boycott debate ?

TRUMP won't miss any of the debates, he knows it's a win/win regardless of who the moderators are. If the moderators take jabs and lay gotcha questions only towards TRUMP it's a win because responding to such questions is a strength of TRUMP's, and it will just play into TRUMP's line on fake news.
I think The Donald should go ... I don't think much of his debate skills but he sure can dominate a stage ... if Dems nominate a skirt, it should make for a good show ...
the chosen one has spoken

Trump is threatening to boycott the debates — here's how to make sure he shows up

na na na , and you cant make me

Trump is again showing how deeply he understands leverage. No other president in my lifetime has had such a keen awareness of how to use leverage.

Trump knows that he is the star and without him, there is no show. The Commission on Presidential Debates needs Trump and Trump can take them or leave them.

Therefore, Trump has all the leverage to dictate the terms of the debate as he sees fit.

If he wants he can appoint Sarah Sanders and Rudy Giuliani to be the moderators, take it or leave it.
The Constitution only allows one vote per person, per election.
What does it say about the electoral college? or congress passing laws that infringe on the rights of people owning guns? please tell us

none of the three say anything about Trump acting like a spoiled brat and not attending the debates unless some rinky dink fox reporter tosses him softball questions.

as usual, he is full of shit ..........
My post was specifically about voting, and nothing else. You gotta stop with the "whataboutism".
Your post was about what the constitution says and so was mine, and my" whataboutism" was to show you have no use for the constitution you pretend is dear when it suits you but run from it when it odes not fit your needs....but regardless of intent by either of us, who don't you go ahead anyway and tell us what is says about the electoral college and congress passing laws that infringe on the right to own firearms and if you agree with it or not.
My post was specifically about voting, and nothing else. You gotta stop with the "whataboutism".
Your post was about what the constitution says and so was mine, and my" whataboutism" was to show you have no use for the constitution you pretend is dear when it suits you but run from it when it odes not fit your needs....but regardless of intent by either of us, who don't you go ahead anyway and tell us what is says about the electoral college and congress passing laws that infringe on the right to own firearms and if you agree with it or not.

Personally, I think the electoral college needs to go away. It's an outdated concept, and no longer serves the people. And, there have been several instances over the years where the place they represented voted one way, but the electoral college person voted the other way. Might have made sense at one time before we had instant communication, but now, it's outdated.

As far as your 2nd Amendment question? Yes, I think that people should be able to own guns, but I would also like to see a limit on how much ammo they can throw down range before reloading. High rates of fire, with large ammo clips isn't required for anything other than being in a war zone. And yes, I served in the US Navy from 1982 until 2002, and was in 4 different war zones.
none of the three say anything about Trump acting like a spoiled brat and not attending the debates unless some rinky dink fox reporter tosses him softball questions.

as usual, he is full of shit ..........
Did you do one of those 'spin around 10x real fast and then post" things? cuz I have no idea what your rant has to do with the B.S. post and my response to it...but if it will easy your pain any way I will acknowledge that you have a constitutional right to that opinion.
My post was specifically about voting, and nothing else. You gotta stop with the "whataboutism".
Your post was about what the constitution says and so was mine, and my" whataboutism" was to show you have no use for the constitution you pretend is dear when it suits you but run from it when it odes not fit your needs....but regardless of intent by either of us, who don't you go ahead anyway and tell us what is says about the electoral college and congress passing laws that infringe on the right to own firearms and if you agree with it or not.

Personally, I think the electoral college needs to go away. It's an outdated concept, and no longer serves the people. And, there have been several instances over the years where the place they represented voted one way, but the electoral college person voted the other way. Might have made sense at one time before we had instant communication, but now, it's outdated.

As far as your 2nd Amendment question? Yes, I think that people should be able to own guns, but I would also like to see a limit on how much ammo they can throw down range before reloading. High rates of fire, with large ammo clips isn't required for anything other than being in a war zone. And yes, I served in the US Navy from 1982 until 2002, and was in 4 different war zones.

The deal was, that bigger states would not get to dominate the smaller. As long as California is bat shit crazy land, hell no to any changes that will give those loony toons any more impact on my life.
My post was specifically about voting, and nothing else. You gotta stop with the "whataboutism".
Your post was about what the constitution says and so was mine, and my" whataboutism" was to show you have no use for the constitution you pretend is dear when it suits you but run from it when it odes not fit your needs....but regardless of intent by either of us, who don't you go ahead anyway and tell us what is says about the electoral college and congress passing laws that infringe on the right to own firearms and if you agree with it or not.

Personally, I think the electoral college needs to go away. It's an outdated concept, and no longer serves the people. And, there have been several instances over the years where the place they represented voted one way, but the electoral college person voted the other way. Might have made sense at one time before we had instant communication, but now, it's outdated.

As far as your 2nd Amendment question? Yes, I think that people should be able to own guns, but I would also like to see a limit on how much ammo they can throw down range before reloading. High rates of fire, with large ammo clips isn't required for anything other than being in a war zone. And yes, I served in the US Navy from 1982 until 2002, and was in 4 different war zones.

The deal was, that bigger states would not get to dominate the smaller. As long as California is bat shit crazy land, hell no to any changes that will give those loony toons any more impact on my life.

Actually, that is the reason the Senate exists, as well as the reason that each state gets 2 Senators. You might want to take a civics refresher.
Personally, I think the electoral college needs to go away. It's an outdated concept, and no longer serves the people. And, there have been several instances over the years where the place they represented voted one way, but the electoral college person voted the other way. Might have made sense at one time before we had instant communication, but now, it's outdated.

As far as your 2nd Amendment question? Yes, I think that people should be able to own guns, but I would also like to see a limit on how much ammo they can throw down range before reloading. High rates of fire, with large ammo clips isn't required for anything other than being in a war zone. And yes, I served in the US Navy from 1982 until 2002, and was in 4 different war zones.
^This/that^ makes my point. you cannot cite the constitution if you do not agree with it, "that is called cherry picking the constitution"...if you can justify it then so can anyone who disagrees with aspects of it...and pretending congress can regulate ammo means it can also deny all ammo if it so chooses making the right to bear arms a meaningless amendment while still claiming you did not violate it, which of course is how one would have to do it if they wanted to neuter the 2nd amendment.

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