Boycott Israel

B’Tselem is a non-governmental organization that wants you to think it is a pacifist movement guarding against “human rights abuses” by the IDF against the civilian Palestinian Arab population both inside Israel's pre-1967 borders (actually Armistice lines) and the 'West Bank' and Gaza.

Although today it is run by Israeli anarchist leaders, in the past, B’tselem was run by American anarchists living in Israel. “B’Tselem” means “in Thine own image,” a biblical quote referring to man's soul, applying the lie that it exists solely to keep Israel on the straight and narrow regarding human rights.

A beter look shows that B’Tselem is a dedicated fifth column against the Jewish state and an unannounced ally of the likes of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Fatah and the PFLP. B’Tselem is funded by a plethora of EU NGOs that openly promote BDS and could be termed a “back door” for Israel’s enemies to roam about the Jewish state and worldwide media trying to convince the world that the IDF is Jack the Ripper.

So we have a nonprofit representing Israel’s enemies sending large sums of money to Arab and Muslim states which have nothing to do with B’Tselem’s largely fabricated “occupation” or concern for “human rights.” The terrorist groups mentioned above no doubt have offices in those countries where the money can be laundered to promote the war on Israel and BDS. Remember, all this money is collected in the U.S. tax free.

(full article online)

A Guide to B’Tselem: Israel’s in-house subsidized fifth column
This next video is a Vlog of some kids shopping in a supermarket in Gaza.

And once again, it shows the real Gaza – not the one you are seeing from the haters and their accomplices in the mainstream media.

Those well stocked shelves, by the way, include quite a number of products with Hebrew on them.


Boycott, much? (hat tip: Yoel)

WATCH: Shopping in 'Concentration Camp' Gaza
The Lawfare Project sent a lawyers’ letter on behalf of Israeli nationals after the Saudis blocked Israelis from participating in the same tournament last year because of their nationality and were set on doing the same again.

“Saudi Arabia engages in an illegal racist boycott of Israeli persons,” but “competition and chess... should be free of political drama,” Goldstein told the Post, noting that the Saudi chess story is just the latest version of antisemitism by “turning against the Jewish state.”

Goldstein said that apparently some of the other Israeli chess players were offered €500 each as compensation for the discrimination. But she said “my two clients did not accept this pay off,” saying none of the chess players should have had to choose between accepting money or an uphill fight against discrimination.

She said convincing FIDE to move the chess tournament out of Saudi Arabia to Russia was a “perfect example of different elements of social mobilization to right a past wrong” and that she was proud of Lawfare Project’s role in the win.

(full article online)

The woman and organization behind legal victories against antisemitism
Newly elected President of the Athens-based Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE - World Chess Federation) Arkady Dvorkovich, expressed his ongoing support to root out antisemitism and continued to ensure that Israelis will have the right to compete in all competitions held by the FIDE, during a visit to Israel last week.

(full article online)

World chess governing body vows Israelis will always have right to compete
In light of the findings of the updated MSA report, Minister Erdan addressed Foreign Minister Mogherini in a letter, emphasizing the need to end the duality of EU policy which, on the one hand, officially opposes boycotts against the State of Israel, and on the other, supporting boycott organizations. "In December 2018, the European Court of Auditors… warned that the European Council does not have adequate and sufficiently detailed information as these NGOs use these funds”, and called on the European Union to “Immediately end funding for NGOs which actively promote a boycott of Israel.”

(full article online)

Report: European Union still funding anti-Israel boycott
Yousef Munayyer, a BDS activist for the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, wrote an absurd op-ed that The Forward naturally felt had merit.


This is an amazing twisting of the truth. Israel is the only nation whose right to existence is regularly questioned, and Munayyer twists this into making it sound like only Israel insists on the right to exist!

Munayyer's assertion that no state has the right to exist is flat out wrong. The concept of a nation's right to exist pre-dates Israel, as Wikipedia notes:

" The right to exist is said to be an attribute of nations. According to an essay by the nineteenth century French philosopher Ernest Renan, a state has the right to exist when individuals are willing to sacrifice their own interests for the community it represents.
... Proponents of the right to exist trace it back to the "right of existence", said to be a fundamental right of states recognized by writers on international law for hundreds of years.... The phrase gained enormous usage in reference to the breakup of the Ottoman Empire in 1918. "If Turkey has a right to exist – and the Powers are very prompt to assert that she has – she possesses an equally good right to defend herself against all attempts to imperil her political existence," wrote Eliakim and Robert Littell in 1903. In many cases, a nation's right to exist is not questioned, and is therefore not asserted."

