Boycott Staples

Sure they can. I just gave you a list of things they can do without congressional approval.

The USPS is an independent agency.

•power to sue (and be sued) under its own name;
•power to adopt, amend and repeal its own regulations;
•power to "enter into and perform contracts, execute instruments, and determine the character of, and necessity for, its expenditures";
•power to buy, sell and lease private property; and,
•power to build, operate, lease and maintain buildings and facilities.

All of which are typical functions and powers of a private business.

everyone of those things would have to have a committee looking it over is the latest "oversite committee"....

113th Congress Oversight Committee | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

Nope those things they can do without approval.

39 U.S. Code § 401 - General powers of the Postal Service

Subject to the provisions of section 404a, the Postal Service shall have the following general powers:

(1) to sue and be sued in its official name;

(2) to adopt, amend, and repeal such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this title, as may be necessary in the execution of its functions under this title and such other functions as may be assigned to the Postal Service under any provisions of law outside of this title;

(3) to enter into and perform contracts, execute instruments, and determine the character of, and necessity for, its expenditures;

(4) to determine and keep its own system of accounts and the forms and contents of its contracts and other business documents, except as otherwise provided in this title;

(5) to acquire, in any lawful manner, such personal or real property, or any interest therein, as it deems necessary or convenient in the transaction of its business; to hold, maintain, sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of such property or any interest therein; and to provide services in connection therewith and charges therefor;

(6) to construct, operate, lease, and maintain buildings, facilities, equipment, and other improvements on any property owned or controlled by it, including, without limitation, any property or interest therein transferred to it under section 2002 of this title;

(7) to accept gifts or donations of services or property, real or personal, as it deems, necessary or convenient in the transaction of its business;

(8) to settle and compromise claims by or against it;

(9) to exercise, in the name of the United States, the right of eminent domain for the furtherance of its official purposes; and to have the priority of the United States with respect to the payment of debts out of bankrupt, insolvent, and decedents’ estates; and

(10) to have all other powers incidental, necessary, or appropriate to the carrying on of its functions or the exercise of its specific powers.

lone star i worked for the dam place for 33 years....if they wanted to do anyone of those things and it affected the public or cost money....SOMEONE has to approve it and i dont mean the PMG...they have 2 or 3 Committees that do various things....the Oversite Comm....the Postal Rate Committee....the Board of Governors....they cant shit without someone approving it.....back in the late 80's Congress told the PO they wanted them to cut costs...the PMG at the time said ok will they then told him what the wanted cut,window services was one of them.....the PMG at the time was Preston Tish who owned CBS at one time with his brother....he told Congress ....wait a minute if you want us to cut costs ok,but let me decide what to cut,you are asking us to cut customer service,let me cut something on the inside that doesnt affect customer service that we can live with....those fuckers told him no cut window service....the guy resigned about 6 months later saying he cant run a business with people micromanaging him....Congress and all these fucking Committees is what is chocking the life out of the PO...
how many private businesses have to get permission from 3 or 4 committees a board of governors and congress before they can do something major?....

Define "something major".

when scanning packages started....Fed-x and UPS were doing it....the PMG at that time said the PO has to start doing the time they got permission to invest in the Technology FED and UPS were already on the 3rd generation scanners.....thats one example....

Sooo you're sayin' that a gov't biz with a 1st class mail monopoly worth $45 bil/yr chose to compete with already existing private servers in the package delivery market? What's up with that?
I think all the a-holes connected with allowing that should be in prison. We don't need gov't competition - particularly given the gov'ts propensity to screw up - in any area private biz already operates. That's just plain wrong and I shouldn't have to tell that to someone as sharp as you. Others will need it explained ad nauseam but you shouldn't.
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The post office has lost revenue since the inception of the internet....and directly related to the internet.

I think we should start an email campaign to get congress to look into why the post office is faltering!

Everyone post on FaceBook your outrage that the Post Office isn't doing well, Tweet it to all your friends.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::lol:
everyone of those things would have to have a committee looking it over is the latest "oversite committee"....

113th Congress Oversight Committee | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

Nope those things they can do without approval.

