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Boycotting Hobby Lobby for anti-semitism? Yes and Amen!

He is getting slandered for not carrying Jewish holiday items. However, he is an Evangelical and a Christian Zionist. He supports the state of Israel. He takes half of his earnings each year and donates it to Evangelical churchs (all that are Christian Zionist organizations) and to christian relief funds.

He is protrayed as an antisemite, but I would take 1000 of him that many of the amoral creatures in Hollywood or the stand for nothing politicians in washington. And I am a Jew that believe strongly in the morning after pill!
Perhaps I'll check in on the thread later to see if someone comes up with a current policy statement from Steve Green saying that he decided after all not to sell Hanukkah-related items.

Or maybe you'll actually get in your car, drive to a Hobby Lobby and ask a Store Manager when the shipment of Hanukkah - related items are scheduled to arrive! :eek:

Now there is a novel idea for some of you! :eusa_angel:

Have a nice day, Amanda. Your avatar is adorable!
Maybe you ought to consider that CzchhhaahnuKa is a stupid holiday and jewish symbols are hideous so there is little to no demand for the shit. Maybe you should just get a Satanic star and make alterations on it.
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Maybe these guys should adopt Chick Fil A's business model.

Chick Fil A never discriminated against gays. He expressed a belief.

Regardless, the owner can do what he wants. Unless he starts preaching that Jews are the devil and the own the government and media then make a case. It could be a sound business decision. I mean how many Jews choose the Hobby Lobby to get their holidays good? I don't!

We really should have a heterophile organization to counteract LGBT/NAMBLA. Then we could go out of our way to patronize whatever the perverts boycott.

I guess in this case, before the Jews bankrupt this creep, the USMB cast of "Springtime for Hitler" could do all their shopping at Hobby Lobby, which probably carries gag items like fake Zyklon B canisters.
Bottom line is not everyone who says Lord! Lord! .... is a Christian. Jesus said, Ye shall know them by their fruits.

Although Mr. Green appears to be full of apologies, he has yet to manage the simple art of picking up a phone and informing his Store Managers that Hannukah items are "on the way".... one would think that a man of his ability could manage such a simple task. Doesn't he have a telephone? How about email? How fast is that? Yet? Today 10/11/2013 the official response of Hobby Lobby Store Management is "We do not carry Jewish items or Hannukah Items at Hobby Lobby" ......"nor do we have any plans to make any such order."

And that's a wrap....... thanks for reading. - Jeri

Then again, one wouldn't expect to even have to go to such lengths to convince a "Christian Businessman" to be supportive of Israel and the Jewish people by including their holiday items on the shelves with the myriad of other holiday items including Pagan that Mr. Green already offers to his customers.

"the official response of Hobby Lobby Store Management"

You keep saying "official". I suspect that word doesn't mean what you think it means. And who is "Hobby Lobby Store Management"?

I'll ask you one more time -- please provide documentation for this "official" position from "Hobby Lobby Store Management".

Without that it's moot to discuss whether or not this position is unChristian. You simply have not yet provided convincing evidence yet that this is Steve Green's position and it is unChristian to convict him when there is no proof of his so-called offenses.

As you have made it clear how important it is to have the facts straight, Amanda, let me suggest to you that you do your own research rather than asking someone else to do it for you. You see that way you too will have first hand information.

Go to a Hobby Lobby store and do your own investigation. Your current MO - condemning the evidence while refusing to examine it is guaranteed to keep you in eternal ignorance on the matter. If you want the truth? Search it out. God will be faithful to help you arrive at it, I'm sure. Thank you for reading and I do wish you a very pleasant day.

I haven't condemned any evidence. You haven't shown me anything to condemn. You are much too comfortable with condemning people. I've only started noticing you in the past couple of weeks and I don't like what I see.

I am glad not to be what you would consider a Christian. That puts me in good company.

