Boycott Staples

Actually, I said that Issa and Donahoe are the problem. Harry said that he didn't think that Issa was involved. Issa is the one that started the alleged scandal that wasn't a scandal regarding the post office. The issue was tied to the 2006 law. You said, that he would be the 10th beneficiary and therefore you don't get it. It doesn't count. I mean why the hell would the guy create a scandal that wasn't a scandal if he was the 10th down the line? You can't possibly fathom how it is privatization and not a "business arrangement".

I said to you and provided you links with others that intend to profit.

You said, AND?

It's not the fact that I am not answering you. I have answered you just fine. You understand just fine.

You are perfectly fine with privatization. That is all.

I posted a link of what he has to gain.

Your link said Issa was tenth in line to receive postal union monies if the post office would become defunct. I questioned right after you posted that link how he could be tenth in line to receive anything from the postal union if the post office was defunct because the postal union would't exist in that scenario.

You also skipped right over the post where I said the PO has been privatizing for decades with contract rural carriers, contract trucking companies hauling mail between sorting centers and airline companies also carrying contract mail. I have had nothing but contract carriers where I live for the past 16+ years.

And you're right on one aspect, I have no problem with the privatization of retail PO functions if it allows them to close low performing post offices. I'll site one example, there is a PO ten miles from my house, I have to drive by it to get to my PO, another 7 miles down the same road. I rarely see more than 1 car at that PO at any given time, it should be closed.

You also said nothing once again about the bill I referred you to again.

I didn't say that he would benefit from union monies. He doesn't have to benefit from the union. He turned around and fucked the union. So, the question that you need to ask is what else (and where else) does he have to gain?

Here is the link.
How does Darrell Issa Benefit from the privatization of the United States Post Office (Special updates 2014)

Rural carriers have been contracting since 1962. End of story. NOT a reason to stop USPS for all delivery. It is not. The legislation and the faux scandal that Issa started is tied to the privatization. Issa starts a scandal that is not the scandal. It is intentional in an effort to destroy the post office. That is where we are at.

The contract for rural carriers starts at the above date. The forcing the benefits/retirement to be paid 75 years in advance starts in 2006.

What is it that you would like to discuss about this current legislation because it sure as hell is not repealing the damage done in the 2006 legislation.

thats what i have been saying to many Dem/Liberals in all these postal threads about the current status of the PO.....they are blaming everything on the Republicans,when the dam Democrats sure as hell aint doing nothing to help......the Committee that Issa chairs right now trying to come up with a solution is big fucking joke.....they have been meeting for 2-3 years now and all they have accomplished is naming something like 16 Post Offices around the Country.....what a crock of shit and waste of time and money...i am just glad i got out when i did.....
Actually, I said that Issa and Donahoe are the problem. Harry said that he didn't think that Issa was involved. Issa is the one that started the alleged scandal that wasn't a scandal regarding the post office. The issue was tied to the 2006 law. You said, that he would be the 10th beneficiary and therefore you don't get it. It doesn't count. I mean why the hell would the guy create a scandal that wasn't a scandal if he was the 10th down the line? You can't possibly fathom how it is privatization and not a "business arrangement".

I said to you and provided you links with others that intend to profit.

You said, AND?

It's not the fact that I am not answering you. I have answered you just fine. You understand just fine.

You are perfectly fine with privatization. That is all.

I posted a link of what he has to gain.

Your link said Issa was tenth in line to receive postal union monies if the post office would become defunct. I questioned right after you posted that link how he could be tenth in line to receive anything from the postal union if the post office was defunct because the postal union would't exist in that scenario.

You also skipped right over the post where I said the PO has been privatizing for decades with contract rural carriers, contract trucking companies hauling mail between sorting centers and airline companies also carrying contract mail. I have had nothing but contract carriers where I live for the past 16+ years.

And you're right on one aspect, I have no problem with the privatization of retail PO functions if it allows them to close low performing post offices. I'll site one example, there is a PO ten miles from my house, I have to drive by it to get to my PO, another 7 miles down the same road. I rarely see more than 1 car at that PO at any given time, it should be closed.

You also said nothing once again about the bill I referred you to again.

I didn't say that he would benefit from union monies. He doesn't have to benefit from the union. He turned around and fucked the union. So, the question that you need to ask is what else (and where else) does he have to gain?

