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libs are whining the US Postal Service isnt going broke because it's bloated and mismanaged; it's somebody elses fault; like everything else in the world of failed Progressives
No, the libs are being pressured by the unions. I tell it like it is.
If you think UPS is going to move your letters to every household for .50 cents you are fooling yourself and guess what? UPS will have problems, delays and fraud just like every other ANYTHING that ever existed in the world

I'll concede that there is a place for the USPS if you will concede that its purpose is not to provide middle class employment for clerks or a monopoly for 1st class mail. If the P.O is to operate at break even it will have to cut costs and/or raise prices. Thus they won't be able to deliver for 50 cents either.
How about we remove the gov't and allow the market to decide the USPS's place in our world?

Yeah how about no. They perform an essential function and I dont want any essential functions in the hands of people whos first goal is to make a profit FIRST.

This idea that private companies are all to the good and fraud doesnt exist there is dumb as hell but you know what will happen if they lose money. No more deliveries of mail. Oh no problem, how can that be a problem?
If you think UPS is going to move your letters to every household for .50 cents you are fooling yourself and guess what? UPS will have problems, delays and fraud just like every other ANYTHING that ever existed in the world

I'll concede that there is a place for the USPS if you will concede that its purpose is not to provide middle class employment for clerks or a monopoly for 1st class mail. If the P.O is to operate at break even it will have to cut costs and/or raise prices. Thus they won't be able to deliver for 50 cents either.
How about we remove the gov't and allow the market to decide the USPS's place in our world?

Yeah how about no. They perform an essential function and I dont want any essential functions in the hands of people whos first goal is to make a profit FIRST.

This idea that private companies are all to the good and fraud doesnt exist there is dumb as hell but you know what will happen if they lose money. No more deliveries of mail. Oh no problem, how can that be a problem?

well there ya go; left-wing moron would rather see something fail; or be propped up with an endless stream of other people's money then, GASP! see it run profitably

idiots and hypocrites
but unlike GM the PO is at least owned by the Govt.....but yet they bent over backwards to help GM and are not doing much to help the only money making thing they own....

USPS is a money maker? :lol:

if it was run better believe it.....60-70 billion a year? many companies that the govt owns does that?.....ill give you as long as you need to give me an answer....

You changed your tune. You claimed that the USPS is "the only money making thing" the gov't owns. Now you claim it could make money. Big difference. I'd give more credence to your 2nd claim ($50-$60 bil/yr profit potential) if you'll admit the 1st was utter BS.
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libs are whining the US Postal Service isnt going broke because it's bloated and mismanaged; it's somebody elses fault; like everything else in the world of failed Progressives
No, the libs are being pressured by the unions. I tell it like it is.

And you support the destruction of the middle class. I tell it like it is.
the Left could give a damn if the post office runs profitably or not; it is all about their petty hatred of capitalism; and their desire for all-powereful government

any privatization that happens takes away power from their union cronies; and the Big Government they want to run every aspect of American's lives

libs are wannabe slaves and sheeple
you just got through saying they generate their own money,which they do......and if they have payed back that money that they borrowed,what problem is there?...they are owned by the Federal Govt are they not?.....should the "owners" not maintain it?....if you owned a business would you use money you have to maintain it?.....they bailed out GM and other businesses,with tax dollars, that they dont own,yet dont seem to want to help a business that they actually own....

That was from a link I posted, I personally said no such thing.

If they were in fact generating their on money who and why do they need to be bailed out year after year?

The Post Office took a soon to be depleted, $15 billion line of credit from the U.S. Treasury in the early 1990's, and has been drawing on it ever since.

This from 2012:

The US Postal Service is so mired in debt that nothing can save it from going bust — but the Senate is trying to dump a $33.7 billion bailout in its lap anyway.

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe did something brave last year: He tried to bring USPS into the age of instant electronic communcations by closing down 3,700 barely used rural post offices, ending Saturday mail delivery and shedding tens of thousands of obsolete jobs.

The goal was to rescue the Postal Service from the crushing burden of employee pensions and benefits that will leave it with $14.1 billion in losses this year alone.

First, he needed congressional approval.

Quoth the Congress: Hahahahahaha.

Instead of cutting spending, the Senate voted to keep Saturday service alive for at least two years and spend another $34 billion over the next decade to prop up USPS — including $11 billion in cash in 2012.

Donahoe had no way around it, so he announced a deal Wednesday to shorten hours at the post offices that he’d prefer to close. Which will hardly save a dime.

