Boycott Mel Gibson's Movies

Mel Gibson is a racist and anti-semite. He has made anti-semitic remarks in public without any apology. He has denied the Holocaust.

He has a new movie coming out-"Edge of Darkness".
We are going to boycott him as a protest.

Please join us in refusing to see this movie and all his movies. Some of them are

The Patriot
What Women Want

See the others at

Let's stop financing bigotry.

I know you Kalifornians have it buried up there deep. But damn Edge of Darkness came out four years ago.:eek:

Damn. That's embarrassing...

Come to think it could be that whole communist block delay thing. You know how they didn't get 80's music and Levis until the late 90's.
Mel Gibson is a racist and anti-semite. He has made anti-semitic remarks in public without any apology. He has denied the Holocaust.

He has a new movie coming out-"Edge of Darkness".
We are going to boycott him as a protest.

Please join us in refusing to see this movie and all his movies. Some of them are

The Patriot
What Women Want

See the others at

Let's stop financing bigotry.

I haven't watched any of his films in years for the same reason. I can't stand the man.
I'll boycott all his movies but Payback.

That movie rocked!

After his wife OD's on some heroin, the drug dealer shows up at his door....

[ame=]Handling a Drug Dealer - Payback - YouTube[/ame]
Boycotts are such a douche play.

If I boycotted every author, actor, director, musician or whatever with whom I disagreed politically or otherwise, I'd be bored to death...

Don't tell anyone, but as much as I want to hate 30's damn funny.

I'm going to miss seeing new episodes. :(

I hear ya, I'm no fan of Baldwin the person, but he can be quite funny and damn entertaining.
Mel Gibson is a racist and anti-semite. He has made anti-semitic remarks in public without any apology. He has denied the Holocaust.

He has a new movie coming out-"Edge of Darkness".
We are going to boycott him as a protest.

Please join us in refusing to see this movie and all his movies. Some of them are

The Patriot
What Women Want

See the others at

Let's stop financing bigotry.

I thought it was his Father and not him who denied the Holocaust?
Mel Gibson is a racist and anti-semite. He has made anti-semitic remarks in public without any apology. He has denied the Holocaust.

He has a new movie coming out-"Edge of Darkness".
We are going to boycott him as a protest.

Please join us in refusing to see this movie and all his movies. Some of them are

The Patriot
What Women Want

See the others at

Let's stop financing bigotry.

Please join us in refusing to see this movie and all his movies.

Not only no but...FUCK NO.
Whilst he isn't the best actor, he is a fine writer and the films he produces rise way above the junk Hollywood's become notorious for. The only difference between him and everyone else in Hollywood is he doesn't suck Jew dick; and they're forced to tolerate him because his films are so successful/profitable. His films are also a breath of original air compared to the annual cycle of Holocaust propaganda.
Furthermore, how long until the ADL, SPLC and Simon Wiesenthal Center are allowed to form a SWAT team to round-up anyone that disagrees with them?
Why are so many people hung up on whether someone believes in the Holocaust myth?? ... :cool:

My Polish uncle, who was in one of Hitler's camps before he escaped to England, assures me it wasn't a lie.

On this issue, I have to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Sorry to be rude, but this issue isn't up for debate as far as I'm concerned.
Why are so many people hung up on whether someone believes in the Holocaust myth?? ... :cool:

My Polish uncle, who was in one of Hitler's camps before he escaped to England, assures me it wasn't a lie.

On this issue, I have to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Sorry to be rude, but this issue isn't up for debate as far as I'm concerned.
Yes, the jews were rounded up and put into work camps where many died due to diseases and lack of food. (as did many German civilians towards the end of the war)

But there is No evidence of an organized plot to systematically gas the jews or commit genocide on them.

The term 'Holocaust' is just a jewish invention in order to extort money from the gullible western nations who somehow felt guilty for the plight of the 'Chosen People'.

And to gain sympathy for setting up a Jewish state in the middle of the Holy Land. .. :cool:
Why are so many people hung up on whether someone believes in the Holocaust myth?? ... :cool:

My Polish uncle, who was in one of Hitler's camps before he escaped to England, assures me it wasn't a lie.

On this issue, I have to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Sorry to be rude, but this issue isn't up for debate as far as I'm concerned.
Yes, the jews were rounded up and put into work camps where many died due to diseases and lack of food. (as did many German civilians towards the end of the war)

But there is No evidence of an organized plot to systematically gas the jews or commit genocide on them.

The term 'Holocaust' is just a jewish invention in order to extort money from the gullible western nations who somehow felt guilty for the plight of the 'Chosen People'.

And to gain sympathy for setting up a Jewish state in the middle of the Holy Land. .. :cool:

The dumbest thing anyone has ever said on the USmessageboards. The extermination of the jews was incredibly well documented by the Nazis, and when the Germans themselves tell you it happened, that might be a good indication that its true. I know you hate jews, so you should just take Germanys word for it. You wont though, because youre a stinky piece of shit muslim.

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