Boycott Staples

1. Not funded by taxes since the 1970s. Already posted this information. Discussed the legislation. Not using archaic methods.
2. They are not getting better service. This is not about corps doing something more efficiently or at a lower cost. Discussed this elsewhere.

Say, here's a thought. Why don't you read what has been written.

Until 1971, mail delivery was handled by the Post Office Department, a Cabinet department in the federal government. Postal worker strikes prompted President Nixon to pass the Postal Reorganization Act in 1971, transforming it into the semi-independent agency we now know as the United States Postal Service. The USPS in its current form runs like a business, relies on postage for revenue and, for the most part, has not used taxpayer money since 1982, when postage stamps became “products” instead of forms of taxation. Taxpayer money is only used in some cases to pay for mailing voter materials to disabled and overseas Americans.


I posted that earlier. :lol:

I failed to see it. But it doesn't hurt to re-post. The fact remains tax payer money is in fact used to some degree.
Until 1971, mail delivery was handled by the Post Office Department, a Cabinet department in the federal government. Postal worker strikes prompted President Nixon to pass the Postal Reorganization Act in 1971, transforming it into the semi-independent agency we now know as the United States Postal Service. The USPS in its current form runs like a business, relies on postage for revenue and, for the most part, has not used taxpayer money since 1982, when postage stamps became “products” instead of forms of taxation. Taxpayer money is only used in some cases to pay for mailing voter materials to disabled and overseas Americans.


I posted that earlier. :lol:

I failed to see it. But it doesn't hurt to re-post. The fact remains tax payer money is in fact used to some degree.

Not to the extent that it is implied.
Until 1971, mail delivery was handled by the Post Office Department, a Cabinet department in the federal government. Postal worker strikes prompted President Nixon to pass the Postal Reorganization Act in 1971, transforming it into the semi-independent agency we now know as the United States Postal Service. The USPS in its current form runs like a business, relies on postage for revenue and, for the most part, has not used taxpayer money since 1982, when postage stamps became “products” instead of forms of taxation. Taxpayer money is only used in some cases to pay for mailing voter materials to disabled and overseas Americans.


I posted that earlier. :lol:

I failed to see it. But it doesn't hurt to re-post. The fact remains tax payer money is in fact used to some degree.

If the right were really upset about tax money being used they would be up in arms about Sports Stadiums, Walmart etc.

But they arent because Sports is like...Cool. And Walmart has everything soooo....
The other day I went in Walmart and they had a crazy line and only 2 lines were open. I didnt witness any Republicans screaming about how Walmart needs to be shut down.

But if the post office has a line THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!

No bias there, nope. None

Just a suggestion. Put the stuff down, go to another store, and get what you want. Now try that with the Post Office. That seems to be the solution many are proffering (and some seem deathly afraid of) ... market competition.

You mean the mom and pop stores that Walmart put out of business? Sure if they were open I'd go but if I go now thats called Breaking and Entering.

Oh boohoohoo. Where do you live? Mayberry?

Stop pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about. There are THOUSANDS of "mom & pop" stores here in KC. You know, all the ones that adapted to changing business environments. The rest of them whine & vote liberal and they got what they deserved.
Anyone that buys at Staples is a moron. Everything is at least twice as expensive there.

Love when people just say things. Here is a little comparison I did. A box of printer paper at office max is 45.99, at staples 45.99.

So what exactly have you compared to Staples and wherever it is 1/2 the price? Please don't tell me Walmart.

$30 @ (free shipping) but Hangover has indeed killed waaaay too many brain cells.
This is the beauty of a market economy when compared to the socialist model some here promote.
Long lines @ Walmart? Do Target.
Long lines @ Post Office? Tuff titties.
Walmart isnt funded with tax dollars dimwit

neither is the Post Office....any money they have taken from the treasury they usually pay it back.....and they are OWNED by the Federal Government....if they own it they should maintain it.....otherwise why own it?....

