Boycott Staples

How many hospital emergency rooms have the CVS Minute Clinics put out of business?
It's just you attempting to take it out of context.

No, I am just restating your argument, and puting it into correct context. The government is not in business to provide jobs to anyone. In addition, government has an obligation to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Government should pay no more for labor than is necessary to obtain the services of competent employees.

If government can get the same, or better, service from the private sector, at lesser cost, than government would be less than good stewards of taxpayer money, if it did not go with the most efficient and effective method.

1. Not funded by taxes since the 1970s. Already posted this information. Discussed the legislation. Not using archaic methods.
2. They are not getting better service. This is not about corps doing something more efficiently or at a lower cost. Discussed this elsewhere.

Say, here's a thought. Why don't you read what has been written.

The USPS lost $5,000,000,000 in 2013 and its liabilities exceed its assets by $21,000,000,000.

The USPA is in the shitter, big time... just like GM and all the other darlings of the admin.
:blahblah: That argument ran out of steam long ago.
The fadct is the USPS employs too many people who are using archaic methods of getting the work done.
Hand sorting mail for carrier routes? Come on....All mail should be bar coded and sorted by machines.
The USPS is a bloated federal bureaucracy.

were the hell have you been hiding Spoon?....hand sorting?....they have been using bar codes and machines for about 35 years now for letters....and the new ones they are using now for flats are the most Sophisticated on the planet....they put the Magazines like the letters in route order.....when these new ones went on line...we had a group from Japan Post come in to look at sure they ordered one....the Machine is huge and 70-80 yards long....its the reason they dont need many clerks anymore...
I live in a town of 30,000 people. IN the PO here you can kind of see thru into the back of the PO where the mail comes in/out...There are people back there who appear to be hand sorting the routes. I could be wrong. But there are about 5 or more people back there doing stuff..One of the things that really pisses me of is when there is a line out the door and there are two or three clerks when suddenly one just disappears to go on a break.
This is a foreign concept to me. In my world you take care of the customer, then you take a break. You don't just drop what you are doing because the clock says 10:15
One time there was almost a fist fight in there.
I guess there were about 30 or so people on line. There were two clerks. One went away. People on line started getting antsy and then a couple people complained to the on duty clerk. The clerk told them the other clerk went on her break.
Well that set off a firestorm. It got so loud that the Postmaster had to come out of her office. BY then people were pissed off and demanding to the Postmaster go and tell the other clerk to get back to work until the customers were taken care of.
To make matters worse the Postmaster told the customers that there was nothing she could do and to please be patient. That did not blow over well either
It is this kind of crap that makes people hate the government in general and government agencies like the USPS specifically.
BTW...Other than sit on their ass in an office, just exactly what does the Postmaster do? What does their job entail?
I know one function they have....To avoid at all costs any potential contact with the customers.

IN the PO here you can kind of see thru into the back of the PO where the mail comes in/out...There are people back there who appear to be hand sorting the routes.

what you are seeing is clerks sorting letters to the routes in that office that the machine could not read or they had bad addresses,this is more common they you would know....or they were sorting third class mail that comes bundled together for a route......pretty casual right?....this is the reason the Letter Carrier does not feel they should be making what we make.....

when there is a line out the door and there are two or three clerks when suddenly one just disappears to go on a break.

wasnt allowed in my office....breaks came after the line is had a shitty Station Manager....
just exactly what does the Postmaster do? What does their job entail?

we have been trying to figure that out for years.....
The PO is unionized, and the union blocks attempts to improve efficiency. long did you work there?....the only thing the Union wants is to be a part of the make sure the workers are not getting fucked over.....DPS (automation) for the letters went on in the 90's and they left the workers out of the process and it wasnt working for a long time until the workers got it right for them ......and now they just had Automation for the Flats (FSS)....and the Union had a say on how to set it up and it worked much better.....the Unions have their bad side but the Unions are the only thing that stands up for the people who actually have to move the mail.....and they made sure that the workers....the people who do this all day long....had a say in setting something up that has never been done previously.....

Bullshit. The PO union has stood in the way of automation projects for years.
Because automation reduces the need for humans which decreases funding to the union. they'd be slitting their own throats if they agreed.
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The other day I went in Walmart and they had a crazy line and only 2 lines were open. I didnt witness any Republicans screaming about how Walmart needs to be shut down.

