Boycott Israel

The report reveals that both Hamas and the PFLP are utilizing a network of NGOs promoting boycotts against Israel as an additional tactic in their ultimate goal of dismantling the State of Israel.

The ties are not only ideological, but include the placement of known terrorists in positions of influence within major BDS organizations.

Hamas and the PFLP have successfully placed over 30 of their members, 20 of which have served time, including for murder, in senior positions within BDS-promoting NGOs. The report documents how boycott organizations and terrorist designated organizations raise finances together, share the same personnel, and showcases that contrary to popular belief, these officials have not abandoned their support for terrorism, but instead, continue to maintain organizational, financial, and active ties with terrorist groups.

(full article online)

Report: Terrorists active in the BDS movement
The demonstrators aligned themselves in the shape of an orchestra, yelled slogans and carried signs that said Israeli cultural institutions like the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, which is part of the Israeli apartheid regime, should be boycotted; and the State of Israel harms Arab culture: it shuts down theaters, does not allow cultural events to exist, and prohibits Arab artists from touring.”

We went to Wikipedia and looked up Arab orchestras that receive assistance from the Israeli government, and found the Nazareth Orchestra for Arab Music founded in 1990 by conductor and musicologist Soheil Radwan; the legendary Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra, run by Zuzu Musa, which operated from 1948 to 1993 and was replaced by the El Forq Orchestra, also financed by the government; an Arab-Jewish youth orchestra led by Soheil Radwan and Meir Wiesel, with musicians playing Western and Oriental instruments; and the Jewish-Arab ensemble – a project of Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra established in 2000 as part of its “Key” education program. The members of the ensemble are Philharmonic and Arab musicians.

It took us all of 10 minutes to research, write and edit the above paragraph. It’s a shame that those BDS demonstrators didn’t spend even that much in searching the web before going out to scream in the frozen Manhattan streets.

(full article online)

BDS Protesters at Carnegie Hall Accuse Israeli Philharmonic of Apartheid
The demonstrators aligned themselves in the shape of an orchestra, yelled slogans and carried signs that said Israeli cultural institutions like the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, which is part of the Israeli apartheid regime, should be boycotted; and the State of Israel harms Arab culture: it shuts down theaters, does not allow cultural events to exist, and prohibits Arab artists from touring.”

We went to Wikipedia and looked up Arab orchestras that receive assistance from the Israeli government, and found the Nazareth Orchestra for Arab Music founded in 1990 by conductor and musicologist Soheil Radwan; the legendary Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra, run by Zuzu Musa, which operated from 1948 to 1993 and was replaced by the El Forq Orchestra, also financed by the government; an Arab-Jewish youth orchestra led by Soheil Radwan and Meir Wiesel, with musicians playing Western and Oriental instruments; and the Jewish-Arab ensemble – a project of Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra established in 2000 as part of its “Key” education program. The members of the ensemble are Philharmonic and Arab musicians.

It took us all of 10 minutes to research, write and edit the above paragraph. It’s a shame that those BDS demonstrators didn’t spend even that much in searching the web before going out to scream in the frozen Manhattan streets.

(full article online)

BDS Protesters at Carnegie Hall Accuse Israeli Philharmonic of Apartheid
Israel puts a lot of restrictions on Palestinian music. People can't get in. People can't get out. It is difficult to get people in or out to practice or gig.

So why should the Palestinians allow the Israelis to play when Israel won't let the Palestinians play?
The demonstrators aligned themselves in the shape of an orchestra, yelled slogans and carried signs that said Israeli cultural institutions like the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, which is part of the Israeli apartheid regime, should be boycotted; and the State of Israel harms Arab culture: it shuts down theaters, does not allow cultural events to exist, and prohibits Arab artists from touring.”

We went to Wikipedia and looked up Arab orchestras that receive assistance from the Israeli government, and found the Nazareth Orchestra for Arab Music founded in 1990 by conductor and musicologist Soheil Radwan; the legendary Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra, run by Zuzu Musa, which operated from 1948 to 1993 and was replaced by the El Forq Orchestra, also financed by the government; an Arab-Jewish youth orchestra led by Soheil Radwan and Meir Wiesel, with musicians playing Western and Oriental instruments; and the Jewish-Arab ensemble – a project of Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra established in 2000 as part of its “Key” education program. The members of the ensemble are Philharmonic and Arab musicians.

