Boycott Staples

I think bulk mail rates should be eliminated. Let them pay the full rate per ounce just like everyone else.
BTW, so called junk mail which is comprised of ads for stuff most people have no intention of buying is the origin of the phrase "circular file"...
So unless junk mail advertisers are selling their wares to trash cans, they are wasting their money.
your wrong....i have read quit a few articles saying direct mail is the most effective way to advertise,its a multi-billion dollar industry for a reason........and the biggest complaint i ever had on my route was when the Tuesday food ads were either late or someone did not get one...Advo pays the PO in excess of a Billion a year to deliver those things....Penny Saver about the people may not think anyone wants those things....guess again....

Apartment buildings provide a trash can right next to the mail boxes so sale circulars and direct mail advertising can be disposed of immediately. Direct mail is the worst method of advertising, it is done by companies simply as a tax write off.

if you say so Katz....but then you are the dumbass who said because pot can be detected in your blood 3 weeks from smoking are still high.....and why dont you show me a link saying how bad direct mail advertising is compared to other methods?.....the companies involved in this multi billion dollar industry make their living off of the advertising......aprox 8 million jobs around the Country are tied to this industry....because as we all know....its just a tax write off....

6 Direct Mail Stats That Can?t Be Ignored | Epsilon Blog

2013: Direct Mail Marketing Statistics - PRINTHREADS

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council? Website

Direct Mail: Alive And Kicking - Forbes

In 2012, marketers — commercial and nonprofit — spent $168.5 billion on direct marketing, which accounts for 52.7 percent of all ad expenditures in the United States. Measured against total US sales, these advertising expenditures generated approximately $2.05 trillion in incremental sales. In 2012, direct marketing accounted for 8.7 percent of total US gross domestic product and produces1.3 million direct marketing employees in the US. Their collective sales efforts directly support 7.9 million other jobs, accounting for a total of 9.2 million US jobs.

your turn....
The POST OFFICE is destroying itself by adhering to an obsolete and cost prohibitive business model.

build one less plane...who gives a shit. tired of people like you shitting on people with low wages. Go make 8.50 an hour and see how long you last with your current life style.

also no assistance ( because you hate it)
No healthcare because you cant afford it.
Barely enough gas to get you to that job.
May or may not have a cell phone to call for those jobs....
Aren't they a union? Isn't that the figure they get based on a contract?
The post office is going broke because of email, internet bill presentment, internet bill payment

I remember I used to mail off about 12-15 bills each month in envelopes with stamps. Now, I very rarely write a check and I can't remember the last time I mailed a check.

That's at least $6 a month, times several million people who do the same.

I got an email from my half brother. He had just mailed off his check to the IRS and noticed that the last check written was about the same time last year, also to the IRS.

So few people use the mail any more that the stamps sold are forever stamps. A roll could last several years. The stamps themselves are sold at the grocery store.

No post office employees are going to lose their jobs because not all post office functions are going to be shifted to Staples. No Staples employees will be delivering mail to your house.
your wrong....i have read quit a few articles saying direct mail is the most effective way to advertise,its a multi-billion dollar industry for a reason........and the biggest complaint i ever had on my route was when the Tuesday food ads were either late or someone did not get one...Advo pays the PO in excess of a Billion a year to deliver those things....Penny Saver about the people may not think anyone wants those things....guess again....

Apartment buildings provide a trash can right next to the mail boxes so sale circulars and direct mail advertising can be disposed of immediately. Direct mail is the worst method of advertising, it is done by companies simply as a tax write off.

if you say so Katz....but then you are the dumbass who said because pot can be detected in your blood 3 weeks from smoking are still high.....and why dont you show me a link saying how bad direct mail advertising is compared to other methods?.....the companies involved in this multi billion dollar industry make their living off of the advertising......aprox 8 million jobs around the Country are tied to this industry....because as we all know....its just a tax write off....

