Boycott Israel

Why are You so stressed Matilda?

Sure You know exactly what I'm talking about, if You put the lives of some Nenaderthal Jihadis overseas who sing "Death to America", above the lives of American students - then why should anyone take You seriously?

“The only 'peace' I'm interested in is the head of this f*cking scum on a plate, as well as the heads of all others like her, and all others who support the IDF."

Mohammad G. Hammad was the president of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) at San Francisco State University. Campus anti-Semitism watchdog group AMCHA compiled the material and sent it to university officials, the FBI, the San Francisco Police Department and the San Francisco District Attorney.


Do You think psychopaths get to waffle for long during FBI investigations?
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You're an idiot if you think someone throwing a rock from 900 feet away can kill you.

As far as I am aware, everyone who met a response from the IDF was within the buffer zone, by definition, then, LESS than 300m from the fence. Further, while I don't have an exact count, I'd argue that most of those against whom lethal force was used were a GOOD deal closer.

If your position is worthy, why do you feel the need to exaggerate the reality? Oh wait. Its because people can absolutely be killed by an IED at the fence line or a sniper from significantly further away.
Alexander's invocation of King is even more disingenuous when one considers that he, and nearly all the leaders of the civil rights movement, were avowed Zionists. Even earlier, in 1948 when the State of Israel was established, the NAACP passed a resolution supporting it. These crusaders for justice didn't see colonial enterprise at work in Jews being given a state in their once-ancestral homeland.

Moreover, they deeply resented any attempts to misappropriate their cause, hijack their language or conflate their struggle with that of others. King feared the very thing that is happening today: diluting the essence of racial justice by introducing false analogies, such as comparing Israel to South Africa, or Gaza to Selma. King was among the first to see how anti-Zionism was a smokescreen for anti-Semitism. He famously said, "when people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism!" And he was not alone. More than 200 African-American leaders publicly rejected the 1975 UN General Assembly resolution equating Zionism with racism. Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver called ita "travesty upon truth."

(full article online)

MLK's legacy is about moral clarity, not easy analogies (opinion) - CNN
Moreover, a brief note on the roots of the “apartheid” charge against Israel: Though in its modern guise, the ‘apartheid’ charge took flight in the early 2000s after the UN sponsored anti-Israel hate-fest in Durban, it is, at root, the product of Soviet and PLO propaganda dating back to the early 1960s – that is, before Israel ‘occupied’ even one square centimeter of West Bank land. The late antisemitism scholar Robert Wistrich wrote (A Lethal Obsession, 2010), that “the constant visual and verbal comparison in the Soviet media between Israel and South Africa was [driven] by Moscow’s campaign to win influence in black Africa” – a propaganda campaign wedded to their broader efforts to cast Zionism as an inherently racist ideology.

Additionally, in criticising the BBC’s plans to broadcast Eurovision 2019 from Israel, the Guardian letter ends by noting that the BBC “is bound by its charter” to “champion freedom of expression”, before arguing that “it should act on its principles and press for Eurovision to be relocated to a country where crimes against that freedom are not being committed”. However, we certainly don’t recall any such campaigns against the BBC when they broadcast the Eurovision contest from Russia in 2009, or when they broadcast itfrom Azerbaijan in 2012 – two countries with worse human rights records, by far, than Israel. according to annual reports by Freedom House.

(full article online)

The Guardian: Platform of choice for anti-Israel activism
You're an idiot if you think someone throwing a rock from 900 feet away can kill you.

As far as I am aware, everyone who met a response from the IDF was within the buffer zone, by definition, then, LESS than 300m from the fence. Further, while I don't have an exact count, I'd argue that most of those against whom lethal force was used were a GOOD deal closer.

If your position is worthy, why do you feel the need to exaggerate the reality? Oh wait. Its because people can absolutely be killed by an IED at the fence line or a sniper from significantly further away.
The Palestinians have the right to be on Palestinian territory. If the freeloaders want a buffer zone they should put it on their own side of the fence.
And You're an idiot if You think You can throw rocks in the vicinity of a guarding military
and at the same time pretend to look smart complaining about consequences.