Where does the money that the federal government has come from?

you just got through saying they generate their own money,which they do......and if they have payed back that money that they borrowed,what problem is there?...they are owned by the Federal Govt are they not?.....should the "owners" not maintain it?....if you owned a business would you use money you have to maintain it?.....they bailed out GM and other businesses,with tax dollars, that they dont own,yet dont seem to want to help a business that they actually own....
Just a suggestion. Put the stuff down, go to another store, and get what you want. Now try that with the Post Office. That seems to be the solution many are proffering (and some seem deathly afraid of) ... market competition.

You mean the mom and pop stores that Walmart put out of business? Sure if they were open I'd go but if I go now thats called Breaking and Entering.

Oh boohoohoo. Where do you live? Mayberry?

Stop pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about. There are THOUSANDS of "mom & pop" stores here in KC. You know, all the ones that adapted to changing business environments. The rest of them whine & vote liberal and they got what they deserved.

hahahahaha...Thousands of mom and pop stores. Ok, where are you typing this from? 1975? :lol:

Thats always the response.

Give a stupid ass solution. Then when that solution doesnt exist mock it as if someone else gave the stupid ass solution.

So back to square one. Walmart has long lines and USPS has long lines. One should be destroyed and the other should be given anything they want.

Why? There is no rhyme or reason behind it
I posted that earlier. :lol:

I failed to see it. But it doesn't hurt to re-post. The fact remains tax payer money is in fact used to some degree.

Not to the extent that it is implied.

In this day and age, do we really need a government run postal service?

The USPS has lost over 25 billion dollars since 2006. What private company would still be in business with that kind of record?
The POST OFFICE is destroying itself by adhering to an obsolete and cost prohibitive business model.

build one less plane...who gives a shit. tired of people like you shitting on people with low wages. Go make 8.50 an hour and see how long you last with your current life style.

also no assistance ( because you hate it)
No healthcare because you cant afford it.
Barely enough gas to get you to that job.
May or may not have a cell phone to call for those jobs....

Why in the hell would I ever work for 8.50 an hour? I couldnt continue my current life style if I did that.
I've never worked a min wage job in my life. They just dont pay enough......
You mean the mom and pop stores that Walmart put out of business? Sure if they were open I'd go but if I go now thats called Breaking and Entering.

Oh boohoohoo. Where do you live? Mayberry?

Stop pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about. There are THOUSANDS of "mom & pop" stores here in KC. You know, all the ones that adapted to changing business environments. The rest of them whine & vote liberal and they got what they deserved.

hahahahaha...Thousands of mom and pop stores. Ok, where are you typing this from? 1975? :lol:

Thats always the response.

Give a stupid ass solution. Then when that solution doesnt exist mock it as if someone else gave the stupid ass solution.

So back to square one. Walmart has long lines and USPS has long lines. One should be destroyed and the other should be given anything they want.

Why? There is no rhyme or reason behind it

The last line describes your every post.
Your argument is that the post office exists to provide middle class jobs for a few chosen citizens? And, that it is the responsibility of all the non chosen citizens to subsidize the jobs of the few chosen citizens? That clerks that make $8.50 per hour should be happy to sacrifice to help someone else make $25.00 per hour? How liberal of you.

It's just you attempting to take it out of context.

No, I am just restating your argument, and puting it into correct context. The government is not in business to provide jobs to anyone. In addition, government has an obligation to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Government should pay no more for labor than is necessary to obtain the services of competent employees.

If government can get the same, or better, service from the private sector, at lesser cost, than government would be less than good stewards of taxpayer money, if it did not go with the most efficient and effective method.

In the real world we even have a name for that ... malfeasance.
I see problems with Unions, at least problems for the company. Union members, many times, have become spoiled brats because they know they are protected. I supervise union people whom I worked with and represented them as their steward. I got them the biggest raises and the best schedules of all the crafts. I had my job threatened because of my representing them. But for financial benefit I took a supervisors job towards the end of my career. Now 25 percent treat me like crap, maybe because they think me a turn coat, I can understand that. But the way they talk to me would get them fired any where else. Shame on me if twice a day I should ask what they have accomplished or even ask what they are working on.

Not all of them, a minority of them work hard and put out an effort. But work 8 for 8, most might work 6 hours tops. They hide behind paperwork and procedures and then if they go out and make a mistake they blame the supervisor for rushing them. It is really a whole lot of BS and it is like supervising children. And the funniest thing is that up and till yesterday I would defend them to other supervisors, not no more.

