his employees even worse than walmart. Boycott them for being assholes, not for this.

I started boycotting them when bookstores started going out of business. Now there are very few bookstores and even fewer used bookstores.

The small locally owned bookstores are mostly gone now.

Yep. I treasured my used book stores. I liked the people that ran them and Amazon put them all out of business. All while treating their employees like crap and avoiding paying sales taxes which gave them an unfair advantage over the local businesses. They also engage in outright predatory practices when they see a compnay doing something that they would like to get into they will do whatever it takes to put that company out of business to take over that market.

Bezos is a fucking scumbag worse than either of the Koch bros.

So you're finally admitting the Koch brothers are scumbags? VICTORY!

When have I not? I have merely stated that so were Soros, and Steyr and Bloomie. All billionaires that you seem to support because they want to screw this country up in ways that you approve of. I just choose to NOT SCREW THIS COUNTRY UP IN THE FIRST PLACE. Do you see the difference?

That's because you're too busy trying to screw up this board.

How do you know who I support? Because I'm not a right wing echo-chamber-babbling idiot it must be these guys?
Unless you like the idea of thousands of drones flying in the skies delivering packages, we need to send a message...DON'T DO IT!

Amazon testing delivery by drone CEO Bezos says

I don't shop on Amazon. I never got into buying there.

My husband buys from Amazon.

Drones aren't the reason I don't shop there.

I do, because I spent an entire day trying to find a certain type of battery for our dog's electric fence, some ink cartridges for my beloved Epson printer and a glucosamine MSM that my dad wanted me to send him. Nobody had any of these items anywhere. And I live in New Jersey, not North Dakota. I just don't have the kind of time to designate sitting in traffic and going from store to store over a 15-mile radius. That's the genius of Jeff Bezos, love him or hate him.

What I do NOT like about Amazon is the way they treat their merchants. It's a nightmare to be on Amazon if your product doesn't pop up on the first couple of pages, preferably the first. Amazon has more fees and dues and penalties and warehousing costs imaginable.

And the feedback ratings push a seller either to the top or bottom. But it seems also that Amazon goes by your IP address and if you've actually bought the item and had it delivered. A seller can only have so many friends buy their stuff and rate it, so if a seller has 150 reviews and 95% of them are 4-5 star positive, it's probably a good deal. Beats standing in line at the return counter of any store.

I understand. I don't expect other people to be like me. My husband buys from Amazon. I don't. It's a personal preference.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me and do what I do. Especially when you can't get an item any other way. You have to buy it where it's sold.
Screw that. Amazon is a scumbag corporation run by a scumbag CEO who treats his employees even worse than walmart. Boycott them for being assholes, not for this.

I started boycotting them when bookstores started going out of business. Now there are very few bookstores and even fewer used bookstores.

The small locally owned bookstores are mostly gone now.

Yep. I treasured my used book stores. I liked the people that ran them and Amazon put them all out of business. All while treating their employees like crap and avoiding paying sales taxes which gave them an unfair advantage over the local businesses. They also engage in outright predatory practices when they see a compnay doing something that they would like to get into they will do whatever it takes to put that company out of business to take over that market.

Bezos is a fucking scumbag worse than either of the Koch bros.

So you're finally admitting the Koch brothers are scumbags? VICTORY!

When have I not? I have merely stated that so were Soros, and Steyr and Bloomie. All billionaires that you seem to support because they want to screw this country up in ways that you approve of. I just choose to NOT SCREW THIS COUNTRY UP IN THE FIRST PLACE. Do you see the difference?

That's because you're too busy trying to screw up this board.

How do you know who I support? Because I'm not a right wing echo-chamber-babbling idiot it must be these guys?

Do you support the Boy Scouts of America?

So long as I address the OP I can call you anything I want so long as we are not in the CDZ. Best read the rules before I slap you with another lesson.