39 U.S. Code § 401 - General powers of the Postal Service

Subject to the provisions of section 404a, the Postal Service shall have the following general powers:

(1) to sue and be sued in its official name;

(2) to adopt, amend, and repeal such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this title, as may be necessary in the execution of its functions under this title and such other functions as may be assigned to the Postal Service under any provisions of law outside of this title;

(3) to enter into and perform contracts, execute instruments, and determine the character of, and necessity for, its expenditures;

(4) to determine and keep its own system of accounts and the forms and contents of its contracts and other business documents, except as otherwise provided in this title;

(5) to acquire, in any lawful manner, such personal or real property, or any interest therein, as it deems necessary or convenient in the transaction of its business; to hold, maintain, sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of such property or any interest therein; and to provide services in connection therewith and charges therefor;

(6) to construct, operate, lease, and maintain buildings, facilities, equipment, and other improvements on any property owned or controlled by it, including, without limitation, any property or interest therein transferred to it under section 2002 of this title;

(7) to accept gifts or donations of services or property, real or personal, as it deems, necessary or convenient in the transaction of its business;

(8) to settle and compromise claims by or against it;

(9) to exercise, in the name of the United States, the right of eminent domain for the furtherance of its official purposes; and to have the priority of the United States with respect to the payment of debts out of bankrupt, insolvent, and decedents’ estates; and

(10) to have all other powers incidental, necessary, or appropriate to the carrying on of its functions or the exercise of its specific powers.

lone star i worked for the dam place for 33 years....if they wanted to do anyone of those things and it affected the public or cost money....SOMEONE has to approve it and i dont mean the PMG...they have 2 or 3 Committees that do various things....the Oversite Comm....the Postal Rate Committee....the Board of Governors....they cant shit without someone approving it.....back in the late 80's Congress told the PO they wanted them to cut costs...the PMG at the time said ok will they then told him what the wanted cut,window services was one of them.....the PMG at the time was Preston Tish who owned CBS at one time with his brother....he told Congress ....wait a minute if you want us to cut costs ok,but let me decide what to cut,you are asking us to cut customer service,let me cut something on the inside that doesnt affect customer service that we can live with....those fuckers told him no cut window service....the guy resigned about 6 months later saying he cant run a business with people micromanaging him....Congress and all these fucking Committees is what is chocking the life out of the PO...

That's not any different than any other business. Hell in my business I need approval before I can issue purchase orders, purchase equipment, hire people etc.... But like the PO I don't need congressional approval. Most major businesses has shareholders, CEO's, COO's and the like that have to approve certain things.

The fact is the things I listed doesn't need congressional approval those powers belong to the Postal Service.

I show you the law as it's written and you still want to argue about it. :cuckoo:
And a lie.

Nope - the Internet killed the post office. Only parcel service matters; UPS and FedEx are both WAY better than the USPS - so without a First Class monopoly, the USPS is out of business. It's a buggy whip maker on the information super highway.

that is a matter of opinion.....working side by side with those guys for years told me that they were no better.....and why does the PO now deliver most of their parcels in the residential areas....if they are so much better why would they do that?....
Overpay! Is that our response.
You have no feelings about CEO's being OVERPAID in their jobs. Or are they justified by which means.
Plus a large bonus and stock options!
Why do they not buy stocks like all the rest of the real stock holders?

the EXCUSE the idiotic Left is using is that they are required to "overpay" for their own employees retirement benefits.
what you wont here from the idiotic Left here pretending they are letting you in on a big secret is that the issue of whether they are "overpaying" is highly debateable

think OBAMA'S HOMESTATE OF ILLINOIS; and the $100 BILLION HOLE the state is in for underfunded pensions

Typical socialist silliness. This isn't about overpaid CEO's but rather the impending implosion of the USPS which, at the moment, would cost the taxpayers at least $20b. Is it OK that we must clean up their mess. Is it OK that we all overpay for USPS services thanks, in part, to wages paid which are 2-3 times those in the real world for the same work? Is it OK with you that people who aren't USPS employees, many of whom earn far less, are burdened with paying for USPO's $25/hr clerks.
Does the term "hypocrisy" show up in your dictionary?
Yep, Disir has taken revenue right out of the equation.

No. I didn't. It's just not the primary problem.