Conclusion: Feelings are hurt so fuck unions. Yeah!!! Race to the bottom! Give the Companies the upper hand. Whats the worst that can happen?

Its not like employers take advantage of people anymore...Its 2014! Greed is sooooo 1990's :doubt:

Socialism is so 1930s. :eusa_hand:
I failed to see it. But it doesn't hurt to re-post. The fact remains tax payer money is in fact used to some degree.

Not to the extent that it is implied.

In this day and age, do we really need a government run postal service?

The USPS has lost over 25 billion dollars since 2006. What private company would still be in business with that kind of record?

Go back and read, Lonestar. That has been addressed. Yes, we do need it.
Until 1971, mail delivery was handled by the Post Office Department, a Cabinet department in the federal government. Postal worker strikes prompted President Nixon to pass the Postal Reorganization Act in 1971, transforming it into the semi-independent agency we now know as the United States Postal Service. The USPS in its current form runs like a business, relies on postage for revenue and, for the most part, has not used taxpayer money since 1982, when postage stamps became “products” instead of forms of taxation. Taxpayer money is only used in some cases to pay for mailing voter materials to disabled and overseas Americans.


I posted that earlier. :lol:

I failed to see it. But it doesn't hurt to re-post. The fact remains tax payer money is in fact used to some degree.

the one thing that needs to end is Election mail.....those guys pay next to nothing for that and it is treated as first class....and believe me,those basturds take advantage of the mailing privileges they have....and any that comes in has to go.....and some days it was horrendous....15-16 sets....the overtime generated is not worth it...
neither is the Post Office....any money they have taken from the treasury they usually pay it back.....and they are OWNED by the Federal Government....if they own it they should maintain it.....otherwise why own it?....

Where does the money that the federal government has come from?

you just got through saying they generate their own money,which they do......and if they have payed back that money that they borrowed,what problem is there?...they are owned by the Federal Govt are they not?.....should the "owners" not maintain it?....if you owned a business would you use money you have to maintain it?.....they bailed out GM and other businesses,with tax dollars, that they dont own,yet dont seem to want to help a business that they actually own....

That was from a link I posted, I personally said no such thing.

If they were in fact generating their on money who and why do they need to be bailed out year after year?

The Post Office took a soon to be depleted, $15 billion line of credit from the U.S. Treasury in the early 1990's, and has been drawing on it ever since.

This from 2012:

The US Postal Service is so mired in debt that nothing can save it from going bust — but the Senate is trying to dump a $33.7 billion bailout in its lap anyway.

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe did something brave last year: He tried to bring USPS into the age of instant electronic communcations by closing down 3,700 barely used rural post offices, ending Saturday mail delivery and shedding tens of thousands of obsolete jobs.

The goal was to rescue the Postal Service from the crushing burden of employee pensions and benefits that will leave it with $14.1 billion in losses this year alone.

First, he needed congressional approval.

Quoth the Congress: Hahahahahaha.

Instead of cutting spending, the Senate voted to keep Saturday service alive for at least two years and spend another $34 billion over the next decade to prop up USPS — including $11 billion in cash in 2012.

Donahoe had no way around it, so he announced a deal Wednesday to shorten hours at the post offices that he’d prefer to close. Which will hardly save a dime.

Even if the plan is approved by the House as well, the Senate cop-out will only be fully in effect by September 2014 — and would then save about $500 million a year.

Sound like a lot of money? USPS loses $25 million a day — so the Senate’s “savings” will only cover 20 days of red ink.

Congress either has to get Americans to buy 31 billion extra stamps every year — not gonna happen — or face the fact that the traditional Postal Service is obsolete.

Source: NYPost
I posted that earlier. :lol:

I failed to see it. But it doesn't hurt to re-post. The fact remains tax payer money is in fact used to some degree.

the one thing that needs to end is Election mail.....those guys pay next to nothing for that and it is treated as first class....and believe me,those basturds take advantage of the mailing privileges they have....and any that comes in has to go.....and some days it was horrendous....15-16 sets....the overtime generated is not worth it...

The entire USPS needs to end.

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