I'm sorry. I am upset. I cannot believe you people are not upset by this! The guy is acting like an anti semite while claiming to be a Christian! Christians and Jews are supposed to love each other. I would never have a problem with selling Menorahs, Star of David jewelry, decorations, anything Jewish in one of my stores! Something is not right about this man! He could not be a Christian and act like this!

Why can't people interpret the Bible as saying God the Father first saved the Jews and later sent His Son, Jesus, to save the Gentiles? After all, the Jews are the Chosen People and don't need to be chosen twice.

See my Romans 1 thread called, The Wrath of God, Prome. That ought to cover it for you. You ask an excellent question though.. but I'd rather the Word of God answer it for you... that is all you need. :eusa_angel:

I figured it out when I read the Septuagint. Deuteronomy IV, 1 and 2:

Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you... Ye shall not add unto the word which I command; neither shall you diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

Therefore, Paul could not scratch out the laws requiring circumcision, abstinence from pork, etc. if he was making new laws for the Jews. He could only create a religion for the Gentiles in order to start with a clean slate to put new laws on.
No one will pretty soon. I am praying God puts Mr. Green out of business permanently.
Do you know how much like some primitive savage this sounds? You are sending messages to your all-powerful deity to use some magic to put a hurtin' on your enemies.

The left will do or say ANYTHING to destroy one of their targets.
Yay! Thread made it three whole pages before narrow-minded partisan retard comment. You got it Katz, the entire world is all about left vs. right political leanings, thanks for bringing your perpspective.

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! This is not about left and right! This about right and wrong! Please spare me your indignation over my praying God shut this rascals business down too, Mercury! God told Abraham, Those who bless you, I will bless and those who curse you I will curse. I am merely praying in the will of God here! I'm his daughter and I do it His way! This isn't Burger King, Mercury! You get it Gods way or no way at all! Read his Jewish Book called the BIBLE and you will see for yourself there is nothing evil about praying that God avenge me of my enemies! This man is giving Christianity and Jesus a bad name! What about that????!!!
Why can't people interpret the Bible as saying God the Father first saved the Jews and later sent His Son, Jesus, to save the Gentiles? After all, the Jews are the Chosen People and don't need to be chosen twice.

See my Romans 1 thread called, The Wrath of God, Prome. That ought to cover it for you. You ask an excellent question though.. but I'd rather the Word of God answer it for you... that is all you need. :eusa_angel:

I figured it out when I read the Septuagint. Deuteronomy IV, 1 and 2:

Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you... Ye shall not add unto the word which I command; neither shall you diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

Therefore, Paul could not scratch out the laws requiring circumcision, abstinence from pork, etc. if he was making new laws for the Jews. He could only create a religion for the Gentiles in order to start with a clean slate to put new laws on.

I'd rather you read the Romans thread and especially my post on "ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED"!!! Some folks need an education around here! Bless their hearts! But more important - God bless Israel!!!!! :eusa_angel:
"the official response of Hobby Lobby Store Management"

You keep saying "official". I suspect that word doesn't mean what you think it means. And who is "Hobby Lobby Store Management"?

I'll ask you one more time -- please provide documentation for this "official" position from "Hobby Lobby Store Management".

Without that it's moot to discuss whether or not this position is unChristian. You simply have not yet provided convincing evidence yet that this is Steve Green's position and it is unChristian to convict him when there is no proof of his so-called offenses.

As you have made it clear how important it is to have the facts straight, Amanda, let me suggest to you that you do your own research rather than asking someone else to do it for you. You see that way you too will have first hand information.

Go to a Hobby Lobby store and do your own investigation. Your current MO - condemning the evidence while refusing to examine it is guaranteed to keep you in eternal ignorance on the matter. If you want the truth? Search it out. God will be faithful to help you arrive at it, I'm sure. Thank you for reading and I do wish you a very pleasant day.

I haven't condemned any evidence. You haven't shown me anything to condemn. You are much too comfortable with condemning people. I've only started noticing you in the past couple of weeks and I don't like what I see.

I am glad not to be what you would consider a Christian. That puts me in good company.