I have to laugh at you on this one, Dis.
YES, it was ONE of the primary problems, sorry to burst your bubble.
I lived through those years at the post office and heard the stand-ups regarding
loss of revenue because of the internet. :eusa_hand:

1st class mail is by far the USPO's largest revenue driver and, according to the USPS, has been falling by 7.5% per year. Anyone who doesn't think that is a primary problem is either blinded by their ideology or just too dim to operate a computer.
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Define "something major".

when scanning packages started....Fed-x and UPS were doing it....the PMG at that time said the PO has to start doing the time they got permission to invest in the Technology FED and UPS were already on the 3rd generation scanners.....thats one example....

Sooo you're sayin' that a gov't biz with a 1st class mail monopoly worth $45 bil/yr chose to compete with already existing private servers in the package delivery market? What's up with that?
I think all the a-holes connected with allowing that should be in prison. We don't need gov't competition - particularly given the gov'ts propensity to screw up - in any area private biz already operates. That's just plain wrong and I shouldn't have to tell that to someone as sharp as you. Others will need it explained ad nauseam but you shouldn't.

the PO has always delivered Parcels....its not a new service....and why should the PO not compete with the other guys or keep up with them?....i have read countless articles from the privatizer's saying thats the way it should be.....if they deliver the stuff you keep up with the technology.....
that is a matter of opinion.....working side by side with those guys for years told me that they were no better.....and why does the PO now deliver most of their parcels in the residential areas....if they are so much better why would they do that?....

UPS is almost as bloated as the USPS. FedEx is far more nimble than both.

But you have a valid point that the USPS has moved to become a more viable parcel service. If I need something there, no questions asked, no excuses, FedEx remains the only option. For packages from Amazon, or other retailers, the USPS is fine. They're cheaper than UPS, and I don't care if things take a few extra days. But they aren't solvent, so it won't matter in the long run. The USPS can undercut UPS - but can't make a profit while doing it.

First Class is dead, so it's all a parcel game.
I'm forced into having things sent to me by UPS and FedEx. I dislike both of them. I wouldn't send anything through them willingly. They suck that bad.

after being a carrier for 33 years and comparing notes with drivers from Fed-X and UPS and talking to the customers it seems like they are not much different as far as delivery goes.....i was surprised to see that UPS is run a lot like the PO as far as how they treat their routes and employees.....same mentality.....give ya more to do but no more time to do it.....

Again. I'm forced into having items shipped to me by those companies. Further, if you are unaware of the complaints then you haven't been paying attention. Insurance claims, customer service, tracking.

Last thing I shipped FedEx, I tracked in real time...I even got a text message when it was delivered no more than 5 minutes after the fact. Last thing I tracked through USPS...according to the tracking, it's in a processing facility in Massachusetts & has been since Friday. It's was delivered today!
No...You stated that privatization destroys the middle class.
That is a general statement. One that implies that only public sector work is acceptable.
Your argument is based on a false premise.
The USPS has stated it will not lat off any current USPS workers in lieu of the Staples deal..
Using Staples stores is ADDING to the capacity of the USPS...
Yours is the typical mentality of a person programmed by unionism.
That irrational belief that for every one job created outside the grasp of a labor collective is one that a labor collective will lose.
Who do union people live in such fear of the world outside the union bubble?
I can tell you this. If Staples employees belonged to a labor collective, this argument would never have been presented.
However since pro union people are anti worker choice, they are throwing a fit.

Congressman Darrell Issa really is determined to end the United States Postal Service as Americans know it—indeed, as Americans have known it for more than 200 years.

Issa, the powerful chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has a long history of attacking the postal service. But, now, he has taken advantage of a manufactured crisis to get his committee to vote twenty-two to seventeen in favor of a “Postal Reform Act of 2013” that American Postal Workers Union president Cliff Guffey warns “will lead to the demise of the Postal Service.”

With Wednesday’s committee vote, the full House is now set to consider a plan that would, among other things, phase out door-to-door mail delivery by 2022. Instead of the traditional and highly popular delivery model that now exists, mail would be left in so-called “neighborhood cluster boxes” that would serve multiple residences.

The Issa plan also sets the stage for the elimination of most weekend mail service.

The changes Issa proposes would, according to the National Association of Letter Carriers, lead to “the elimination of more than 100,000 postal jobs and would dramatically cut service.” And in addition to its assault on the character and quality of postal service, the legislation includes classic austerity schemes, such as a prohibition against postal unions and management from negotiating protections against the closure of post offices, stations and branches, the consolidating of plants, the privatization of operations and layoffs.