6 Direct Mail Stats That Can?t Be Ignored | Epsilon Blog

2013: Direct Mail Marketing Statistics - PRINTHREADS

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council? Website

Direct Mail: Alive And Kicking - Forbes

In 2012, marketers — commercial and nonprofit — spent $168.5 billion on direct marketing, which accounts for 52.7 percent of all ad expenditures in the United States. Measured against total US sales, these advertising expenditures generated approximately $2.05 trillion in incremental sales. In 2012, direct marketing accounted for 8.7 percent of total US gross domestic product and produces1.3 million direct marketing employees in the US. Their collective sales efforts directly support 7.9 million other jobs, accounting for a total of 9.2 million US jobs.

your turn....

You're pretty much dealing with a bot. No matter what it is that you put up, there is no comprehension of it. It's incapable of comprehension. Good luck with that.
Same reason, he wants to boycott Walmart. He doesn't give a damn that millions of jobs are created. He doesn't understand economics.

You sure?


Walmart has a good business model in my opinion. Here's an anecdotal example; this morning I needed a can of Tennis balls, I went to K-Mart and they don't open until 8am, so Instead of waiting 15 more minutes, I went to Walmart of bought my Tennis balls, groceries, water, beer, etc. . Yes it was 3miles down the road, but I was able to do all of the above and still get to the Tennis courts because Walmart stays up 24/7 and the price for their Tennis balls is cheaper than K-Mart's.
K-Mart on the other hand, makes it complex for one to purchase anything because of the steps when has to take to even get to the point to pay them. through the years (11) of shopping at the same Walmart, I have seen at least five people start from the bottom and then advance to managerial positions, one is even a store manager now.
I just don't see what's wrong with Walmart or any other big chain. Are the "mom & Pop" stores providing better prices to their customers and paying their workers any more than Walmart does?

You mssed the message. They make money. The lefties want them to lose money and go away and have everyone on welfare or working at the post office in a bad mood.
Anyone that buys at Staples is a moron. Everything is at least twice as expensive there.

Love when people just say things. Here is a little comparison I did. A box of printer paper at office max is 45.99, at staples 45.99.

So what exactly have you compared to Staples and wherever it is 1/2 the price? Please don't tell me Walmart.
Apartment buildings provide a trash can right next to the mail boxes so sale circulars and direct mail advertising can be disposed of immediately. Direct mail is the worst method of advertising, it is done by companies simply as a tax write off.

if you say so Katz....but then you are the dumbass who said because pot can be detected in your blood 3 weeks from smoking are still high.....and why dont you show me a link saying how bad direct mail advertising is compared to other methods?.....the companies involved in this multi billion dollar industry make their living off of the advertising......aprox 8 million jobs around the Country are tied to this industry....because as we all know....its just a tax write off....

6 Direct Mail Stats That Can?t Be Ignored | Epsilon Blog

2013: Direct Mail Marketing Statistics - PRINTHREADS

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council? Website

Direct Mail: Alive And Kicking - Forbes

In 2012, marketers — commercial and nonprofit — spent $168.5 billion on direct marketing, which accounts for 52.7 percent of all ad expenditures in the United States. Measured against total US sales, these advertising expenditures generated approximately $2.05 trillion in incremental sales. In 2012, direct marketing accounted for 8.7 percent of total US gross domestic product and produces1.3 million direct marketing employees in the US. Their collective sales efforts directly support 7.9 million other jobs, accounting for a total of 9.2 million US jobs.

your turn....

You're pretty much dealing with a bot. No matter what it is that you put up, there is no comprehension of it. It's incapable of comprehension. Good luck with that.

it's always comical watching left-wingers cry when nobody believes the parade of excuses for failure coming from the Left
So the post office is destroying itself by opening more branches?

So if a UPS opens more UPS stores all over the country they are destroying themselves?

Issa is trying to destroy the PO.....he is on this "Commission" that is supposed to be trying to help it....everything he comes up with is just negative....the first thing he suggested when they started is fire every worker on Civil Service,which is basically everyone with 25 years or better in.....but he was reminded by another Congress person that around 30% of those would be Vets.....he said..."just a suggestion"....the guys an ass....he aint there to help....