I have reported your comment and threat above to Coyote and sending it on to Cereal Killer.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Ooooohhh. Should I be skeerd? You progressives are all alike aren't you, have to run for momma. Time to grow up little one. You're playing with adults now. That being said, I did ask if you were a walmart hater and you still haven't answered that question.

I want everyone here to see that you do nothing but abuse your position as a moderator. You're nothing but a impotent, juvenile bully who can't admit when you've lost because you don't know how to read.

I've also sent a complaint to Cereal Killer.

I suspect you've got a 3-inch dick and a muscle car in the garage, too.

Oh, and the use of emoticons is the sure sign of a total loser, loser.

If there is any action by CK or Coyote at all it would surely be to throw you off this board feet first! You have some nerve addressing moderators with this kind of talk. You're a disgrace! They shouldn't have to put up with you.

Sorry, Sparky. According to them it's the least of my offenses. They are no more privileged than you or I, but thanks for showing your sycophant self to the rest of us.

Right wing buttheads like yourself on this board are just really uptight these days now that the reputation button has been removed from their sticky, pudgy dirty hands. It was their only weapon against the lefties.

Lefties don't miss it at all. That's the difference between adults, children and impotent moderators whose name (West) will not be mentioned (wall) again.

Well, quite frankly it probably is the least of your offenses. You see, what you are suggesting is that Moderators should not have the right to disagree with you or to call you anything you deem to be insulting (yet not profanity as you were caught using on this very thread!) because your sensitive nature simply cannot tolerate any adversity! It is do as I say and not as I do for people such as yourself.

Your idea of a perfect board would be all moderators and admin agreeing 100% with your political / world view and if they don't? You'll maneuver whatever tactic you can come up with to make a complaint against them. And rally your friends to join you!

It is very childish and while we are on the topic of "childish" it was your left wing pals who could not handle the "disagree button with a red X" and once again, you got your way. The disgree button was deleted. How was it accomplished? No doubt by emailing all your left wing pals and having them bombard admin with complaints. Again, very childish. The truth is in your screen name. Because YOU do not want a tea party you do not believe anyone else has the right to have one! It's all about you! While singing doe, rae, obviously got stuck on me. Me, Me, Me, Me, Meeeee!!!

It's time to grow up and become an adult. Don't you think?
Unless you like the idea of thousands of drones flying in the skies delivering packages, we need to send a message...DON'T DO IT!

Amazon testing delivery by drone CEO Bezos says

Screw that. Amazon is a scumbag corporation run by a scumbag CEO who treats his employees even worse than walmart. Boycott them for being assholes, not for this.

I started boycotting them when bookstores started going out of business. Now there are very few bookstores and even fewer used bookstores.

The small locally owned bookstores are mostly gone now.

I understand about this, we are big book owners and the house looks more like a library inside than anything else. But Ebay and started killing off the small bookstores not long after B&N and Borders started throwing up their big box stores everywhere about 15 years ago. Now they are all closing down, too.

Yes it wasn't just amazon. It was a handful of factors.

I know of two used bookstores in my area when there used to be many.

We have a lot of books too. Both hubby and I love to read so there's bookshelves all over the house. I loved going to those small used bookstores. You never know what you're going to find.
Unless you like the idea of thousands of drones flying in the skies delivering packages, we need to send a message...DON'T DO IT!

Amazon testing delivery by drone CEO Bezos says

Screw that. Amazon is a scumbag corporation run by a scumbag CEO who treats his employees even worse than walmart. Boycott them for being assholes, not for this.

I started boycotting them when bookstores started going out of business. Now there are very few bookstores and even fewer used bookstores.

The small locally owned bookstores are mostly gone now.

I understand about this, we are big book owners and the house looks more like a library inside than anything else. But Ebay and started killing off the small bookstores not long after B&N and Borders started throwing up their big box stores everywhere about 15 years ago. Now they are all closing down, too.

Yes it wasn't just amazon. It was a handful of factors.

I know of two used bookstores in my area when there used to be many.

We have a lot of books too. Both hubby and I love to read so there's bookshelves all over the house. I loved going to those small used bookstores. You never know what you're going to find.