I never said you were not a Christian, Amanda. I never even suggested such a thing. Only the Lord knows your heart. Have a blessed day and I wish Gods best for you always, Amanda. - Jeri
The crusade against Green is similar to the crusade against Hagee. John Hagee is called antisemitic because of a few things he as said. However, he preaches in favor of Israel, he supports Israel, he donates to Israel, he travels to Israel and is very much proIsrael!
Jeremiah - why is Hobby Lobby required to carry Jewish holiday related items?

2nd (and this is sort of tongue in cheek) - but if you believe they should carry Jewish holiday related items, do you also believe they should carry Islamic, Buddhist, and Satanic related items as well for individuals in the United States who practice those religions? If no, why not?

As you have made it clear how important it is to have the facts straight, Amanda, let me suggest to you that you do your own research rather than asking someone else to do it for you. You see that way you too will have first hand information.

Go to a Hobby Lobby store and do your own investigation. Your current MO - condemning the evidence while refusing to examine it is guaranteed to keep you in eternal ignorance on the matter. If you want the truth? Search it out. God will be faithful to help you arrive at it, I'm sure. Thank you for reading and I do wish you a very pleasant day.

I haven't condemned any evidence. You haven't shown me anything to condemn. You are much too comfortable with condemning people. I've only started noticing you in the past couple of weeks and I don't like what I see.

I am glad not to be what you would consider a Christian. That puts me in good company.


I never said you were not a Christian, Amanda. I never even suggested such a thing. Only the Lord knows your heart. Have a blessed day and I wish Gods best for you always, Amanda. - Jeri

Yes, you have. You have said that members of my religion are not Christian.

In November I hope you will apologize to Steve Green for bearing false witness against him.

In back-to-back statements Oct. 3 and 4, company president Steve Green said Hobby Lobby is sorry for comments “that may have offended anyone, especially our Jewish customers and friends,” and that it will carry Jewish-themed items in New York and New Jersey by early November “to test the market.”

Read more here: UPDATE: Hobby Lobby apologizes, agrees to carry Jewish holiday items | Religion | The State

/Unsubscribing again until November
This is what's known as a non story no business owner can carter to the wants of every group to expect them to is silly beyond belief. If you really want one bad enough I suggest a web search FYI I found them at Pier 1 Imports my search took about 2 minutes.
This is what's known as a non story no business owner can carter to the wants of every group to expect them to is silly beyond belief. If you really want one bad enough I suggest a web search FYI I found them at Pier 1 Imports my search took about 2 minutes.

Presenting the Menurkey:


You won't need it for another 79,043 years...
I haven't condemned any evidence. You haven't shown me anything to condemn. You are much too comfortable with condemning people. I've only started noticing you in the past couple of weeks and I don't like what I see.

I am glad not to be what you would consider a Christian. That puts me in good company.


I never said you were not a Christian, Amanda. I never even suggested such a thing. Only the Lord knows your heart. Have a blessed day and I wish Gods best for you always, Amanda. - Jeri

Yes, you have. You have said that members of my religion are not Christian.

In November I hope you will apologize to Steve Green for bearing false witness against him.

In back-to-back statements Oct. 3 and 4, company president Steve Green said Hobby Lobby is sorry for comments “that may have offended anyone, especially our Jewish customers and friends,” and that it will carry Jewish-themed items in New York and New Jersey by early November “to test the market.”

Read more here: UPDATE: Hobby Lobby apologizes, agrees to carry Jewish holiday items | Religion | The State

/Unsubscribing again until November

What you noticed the past few weeks, Amanda for the first time was the Word of God and to that I must tell you that it isn't me that offends you but rather the words of Jesus Christ which oppose the teachings of your pope that is telling you no one has to believe on Jesus Christ anymore to be enter into heaven.

According to this man who has elevated his own status to god - like - the atheists are now going to heaven with everyone else. Because God is now answering to him. Imagine the arrogance it takes to even utter such a lie! He is in direct defiance of the Word of God and has denied Jesus Christ in word and deed as representative of the RCC.

If you believe this man over the words of Jesus Christ then you never were a christian to begin with.