That last sentence demolishes Munayyer's core argument. (The Wikipedia article goes over other states and aspiring states that assert a right to exist, including "Palestine," which also demolishes his argument that only Israel insists on that right.)

Does anyone question Israel's right to exist? Um, yeah. Every day. Including Munayyer's BDS buddies like Omar Barghouti. But proof of Israel's right to exist can be seen, ironically, from Yasir Arafat:

(full article online)

The Forward publishes another stupid anti-Israel argument by a BDS activist ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Many liberals and progressives support the Palestinian cause for justifiable reasons. What I find mystifying, however, is how so many liberals can advocate for Palestinians, when the Palestinians’ views and behavior are the antithesis of nearly everything that progressives claim to believe in.

While it is convenient to blame Israel’s “occupation” for Palestinian behavior, the truth is that the Palestinians are responsible for their own actions. Activists here, however, are unwilling to acknowledge that they have any ability to control their fate.

The Palestinian draft constitution calls for Islam to be the state religion of any new state. And many Palestinians, even those unaffiliated with Hamas, have become increasingly radicalized. For decades, generations of Palestinians have indoctrinated their children about the need to murder Jews — much of this based on their interpretation of Islam — and have managed to erase Jews from the history of the area.

Their leaders — Arafat, Abbas, Haniyeh — and many imams persistently use Islam to incite the masses to riot on the Temple Mount and the Gaza border. And like other Muslim leaders throughout the region, they persecute Christians. They also promote Jew-hatred, some of which is derived from Koranic verses that, for example, compare Jews to apes and pigs and are broadcast in sermons.

Many Progressives Care About ‘Palestine’ — Not Palestinians
Many liberals and progressives support the Palestinian cause for justifiable reasons. What I find mystifying, however, is how so many liberals can advocate for Palestinians, when the Palestinians’ views and behavior are the antithesis of nearly everything that progressives claim to believe in.

While it is convenient to blame Israel’s “occupation” for Palestinian behavior, the truth is that the Palestinians are responsible for their own actions. Activists here, however, are unwilling to acknowledge that they have any ability to control their fate.

The Palestinian draft constitution calls for Islam to be the state religion of any new state. And many Palestinians, even those unaffiliated with Hamas, have become increasingly radicalized. For decades, generations of Palestinians have indoctrinated their children about the need to murder Jews — much of this based on their interpretation of Islam — and have managed to erase Jews from the history of the area.

Their leaders — Arafat, Abbas, Haniyeh — and many imams persistently use Islam to incite the masses to riot on the Temple Mount and the Gaza border. And like other Muslim leaders throughout the region, they persecute Christians. They also promote Jew-hatred, some of which is derived from Koranic verses that, for example, compare Jews to apes and pigs and are broadcast in sermons.

Many Progressives Care About ‘Palestine’ — Not Palestinians
The tells of Jew hatred
by brianoflondon

Top 10 Things Antisemites Say

1. Jews are not a people
2. Jews have no ties to Palestine
3. Arabs are Semites, too
4. Ashkenazi Jews are impostors
5. Six million is a lie
6. Go back to Europe
7. Powerful Jewish lobby
8. There was no Temple
9. Talmudic rituals
10. Christ-killers

— Daniel Rubenstein (@paulrubens) January 22, 2019

If you’re saying any of those things, chances are you’re not a friend of mine. I don’t use the term “antisemite” much, I prefer to say Jew hatred. Because reasons.

I said at the start these are “tells”. Here’s Scott Adams’s definition and explanation of what I really mean by that.

A tell, in this context, means an involuntary action that reveals a person’s inner thoughts in an unguarded moment. In the context of a poker game, a tell might signal a bluff. In the context of police work, a tell might signify a lie. In the context of hypnosis, a tell signifies a switch from rational thinking to irrational thinking.

A tell in this context can mean you guessed the admin password for a human being. The tell is your feedback that the words you used got translated into a physical response. That is the hypnotist’s equivalent of A-B testing. The hypnotist tries an approach and watches for the subject’s physical reaction.
Recognizing tells takes practice. The more tells you spot in your lifetime, the easier it is to find more. Your mind gets tuned to them. You recognize the pattern. You see them coming before they even happen, based on the trigger event.