Here is the link.
How does Darrell Issa Benefit from the privatization of the United States Post Office (Special updates 2014)

Rural carriers have been contracting since 1962. End of story. NOT a reason to stop USPS for all delivery. It is not. The legislation and the faux scandal that Issa started is tied to the privatization. Issa starts a scandal that is not the scandal. It is intentional in an effort to destroy the post office. That is where we are at.

The contract for rural carriers starts at the above date. The forcing the benefits/retirement to be paid 75 years in advance starts in 2006.

What is it that you would like to discuss about this current legislation because it sure as hell is not repealing the damage done in the 2006 legislation. IS IT?

I didn't say you said Issa would benefit from union monies, your link did, here's the quote:

"According to the Open Secrets Blog, Darrell Issa would be No. 10 beneficiary to Postal Union money, once the Postal Service is defunct."

So I once again I ask how can a defunct union benefit anyone? You said you read the link, evidently you didn't make it much past the headline.

BTW there is nothing to discuss about the current legislation you cited since it has yet to have a vote in the full house. But you didn't bother to say that.
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I don't understand why the OP wants to boycott Staples.

Same reason, he wants to boycott Walmart. He doesn't give a damn that millions of jobs are created. He doesn't understand economics.

You sure?


It's awful that he provides something that people voluntarily buy and gets wealthy in the process.
Have you figured out that no one but a few rabid libs will boycott Staples? Will Staples even notice?
Well first off there re no situations like that today...

you sure? tenant is a Plumber...he works for a Company that is Union....he said if he was non-union he would be making less and have no Benefits....

If he is a plumbers helper with zero marketable skill that may be true, but if he is a skilled plumber, the pay is virtually identical, as are the benefits.

The reasons unions have vanished in the free market is they offer nothing to craftsmen and journeymen.

No way I would let a union plumber work on my house, I want to know that the guy makes $50 an hour because he's good - not because some union protects him from his own incompetence.

No matter, I couldn't name a union plumbing shop in Southern California if I wanted to.

Only place that is still union is government - since they have no product or service to sell, they have no need to attract the best and brightest.

Second union shops pay dues

so if you had a choice and the Union shop paid better and it had better benefits....who would you work for?....simple question....

So is that everyone makes less, the company and the workers. The union siphons off 10% of the gross. Workers are far better off in non-union shops - and they know it - which is why there really are no unions outside of government.
Staples is overpriced; but i think i'll buy something from them. it's just fun to watch the Left fail over and over!

Because it's continued destruction of the middle class.

Which is also the reason why some (middle class) rw's will shop there.

Like I've said before, we now have an entire political party running on the promises to make you poor and keep you poor while trashing the US. Amazingly, there are some who are in favor of this.

They are called Democrats.
I love it when those greedy union fucks screw themselves.

I have no problem with unions - really.

But a union of public workers is a conflict of interests by nature. Since there is no management or ownership in government, unions offer contention against no one and we end up with the absurd situation we have today, where prison guards in California make more than police officers, where guys without high school diplomas working for Cal-Trans retire are 50 will full pay and benefits for life.

"Public Union" is a euphemism for "open corruption."

For all unions, the anti-trust laws that apply to corporations need to apply to unions, coercive monopolies like the AFL-CIO cannot be allowed.
Because it's continued destruction of the middle class.

Staples is creating jobs, not destroying the middle class.

That's what Obama is doing.

The left has always been dedicated to the destruction of the middle class, which their leader Karl Marx call the Bourgeoisie.

Standard Disclaimer: I mean a German Jew from England with terminology from France, who started a revolt in Russia and genocide in Minx...

It wasn't me...
Well first off there re no situations like that today...

you sure? tenant is a Plumber...he works for a Company that is Union....he said if he was non-union he would be making less and have no Benefits....

If he is a plumbers helper with zero marketable skill that may be true, but if he is a skilled plumber, the pay is virtually identical, as are the benefits.

The reasons unions have vanished in the free market is they offer nothing to craftsmen and journeymen.

No way I would let a union plumber work on my house, I want to know that the guy makes $50 an hour because he's good - not because some union protects him from his own incompetence.

No matter, I couldn't name a union plumbing shop in Southern California if I wanted to.

Only place that is still union is government - since they have no product or service to sell, they have no need to attract the best and brightest.

Second union shops pay dues

so if you had a choice and the Union shop paid better and it had better benefits....who would you work for?....simple question....

So is that everyone makes less, the company and the workers. The union siphons off 10% of the gross. Workers are far better off in non-union shops - and they know it - which is why there really are no unions outside of government.

