Boycott Staples

I don't understand why the OP wants to boycott Staples.

Because Staples won't pander to a Union group.
In the world of Liberals, that is a sin.

Seeing unions as a problem has the average worker fucking himself in the ass. Look at all the gains in wages we've made since we started attacking unions.

3 decades of stagnant wages and in 3 decades you still dont get it

The unions membership is slowly declining.

I've worked in jobs that had unions and ones that didn't, I prefer non union over union.
I didn't like the way that some lousy enployees were protected when they should have been fired..
"Just trolling" it is...figured as much, pisshead.

You are either uneducated or high as hell. Neither is my problem. Now, you and your little libertopian buddies may think your cool but the reality is that you have each equally failed to make an argument. And, ya, USPS will deliver to your door if there is a package and even if there is something bizarre like unable to fit into your mail box (unless you live in a place with teeny tiny little boxes all clustered together.

those teeny tiny little boxes hold more mail than most peoples home boxes...

They don't hold my books.
You are either uneducated or high as hell. Neither is my problem. Now, you and your little libertopian buddies may think your cool but the reality is that you have each equally failed to make an argument. And, ya, USPS will deliver to your door if there is a package and even if there is something bizarre like unable to fit into your mail box (unless you live in a place with teeny tiny little boxes all clustered together.

those teeny tiny little boxes hold more mail than most peoples home boxes...

They don't hold my books.

Answer this little girlie, this Isaa bill you've been going on about, where is it in the legislative process?
You are either uneducated or high as hell. Neither is my problem. Now, you and your little libertopian buddies may think your cool but the reality is that you have each equally failed to make an argument. And, ya, USPS will deliver to your door if there is a package and even if there is something bizarre like unable to fit into your mail box (unless you live in a place with teeny tiny little boxes all clustered together.

I mock you, because you are about as bright as a clapboard box...

You lack the basic intellect to grasp - well anything really, which is why you stick to bleating talking points.

The Post Office suffers what many organizations do, the irrelevancy of their core competence. Until 1975, first class mail was a critical service, and the Post Office had a monopoly. But then came the Internet, and Email. Email makes 1st class mail irrelevant and antiquated. I can send a letter on paper that will be there in a week for $.46, or I can send an Email for nothing that will be there in less than a second. You're a democrat, so this probably is a difficult question for you - but for most people it was a no-brainer (kinda like you.) Now we have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Instant multimedia content defines our culture. Letters are a thing of the past - and good riddance to them.
Unions are for losers...

just a question for you Sog.....if you had a choice between 2 companies to work for doing the same job in each was Union the other not Union.....the Union shop paid 35 an hour with some pretty nice benefits,the other 20 an hour with hardly any benefits which one would you choose?.....the one with the "losers" or the other guys who i guess you would call "winners".....just askin....

Fortunately, I prepared myself so as to not have to make such a sad choice....

Just say'n...

but yet you wont answer the question....because we know what the answer would be...just sayin...
Unions are for losers...

just a question for you Sog.....if you had a choice between 2 companies to work for doing the same job in each was Union the other not Union.....the Union shop paid 35 an hour with some pretty nice benefits,the other 20 an hour with hardly any benefits which one would you choose?.....the one with the "losers" or the other guys who i guess you would call "winners".....just askin....
How much of the 35 dollars goes to the union dues?
Oh and if you could give an example of a current set of companies in this scenario of fifteen dollars an hour differential.

so you wont answer it either....let me make it easier for you......the other company offers 25 an hour with hardly any health ins retirement....a weeks vacation and if you get sick....oh well....who you going to work for?....the "losers"?....or the "winners"?....
just a question for you Sog.....if you had a choice between 2 companies to work for doing the same job in each was Union the other not Union.....the Union shop paid 35 an hour with some pretty nice benefits,the other 20 an hour with hardly any benefits which one would you choose?.....the one with the "losers" or the other guys who i guess you would call "winners".....just askin....