But if the post office has a line THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!

No bias there, nope. None

Walmart isnt funded with tax dollars dimwit

neither is the Post Office....any money they have taken from the treasury they usually pay it back.....and they are OWNED by the Federal Government....if they own it they should maintain it.....otherwise why own it?....
No, I am just restating your argument, and puting it into correct context. The government is not in business to provide jobs to anyone. In addition, government has an obligation to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Government should pay no more for labor than is necessary to obtain the services of competent employees.

If government can get the same, or better, service from the private sector, at lesser cost, than government would be less than good stewards of taxpayer money, if it did not go with the most efficient and effective method.

1. Not funded by taxes since the 1970s. Already posted this information. Discussed the legislation. Not using archaic methods.
2. They are not getting better service. This is not about corps doing something more efficiently or at a lower cost. Discussed this elsewhere.

Say, here's a thought. Why don't you read what has been written.

The USPS lost $5,000,000,000 in 2013 and its liabilities exceed its assets by $21,000,000,000.

The USPA is in the shitter, big time... just like GM and all the other darlings of the admin.

This has already been addressed. Go back and read what has already been written.
I see problems with Unions, at least problems for the company. Union members, many times, have become spoiled brats because they know they are protected. I supervise union people whom I worked with and represented them as their steward. I got them the biggest raises and the best schedules of all the crafts. I had my job threatened because of my representing them. But for financial benefit I took a supervisors job towards the end of my career. Now 25 percent treat me like crap, maybe because they think me a turn coat, I can understand that. But the way they talk to me would get them fired any where else. Shame on me if twice a day I should ask what they have accomplished or even ask what they are working on.

Not all of them, a minority of them work hard and put out an effort. But work 8 for 8, most might work 6 hours tops. They hide behind paperwork and procedures and then if they go out and make a mistake they blame the supervisor for rushing them. It is really a whole lot of BS and it is like supervising children. And the funniest thing is that up and till yesterday I would defend them to other supervisors, not no more.

Conclusion: Feelings are hurt so fuck unions. Yeah!!! Race to the bottom! Give the Companies the upper hand. Whats the worst that can happen?

Its not like employers take advantage of people anymore...Its 2014! Greed is sooooo 1990's :doubt:

No, nothing to do with hurt feelings, it has to adults acting as children. What would you do if you tried to work with people and they treat you like crap? If you are a liberal democrat you might like getting crap after all that is what the DNC feeds democrats.

I related a true life situation to you where I was on both side of the situation. If you wish to do what always happens and attack me then so be it.

What would you do if you tried to work with people and they treat you like crap?

I'd advocate for the destruction of unions of course. Thats what you do when people are mean to you, right?
The post office is going broke because of email, internet bill presentment, internet bill payment

I remember I used to mail off about 12-15 bills each month in envelopes with stamps. Now, I very rarely write a check and I can't remember the last time I mailed a check.

That's at least $6 a month, times several million people who do the same.

even i was doing that....still do....but parcel business is what they are moving towards....
It's just you attempting to take it out of context.

No, I am just restating your argument, and puting it into correct context. The government is not in business to provide jobs to anyone. In addition, government has an obligation to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Government should pay no more for labor than is necessary to obtain the services of competent employees.

If government can get the same, or better, service from the private sector, at lesser cost, than government would be less than good stewards of taxpayer money, if it did not go with the most efficient and effective method.

1. Not funded by taxes since the 1970s. Already posted this information. Discussed the legislation. Not using archaic methods.
2. They are not getting better service. This is not about corps doing something more efficiently or at a lower cost. Discussed this elsewhere.

Say, here's a thought. Why don't you read what has been written.

Until 1971, mail delivery was handled by the Post Office Department, a Cabinet department in the federal government. Postal worker strikes prompted President Nixon to pass the Postal Reorganization Act in 1971, transforming it into the semi-independent agency we now know as the United States Postal Service. The USPS in its current form runs like a business, relies on postage for revenue and, for the most part, has not used taxpayer money since 1982, when postage stamps became “products” instead of forms of taxation. Taxpayer money is only used in some cases to pay for mailing voter materials to disabled and overseas Americans.