Even if the plan is approved by the House as well, the Senate cop-out will only be fully in effect by September 2014 — and would then save about $500 million a year.

Sound like a lot of money? USPS loses $25 million a day — so the Senate’s “savings” will only cover 20 days of red ink.

Congress either has to get Americans to buy 31 billion extra stamps every year — not gonna happen — or face the fact that the traditional Postal Service is obsolete.

Source: NYPost

If they were in fact generating their on money who and why do they need to be bailed out year after year?

you mean like they bailed out GM?....a company they dont own.....

The Post Office took a soon to be depleted, $15 billion line of credit from the U.S. Treasury in the early 1990's, and has been drawing on it ever since.

in the 90's they did not need to draw on it they were making lots of money under Marvin Runyon...most of their problems started in 2007.....from 2003 to 2006 they had a surplus.....then the shit started with the passing of that bill....the problem with the Post Office is Congress....let the PO run themselves the way the people who are being paid to run it want to run it.....let them sink or swim on their own....

Actually the government did own GM stock and GM still owes the taxpayers billions.
libs are whining the US Postal Service isnt going broke because it's bloated and mismanaged; it's somebody elses fault; like everything else in the world of failed Progressives
No, the libs are being pressured by the unions. I tell it like it is.

And you support the destruction of the middle class. I tell it like it is.

the Middle Class was doing better when Bush and Republicans were in charge

i tell it like it is
you just got through saying they generate their own money,which they do......and if they have payed back that money that they borrowed,what problem is there?...they are owned by the Federal Govt are they not?.....should the "owners" not maintain it?....if you owned a business would you use money you have to maintain it?.....they bailed out GM and other businesses,with tax dollars, that they dont own,yet dont seem to want to help a business that they actually own....

Do you really believe the US gov't exists to provide middle class entitlement for those lucky enough to work for them (at the expense of the rest of us) and to compete with private biz? :lol:
what does any of that have to do with what i just said?.....if the US Govt OWNS the they not have the responsibility to maintain it and run it hopefully responsibly?...if they dont.....who the hell is responsible for its operation then?...if you own a business who is responsible for the well being of that business,you or some guy down the street?...

You keep saying the government owns the PO. Where the does the government get its money to own anything from?
If you think UPS is going to move your letters to every household for .50 cents you are fooling yourself and guess what? UPS will have problems, delays and fraud just like every other ANYTHING that ever existed in the world

I'll concede that there is a place for the USPS if you will concede that its purpose is not to provide middle class employment for clerks or a monopoly for 1st class mail. If the P.O is to operate at break even it will have to cut costs and/or raise prices. Thus they won't be able to deliver for 50 cents either.
How about we remove the gov't and allow the market to decide the USPS's place in our world?

Yeah how about no. They perform an essential function and I dont want any essential functions in the hands of people whos first goal is to make a profit FIRST.

This idea that private companies are all to the good and fraud doesnt exist there is dumb as hell but you know what will happen if they lose money. No more deliveries of mail. Oh no problem, how can that be a problem?

Evidently you fail to comprehend. I said I'll concede that there is a place for the USPS if you will concede that its purpose is not to provide middle class employment for clerks or a monopoly for 1st class mail.
I see problems with Unions, at least problems for the company. Union members, many times, have become spoiled brats because they know they are protected. I supervise union people whom I worked with and represented them as their steward. I got them the biggest raises and the best schedules of all the crafts. I had my job threatened because of my representing them. But for financial benefit I took a supervisors job towards the end of my career. Now 25 percent treat me like crap, maybe because they think me a turn coat, I can understand that. But the way they talk to me would get them fired any where else. Shame on me if twice a day I should ask what they have accomplished or even ask what they are working on.

Not all of them, a minority of them work hard and put out an effort. But work 8 for 8, most might work 6 hours tops. They hide behind paperwork and procedures and then if they go out and make a mistake they blame the supervisor for rushing them. It is really a whole lot of BS and it is like supervising children. And the funniest thing is that up and till yesterday I would defend them to other supervisors, not no more.

We are off topic, but when I was a shop steward I handled a lot of frivolous grievances and I negotiated and dropped a bunch of them for something that was really needed.
Do you really believe the US gov't exists to provide middle class entitlement for those lucky enough to work for them (at the expense of the rest of us) and to compete with private biz? :lol:
what does any of that have to do with what i just said?.....if the US Govt OWNS the they not have the responsibility to maintain it and run it hopefully responsibly?...if they dont.....who the hell is responsible for its operation then?...if you own a business who is responsible for the well being of that business,you or some guy down the street?...