Again I tell you it isn't my words that are offending you but rather the words of Jesus Christ and to that I should remind you of what else Jesus said:

It is written:
And Blessed is he, whosoever shall not offended in me. Matthew 11: 6

You don't want to get into offense over the words of Jesus Christ, Amanda, because truly your pope cannot save you.

Neither can your priest, your parents or anyone else. It is Jesus Christ alone.

Jesus said if you deny me before men I will deny you before my father in heaven.

Someone needs to remind the Pope of that warning as right now this man is responsible for misleading millions of souls and he will be held accountable for it one day.

I do not answer to you, Amanda. I answer to Christ and I will most definitely warn people that this man is not speaking the truth of the Word of God but has departed from it. Whether you like it or not.

As to this new date of November? Steve Green was told about this back at the end of September. I see someone who is stalling for time and you'll hear no apology from me concerning my pointing out the hypocrisy of Steve Green in November because what he is doing in November ( IF he even does it and that is a big IF ) is what he should have done from the very beginning, Amanda.

I owe no one man any apology and that includes least of all, you. - Jeri
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I agree! Now he wants to "test the market first" in New York and New Jersey. If I were the Jews I'd tell him to keep his test. They've been tested enough already. For that matter so have I. I'm finished discussing the man. If I had a nickel for every reprobate I've met who claimed to be a Christian I'd have a jar full of them by now. There is really no point to it, is there? Pray for the man. He is a liar and rich enough to keep up this charade which is a waste of everyones time. He won't get any more of mine.
Yeah, I wasn't referring to Green...

Isn't one of the things Christian are big on forgiveness? Turning the other cheek? Green has issued an apology, who are you to judge his sincerity? What ever happened to "judge not lest ye be judged?" Green has also stated that he and his company will be working to rectify the situation. What more would you have him do?

Are you aware of the fact that Green gives a considerable amount of money to Yad Vashem, as well as to other museums and synagogues in Israel and the United States? Didn't think so.

Were you aware that on Oct. 4, the ADL accepted Hobby Lobby’s apology, and strongly defended the company? Didn't think so...

“ADL firmly believes that the religious views of a business owner cannot be a basis to infringe upon the legal rights of others, but a store choosing not to carry Hanukkah items does not violate anyone’s rights,” read the statement, which was released before the announcement about the merchandising decision.

“Moreover, we have no reason to believe that Hobby Lobby has refused to stock Hanukkah items because of hostility to Jews or anti-Semitism,” the ADL statement continued.

The man made a mistake, probably a mistake rooted in the bottom line. He's admitted, apologized, and one of the biggest and most powerful anti-Semitism groups has accepted that apology and defended Steve Green.

But somehow you know better. You have chosen to be the man's judge.

That is arrogance.
Yeah, I wasn't referring to Green...

Isn't one of the things Christian are big on forgiveness? Turning the other cheek? Green has issued an apology, who are you to judge his sincerity? What ever happened to "judge not lest ye be judged?" Green has also stated that he and his company will be working to rectify the situation. What more would you have him do?

Are you aware of the fact that Green gives a considerable amount of money to Yad Vashem, as well as to other museums and synagogues in Israel and the United States? Didn't think so.

Were you aware that on Oct. 4, the ADL accepted Hobby Lobby’s apology, and strongly defended the company? Didn't think so...

“ADL firmly believes that the religious views of a business owner cannot be a basis to infringe upon the legal rights of others, but a store choosing not to carry Hanukkah items does not violate anyone’s rights,” read the statement, which was released before the announcement about the merchandising decision.

“Moreover, we have no reason to believe that Hobby Lobby has refused to stock Hanukkah items because of hostility to Jews or anti-Semitism,” the ADL statement continued.

The man made a mistake, probably a mistake rooted in the bottom line. He's admitted, apologized, and one of the biggest and most powerful anti-Semitism groups has accepted that apology and defended Steve Green.

But somehow you know better. You have chosen to be the man's judge.

That is arrogance.

