Boycott Mel Gibson's Movies

Mel Gibson is a racist and anti-semite. He has made anti-semitic remarks in public without any apology. He has denied the Holocaust.

He has a new movie coming out-"Edge of Darkness".
We are going to boycott him as a protest.

Please join us in refusing to see this movie and all his movies. Some of them are

The Patriot
What Women Want

See the others at

Let's stop financing bigotry.
Gibson is honest and outspoken in his racist views, which is the only difference between him and a hell of a lot of his peers and contemporaries. What you are asking us to do is boycott free speech.

If you disagree with what Mel Gibson has to say you are as free as he is to express your opinions and to refute his.
Why are so many people hung up on whether someone believes in the Holocaust myth?? ... :cool:

My Polish uncle, who was in one of Hitler's camps before he escaped to England, assures me it wasn't a lie.

On this issue, I have to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Sorry to be rude, but this issue isn't up for debate as far as I'm concerned.
Yes, the jews were rounded up and put into work camps where many died due to diseases and lack of food. (as did many German civilians towards the end of the war)

But there is No evidence of an organized plot to systematically gas the jews or commit genocide on them.

The term 'Holocaust' is just a jewish invention in order to extort money from the gullible western nations who somehow felt guilty for the plight of the 'Chosen People'.

And to gain sympathy for setting up a Jewish state in the middle of the Holy Land. .. :cool:

I have to most strongly disagree with you on this issue.
Yes, many died because of poor treatment, over work and lack of medical care but that was all down to their enslavement and no different to being murdered by bullet, gas or whatever.
However, whilst I'm firmly convinced of the truth of the Nazi holocaust, that doesn't mean I'm in favour of the silly Zionist milking of those terrible events to favour the evil government of Israel.
The government of Israel and their supporters are evil little sods because they use those deaths to forward their nasty political agenda but do a lot the Nazis were guilty off in order to keep their state running.
It's ironic, the Israeli government is guilty of many of the crimes of Nazi Germany but uses Hitler's time as excuse for their own evil.
Mel Gibson is a racist and anti-semite. He has made anti-semitic remarks in public without any apology. He has denied the Holocaust.

He has a new movie coming out-"Edge of Darkness".
We are going to boycott him as a protest.

Please join us in refusing to see this movie and all his movies. Some of them are

The Patriot
What Women Want

See the others at

Let's stop financing bigotry.

nope...if i can stomach an asshole like Baldwin or Cloony in a movie i can handle Gibson.....
Is it being in the entertainment industry that makes these people all go nuts or are nuts just drawn to the entertainment industry?

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