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Boycotting Hobby Lobby for anti-semitism? Yes and Amen!

When a Christian says, I will do such and such in November of this year!

From the teachings of James concerning Boasting about "tomorrow"........

It is written:

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on a business and making money. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrrow. What is your life?

You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead you should say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that. As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil.

Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. - James 4: 13 - 17

It is a good lesson for all who wear the name Christian, that we say, God willing we will do this come winter. God willing, we shall attend such and such. God willing.

Hun, I don't see what any of this has to do with Hobby Lobby. Seriously, did you sleep under the nightshade last night?

No and neither will I hide my light under one, Sunshine. This man has used his Christian morals as an excuse to not carry Hannukah and Passover Jewish items in his store. According to his company workers... yet he announced according to latest report provided by Amelia that he has made an annoucement of "what he will do" in November. If he had said, God willing, I will do such and such in November then that is in accordance to the teachings of the Christian faith and according to the teachings of James - without including God first all other speech of his plans a month out is boasting and is evil. When we examine our walk according to scripture we can see more clearly what is going on, Sunshine. The path of the Christian is narrow, Sunshine. Not a wide road where folks do whatever they feel like doing and then tell everyone they are a christian.

Where does the Bible say that you have to sell menorahs? What merchandise you carry is a business decision regardless the reason.
What is slander?

Dictionary definition:

A false statement spoken against another.

If the statement is not false. If the statement is accurate it is not slander.

Furthermore, if this speaking the truth brings the person into the accountability that their own church is not willing to do, the like minded political allies are not willing to do, due to agendas of large tithe and offering donations, due to needing the persons money, assets, to assist in their own agenda, then who shall bring the person into accountability for their actions which oppose the teachings of Christ?

If their pastor will not do it for fear of losing the person as a member of their church..
If their political allies / party will not do it for fear of losing the persons money, donations, power to effect change in the direction of their own agendas......
If their family members will not do it due to misplaced loyalties that place loved ones above their love for Jesus Christ and the words of Jesus Christ...
If the Jews ( some not all ) are not willing to do it because the man has given millions in donations to Israel..
If those who defend murder of the unborn are unwilling to do it because the person does many good things to save the unborn and compromise is better......

If no one is willing to speak truth to this billionaire conservative republican business man whose anti semitic business practices, his lies to the public invented to cover it up, his blaming his christian values rather than the sin in his own heart and whose own massive wealth is going to stand up and testify against him one day and send him to hell eternally? Then everyone is guilty, folks! That's right!

There is no greater love than to speak the truth to someone who is a member of the body of Christ and on their way to hell! No greater love! Love speaks truth! Love rebukes, corrects and exhorts and Love does not compromise for the sake of "being Nice"! That is not being a Peace Maker! That is being a "Peace Keeper"! Jesus said, Blessed are the Peace Makers! Not the Peace Keepers!

The bible is clear on what a Christian must do:

It is written:

When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wicked way, he shall die in his inquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul.

Again, when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die, because thou has not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered, but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Nevertheless, if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he was warned, also thou has delivered thy soul. - Ezekiel 3: 18 -21

We need to look at the fruit here people and realize that God loves Mr. Green but allowing Mr. Green to duck and dodge on this matter is not Calvary love. It may be the worlds love but it is most definitely not scriptural by any stretch of the imagination. This is the kind of love that will send the man to hell without a prayer. Why? Because the people surrounding him refuse to face reality and speak the truth to him. That's why.

Sorry I just can't get all worked up because someone won't sell menorahs and talks of who he plans to vote for.

I find things like child abuse and neglect, crime, and inflation to be far more worthy of getting upset.
Why would any rational person should celebrate a war (Channaka) that is described in the Talmud, which is a racist pile of crap based loosely on the Old Testament which features YAhweh, a racist war deity that had a covenant with 12 tribes who proved their allegiance by cutting off their foreskins. Just because generations of khazars or whoever observed this nonsense doesn't mean it has any historical value. It is a bunch of racist bullshit, which is ironic because its defenders will falsely accuse folks who discuss the truth as "racists."
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See my Romans 1 thread called, The Wrath of God, Prome. That ought to cover it for you. You ask an excellent question though.. but I'd rather the Word of God answer it for you... that is all you need. :eusa_angel:

I figured it out when I read the Septuagint. Deuteronomy IV, 1 and 2:

Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you... Ye shall not add unto the word which I command; neither shall you diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

Therefore, Paul could not scratch out the laws requiring circumcision, abstinence from pork, etc. if he was making new laws for the Jews. He could only create a religion for the Gentiles in order to start with a clean slate to put new laws on.