Complicating all of this is the fact that each tell has a false-positive explanation that will always sound plausible. The best way to estimate the odds of a tell being the real thing is by its proximity to a known trigger. If someone exhibits a tell symptom without a trigger, it probably just means you are talking to an idiot. And that happens less than you probably assume it does. All the rest of your “idiot” encounters are smart people experiencing cognitive dissonance and not realizing it.
And now for the list of tells.

The Tells (for cognitive dissonance)
BDS was claiming this victory across the board, with no caveats. They knew that they were having a major effect on Israel's economy. They raised money based on this victory.

So how has direct foreign investment in Israel done since then?

It has more than tripled!

The 2018 report shows that Israel's FDI inflows has soared from $6 billion to nearly $19 billion in only three years!

(full article online)
And don't be fooled by the language of the law that says it is against any occupation. As Trocaire - an NGO that supports this legislation - writes:


If enacted, the legislation would apply to territories where there is a clear international legal consensus on the status of the occupation. As it stands, only the occupied Palestinian territories have been confirmed as occupied by the International Court of Justice. However, this Bill allows for other territories to be included so long as there is consensus between the Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade and both houses of the Oireachtas.It just so happens that Irish oil firms Island Oil & Gas, Longreach and San Leon are stealing oil from Western Sahara territory occupied by Morocco, and the native Sahwaris aren't happy about it. But this bill doesn't cover that.

When an "anti-occupation" bill is written in such a way that it only targets the Jewish state while allowing corporations to profit from other occupied territories, you can safely say that it is antisemitic.

(full article online )
Farah Manji has written a piece entitled THE GRAPES OF WRATH: A Case for Boycotting Israeli Wines from Occupied Territories. Pardon the pun, but it’s the pits.

It’s also long, so I can’t ask you read it all. You will never get those 5 minutes of your life back. But you get the idea from the title.

Why am I even drawing attention to it? Because Manji is a consultant for the World Bank, (having co-authored at least one report for them) and – surprise, surprise – has worked at UNRWA.

(full article online)

World Bank Consultant Farah Manji Seems to Be Breaching Code of Conduct By Promoting BDS
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC), in its meeting in London that started last week, has announced that it will not hold the Para Swimming competition in Malaysia this summer after that country said that it would not allow any Israeli athletes to compete.

In a statement just released, the IPC said the decision was made, "after the Home Ministry of Malaysia failed to provide the necessary guarantees that Israeli Para swimmers could participate, free from discrimination, and safely in the Championships."

Notably, the IPC also insisted that Malaysia not only allow the Israelis to compete but also to allow them to show the Israeli flag, and play its national anthem if Israeli athletes win.

(full article online)

International Paralympic Committee strips Malaysia of 2019 World @Para_Swimming Championships for not allowing Israelis. Well done! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On January 30th, 1933 Hitler was elected chancellor of Germany but in order to obtain the dictatorial power he desired he needed to modify the Constitution. To modify the constitution Hitler needed the support of two thirds of the Reichstag representatives, he could not have obtained support of two thirds of the Reichstag representatives without the support of the Zentrum political party which was controlled by the Catholics.

As the spiritual leader of Catholics worldwide, the Pope had influence over German Catholics and he could have asked them not to support Hitler's reform of the constitution. Without the support of the Zentrum political party Hitler would not have been able to modify the constitution and obtain dictatorial power, without the support of the Zentrum political party dominated by Catholics the Holocaust could have been avoided.

During World War II dozens of Catholic Priests joined the Nazi Party. After the war, the Vatican helped SS officers escape providing them false documents and an escape route through the "Vatican's ratline".

(to learn more about this please see the documentary "The Vatican and the Third Reich: An unholy Alliance" directed by Juliette Desbois"

The same way that the Vatican could have used its influence in Germany in 1933 it could have used its influence in Ireland (where 87% of the population is Catholic) to prevent the anti-semitic BDS vote. On January 24, 2019 Arutz Sheva reported that "Israeli foreign ministry officials excoriated Ireland’s backing for a bill banning business ties with Jews in Judea, Samaria, and parts of Jerusalem, delivering a sharp reprimand to the Irish ambassador to Israel."

After the Inquisition and silence during the Holocaust the Vatican is now continuing its war against the Jews, this time by training BDS activists and influencing anti-semitic BDS legislation in Ireland. Catholic Irish Politicians hear in church that "Zionism is Racism" and then support BDS legislation.

(full article online)

The line from the Holocaust to Ireland's BDS vote starts in Rome

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