You keep saying the government owns the PO. Where the does the government get its money to own anything from?

That's a circle jerk argument.
I see problems with Unions, at least problems for the company. Union members, many times, have become spoiled brats because they know they are protected. I supervise union people whom I worked with and represented them as their steward. I got them the biggest raises and the best schedules of all the crafts. I had my job threatened because of my representing them. But for financial benefit I took a supervisors job towards the end of my career. Now 25 percent treat me like crap, maybe because they think me a turn coat, I can understand that. But the way they talk to me would get them fired any where else. Shame on me if twice a day I should ask what they have accomplished or even ask what they are working on.

Not all of them, a minority of them work hard and put out an effort. But work 8 for 8, most might work 6 hours tops. They hide behind paperwork and procedures and then if they go out and make a mistake they blame the supervisor for rushing them. It is really a whole lot of BS and it is like supervising children. And the funniest thing is that up and till yesterday I would defend them to other supervisors, not no more.

Conclusion: Feelings are hurt so fuck unions. Yeah!!! Race to the bottom! Give the Companies the upper hand. Whats the worst that can happen?

Its not like employers take advantage of people anymore...Its 2014! Greed is sooooo 1990's :doubt:
Wha a hoot!!! Jealous much?
I'll concede that there is a place for the USPS if you will concede that its purpose is not to provide middle class employment for clerks or a monopoly for 1st class mail. If the P.O is to operate at break even it will have to cut costs and/or raise prices. Thus they won't be able to deliver for 50 cents either.
How about we remove the gov't and allow the market to decide the USPS's place in our world?

Yeah how about no. They perform an essential function and I dont want any essential functions in the hands of people whos first goal is to make a profit FIRST.

This idea that private companies are all to the good and fraud doesnt exist there is dumb as hell but you know what will happen if they lose money. No more deliveries of mail. Oh no problem, how can that be a problem?

Evidently you fail to comprehend. I said I'll concede that there is a place for the USPS if you will concede that its purpose is not to provide middle class employment for clerks or a monopoly for 1st class mail.

Wrong answer. We aren't destroying good jobs so that these other clowns at the top of the other alleged competitors can pay their workers 8 and change.
what does any of that have to do with what i just said?.....if the US Govt OWNS the they not have the responsibility to maintain it and run it hopefully responsibly?...if they dont.....who the hell is responsible for its operation then?...if you own a business who is responsible for the well being of that business,you or some guy down the street?...

You keep saying the government owns the PO. Where the does the government get its money to own anything from?

That's a circle jerk argument.

No more so than your Chicken Little ("the sky is falling, save the USPS") arguments.
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You keep saying the government owns the PO. Where the does the government get its money to own anything from?

That's a circle jerk argument.

No more so than your Chicken Little ("the sky is falling,") save the USPS arguments.

You're argument has been addressed multiple times. Is the USPS reliant on tax dollars beyond the election mail? No. That wasn't even a good try. This is you running a circle jerk.
Yeah how about no. They perform an essential function and I dont want any essential functions in the hands of people whos first goal is to make a profit FIRST.

This idea that private companies are all to the good and fraud doesnt exist there is dumb as hell but you know what will happen if they lose money. No more deliveries of mail. Oh no problem, how can that be a problem?

Evidently you fail to comprehend. I said I'll concede that there is a place for the USPS if you will concede that its purpose is not to provide middle class employment for clerks or a monopoly for 1st class mail.

Wrong answer. We aren't destroying good jobs so that these other clowns at the top of the other alleged competitors can pay their workers 8 and change.

Evidently you believe our gov't exists to provide middle class wages to clerks.
We will just have to agree to disagree.
Bullshit. The PO union has stood in the way of automation projects for years.
Because automation rduces the need for humans which decreases funding to the union. they'd be slitting their own throats if they agreed.

that would be true if the Unions in the PO did that.....they dont stand in the way of automation....they just want the people who actually touch the mail to have a say on how things are going to be set up because of that Automation.....
But automation takes away jobs. No different than outsourcing.
Just a comparison to show the largest employers in the world.
Top Four (4):
1) U.S. Department of Defense: 3.2 million
2) Chinese Army: 2.3 million
3) Walmart: 2.1 million :eusa_whistle:
4) McDonald's: 1.7 million
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