Not agreeing with the terminating of those people at all.
However, I believe the system of Civil Service and the unrealistic protections it offers are archaic and cause labor to cost far more than it should.
I do not think anyone should have guaranteed job security.
Such conditions breed mediocrity and complacency.
If there is one phrase used by those in union represented Civil Service employees it is " I'm putting in my time"....UGH!!!
Excuse me....In other words you are really working? Just putting in time?
I once heard a USPS window clerk speaking to a customer. She said "Well once I get my Christmas tips..."....I thought to myself..Ok first, what makes you think you should be entitled to gratuities in the first place. Second. How dare you be so presumptuous that you expect to be tipped?
I can tell you this...I have never event given a fleeting thought about tipping the USPS window clerk..Never..
Now, my regular carrier in my hometown, Tony, was a really cool guy. My Mom would bake cookies around Christmas and give them to him as a gift.
BTW, we had regular at the door mail delivery. As opposed to rural type delivery where the mail was delivered at the street by a contract carrier.
It is my understanding that most mail delivery is the RFD type using contract carriers who are not USPS employees.

However, I believe the system of Civil Service and the unrealistic protections it offers are archaic and cause labor to cost far more than it should.

civil service ended around '84....anyone after that is SS...

I do not think anyone should have guaranteed job security.

in my time there i have seen many get fired for theft and attendance...

How dare you be so presumptuous that you expect to be tipped?

i used to get tipped to the tune of at least 500 bucks at Christmas time...i never asked for it.....but to be fair some of those appreciated some of the things i would do for them as far as handling their mail....

I can tell you this...I have never event given a fleeting thought about tipping the USPS window clerk..Never..

im sure some have helped people who have appreciated that help....

My Mom would bake cookies around Christmas and give them to him as a gift.

used to get lots of that too...

It is my understanding that most mail delivery is the RFD type using contract carriers who are not USPS employees.

Rural Carriers are employed by the PO....they just have different rules and regulations....they even have their own Union .....The National Rural Letter Carriers' Association (NRLCA).......
I see problems with Unions, at least problems for the company. Union members, many times, have become spoiled brats because they know they are protected. I supervise union people whom I worked with and represented them as their steward. I got them the biggest raises and the best schedules of all the crafts. I had my job threatened because of my representing them. But for financial benefit I took a supervisors job towards the end of my career. Now 25 percent treat me like crap, maybe because they think me a turn coat, I can understand that. But the way they talk to me would get them fired any where else. Shame on me if twice a day I should ask what they have accomplished or even ask what they are working on.

Not all of them, a minority of them work hard and put out an effort. But work 8 for 8, most might work 6 hours tops. They hide behind paperwork and procedures and then if they go out and make a mistake they blame the supervisor for rushing them. It is really a whole lot of BS and it is like supervising children. And the funniest thing is that up and till yesterday I would defend them to other supervisors, not no more.
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal

Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

It's time for Donahoe to go.

More destruction of the middle class and not a peep.

Your argument is that the post office exists to provide middle class jobs for a few chosen citizens? And, that it is the responsibility of all the non chosen citizens to subsidize the jobs of the few chosen citizens? That clerks that make $8.50 per hour should be happy to sacrifice to help someone else make $25.00 per hour? How liberal of you.

It's just you attempting to take it out of context.

No, I am just restating your argument, and puting it into correct context. The government is not in business to provide jobs to anyone. In addition, government has an obligation to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Government should pay no more for labor than is necessary to obtain the services of competent employees.

If government can get the same, or better, service from the private sector, at lesser cost, than government would be less than good stewards of taxpayer money, if it did not go with the most efficient and effective method.
I have little, or no, reason to boycott Staples. They have always provided me decent service at a reasonable cost, unlike the USPS.
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I see problems with Unions, at least problems for the company. Union members, many times, have become spoiled brats because they know they are protected. I supervise union people whom I worked with and represented them as their steward. I got them the biggest raises and the best schedules of all the crafts. I had my job threatened because of my representing them. But for financial benefit I took a supervisors job towards the end of my career. Now 25 percent treat me like crap, maybe because they think me a turn coat, I can understand that. But the way they talk to me would get them fired any where else. Shame on me if twice a day I should ask what they have accomplished or even ask what they are working on.

Not all of them, a minority of them work hard and put out an effort. But work 8 for 8, most might work 6 hours tops. They hide behind paperwork and procedures and then if they go out and make a mistake they blame the supervisor for rushing them. It is really a whole lot of BS and it is like supervising children. And the funniest thing is that up and till yesterday I would defend them to other supervisors, not no more.