Apartment buildings provide a trash can right next to the mail boxes so sale circulars and direct mail advertising can be disposed of immediately. Direct mail is the worst method of advertising, it is done by companies simply as a tax write off.

if you say so Katz....but then you are the dumbass who said because pot can be detected in your blood 3 weeks from smoking are still high.....and why dont you show me a link saying how bad direct mail advertising is compared to other methods?.....the companies involved in this multi billion dollar industry make their living off of the advertising......aprox 8 million jobs around the Country are tied to this industry....because as we all know....its just a tax write off....

6 Direct Mail Stats That Can?t Be Ignored | Epsilon Blog

2013: Direct Mail Marketing Statistics - PRINTHREADS

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council? Website

Direct Mail: Alive And Kicking - Forbes

In 2012, marketers — commercial and nonprofit — spent $168.5 billion on direct marketing, which accounts for 52.7 percent of all ad expenditures in the United States. Measured against total US sales, these advertising expenditures generated approximately $2.05 trillion in incremental sales. In 2012, direct marketing accounted for 8.7 percent of total US gross domestic product and produces1.3 million direct marketing employees in the US. Their collective sales efforts directly support 7.9 million other jobs, accounting for a total of 9.2 million US jobs.

your turn....

You're pretty much dealing with a bot. No matter what it is that you put up, there is no comprehension of it. It's incapable of comprehension. Good luck with that.

oh i know....i have been in the pot threads with Katz....she is pretty clueless there too....anything i say she will disagree because.....she doesnt like me,i call her on her bullshit,she does not like that....but then i aint alone on that....
The other day I went in Walmart and they had a crazy line and only 2 lines were open. I didnt witness any Republicans screaming about how Walmart needs to be shut down.

But if the post office has a line THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!

No bias there, nope. None

Walmart isnt funded with tax dollars dimwit

neither is the Post Office....any money they have taken from the treasury they usually pay it back.....and they are OWNED by the Federal Government....if they own it they should maintain it.....otherwise why own it?....

Where does the money that the federal government has come from?
I see problems with Unions, at least problems for the company. Union members, many times, have become spoiled brats because they know they are protected. I supervise union people whom I worked with and represented them as their steward. I got them the biggest raises and the best schedules of all the crafts. I had my job threatened because of my representing them. But for financial benefit I took a supervisors job towards the end of my career. Now 25 percent treat me like crap, maybe because they think me a turn coat, I can understand that. But the way they talk to me would get them fired any where else. Shame on me if twice a day I should ask what they have accomplished or even ask what they are working on.

Not all of them, a minority of them work hard and put out an effort. But work 8 for 8, most might work 6 hours tops. They hide behind paperwork and procedures and then if they go out and make a mistake they blame the supervisor for rushing them. It is really a whole lot of BS and it is like supervising children. And the funniest thing is that up and till yesterday I would defend them to other supervisors, not no more.

i can see your point....our shop steward was fed up with the frivolous grievances filed by some of the people there....lots of them by non-union guys too....
No, I am just restating your argument, and puting it into correct context. The government is not in business to provide jobs to anyone. In addition, government has an obligation to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Government should pay no more for labor than is necessary to obtain the services of competent employees.

If government can get the same, or better, service from the private sector, at lesser cost, than government would be less than good stewards of taxpayer money, if it did not go with the most efficient and effective method.

1. Not funded by taxes since the 1970s. Already posted this information. Discussed the legislation. Not using archaic methods.
2. They are not getting better service. This is not about corps doing something more efficiently or at a lower cost. Discussed this elsewhere.

Say, here's a thought. Why don't you read what has been written.

Until 1971, mail delivery was handled by the Post Office Department, a Cabinet department in the federal government. Postal worker strikes prompted President Nixon to pass the Postal Reorganization Act in 1971, transforming it into the semi-independent agency we now know as the United States Postal Service. The USPS in its current form runs like a business, relies on postage for revenue and, for the most part, has not used taxpayer money since 1982, when postage stamps became “products” instead of forms of taxation. Taxpayer money is only used in some cases to pay for mailing voter materials to disabled and overseas Americans.