No way I would let a union plumber work on my house, I want to know that the guy makes $50 an hour because he's good - not because some union protects him from his own incompetence.

just because you are in a Union does not mean the guy sucks....i own a building by Disneyland....i had an non union independent plumber do some plumbing here.....the pipes he worked on were leaking a month later.....when i called Mike Diamond he showed me where the guy did not seal the joints he had put together....the "union" guy fixed problems since...
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No way I would let a union plumber work on my house, I want to know that the guy makes $50 an hour because he's good - not because some union protects him from his own incompetence.

judt because you are in a Union does not mean the guy sucks....

That's true. But the incompetent will get the same pay and protection as the competent. With a union contractor, it's a roll of the dice. With non-union, it's pretty well assured that if I use a reputable shop and pay scale, I'll get quality.

i own a building by Disneyland....i had an non union independent plumber do some plumbing here.....the pipes he worked on were leaking a month later.....when i called Mike Diamond he showed me where the guy did not seal the joints he had put together....the "union" guy fixed problems since...

You probably hired illegals the first time around, in hopes of saving a buck. I had MasterServe do my house - phenomenal job. Of could they're just as expensive as a union shop, but you know the workers are top notch.

I had no idea Mike Diamond was union - if they really are, I'll avoid them.

No way I would let a union plumber work on my house, I want to know that the guy makes $50 an hour because he's good - not because some union protects him from his own incompetence.

judt because you are in a Union does not mean the guy sucks....

That's true. But the incompetent will get the same pay and protection as the competent. With a union contractor, it's a roll of the dice. With non-union, it's pretty well assured that if I use a reputable shop and pay scale, I'll get quality.

i own a building by Disneyland....i had an non union independent plumber do some plumbing here.....the pipes he worked on were leaking a month later.....when i called Mike Diamond he showed me where the guy did not seal the joints he had put together....the "union" guy fixed problems since...

You probably hired illegals the first time around, in hopes of saving a buck. I had MasterServe do my house - phenomenal job. Of could they're just as expensive as a union shop, but you know the workers are top notch.

I had no idea Mike Diamond was union - if they really are, I'll avoid them.

an illegal with blond hair and blue eyes with a last name of Snodheim?....yea i guess that was an Illegal....
Nope, I asked you about what you wrote at the time, you did then exactly what you're doing now, trying to sidestep the questions. So if you want to keep doing that, with all due respect, fuck off.

Actually, I said that Issa and Donahoe are the problem. Harry said that he didn't think that Issa was involved. Issa is the one that started the alleged scandal that wasn't a scandal regarding the post office. The issue was tied to the 2006 law. You said, that he would be the 10th beneficiary and therefore you don't get it. It doesn't count. I mean why the hell would the guy create a scandal that wasn't a scandal if he was the 10th down the line? You can't possibly fathom how it is privatization and not a "business arrangement".

I said to you and provided you links with others that intend to profit.

You said, AND?

It's not the fact that I am not answering you. I have answered you just fine. You understand just fine.

You are perfectly fine with privatization. That is all.

I posted a link of what he has to gain.

Issa wasnt even a co-sponsor of that bill....what scandal are you referring to?....

Issa started his BS in 2010 and by 2011 it was full blown. He sat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. It's one of his famous scandals that is not a scandal.
Your link said Issa was tenth in line to receive postal union monies if the post office would become defunct. I questioned right after you posted that link how he could be tenth in line to receive anything from the postal union if the post office was defunct because the postal union would't exist in that scenario.

You also skipped right over the post where I said the PO has been privatizing for decades with contract rural carriers, contract trucking companies hauling mail between sorting centers and airline companies also carrying contract mail. I have had nothing but contract carriers where I live for the past 16+ years.

And you're right on one aspect, I have no problem with the privatization of retail PO functions if it allows them to close low performing post offices. I'll site one example, there is a PO ten miles from my house, I have to drive by it to get to my PO, another 7 miles down the same road. I rarely see more than 1 car at that PO at any given time, it should be closed.

You also said nothing once again about the bill I referred you to again.

I didn't say that he would benefit from union monies. He doesn't have to benefit from the union. He turned around and fucked the union. So, the question that you need to ask is what else (and where else) does he have to gain?

Here is the link.
How does Darrell Issa Benefit from the privatization of the United States Post Office (Special updates 2014)

Rural carriers have been contracting since 1962. End of story. NOT a reason to stop USPS for all delivery. It is not. The legislation and the faux scandal that Issa started is tied to the privatization. Issa starts a scandal that is not the scandal. It is intentional in an effort to destroy the post office. That is where we are at.

