Boycott Staples

Have you figured out that no one but a few rabid libs will boycott Staples? Will Staples even notice?

What I have figured out is that you will lie through your teeth.

That's unfortunate.
Staples is up slightly in trading today

how is that boycott going leftardz?????
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has just come out with its latest report on the wage levels of jobs added as the nation has emerged from the Great Recession. As with NELP's previous reports, which continue to garner national attention, the news was pretty simple: we're only adding low wage jobs. Some 1.85 million more low-wage workers -- defined by under $13.33 an hour -- are employed by low-wage industries now then in 2008. About the same number, 1.93 million workers -- fewer workers are now employed in mid-wage and higher-wage industries.

The U.S. Postal Service has historically been one of those higher-wage industries, with average pay just under $25 an hour. For generations, postal jobs have been a ticket to the middle class, including as one of the few employers who hired African-Americans at good wages earlier in the 20th century. But the post office is accelerating a new strategy to increase sales and shed labor costs by opening up mini-post offices at Staples stores.

Staples is one of those low-wage employers, with Staples workers reporting that retail clerks average around $8.50 an hour. After piloting the mini-post offices in 82 Staples stores, the post office announced it would expand the program, prompting the American Postal Workers Union to organize more than 50 protest rallies outside Staples stores around the country.

Of course, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said that no postal jobs would be lost because of the Staples program and that the motivation was "growing our business." But the same Wall Street Journal article with Donohoe's statement revealed the real motivation. It quoted an internal postal service memo, which said that the Staples pilot program was to determine "if lower costs can be realized with retail partner labor instead of the labor traditionally associated with retail window at Post Offices." Oops!
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

It's time for Donahoe to go.

More destruction of the middle class and not a peep.

Here is what destroyed the middle class. Cost of living in this country is insane! What was that caused by:
(1) Costly regulations on business that get pushed off onto the consumer.
(2) Cost of healthcare and insurance.
(3) Government at every level getting so bloated that they take more and more in for the form of taxes and fees.
(4) The growing deficit that leads to the increase in the printing of money which ends up in a devalued dollar and a huge increase in inflation.
(5) The cost of secondary education increasing to astronomical levels
Actually, I said that Issa and Donahoe are the problem. Harry said that he didn't think that Issa was involved. Issa is the one that started the alleged scandal that wasn't a scandal regarding the post office. The issue was tied to the 2006 law. You said, that he would be the 10th beneficiary and therefore you don't get it. It doesn't count. I mean why the hell would the guy create a scandal that wasn't a scandal if he was the 10th down the line? You can't possibly fathom how it is privatization and not a "business arrangement".

I said to you and provided you links with others that intend to profit.

You said, AND?

It's not the fact that I am not answering you. I have answered you just fine. You understand just fine.

You are perfectly fine with privatization. That is all.

I posted a link of what he has to gain.

Issa wasnt even a co-sponsor of that bill....what scandal are you referring to?....

Issa started his BS in 2010 and by 2011 it was full blown. He sat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. It's one of his famous scandals that is not a scandal.

well i think the guy is a jerk so i dont put anything pass that guy...
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has just come out with its latest report on the wage levels of jobs added as the nation has emerged from the Great Recession. As with NELP's previous reports, which continue to garner national attention, the news was pretty simple: we're only adding low wage jobs. Some 1.85 million more low-wage workers -- defined by under $13.33 an hour -- are employed by low-wage industries now then in 2008. About the same number, 1.93 million workers -- fewer workers are now employed in mid-wage and higher-wage industries.

The U.S. Postal Service has historically been one of those higher-wage industries, with average pay just under $25 an hour. For generations, postal jobs have been a ticket to the middle class, including as one of the few employers who hired African-Americans at good wages earlier in the 20th century. But the post office is accelerating a new strategy to increase sales and shed labor costs by opening up mini-post offices at Staples stores.

Staples is one of those low-wage employers, with Staples workers reporting that retail clerks average around $8.50 an hour. After piloting the mini-post offices in 82 Staples stores, the post office announced it would expand the program, prompting the American Postal Workers Union to organize more than 50 protest rallies outside Staples stores around the country.

Of course, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said that no postal jobs would be lost because of the Staples program and that the motivation was "growing our business." But the same Wall Street Journal article with Donohoe's statement revealed the real motivation. It quoted an internal postal service memo, which said that the Staples pilot program was to determine "if lower costs can be realized with retail partner labor instead of the labor traditionally associated with retail window at Post Offices." Oops!
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

It's time for Donahoe to go.

More destruction of the middle class and not a peep.

Here is what destroyed the middle class. Cost of living in this country is insane! What was that caused by:
(1) Costly regulations on business that get pushed off onto the consumer.
(2) Cost of healthcare and insurance.
(3) Government at every level getting so bloated that they take more and more in for the form of taxes and fees.
(4) The growing deficit that leads to the increase in the printing of money which ends up in a devalued dollar and a huge increase in inflation.
(5) The cost of secondary education increasing to astronomical levels

Faux privatization and outsourcing jobs.
I didn't say that he would benefit from union monies. He doesn't have to benefit from the union. He turned around and fucked the union. So, the question that you need to ask is what else (and where else) does he have to gain?

