Boycott Staples

Go back and read, Lonestar. That has been addressed. Yes, we do need it.

Why do we need it?

It's more efficient and held to higher standards. It offers a protection on the mail that is not held by other carriers. It produces revenue. Further, there is no reason to privatize it unless the goal is to destroy the middle class. I have already provided the legislation that was put into motion to destroy it. Lastly, it's in the Constitution.

According to the USPS, it has lost money for 7 consecutive years, long before any legislative action, and revenue isn't profit. Any corp that loses money at that rate, especially a publically owned one with viable private options, should be allowed to fail.
Perhaps paying 2-3 times the going rate for employees is the problem?
If you think UPS is going to move your letters to every household for .50 cents you are fooling yourself and guess what? UPS will have problems, delays and fraud just like every other ANYTHING that ever existed in the world
So we have found a way to be more responsible with tax money. I don't see the problem.
if you say so Katz....but then you are the dumbass who said because pot can be detected in your blood 3 weeks from smoking are still high.....and why dont you show me a link saying how bad direct mail advertising is compared to other methods?.....the companies involved in this multi billion dollar industry make their living off of the advertising......aprox 8 million jobs around the Country are tied to this industry....because as we all know....its just a tax write off....

6 Direct Mail Stats That Can?t Be Ignored | Epsilon Blog

2013: Direct Mail Marketing Statistics - PRINTHREADS

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council? Website

Direct Mail: Alive And Kicking - Forbes

In 2012, marketers — commercial and nonprofit — spent $168.5 billion on direct marketing, which accounts for 52.7 percent of all ad expenditures in the United States. Measured against total US sales, these advertising expenditures generated approximately $2.05 trillion in incremental sales. In 2012, direct marketing accounted for 8.7 percent of total US gross domestic product and produces1.3 million direct marketing employees in the US. Their collective sales efforts directly support 7.9 million other jobs, accounting for a total of 9.2 million US jobs.

your turn....

You're pretty much dealing with a bot. No matter what it is that you put up, there is no comprehension of it. It's incapable of comprehension. Good luck with that.

oh i know....i have been in the pot threads with Katz....she is pretty clueless there too....anything i say she will disagree because.....she doesnt like me,i call her on her bullshit,she does not like that....but then i aint alone on that....

Where did you get the idea that I don't like you? Are you five years old? I don't pay any attention to you.
You have been provided the legislation. It's called outsourcing.


It's an expansion of the post office not destruction.

The more shit the post office sells the more money it makes and the post office needs all the money it can get because it usually runs in the red.

Privatization destroys those middle class jobs. Do you not understand this? Are you being intentionally obtuse? Or do you just support privatization? Shoot straight.
What the hell are you talking about? I think you sir are jealous that the unions aren't getting more money. Ahhhh, see how that is?

Please stop the silly BS. According to the USPS (bold added):
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service ended the 2013 fiscal year (Oct. 1, 2012 – Sept. 30, 2013) with a net loss of $5 billion. This marks the 7th consecutive year in which the Postal Service incurred a net loss, highlighting the need to continue to capitalize on growth opportunities, reduce costs, and enact comprehensive legislation to provide a long-term solution to the agency’s financial challenges.

Do you understand that the mail is Federally protected after it hits the Post Office? Not through anyone else?

Do you understand that only the Post Office, due to the legislation that was provided for you, is the only organization required to pay 75 years in advance for retirement/benefits-by 2016?

Do you understand that $50billion was overpaid to CSRS and should be returned?

Do you understand that $6.9 billion was paid (overfunded) to FERS and should be returned and you will see the profit?

Do you understand what a lame deflection that is? You and Harry D seem to believe the USPS is profitable. You are both whistling past the cemetery and the USPS admits it.

Do you understand that the USPS failed to make 2 required payments to its pension fund last year and has said it will not be able to make any this year? Every biz has its advantages (like a monopoly on 1st class mail) and disadvantages. If my biz fails to make timely payments it will quickly become the dinosaur the USPS has and I'll be looking for a job (at the Post Office, perhaps).
Where does the money that the federal government has come from?

you just got through saying they generate their own money,which they do......and if they have payed back that money that they borrowed,what problem is there?...they are owned by the Federal Govt are they not?.....should the "owners" not maintain it?....if you owned a business would you use money you have to maintain it?.....they bailed out GM and other businesses,with tax dollars, that they dont own,yet dont seem to want to help a business that they actually own....