Well then the Jews and Rabbis who are questioning his sincerity must be arrogant too, Hmjick. Either that or perhaps you don't understand God's definition of arrogance vs. your own. Yes, I believe that might be closer to the truth here. You see the Apostles were very clear on identifying false Christians / false teachers within their own ranks. They didn't pat them on the head and tip toe around them but they boldly called them out on it. They didn't behave even as some Republicans who know they have liars and imposters in their ranks but out of loyalty to party rather than country they refuse to confront it and clean house. We see how that has ended up.. they no longer have a party. But what is that to me? I no longer have anything to do with all of that so let them sort it out.

Last night after I had requested Connery close this as it appeared to be going no where - I got a very interesting email from a precious Jewish friend and guess what he said? He said he wasn't so certain about what motivated Mr. Greens sudden turn around and willingness to allow a couple of "test stores" to sell Jewish items in NY and NJ. Why? Because prior to this he wasn't willing and this even while knowing that his Hobby Lobby stores in one particular case were located right smack in the center of Highly populated Jewish area! Of course it would have made big money off that Jewish population before and as a business man he knew that. He heard the complaints a long time ago..

So it never was about money but rather something else. My friend is quite suspicious about this man and what he is actually doing under the "title" of Christian because as the other Jewish man in the article stated......since when has any Christian had a problem with such a thing? This is a first!

Another question I am having hmjick is the matter of Mr. Greens billions which he stores in a bank while proclaiming his Christianity to one and all and is using his own company as his mouthpiece. By their own words, the excuse for Mr. Green not permitting Jewish items / Hannukah items /Passover items in his store was because, "Mr. Green is a Christian, and those are his values." ( those are not Christian values)

Therein lies my problem with Mr. Green. Had Mr. Green been a Muslim and said, this is against my values to sell Crosses in my stores, I would not stop buying other decorations at his store because obviously the Muslim man is following his own faith of Islam and this is against his personal beliefs to sell certain items - perhaps pork would be another one... if it were that sort of store and guess what? Again, I would say I understand why he feels that way and I will still buy an ice cream sundae or gasoline when I drive by his store! NOT A PROBLEM!!!

My problem with Mr. Green is that while he is using his company spokespeople to put out statements such as Mr. Green is a Christian and these are his values - in response to exluding all Jewish items from his store - that statement does not represent Christianity well at all. As I am a Christian I must take this matter personally. How else can I take it?

Indeed, I must tell you that if that statement is true and Mr. Greens official response for not allowing Hannukah, Passover, Jewish items in his store? Then Mr. Greens values are not Christian and neither is he. Do you understand where I am going with this?

As to Kevins' answer - Mr. Green already has every other sort of religious and non religious pagan merchandise for sale in his store and to my knowledge has not rejected an pagan, yule pagan, christian, islamic crescent and stars decorations or any other type celebratory items other than those of the Judaism faith and therein as he claims to be a "Christian" this is indeed a problem for me. Now his big public apology only compounds the problem as he is once again using his "Christian Values Dilemma" to apologise for his anti semitic practices at his business while not admitting the true motivation for his actions. ( because his actions are not based on Christian values - I'll post bible scriptures to prove my point )

I am a stickler for truth. You'll learn that as we go along here, hmjick. But believe me when I tell you I am happy to see this thread re-opened as I have many scriptures to share in regards to identifying the christian from the business man who comes in under the guise of Christian for his own purposes. The Apostle Paul addressed it very well and so shall we. Stay tuned. - Jeri
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Damn, I needed to buy lots of Menorahs and a Hobby Lobby was exactly where it seemed logical to shop for them since I needed some model planes too and didn't want to waste gas going to two places.

Thanks for the heads up, I'm outraged.

And, you'll be happy to hear that Hobby Lobby buys almost nothing made in the US so you will supporting China AND the America-hating right at the same time. Don't forget that HL also pays shit and offers very few benefits to their employees. They're against ACA and want government control of women's reproduction.

That's a win-win-win for traitorous rw's.

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