Here is the link.
How does Darrell Issa Benefit from the privatization of the United States Post Office (Special updates 2014)

Rural carriers have been contracting since 1962. End of story. NOT a reason to stop USPS for all delivery. It is not. The legislation and the faux scandal that Issa started is tied to the privatization. Issa starts a scandal that is not the scandal. It is intentional in an effort to destroy the post office. That is where we are at.

The contract for rural carriers starts at the above date. The forcing the benefits/retirement to be paid 75 years in advance starts in 2006.

What is it that you would like to discuss about this current legislation because it sure as hell is not repealing the damage done in the 2006 legislation.

thats what i have been saying to many Dem/Liberals in all these postal threads about the current status of the PO.....they are blaming everything on the Republicans,when the dam Democrats sure as hell aint doing nothing to help......the Committee that Issa chairs right now trying to come up with a solution is big fucking joke.....they have been meeting for 2-3 years now and all they have accomplished is naming something like 16 Post Offices around the Country.....what a crock of shit and waste of time and money...i am just glad i got out when i did.....

That's why I posted about Evan Bayh. Hell, I would have love to have gotten that far in the thread. Here is another little tidbit: CBRE/Richard Blum and USPS

I haven't managed to get that far because you have several on the right that will flat out lie repeatedly. It's more important here for them to lie.

yea the NALC already asked Feinstein about that.....she gave them a nice dance while not once saying anything about what they asked her about.....
Issa wasnt even a co-sponsor of that bill....what scandal are you referring to?....

Issa started his BS in 2010 and by 2011 it was full blown. He sat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. It's one of his famous scandals that is not a scandal.

well i think the guy is a jerk so i dont put anything pass that guy...

He's a criminal. I'd like to know how much money total that he has spent on scandals that aren't scandals and the government shut down.
Issa started his BS in 2010 and by 2011 it was full blown. He sat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. It's one of his famous scandals that is not a scandal.

well i think the guy is a jerk so i dont put anything pass that guy...

He's a criminal. I'd like to know how much money total that he has spent on scandals that aren't scandals and the government shut down.

the Left will never admit their scandals; but calls people who want the truth 'criminals"'

libs are absolute idiots
isnt this thread about boycotting Staples?
how IS that whole boycott thingy going leftardz?

about as good as all the other left-wing boycotts?
Because it's continued destruction of the middle class.

Staples is creating jobs, not destroying the middle class.

That's what Obama is doing.

You mean stealing jobs. Privatization of the Post Office is destroying good paying jobs and transferring them to eight and change jobs. You are lying. Why?

Privatization of the Post Office is destroying good paying jobs

Email, fax and unaffordable pension liabilities are destroying the Post Office.

You are lying.

No, Obama really is destroying the middle class.
Staples is creating jobs, not destroying the middle class.

That's what Obama is doing.

You mean stealing jobs. Privatization of the Post Office is destroying good paying jobs and transferring them to eight and change jobs. You are lying. Why?

Privatization of the Post Office is destroying good paying jobs

Email, fax and unaffordable pension liabilities are destroying the Post Office.

You are lying.

No, Obama really is destroying the middle class.

Your repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
Speaking of the DMV .............are you aware that in some states they can sell your information?

What government agency are you employed by?

And Government in the USA is so corrupt that nothing they do surprises me. I've said for years that most identity theft is coming out of government files.

You just think that I am because you have run out of arguments and you're one of those binary folks. Just 'fess up and admit that you profit from the destruction of the middle class. You don't have to lie.
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You just think that I am because you have run out of arguments and you're one of those binary folks. Just 'fess up and admit that you profit from the destruction of the middle class. You don't have to lie.

Oh, you're a government worker - no doubt about that. You're rabidly pro-union, when the only unions left are government. You couldn't hold a private sector job, so you work for government. Maybe a water district, or building inspection, somewhere that your contempt for others can be translated to pain and frustration....
You just think that I am because you have run out of arguments and you're one of those binary folks. Just 'fess up and admit that you profit from the destruction of the middle class. You don't have to lie.

Oh, you're a government worker - no doubt about that. You're rabidly pro-union, when the only unions left are government. You couldn't hold a private sector job, so you work for government. Maybe a water district, or building inspection, somewhere that your contempt for others can be translated to pain and frustration....

Again. You just think I am because you are one of those binary folks. You have no idea what degrees I have and no idea whom I work for.
You mean stealing jobs. Privatization of the Post Office is destroying good paying jobs and transferring them to eight and change jobs. You are lying. Why?

Privatization of the Post Office is destroying good paying jobs

Email, fax and unaffordable pension liabilities are destroying the Post Office.

You are lying.

No, Obama really is destroying the middle class.

Your repeating a lie doesn't make it true.

That never stopped you.

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