That was from a link I posted, I personally said no such thing.

If they were in fact generating their on money who and why do they need to be bailed out year after year?

The Post Office took a soon to be depleted, $15 billion line of credit from the U.S. Treasury in the early 1990's, and has been drawing on it ever since.

This from 2012:

The US Postal Service is so mired in debt that nothing can save it from going bust — but the Senate is trying to dump a $33.7 billion bailout in its lap anyway.

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe did something brave last year: He tried to bring USPS into the age of instant electronic communcations by closing down 3,700 barely used rural post offices, ending Saturday mail delivery and shedding tens of thousands of obsolete jobs.

The goal was to rescue the Postal Service from the crushing burden of employee pensions and benefits that will leave it with $14.1 billion in losses this year alone.

First, he needed congressional approval.

Quoth the Congress: Hahahahahaha.

Instead of cutting spending, the Senate voted to keep Saturday service alive for at least two years and spend another $34 billion over the next decade to prop up USPS — including $11 billion in cash in 2012.

Donahoe had no way around it, so he announced a deal Wednesday to shorten hours at the post offices that he’d prefer to close. Which will hardly save a dime.

Even if the plan is approved by the House as well, the Senate cop-out will only be fully in effect by September 2014 — and would then save about $500 million a year.

Sound like a lot of money? USPS loses $25 million a day — so the Senate’s “savings” will only cover 20 days of red ink.

Congress either has to get Americans to buy 31 billion extra stamps every year — not gonna happen — or face the fact that the traditional Postal Service is obsolete.

Source: NYPost

If they were in fact generating their on money who and why do they need to be bailed out year after year?

you mean like they bailed out GM?....a company they dont own.....

The Post Office took a soon to be depleted, $15 billion line of credit from the U.S. Treasury in the early 1990's, and has been drawing on it ever since.

in the 90's they did not need to draw on it they were making lots of money under Marvin Runyon...most of their problems started in 2007.....from 2003 to 2006 they had a surplus.....then the shit started with the passing of that bill....the problem with the Post Office is Congress....let the PO run themselves the way the people who are being paid to run it want to run it.....let them sink or swim on their own....

It's an expansion of the post office not destruction.

The more shit the post office sells the more money it makes and the post office needs all the money it can get because it usually runs in the red.

Privatization destroys those middle class jobs. Do you not understand this? Are you being intentionally obtuse? Or do you just support privatization? Shoot straight.
What the hell are you talking about? I think you sir are jealous that the unions aren't getting more money. Ahhhh, see how that is?

No, you are taking good paying jobs, that represent the middle class, and shifting them to eight and change dollar an hour jobs.
I failed to see it. But it doesn't hurt to re-post. The fact remains tax payer money is in fact used to some degree.

the one thing that needs to end is Election mail.....those guys pay next to nothing for that and it is treated as first class....and believe me,those basturds take advantage of the mailing privileges they have....and any that comes in has to go.....and some days it was horrendous....15-16 sets....the overtime generated is not worth it...

The entire USPS needs to end.
lots of people dont think so.....but you are entitled to your opinion....
Privatization destroys those middle class jobs. Do you not understand this? Are you being intentionally obtuse? Or do you just support privatization? Shoot straight.

Ok...This is a good one.
Would you care to explain in detail how 'privatization destroys the middle class'..
By making the above comment, you now have the duty to defend and explain your position.
I am not letting this go.
You'll either support your claim with facts or I'll bug you so much, you'll have to abandon your own thread or take the easy way out and put me on ignore.
Either way you're trapped.

I already did. The movement of middle class jobs that the Post office provides to the 8 and change jobs at Staples does what? I've already been through this.
And many of us don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Please stop the silly BS. According to the USPS (bold added):
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service ended the 2013 fiscal year (Oct. 1, 2012 – Sept. 30, 2013) with a net loss of $5 billion. This marks the 7th consecutive year in which the Postal Service incurred a net loss, highlighting the need to continue to capitalize on growth opportunities, reduce costs, and enact comprehensive legislation to provide a long-term solution to the agency’s financial challenges.