The contract for rural carriers starts at the above date. The forcing the benefits/retirement to be paid 75 years in advance starts in 2006.

What is it that you would like to discuss about this current legislation because it sure as hell is not repealing the damage done in the 2006 legislation.

thats what i have been saying to many Dem/Liberals in all these postal threads about the current status of the PO.....they are blaming everything on the Republicans,when the dam Democrats sure as hell aint doing nothing to help......the Committee that Issa chairs right now trying to come up with a solution is big fucking joke.....they have been meeting for 2-3 years now and all they have accomplished is naming something like 16 Post Offices around the Country.....what a crock of shit and waste of time and money...i am just glad i got out when i did.....

That's why I posted about Evan Bayh. Hell, I would have love to have gotten that far in the thread. Here is another little tidbit: CBRE/Richard Blum and USPS

I haven't managed to get that far because you have several on the right that will flat out lie repeatedly. It's more important here for them to lie.
Your link said Issa was tenth in line to receive postal union monies if the post office would become defunct. I questioned right after you posted that link how he could be tenth in line to receive anything from the postal union if the post office was defunct because the postal union would't exist in that scenario.

You also skipped right over the post where I said the PO has been privatizing for decades with contract rural carriers, contract trucking companies hauling mail between sorting centers and airline companies also carrying contract mail. I have had nothing but contract carriers where I live for the past 16+ years.

And you're right on one aspect, I have no problem with the privatization of retail PO functions if it allows them to close low performing post offices. I'll site one example, there is a PO ten miles from my house, I have to drive by it to get to my PO, another 7 miles down the same road. I rarely see more than 1 car at that PO at any given time, it should be closed.

You also said nothing once again about the bill I referred you to again.

I didn't say that he would benefit from union monies. He doesn't have to benefit from the union. He turned around and fucked the union. So, the question that you need to ask is what else (and where else) does he have to gain?

Here is the link.
How does Darrell Issa Benefit from the privatization of the United States Post Office (Special updates 2014)

Rural carriers have been contracting since 1962. End of story. NOT a reason to stop USPS for all delivery. It is not. The legislation and the faux scandal that Issa started is tied to the privatization. Issa starts a scandal that is not the scandal. It is intentional in an effort to destroy the post office. That is where we are at.

The contract for rural carriers starts at the above date. The forcing the benefits/retirement to be paid 75 years in advance starts in 2006.

What is it that you would like to discuss about this current legislation because it sure as hell is not repealing the damage done in the 2006 legislation. IS IT?

I didn't say you said Issa would benefit from union monies, your link did, here's the quote:

"According to the Open Secrets Blog, Darrell Issa would be No. 10 beneficiary to Postal Union money, once the Postal Service is defunct."

So I once again I ask how can a defunct union benefit anyone? You said you read the link, evidently you didn't make it much past the headline.

BTW there is nothing to discuss about the current legislation you cited since it has yet to have a vote in the full house. But you didn't bother to say that.

Because the money, through privatization, would be diverted to other corporations.

WASHINGTON -- First as ranking minority member and now as chairman of one of the most powerful committees in Congress, San Diego Republican Darrell Issa has built a team that includes staff members with close connections to industries that could benefit from his investigations.

Issa took control of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform last month, and asked companies, nonprofits and industry associations for guidance on federal regulations. The committee, which includes 23 Republicans and 17 Democrats, has broad powers to investigate government and industry, and to issue subpoenas.

Issa's staff already has released findings sympathetic to industries bent on softening or eliminating certain government regulations. A preliminary report this month, for example, focused largely on Environmental Protection Agency standards and relied heavily on input from industry associations. Other standards the committee is targeting include new regulations on workplace safety and the financial services industry.

And some on Issa's staff know this territory from the inside.

Several have ties to billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch, who have made much of their fortune in oil and chemical businesses and have established a reputation as staunch small-government conservatives. Their influence through campaign contributions, lobbying and nonprofit groups--such as Americans for Prosperity, an activist organization with connections to the Tea Party movement--has become more pronounced since the shift in power in the House last November.

A Republican staff counsel for the oversight committee is the son of a lobbyist pushing for regulatory changes on behalf of big corporations. At least four other staffers once lobbied Congress for companies and industry associations. Another counsel worked for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, which Issa recently asked for input on government regulations.
Darrell Issa's Team Includes Industry Insiders

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