I'd rather you read the Romans thread and especially my post on "ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED"!!! Some folks need an education around here! Bless their hearts! But more important - God bless Israel!!!!! :eusa_angel:

Israel was saved when God promised it to Abraham.
Yeah, I wasn't referring to Green...

Isn't one of the things Christian are big on forgiveness? Turning the other cheek? Green has issued an apology, who are you to judge his sincerity? What ever happened to "judge not lest ye be judged?" Green has also stated that he and his company will be working to rectify the situation. What more would you have him do?

Are you aware of the fact that Green gives a considerable amount of money to Yad Vashem, as well as to other museums and synagogues in Israel and the United States? Didn't think so.

Were you aware that on Oct. 4, the ADL accepted Hobby Lobby’s apology, and strongly defended the company? Didn't think so...

“ADL firmly believes that the religious views of a business owner cannot be a basis to infringe upon the legal rights of others, but a store choosing not to carry Hanukkah items does not violate anyone’s rights,” read the statement, which was released before the announcement about the merchandising decision.

“Moreover, we have no reason to believe that Hobby Lobby has refused to stock Hanukkah items because of hostility to Jews or anti-Semitism,” the ADL statement continued.

The man made a mistake, probably a mistake rooted in the bottom line. He's admitted, apologized, and one of the biggest and most powerful anti-Semitism groups has accepted that apology and defended Steve Green.

But somehow you know better. You have chosen to be the man's judge.

That is arrogance.

Well then the Jews and Rabbis who are questioning his sincerity must be arrogant too, Hmjick. Either that or perhaps you don't understand God's definition of arrogance vs. your own. Yes, I believe that might be closer to the truth here. You see the Apostles were very clear on identifying false Christians / false teachers within their own ranks. They didn't pat them on the head and tip toe around them but they boldly called them out on it. They didn't behave even as some Republicans who know they have liars and imposters in their ranks but out of loyalty to party rather than country they refuse to confront it and clean house. We see how that has ended up.. they no longer have a party. But what is that to me? I no longer have anything to do with all of that so let them sort it out.

Last night after I had requested Connery close this as it appeared to be going no where - I got a very interesting email from a precious Jewish friend and guess what he said? He said he wasn't so certain about what motivated Mr. Greens sudden turn around and willingness to allow a couple of "test stores" to sell Jewish items in NY and NJ. Why? Because prior to this he wasn't willing and this even while knowing that his Hobby Lobby stores in one particular case were located right smack in the center of Highly populated Jewish area! Of course it would have made big money off that Jewish population before and as a business man he knew that. He heard the complaints a long time ago..

So it never was about money but rather something else. My friend is quite suspicious about this man and what he is actually doing under the "title" of Christian because as the other Jewish man in the article stated......since when has any Christian had a problem with such a thing? This is a first!

Another question I am having hmjick is the matter of Mr. Greens billions which he stores in a bank while proclaiming his Christianity to one and all and is using his own company as his mouthpiece. By their own words, the excuse for Mr. Green not permitting Jewish items / Hannukah items /Passover items in his store was because, "Mr. Green is a Christian, and those are his values." ( those are not Christian values)

Therein lies my problem with Mr. Green. Had Mr. Green been a Muslim and said, this is against my values to sell Crosses in my stores, I would not stop buying other decorations at his store because obviously the Muslim man is following his own faith of Islam and this is against his personal beliefs to sell certain items - perhaps pork would be another one... if it were that sort of store and guess what? Again, I would say I understand why he feels that way and I will still buy an ice cream sundae or gasoline when I drive by his store! NOT A PROBLEM!!!

My problem with Mr. Green is that while he is using his company spokespeople to put out statements such as Mr. Green is a Christian and these are his values - in response to exluding all Jewish items from his store - that statement does not represent Christianity well at all. As I am a Christian I must take this matter personally. How else can I take it?

Indeed, I must tell you that if that statement is true and Mr. Greens official response for not allowing Hannukah, Passover, Jewish items in his store? Then Mr. Greens values are not Christian and neither is he. Do you understand where I am going with this?