Choose one stupidity and go with it.
Shut up! Just shut up! I'm sick of your bullshit! 300 feet is NOT IN THE VICINITY! So fuck you!
As far as I am aware, everyone who met a response from the IDF was within the buffer zone, by definition, then, LESS than 300m from the fence. Further, while I don't have an exact count, I'd argue that most of those against whom lethal force was used were a GOOD deal closer.

If your position is worthy, why do you feel the need to exaggerate the reality? Oh wait. Its because people can absolutely be killed by an IED at the fence line or a sniper from significantly further away.
Okay, lets use your argument. The buffer zone is still not Israeli land. Therefore, they have no right telling others what they can and cannot do on their own property.

Come over to my house and try to tell me what's what under my own roof and see what happens next.
And You're an idiot if You think You can throw rocks in the vicinity of a guarding military
and at the same time pretend to look smart complaining about consequences.

Choose one stupidity and go with it.
Shut up! Just shut up! I'm sick of your bullshit! 300 feet is NOT IN THE VICINITY! So fuck you!
And now.....let us see Billo find the article which says that anyone from Gaza threw a stone or rock against the IDF from 300 feet away and was shot at.

Let us see it, Billo. You are so kin in being in the wrong thread making as much noise as you can about this "300 feet" that I want to see who was shot and actually how far they were.

Lets have it.

Take your time.
As far as I am aware, everyone who met a response from the IDF was within the buffer zone, by definition, then, LESS than 300m from the fence. Further, while I don't have an exact count, I'd argue that most of those against whom lethal force was used were a GOOD deal closer.

If your position is worthy, why do you feel the need to exaggerate the reality? Oh wait. Its because people can absolutely be killed by an IED at the fence line or a sniper from significantly further away.
Okay, lets use your argument. The buffer zone is still not Israeli land. Therefore, they have no right telling others what they can and cannot do on their own property.

Come over to my house and try to tell me what's what under my own roof and see what happens next.

Oh please. Give me a break. If you are on "your" land and you are planting explosives along the fence and throwing grenades at me and aiming guns at me, I have every right to defend myself.

The idea that you have to cross over into my land before I defend myself from your attacks is ridiculous.
[ She is not the only known name, not the only artist, in England to be ignorant about history and follow the call against Israel. The British government did it too, from 1922 to 1948. Pity that ignorance and anti Jewish sentiments continue to win ]

You too, Julie Christie?
And now.....let us see Billo find the article which says that anyone from Gaza threw a stone or rock against the IDF from 300 feet away and was shot at.

Let us see it, Billo. You are so kin in being in the wrong thread making as much noise as you can about this "300 feet" that I want to see who was shot and actually how far they were.

Lets have it.

Take your time.
You shot a medic giving care from 300 feet, so fuck you!
Oh please. Give me a break. If you are on "your" land and you are planting explosives along the fence and throwing grenades at me and aiming guns at me, I have every right to defend myself.

The idea that you have to cross over into my land before I defend myself from your attacks is ridiculous.
If I'm planting explosives on my land, that's none of your god-damn business!
And now.....let us see Billo find the article which says that anyone from Gaza threw a stone or rock against the IDF from 300 feet away and was shot at.

Let us see it, Billo. You are so kin in being in the wrong thread making as much noise as you can about this "300 feet" that I want to see who was shot and actually how far they were.

Lets have it.

Take your time.
You shot a medic giving care from 300 feet, so fuck you!

Tell us how you know it was 300 feet away you :ahole-1:FUCK YOU !!
Oh please. Give me a break. If you are on "your" land and you are planting explosives along the fence and throwing grenades at me and aiming guns at me, I have every right to defend myself.

The idea that you have to cross over into my land before I defend myself from your attacks is ridiculous.
If I'm planting explosives on my land, that's none of your god-damn business!
Here, I am going to delete my answers above and you come to the right thread and will continue to show how ignorant about everything you are.
Done, I have deleted the posts and put them in the right thread:

Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

Let us please not feed Billo's ego by answering him on any thread he insists to be on, no matter what the topic is.

He does not want to come to the right thread, or insists in only discussing one issue (oy vey 300 meters !!!! ]


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