I posted that earlier. :lol:
Let's see what might be a real solution to the problem of running a country with its infrastructure on the verge of collapse. Does the government need some resources to rebuild century old structures?
We know the rebuttal of cutting government spending but alas, there is now way to cut ones way into putting a budget into the black.
Let's just cut corporations taxes one more time because they will just up and leave the for other places.What a brilliant solution.
Take a look at what is happening from one state to another. One state will try to lure another factory to their state. This is not creating jobs. It's stealing jobs to give the corporation a reason to move and lower wages. Middle Class!
There is no way the middle class will flourish when the money to make policy is accepted from the powerful rich.

" The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority."
Ralph W Sockman

Blah blah blah class warfare nonsense.

If you are really concerned about the welfare of the middle class, then you should advocate to roll back taxes and keep the Fed from printing money/spurring inflation which is a tax on the middle class.

The total tax burden on the median family has more than doubled as a percent of income since the 1950s. They pay more in taxes than they do for Food, Housing, and Transportation.
The POST OFFICE is destroying itself by adhering to an obsolete and cost prohibitive business model.

build one less plane...who gives a shit. tired of people like you shitting on people with low wages. Go make 8.50 an hour and see how long you last with your current life style.

also no assistance ( because you hate it)
No healthcare because you cant afford it.
Barely enough gas to get you to that job.
May or may not have a cell phone to call for those jobs....

You're tired of what?

Did you ever get tired of playing video games while cashing welfare checks?

You know what you can do with your bogus outrage don't ya?
Btw, in honor of this thread I'm going to staples t9day. Never been there and don't really need anything but I'll find something. Perhaps a nice new office chair if they sell them.
The other day I went in Walmart and they had a crazy line and only 2 lines were open. I didnt witness any Republicans screaming about how Walmart needs to be shut down.

But if the post office has a line THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!

No bias there, nope. None

Just a suggestion. Put the stuff down, go to another store, and get what you want. Now try that with the Post Office. That seems to be the solution many are proffering (and some seem deathly afraid of) ... market competition.
No, I am just restating your argument, and puting it into correct context. The government is not in business to provide jobs to anyone. In addition, government has an obligation to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Government should pay no more for labor than is necessary to obtain the services of competent employees.

If government can get the same, or better, service from the private sector, at lesser cost, than government would be less than good stewards of taxpayer money, if it did not go with the most efficient and effective method.

1. Not funded by taxes since the 1970s. Already posted this information. Discussed the legislation. Not using archaic methods.
2. They are not getting better service. This is not about corps doing something more efficiently or at a lower cost. Discussed this elsewhere.

Say, here's a thought. Why don't you read what has been written.

The USPS lost $5,000,000,000 in 2013 and its liabilities exceed its assets by $21,000,000,000.

The USPA is in the shitter, big time... just like GM and all the other darlings of the admin.

but unlike GM the PO is at least owned by the Govt.....but yet they bent over backwards to help GM and are not doing much to help the only money making thing they own.... long did you work there?....the only thing the Union wants is to be a part of the make sure the workers are not getting fucked over.....DPS (automation) for the letters went on in the 90's and they left the workers out of the process and it wasnt working for a long time until the workers got it right for them ......and now they just had Automation for the Flats (FSS)....and the Union had a say on how to set it up and it worked much better.....the Unions have their bad side but the Unions are the only thing that stands up for the people who actually have to move the mail.....and they made sure that the workers....the people who do this all day long....had a say in setting something up that has never been done previously.....

Bullshit. The PO union has stood in the way of automation projects for years.
Because automation rduces the need for humans which decreases funding to the union. they'd be slitting their own throats if they agreed.

that would be true if the Unions in the PO did that.....they dont stand in the way of automation....they just want the people who actually touch the mail to have a say on how things are going to be set up because of that Automation.....
The other day I went in Walmart and they had a crazy line and only 2 lines were open. I didnt witness any Republicans screaming about how Walmart needs to be shut down.

But if the post office has a line THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!

No bias there, nope. None

Just a suggestion. Put the stuff down, go to another store, and get what you want. Now try that with the Post Office. That seems to be the solution many are proffering (and some seem deathly afraid of) ... market competition.

You mean the mom and pop stores that Walmart put out of business? Sure if they were open I'd go but if I go now thats called Breaking and Entering.

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