That's not a very realistic question, though.

Let's say you are skilled labor, a Machinist with Mastercam skills and other knowledge. Two shops have openings, both pay prevailing wage, because they need talent. One is a union shop, the other isn't.

In the union shop, you get $35 an hour and pay 10% of your wages in dues. You get standard 25-75 health, this isn't government, so it's 401K for retirement with a 6/50 match. Jobs stagnate because no one can be fired, the dead wood gets the same pay as the talent - since the Union sets wages.

In the free shop, you get $35 an hour. You get standard 25-75 health, a 401K for retirement with a 6/50 match. Talent rises quickly and dead wood is fired.

Which would you rather work for?
You are either uneducated or high as hell. Neither is my problem. Now, you and your little libertopian buddies may think your cool but the reality is that you have each equally failed to make an argument. And, ya, USPS will deliver to your door if there is a package and even if there is something bizarre like unable to fit into your mail box (unless you live in a place with teeny tiny little boxes all clustered together.

those teeny tiny little boxes hold more mail than most peoples home boxes...

They don't hold my books.

thats what those big boxes on the bottom are for.....they are called parcel boxes.....
These laws drive down wages for all workers, including non-union members, women, and people of color.
Workers living in right-to-work states earn about $1,500 less per year than workers in states without these laws. The wage penalty is even higher for women and workers of color.

Facts — Right to Work Is Wrong for Everyone

Unions rock.
just a question for you Sog.....if you had a choice between 2 companies to work for doing the same job in each was Union the other not Union.....the Union shop paid 35 an hour with some pretty nice benefits,the other 20 an hour with hardly any benefits which one would you choose?.....the one with the "losers" or the other guys who i guess you would call "winners".....just askin....
How much of the 35 dollars goes to the union dues?
Oh and if you could give an example of a current set of companies in this scenario of fifteen dollars an hour differential.

so you wont answer it either....let me make it easier for you......the other company offers 25 an hour with hardly any health ins retirement....a weeks vacation and if you get sick....oh well....who you going to work for?....the "losers"?....or the "winners"?....
Well first off there re no situations like that today. Second union shops pay dues. Prove me wrong. Third the amount one pays into benefits is by company and union set. May or may not be the same in a non union shop.
Apparently folks have been boycotting that indebted, adaptably challenged postal service for some time .....

Sometimes you just have to abandon profitability and sustainability for the public
You're such a fucking dirt bag. Back on ignore you're ignorant ass goes.

You are an ignorant troll. You have less than a Jr. High education and you got your ass handed to you.

Yep, she won't even address my questions because it would show her totally out of it. The legislation she has been going on about hasn't even been voted on by the house and we all know anything passed by the house will go to reids desk to die.
Unions are for losers...

just a question for you Sog.....if you had a choice between 2 companies to work for doing the same job in each was Union the other not Union.....the Union shop paid 35 an hour with some pretty nice benefits,the other 20 an hour with hardly any benefits which one would you choose?.....the one with the "losers" or the other guys who i guess you would call "winners".....just askin....
How is that fair? 35 vs. 20 an hour? I'd go for the 20 an hour job vs. the one that used to pay 35 but moved to China.
How much of the 35 dollars goes to the union dues?
Oh and if you could give an example of a current set of companies in this scenario of fifteen dollars an hour differential.

so you wont answer it either....let me make it easier for you......the other company offers 25 an hour with hardly any health ins retirement....a weeks vacation and if you get sick....oh well....who you going to work for?....the "losers"?....or the "winners"?....
Well first off there re no situations like that today. Second union shops pay dues. Prove me wrong. Third the amount one pays into benefits is by company and union set. May or may not be the same in a non union shop.

Well first off there re no situations like that today...

you sure? tenant is a Plumber...he works for a Company that is Union....he said if he was non-union he would be making less and have no Benefits....

Second union shops pay dues

so if you had a choice and the Union shop paid better and it had better benefits....who would you work for?....simple question....

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