Which is exactly why those planning a New World Order wanted them shut down, Dana.
I have reported your comment and threat above to Coyote and sending it on to Cereal Killer.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Ooooohhh. Should I be skeerd? You progressives are all alike aren't you, have to run for momma. Time to grow up little one. You're playing with adults now. That being said, I did ask if you were a walmart hater and you still haven't answered that question.

I want everyone here to see that you do nothing but abuse your position as a moderator. You're nothing but a impotent, juvenile bully who can't admit when you've lost because you don't know how to read.

I've also sent a complaint to Cereal Killer.

I suspect you've got a 3-inch dick and a muscle car in the garage, too.

Oh, and the use of emoticons is the sure sign of a total loser, loser.

If there is any action by CK or Coyote at all it would surely be to throw you off this board feet first! You have some nerve addressing moderators with this kind of talk. You're a disgrace! They shouldn't have to put up with you.

Sorry, Sparky. According to them it's the least of my offenses. They are no more privileged than you or I, but thanks for showing your sycophant self to the rest of us.

Right wing buttheads like yourself on this board are just really uptight these days now that the reputation button has been removed from their sticky, pudgy dirty hands. It was their only weapon against the lefties.

Lefties don't miss it at all. That's the difference between adults, children and impotent moderators whose name (West) will not be mentioned (wall) again.

Well, quite frankly it probably is the least of your offenses. You see, what you are suggesting is that Moderators should not have the right to disagree with you or to call you anything you deem to be insulting (yet not profanity as you were caught using on this very thread!) because your sensitive nature simply cannot tolerate any adversity!

Wrong. If you were right, I'd be posting on Democratic Underground. Next idiot.....
Unless you like the idea of thousands of drones flying in the skies delivering packages, we need to send a message...DON'T DO IT!

Amazon testing delivery by drone CEO Bezos says

Screw that. Amazon is a scumbag corporation run by a scumbag CEO who treats his employees even worse than walmart. Boycott them for being assholes, not for this.

I started boycotting them when bookstores started going out of business. Now there are very few bookstores and even fewer used bookstores.

The small locally owned bookstores are mostly gone now.

I understand about this, we are big book owners and the house looks more like a library inside than anything else. But Ebay and started killing off the small bookstores not long after B&N and Borders started throwing up their big box stores everywhere about 15 years ago. Now they are all closing down, too.

Yes it wasn't just amazon. It was a handful of factors.

I know of two used bookstores in my area when there used to be many.

We have a lot of books too. Both hubby and I love to read so there's bookshelves all over the house. I loved going to those small used bookstores. You never know what you're going to find.

Which is exactly why those planning a New World Order wanted them shut down, Dana.

Bwahahahahahaaa........Welcome to the 1950s. In cased you missed it, we had a technological revolution in the 1990s.
If the New World Order had any sense, they would have shut down the Kindle and Amazon, too. And Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Bahahahhaaaaa.....I vote this one for the STUPIDEST POST OF THE WEEK.
Unless you like the idea of thousands of drones flying in the skies delivering packages, we need to send a message...DON'T DO IT!

Amazon testing delivery by drone CEO Bezos says

Screw that. Amazon is a scumbag corporation run by a scumbag CEO who treats his employees even worse than walmart. Boycott them for being assholes, not for this.

I started boycotting them when bookstores started going out of business. Now there are very few bookstores and even fewer used bookstores.

The small locally owned bookstores are mostly gone now.

I understand about this, we are big book owners and the house looks more like a library inside than anything else. But Ebay and started killing off the small bookstores not long after B&N and Borders started throwing up their big box stores everywhere about 15 years ago. Now they are all closing down, too.

Yes it wasn't just amazon. It was a handful of factors.

I know of two used bookstores in my area when there used to be many.

We have a lot of books too. Both hubby and I love to read so there's bookshelves all over the house. I loved going to those small used bookstores. You never know what you're going to find.