It took us all of 10 minutes to research, write and edit the above paragraph. It’s a shame that those BDS demonstrators didn’t spend even that much in searching the web before going out to scream in the frozen Manhattan streets.

(full article online)

BDS Protesters at Carnegie Hall Accuse Israeli Philharmonic of Apartheid
Israel puts a lot of restrictions on Palestinian music. People can't get in. People can't get out. It is difficult to get people in or out to practice or gig.

So why should the Palestinians allow the Israelis to play when Israel won't let the Palestinians play?

Music is haram. Arabs-Moslems should not be playing music.

In this episode of Mr Mufti says, we see why.

There are mountains of evidence showing that the BDS movement has failed to hinder Israel’s economic success. Israel’s trade with the world is rapidly growing, including in places like Europe – a hotbed of BDS activism. Here in Canada, we have yet to find a single business that has boycotted Israeli products.

(full article online)

Pro-Israel BUYcott is a powerful response to BDS
19 out of 30 tweets since then, spread over nearly a week, have been about that topic, and all the other human rights topics of the world have been put on the back burner.

Here is a chart showing the topic of Amnesty's tweets since January 30:

What do you call it when someone is obsessed with the idea that Jews, and only Jews, living in their historic homeland, do not have the same rights as every other human being on the planet?

It sure isn't "human rights."

(full article online)

Amnesty's obsession with Jews continues ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
US court throws out lawsuit against academic boycott of Israel
Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 5 February 2019

A federal judge in Washington, DC, on Monday dismissed a lawsuit against the American Studies Association over its decision to support the boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

The ruling is a significant blow to efforts by Israel lobby groups to use courts to harass, intimidate and silence supporters of Palestinian rights in US universities – a tactic known as lawfare.

In April 2016, several current and former members of the ASA filed the lawsuit against the group over its 2013 resolution backing the academic boycott.

In his 20-page ruling, US District Judge Rudolph Contreras wrote that the plaintiffs had no standing to file a lawsuit seeking damages on behalf of the ASA, and that their individual damage claims came nowhere near the $75,000 minimum required for them to seek relief in federal court.

At most, the individual plaintiffs could seek damages of a few hundred dollars to cover membership dues they allege were misappropriated, but they would have to find some other venue to pursue their claims, the judge found.

“The court basically said, in no uncertain words, that the plaintiffs suing ASA lied when they claimed to have ‘suffered significant economic and reputational damage.’” Radhika Sainath, senior attorney with the civil rights group Palestine Legal, told The Electronic Intifada. “But, as the court explained, ‘nowhere’ in the lawsuit could could the plaintiffs explain what that damage was. It didn’t pass the smell test.”

US court throws out lawsuit against academic boycott of Israel
US court throws out lawsuit against academic boycott of Israel
Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 5 February 2019

A federal judge in Washington, DC, on Monday dismissed a lawsuit against the American Studies Association over its decision to support the boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

The ruling is a significant blow to efforts by Israel lobby groups to use courts to harass, intimidate and silence supporters of Palestinian rights in US universities – a tactic known as lawfare.

In April 2016, several current and former members of the ASA filed the lawsuit against the group over its 2013 resolution backing the academic boycott.

In his 20-page ruling, US District Judge Rudolph Contreras wrote that the plaintiffs had no standing to file a lawsuit seeking damages on behalf of the ASA, and that their individual damage claims came nowhere near the $75,000 minimum required for them to seek relief in federal court.

At most, the individual plaintiffs could seek damages of a few hundred dollars to cover membership dues they allege were misappropriated, but they would have to find some other venue to pursue their claims, the judge found.

“The court basically said, in no uncertain words, that the plaintiffs suing ASA lied when they claimed to have ‘suffered significant economic and reputational damage.’” Radhika Sainath, senior attorney with the civil rights group Palestine Legal, told The Electronic Intifada. “But, as the court explained, ‘nowhere’ in the lawsuit could could the plaintiffs explain what that damage was. It didn’t pass the smell test.”

US court throws out lawsuit against academic boycott of Israel

You poor dear. I guess the Jooooos you love to hate will have to carry on with success and achievement while you Islamics wallow in self-hate and failure.

High-tech makes Israel dream of other industries

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