As to Kevins' answer - Mr. Green already has every other sort of religious and non religious pagan merchandise for sale in his store and to my knowledge has not rejected an pagan, yule pagan, christian, islamic crescent and stars decorations or any other type celebratory items other than those of the Judaism faith and therein as he claims to be a "Christian" this is indeed a problem for me. Now his big public apology only compounds the problem as he is once again using his "Christian Values Dilemma" to apologise for his anti semitic practices at his business while not admitting the true motivation for his actions. ( because his actions are not based on Christian values - I'll post bible scriptures to prove my point )

I am a stickler for truth. You'll learn that as we go along here, hmjick. But believe me when I tell you I am happy to see this thread re-opened as I have many scriptures to share in regards to identifying the christian from the business man who comes in under the guise of Christian for his own purposes. The Apostle Paul addressed it very well and so shall we. Stay tuned. - Jeri

This is a probe to test the waters for bringing back the old-timey Jew-burning Christianity, which used to be so beneficial to the clerics and the 1% who owned them.

Sermon of a Je$u$ Salesman

Then Pay
That's the way
To make my day.
Damn, I needed to buy lots of Menorahs and a Hobby Lobby was exactly where it seemed logical to shop for them since I needed some model planes too and didn't want to waste gas going to two places.

Thanks for the heads up, I'm outraged.

And, you'll be happy to hear that Hobby Lobby buys almost nothing made in the US so you will supporting China AND the America-hating right at the same time. Don't forget that HL also pays shit and offers very few benefits to their employees. They're against ACA and want government control of women's reproduction.

That's a win-win-win for traitorous rw's.

Throw in Jew-hating and Green has collected the whole set of Greed Is God picture cards.
I am so grateful for all of you here demanded that this thread be re-opened today! SO THANKFUL! The Lord is faithful to bring the truth forth and I praise His Holy Name today for vindicating me because truly I do not believe anyone has stood up for me other than some of the Jews and the Rabbis and a couple of Christians and some non believers! The same thing happened on my email discussion concerning this story!

What does that say about where the world is at right now?

Do they even recognize true Christianity when they see it anymore?

I asked that it be reopened last night right after you asked that it be locked.

You're welcome.
Why in the world would a great Christian company like this one be mislabeled as racist for not selling Jewish stuff? That's not racist.

I think when they started using the term Judeo-Christian people started to get a little confused.

This is the same company that will close it doors if it is forced to provide abortions under it's health care plan. The don't get any cleaner than that.

Time to get the Judeo out of Christian and just let the 2 stand alone. This constant pandering by Christians to Jews is annoying. It's almost as if some Christians would jump over a cliff for God if the Jews told them to.

And that's all I have to say about it.

You know, R.C. I truly never saw your dislike for Israel and the Jews until one of my friends pointed it out to me one day and that is why I have to admit - I have misunderstood you on many levels. I will not stop praying for you, however and I do wish God's best for you always because apart from the grace of God there is no telling what I'd do either. - Jeri

I don't have problems with Jews. I have problems with certain Jews that act in certain ways.

I have huge problems with Israel.
There are lots of places you can't buy menorahs. I really don't think it's a dark anti-
Semitic plot.
Okay, without getting into the "My Invisible Friend in the Sky can beat up your invisible friend in the Sky."

Hobby Lobby does have the right to carry whatever it wants. But frankly, this is a dumb move for a company that already doesn't have a good rep.
Where does the Bible say that you have to sell menorahs? What merchandise you carry is a business decision regardless the reason.

It doesn't. If fact YAHWEH, the deity(s) that are(is) mistakenly referred to as "God" HATED(S) jews. Jesus, for example, was YAHWEH in the flesh and called "jews" satanic. That is not to say khazars and various eastern europeans descend from mythical bullshit and are actually from that tribe of the 12 tribes of Israel, but if they did, YAHWEH who never existed also, would not approve.
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Okay, without getting into the "My Invisible Friend in the Sky can beat up your invisible friend in the Sky."

Hobby Lobby does have the right to carry whatever it wants. But frankly, this is a dumb move for a company that already doesn't have a good rep.

I was in the one in Clarksville last week. It was doing a brisk business. There are many religions. Not catering to them all is not a 'dumb move.' I think it is a smart move because of the likelihood they would have a lot of stuff left over that didn't sell to the smaller ones. There is nothing wrong with their merchandise. And there is plenty of other stuff that a Jew could buy like art supplies, nick nacks, gifts, flowers, etc. etc. etc. No one is forbidding Jews from shopping there. They just aren't carrying specialty items for Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. etc. And if you really need a menorah step down the road to Michaels, or log onto Amazon. Amazon seems to be well stocked:

Related Searches: electric menorah, menorah 7 branch, mezuzah.
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Business is business. Even Jesus had to buy some things, and his little group had a 'purse' with money for their expenditures. It was Judas who carried the 'purse' for the group. He also felt the need to decide how other people spent their money. So when some Christian gets all bent out of shape over how another group does business or spends it's own money, I have to wonder if it isn't he spirit of Judas rearing its ugly head.
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Business is business. Even Jesus had to buy some things, and his little group had a 'purse' with money for their expenditures. It was Judas who carried the 'purse' for the group. He also felt the need to decide how other people spent their money. So when some Christian gets all bent out of shape over how another group does business or spends it's own money, I have to wonder if it isn't he spirit of Judas rearing its ugly head.