This is cold comfort, but there are lots of book reseller sites on the internet. Individuals as well as stores. Brick and mortar stores, too. The problem with it is that it DOES take away the royalties that an author would normally receive. So I do support the arts, and will pay full price for a new book when it comes out, because I have a few author friends who made me aware of this.
A December 2013 article?

Are you frigging kidding me?
That's the thing about cons....their memory is shorter than my dick.
can you fuck with a 1 inch dick?..........

Sounds like you speak from experience.

Why do the biggest wussies on here have the most bad-ass avatars? Compensating?
if i speak from experience....why would i need to ask?....:dunno:

Is your avatar sold as an action figure in toy stores, too?
every super hero has an action figure.....

Unless you like the idea of thousands of drones flying in the skies delivering packages, we need to send a message...DON'T DO IT!

Amazon testing delivery by drone CEO Bezos says

I don't shop on Amazon. I never got into buying there.

My husband buys from Amazon.

Drones aren't the reason I don't shop there.

I do, because I spent an entire day trying to find a certain type of battery for our dog's electric fence, some ink cartridges for my beloved Epson printer and a glucosamine MSM that my dad wanted me to send him. Nobody had any of these items anywhere. And I live in New Jersey, not North Dakota. I just don't have the kind of time to designate sitting in traffic and going from store to store over a 15-mile radius. That's the genius of Jeff Bezos, love him or hate him.

What I do NOT like about Amazon is the way they treat their merchants. It's a nightmare to be on Amazon if your product doesn't pop up on the first couple of pages, preferably the first. Amazon has more fees and dues and penalties and warehousing costs imaginable.

And the feedback ratings push a seller either to the top or bottom. But it seems also that Amazon goes by your IP address and if you've actually bought the item and had it delivered. A seller can only have so many friends buy their stuff and rate it, so if a seller has 150 reviews and 95% of them are 4-5 star positive, it's probably a good deal. Beats standing in line at the return counter of any store.
question....if you live in Jersey why is your location listed as Texas?.....just wonderin....
So long as I address the OP I can call you anything I want so long as we are not in the CDZ. Best read the rules before I slap you with another lesson.

I have reported your comment and threat above to Coyote and sending it on to Cereal Killer.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Ooooohhh. Should I be skeerd? You progressives are all alike aren't you, have to run for momma. Time to grow up little one. You're playing with adults now. That being said, I did ask if you were a walmart hater and you still haven't answered that question.

I want everyone here to see that you do nothing but abuse your position as a moderator. You're nothing but a impotent, juvenile bully who can't admit when you've lost because you don't know how to read.

I've also sent a complaint to Cereal Killer.

I suspect you've got a 3-inch dick and a muscle car in the garage, too.

Oh, and the use of emoticons is the sure sign of a total loser, loser.

If there is any action by CK or Coyote at all it would surely be to throw you off this board feet first! You have some nerve addressing moderators with this kind of talk. You're a disgrace! They shouldn't have to put up with you.

Sorry, Sparky. According to them it's the least of my offenses. They are no more privileged than you or I, but thanks for showing your sycophant self to the rest of us.

Right wing buttheads like yourself on this board are just really uptight these days now that the reputation button has been removed from their sticky, pudgy dirty hands. It was their only weapon against the lefties.

Lefties don't miss it at all. That's the difference between adults, children and impotent moderators whose name (West) will not be mentioned (wall) again.
how was the rep button a weapon?.....
Unless you like the idea of thousands of drones flying in the skies delivering packages, we need to send a message...DON'T DO IT!

Amazon testing delivery by drone CEO Bezos says

Screw that. Amazon is a scumbag corporation run by a scumbag CEO who treats his employees even worse than walmart. Boycott them for being assholes, not for this.

I started boycotting them when bookstores started going out of business. Now there are very few bookstores and even fewer used bookstores.

The small locally owned bookstores are mostly gone now.

Actually...many of them sell on Amazon now. (I have bought MANY things from them.)

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