The cuts, if implemented, would issue as an open invitation for private-delivery services to cash in by offering to fill the void created by those cuts. There are profits to be made by delivering mail to the front doors of Americans who can pay—and who want regular delivery on Saturdays. So it should come as no surprise that one of the first endorsements for Issa’s proposal came from the “Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service,” a group that counts FedEx as one of its most enthusiastic boosters.

The corporations that want to carve the USPS up and grab their pieces of America’s communications infrastructure are ready to pounce.

That is what is at stake.

Postal Service moving away from at-your-door delivery - Jul. 23, 2013

moving towards cluster boxes has been going on long before Issa came along.....the problem was that the type of mail delivery is determined by the builders of the housing they are trying to make it a law that new developments will have cluster boxes....i have always been for this....for various reasons....

Yeah, who cares what the CUSTOMERS want, just jam all the boxes together!

And you STILL don't get why the attitudes of USPS "workers" piss people off...
after being a carrier for 33 years and comparing notes with drivers from Fed-X and UPS and talking to the customers it seems like they are not much different as far as delivery goes.....i was surprised to see that UPS is run a lot like the PO as far as how they treat their routes and employees.....same mentality.....give ya more to do but no more time to do it.....

Again. I'm forced into having items shipped to me by those companies. Further, if you are unaware of the complaints then you haven't been paying attention. Insurance claims, customer service, tracking.

Last thing I shipped FedEx, I tracked in real time...I even got a text message when it was delivered no more than 5 minutes after the fact. Last thing I tracked through USPS...according to the tracking, it's in a processing facility in Massachusetts & has been since Friday. It's was delivered today!

talking to my carrier today.... he was showing me their new equipment.....they now apparently are supposed to be tracking in real time now we will see.....i expected this since they are all scratching each others backs now.....
Congressman Darrell Issa really is determined to end the United States Postal Service as Americans know it—indeed, as Americans have known it for more than 200 years.

Issa, the powerful chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has a long history of attacking the postal service. But, now, he has taken advantage of a manufactured crisis to get his committee to vote twenty-two to seventeen in favor of a “Postal Reform Act of 2013” that American Postal Workers Union president Cliff Guffey warns “will lead to the demise of the Postal Service.”

With Wednesday’s committee vote, the full House is now set to consider a plan that would, among other things, phase out door-to-door mail delivery by 2022. Instead of the traditional and highly popular delivery model that now exists, mail would be left in so-called “neighborhood cluster boxes” that would serve multiple residences.

The Issa plan also sets the stage for the elimination of most weekend mail service.

The changes Issa proposes would, according to the National Association of Letter Carriers, lead to “the elimination of more than 100,000 postal jobs and would dramatically cut service.” And in addition to its assault on the character and quality of postal service, the legislation includes classic austerity schemes, such as a prohibition against postal unions and management from negotiating protections against the closure of post offices, stations and branches, the consolidating of plants, the privatization of operations and layoffs.

The cuts, if implemented, would issue as an open invitation for private-delivery services to cash in by offering to fill the void created by those cuts. There are profits to be made by delivering mail to the front doors of Americans who can pay—and who want regular delivery on Saturdays. So it should come as no surprise that one of the first endorsements for Issa’s proposal came from the “Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service,” a group that counts FedEx as one of its most enthusiastic boosters.

The corporations that want to carve the USPS up and grab their pieces of America’s communications infrastructure are ready to pounce.

That is what is at stake.

Postal Service moving away from at-your-door delivery - Jul. 23, 2013

moving towards cluster boxes has been going on long before Issa came along.....the problem was that the type of mail delivery is determined by the builders of the housing they are trying to make it a law that new developments will have cluster boxes....i have always been for this....for various reasons....

Yeah, who cares what the CUSTOMERS want, just jam all the boxes together!

And you STILL don't get why the attitudes of USPS "workers" piss people off...

You ought to feel lucky to have the best postal delivery system in the none.
Not sure....but still the cheapest. Having to cross the street or down or up the block a couple of addresses to get your mail is of little inconvenience.
Sorry you have a bad carrier, people on my route always showed their appreciation towards me before I retired.

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