Now did Judas hang himself or did his guts split open, because the bible says both...

Anyway, the section about Judas being the moneyholder for the group actually comes from the Gospel of John (13:29), which is the most anti-Jewish of the Gospels, where the Jews are blamed for everything.
I also love how wingnuts try to make Jesus into a Capitalist...

I also love how wingnuts try to make Jesus into a Capitalist...


I don't know much about Ayn Rand, Joe. I saw a movie once and in it she was depicted as having an affair with another womans husband. Is that true? I never fact checked it maybe it was just a story Hollywood wrote. I know they made a mess out of the bible movies and none of those that I've seen are scripturally factual so who knows what they did.

Jesus had no place to lay his head, Joe. The bible says so. As to Judas who betrayed Jesus? It was his own words that revealed his heart.

It is written:

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Judas was also crafty in his strategising how things were going to unfold... he did not have child like faith like the other disciples and leaned upon his own understanding in matters. Consider this, Joe.....

It is written:

At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou has hid these things from the wise and the prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

I looked up the word prudent in the dictionary and this is what it says:

Prudent: acting with caution, foresight or discretion. mindful of consequences.

While I can understand a worldly business man as being a prudent man about such things as the value of a box of anointing oil / perfume, I could not understand how Judas walked with Jesus all that time and did not recognize the importance of that moment in which the woman broke the alabaster box pouring out that anointing in preparation for Jesus burial until I took into his account he was already preparing in his heart to betray Jesus for filthy lucre.

Then the story makes perfect sense. You see first came the temptation of money after having seen the treasury he was placed in charge of, then the seed of greed was planted in his heart and he began coveting this money for himself... then came forth the murmurings that this alabaster box could have been sold and the money given to the poor which I do note his clever excuse brought some agreement from the other disciples as well because unlike him, they were very childlike in their faith and didn't understand what was happening...

It is written:

Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper. There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.
But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation saying, To what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor.

When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? For she hath wrought a good work unto me.

For ye have the poor always with you, but me ye have not always.

For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial.
Verily, I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel is preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial after her.

Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, And said unto them, What will you give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver, and from that time he sought opportunity to betray him.

- Mathew 26 : 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

So let me just conclude with this, Joe. It was immediately after the expensive anointing ointment was poured over Jesus that Judas went directly to the chief priests to betray Jesus. I believe the very sight of this expensive alabaster box being broken in front of him and poured out over Jesus coupled with the fact that Jesus was prophesying his own burial led him to say in his own heart, I can still make money here. If he is going to die let it be by my hand. Then I will be rich at last....

There are many false teachers on television today doing the same thing. Selling out on Jesus, denying Jesus is the only way to heaven and they have become millionaires by doing so. These men are misleading millions of people in exchange for millions of dollars. You won't see them preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Paul did because they are in it for the money and love the praises of men more than the praise of God. ( John 12: 42, 43 ) Men such as Joel Osteen. I hear he has hired huge firms to protect him and they will sue anyone who speaks against him to expose what he is doing. To that I say, Come and get me. I can't wait. I preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and these men who are preaching a false gospel for filthy lucre have forgotten the warnings of Jesus Christ...
It is written:
Woe unto you rich! You have received your reward! - Luke 6: 24

And again it is written:

Blessed are you poor for yours is the kingdom of God. - Luke 6: 20

NOTE* The Apostle Paul took no thought for his life. He never worried about the consequences of his actions and he didn't take away from the gospel message out of discretion to avoid losing money for the itching ears crowd. Those are the actions of worldly "prudent business men" like Joel Osteen the multi millionaire who has publicly denied Jesus Christ before men.

Someone should remind Joel Osteen of these words......

It is written:

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Whosever therefore shall be ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous generation, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. - Mark 8:36, 37, 38

p.s. I am impressed that you recognize liars and hypocrites when you come across them, Joe. The Kingdom of heaven is nigh unto you today.
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I was told the other day by a high profile person within the Republican party in my own State that this matter of Mr. Green should be left alone because he is pro Israel and fights against abortion. This person feels that compromise is better than holding fast to the truth here. I must disagree. Someone can do many good things but if they deny Jesus Christ while claiming it is their Christian Morals that compel them to do so I say obedience is better than sacrifice. I follow Christ.