Do you understand that the mail is Federally protected after it hits the Post Office? Not through anyone else?

Do you understand that only the Post Office, due to the legislation that was provided for you, is the only organization required to pay 75 years in advance for retirement/benefits-by 2016?

Do you understand that $50billion was overpaid to CSRS and should be returned?

Do you understand that $6.9 billion was paid (overfunded) to FERS and should be returned and you will see the profit?

Do you understand what a lame deflection that is? You and Harry D seem to believe the USPS is profitable. You are both whistling past the cemetery and the USPS admits it.

Do you understand that the USPS failed to make 2 required payments to its pension fund last year and has said it will not be able to make any this year? Every biz has its advantages (like a monopoly on 1st class mail) and disadvantages. If my biz fails to make timely payments it will quickly become the dinosaur the USPS has and I'll be looking for a job (at the Post Office, perhaps).

The USPS lost $5,000,000,000 in 2013 and its liabilities exceed its assets by $21,000,000,000.

The USPA is in the shitter, big time... just like GM and all the other darlings of the admin.

but unlike GM the PO is at least owned by the Govt.....but yet they bent over backwards to help GM and are not doing much to help the only money making thing they own....

USPS is a money maker? :lol:

if it was run better believe it.....60-70 billion a year? many companies that the govt owns does that?.....ill give you as long as you need to give me an answer....
If you think UPS is going to move your letters to every household for .50 cents you are fooling yourself and guess what? UPS will have problems, delays and fraud just like every other ANYTHING that ever existed in the world

I'll concede that there is a place for the USPS if you will concede that its purpose is not to provide middle class employment for clerks or a monopoly for 1st class mail. If the P.O is to operate at break even it will have to cut costs and/or raise prices. Thus they won't be able to deliver for 50 cents either.
How about we remove the gov't and allow the market to decide the USPS's place in our world?
It's an argument that I have already dealt with. You are simply ignoring what I have already posted.
I'm not going to ferret out a response from 14 pages of this thread.
Just respond directly to my post.

That makes it your problem and not mine.
Dude, I've read through the 14 pages and have no idea what the hell you're talking about.Just sayin, just because you think you've stated something, doesn't make it so. So, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Where does the money that the federal government has come from?

you just got through saying they generate their own money,which they do......and if they have payed back that money that they borrowed,what problem is there?...they are owned by the Federal Govt are they not?.....should the "owners" not maintain it?....if you owned a business would you use money you have to maintain it?.....they bailed out GM and other businesses,with tax dollars, that they dont own,yet dont seem to want to help a business that they actually own....

Do you really believe the US gov't exists to provide middle class entitlement for those lucky enough to work for them (at the expense of the rest of us) and to compete with private biz? :lol:
what does any of that have to do with what i just said?.....if the US Govt OWNS the they not have the responsibility to maintain it and run it hopefully responsibly?...if they dont.....who the hell is responsible for its operation then?...if you own a business who is responsible for the well being of that business,you or some guy down the street?...
Do you understand that the mail is Federally protected after it hits the Post Office? Not through anyone else?

Do you understand that only the Post Office, due to the legislation that was provided for you, is the only organization required to pay 75 years in advance for retirement/benefits-by 2016?

Do you understand that $50billion was overpaid to CSRS and should be returned?

Do you understand that $6.9 billion was paid (overfunded) to FERS and should be returned and you will see the profit?

Do you understand what a lame deflection that is? You and Harry D seem to believe the USPS is profitable. You are both whistling past the cemetery and the USPS admits it.

Do you understand that the USPS failed to make 2 required payments to its pension fund last year and has said it will not be able to make any this year? Every biz has its advantages (like a monopoly on 1st class mail) and disadvantages. If my biz fails to make timely payments it will quickly become the dinosaur the USPS has and I'll be looking for a job (at the Post Office, perhaps).


just nonsense on stilts. the loser Left fails and then looks for excuses that blame others.
it is what it is; failure, just like a hundred liberal cities and dozens of states bleeding taxpayer money

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