Conclusion: Feelings are hurt so fuck unions. Yeah!!! Race to the bottom! Give the Companies the upper hand. Whats the worst that can happen?

Its not like employers take advantage of people anymore...Its 2014! Greed is sooooo 1990's :doubt:
:blahblah: That argument ran out of steam long ago.
The fadct is the USPS employs too many people who are using archaic methods of getting the work done.
Hand sorting mail for carrier routes? Come on....All mail should be bar coded and sorted by machines.
The USPS is a bloated federal bureaucracy.

were the hell have you been hiding Spoon?....hand sorting?....they have been using bar codes and machines for about 35 years now for letters....and the new ones they are using now for flats are the most Sophisticated on the planet....they put the Magazines like the letters in route order.....when these new ones went on line...we had a group from Japan Post come in to look at sure they ordered one....the Machine is huge and 70-80 yards long....its the reason they dont need many clerks anymore...

What bar code? Every letter I send has no such code on it ( it has a zip code and a stamp) and letters that I receive from friends and family also have no bar code.

look at the bottom of the letter or in the address window....all the lines you see....thats them....
I see problems with Unions, at least problems for the company. Union members, many times, have become spoiled brats because they know they are protected. I supervise union people whom I worked with and represented them as their steward. I got them the biggest raises and the best schedules of all the crafts. I had my job threatened because of my representing them. But for financial benefit I took a supervisors job towards the end of my career. Now 25 percent treat me like crap, maybe because they think me a turn coat, I can understand that. But the way they talk to me would get them fired any where else. Shame on me if twice a day I should ask what they have accomplished or even ask what they are working on.

Not all of them, a minority of them work hard and put out an effort. But work 8 for 8, most might work 6 hours tops. They hide behind paperwork and procedures and then if they go out and make a mistake they blame the supervisor for rushing them. It is really a whole lot of BS and it is like supervising children. And the funniest thing is that up and till yesterday I would defend them to other supervisors, not no more.

Conclusion: Feelings are hurt so fuck unions. Yeah!!! Race to the bottom! Give the Companies the upper hand. Whats the worst that can happen?

Its not like employers take advantage of people anymore...Its 2014! Greed is sooooo 1990's :doubt:

No, nothing to do with hurt feelings, it has to adults acting as children. What would you do if you tried to work with people and they treat you like crap? If you are a liberal democrat you might like getting crap after all that is what the DNC feeds democrats.

I related a true life situation to you where I was on both side of the situation. If you wish to do what always happens and attack me then so be it.
What an excellent program! This gives me a reason to shop at Staples!

Of course you celebrate this program, as a member of the "I got mine, fuck the rest of you" callous conservative club, the exploitation of the working poor is something which makes you happy. I bet you actually believe you're a Christian (Boy, are you in for a surprise).
Wow it took six pages for this comment to make it out. Impressive.
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Your argument is that the post office exists to provide middle class jobs for a few chosen citizens? And, that it is the responsibility of all the non chosen citizens to subsidize the jobs of the few chosen citizens? That clerks that make $8.50 per hour should be happy to sacrifice to help someone else make $25.00 per hour? How liberal of you.

It's just you attempting to take it out of context.

No, I am just restating your argument, and puting it into correct context. The government is not in business to provide jobs to anyone. In addition, government has an obligation to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Government should pay no more for labor than is necessary to obtain the services of competent employees.

If government can get the same, or better, service from the private sector, at lesser cost, than government would be less than good stewards of taxpayer money, if it did not go with the most efficient and effective method.

1. Not funded by taxes since the 1970s. Already posted this information. Discussed the legislation. Not using archaic methods.
2. They are not getting better service. This is not about corps doing something more efficiently or at a lower cost. Discussed this elsewhere.

Say, here's a thought. Why don't you read what has been written.
Direct mail advertising is hard to track. How many people go to a particular store because that's where they go, or because they got a direct mail ad? Even the coupons the store puts in their ads don't do any good in attracting customers. I download all the store coupons right to my card.

Of course the Staples proposal doesn't affect direct mail advertising because Staples isn't going to be delivering the mail anyway. Post office mail delivery, including junk mail, is safe.

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