When I see people putting their political party above the words of Jesus Christ something is wrong. Idolatry comes to mind. Perhaps several other things as well. I shall leave that out. For now.
To Joe, if you are suggesting that Communism is better than Capitolism, I believe you are mistaken. Still Capitolism is not Christianity either..

I do believe any able bodied man or woman should work with their own hands so that they may be able to give to others who are in need and cannot work. That is part of loving our neighbor as ourselves. Next up? The Rich Young Ruler.
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The Rich Young Ruler

Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?

Why do you ask me about what is good? Jesus replied, "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.

Which ones? the man inquired.

Jesus replied, "Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and your mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.

All these have I kept, the young man said.

What do I still lack?

Jesus answered, If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, I tell you the truth. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, Who then can be saved?

Jesus looked at them, and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Peter answered him, and said, We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?

Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

And everyone who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father or mother, or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.

Note* I have always believed that as the Jews will come in at the end of the age receiving Jesus Christ as their Messiah that this speaks of them who will although come in last? Be first.. First to the Jew - then to the Gentile? Romans 1 - Remember? I believe many Jews shall receive their full reward - a full days wages for an hours work in the field - another parable that yet in my heart speaks about the precious Jewish people.
The revelation of this story of the Rich Young Ruler

Jesus didn't see the Rich Young Ruler after his flesh but saw him in the spirit. What did he see? I believe he saw that he was a liar. Rich men are often found out to be liars. Do not marvel at that revelation.

The Rich young Ruler told Jesus he had kept the commandments since his youth up ( since he was a young boy). Even the commandment to love his neighbor as he loved himself.

Question for anyone who can answer this...

How could the Rich young ruler have loved his neighbor as he loved himself if he had great wealth while seeing his neighbor lacking his daily bread and necessities? How did the love of God abide in him to have such excess and not share it with the least of these?

Jesus saw his heart and with one response exposed the truth.

The Rich Young Ruler was unwilling to part with his vast wealth and therefore could not follow Jesus. He walked away sorrowful. Sorry he was but repentant he was not.

For if he had realised that he had lied to the Son of God in his claim that he had loved his neighbor as himself he would have repented. But he did not. He just went away sorrowful. Sorrowful for what? Sorry he ever asked that question? .....Sorry for having the truth expose his hypocrisy in front of others....... his love of money over his love of God, his reputation having been sullied by the truth and revelation of his own greed and his lack of love for his neighbors?

Things like that? Yes. But still his own heart deceived him because his conscience was dulled by love of self, and love of pleasure and the things of this world. Why do I believe this? He never repented.
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As a side note, the Communists decided to rob and counterfeit the idea from the early church which had all things in common - see the book of Acts

It is written:

The devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles,. All the believers were together and their possessions and goods they gave to anyone as he had a need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all people, And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

- Acts 2: 42 - 47

Please note these people had their own "homes"... the communists love to twist and pervert the things of God and this is how they did it, Folks.

- therein these other imposters coming up with the name "Communists". ( Communal living )

Another difference being they were enemies of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ and their goal was to offer a counterfeit of what the early church had without God.. have commune style living without the Dotrines of Jesus Christ which the early church did teach. We need not be surprised as satans workers have always counterfeited the things of God, the ideas of God..

These God haters wanted the style of living of these early Christians without Christ. Indeed the goal of Communism from its very inception was to knock God off his throne and wipe out every trace of his Word from off the earth starting with His Believers, the Christians.

Today their goal is still the same. Stop the world from believing on Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God as the only way to Heaven. It does appear that they are even now preparing to outlaw the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is the goal of the new One World Religion - Interfaithism Movement which men are right now denying Jesus Christ in lieu of.

If one examines the lifetyle of Communists however they will discover the lie quickly. How so? Paul and the Apostles did not live like Kings upon the earth with the 90% serving them lived as serfs. This is how it is done in the Communist nations throughout the earth. The top communists live like Kings and Queens, those in power live lavishly and spend as if there is no tomorrow while the 90% are living in abject poverty.

Did the Apostles in the book of Acts live like that? No, Paul only had one coat! Not many. Paul told his followers if they didn't work they would not eat. Paul set the example and worked with his own hands as a tent maker --- what a novel idea that would be for some here in America who think that God owes them a million dollar salary & lifestyle for preaching the Gospel while their own brethren cannot pay their electric bills --- Paul admonished everyone to work for their own living and help their brethren as well. Every man was to plant his own vineyard, build his own house - not for the government - not for the heathen - but for themselves. See the difference? Always look to the Word of God and that will expose the liars and bring forth the truth. Amen.
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