BP going bankrupt! stocks down 15%!!

Now I understand that the US Coast Guard has given BP one day to get the leak stopped?

Where the fuck did that suddenly come from? And what the hell is the Coast Guard going to do about it?

I smell White House and politics.
Now I understand that the US Coast Guard has given BP one day to get the leak stopped?

Where the fuck did that suddenly come from? And what the hell is the Coast Guard going to do about it?

I smell White House and politics.

You're actually bitching Obama is being more aggressive to get the problem fixed? First he wasn't doing enough and now it's too much? Holy dingleberry spitballs.

The coast guard gave bp 48 hours to present better plans to stop the leak. I guess you think it's more important to let more oil contaminate the gulf. God forbid you partisan hacks take off your aisle blinders for even a split second.

Coast Guard Gives BP 48 Hours for Better Oil Containment Plan | News | English
777 people do not own 95% of BP. BP is widely owned by institutions whose beneficiaries number in the tens of millions.
Now I understand that the US Coast Guard has given BP one day to get the leak stopped?

Where the fuck did that suddenly come from? And what the hell is the Coast Guard going to do about it?

I smell White House and politics.

You're actually bitching Obama is being more aggressive to get the problem fixed? First he wasn't doing enough and now it's too much? Holy dingleberry spitballs.

The coast guard gave bp 48 hours to present better plans to stop the leak. I guess you think it's more important to let more oil contaminate the gulf. God forbid you partisan hacks take off your aisle blinders for even a split second.

Coast Guard Gives BP 48 Hours for Better Oil Containment Plan | News | English

Ah bentlight, haven't seen you for a while. You always miss the whole point. We (the Government) sit on our asses and do almost nothing for nearly 2 months, We issue statements like BP is best equipped to deal with this problem, We deny access to other countries who offer help. And then out of the blue comes this demand that BP suddenly has 2 days to fix it or else..... Or else what? What is the coast guard going to do? Obama says he has been in charge since day one.

"The American people should know that from the moment this disaster began, the federal government has been in charge of the response effort. "

Now what is any different other than some grandstanding politics?

777 people are going to be very unhappy about that.

Why 777 people you ask?

Because those 777 people own 94.83 % of the share value of that corporation.


No, not people! Institutions mainly!

Got any painkillers, Colin? Because the stupidity on this thread is getting painful.

For the drooling hordes who seem to think there are 777 PEOPLE owning the majority of shares in BP.... here is their major shareholder list.... AGAIN. Perhaps this time, you could actually pay attention instead of ignoring inconvenient truths.


Note: Legitimate source - not a fucking media site.

777 people are going to be very unhappy about that.

Why 777 people you ask?

Because those 777 people own 94.83 % of the share value of that corporation.

Jeeebus! You know how many people are shareholders in each of the COMPANIES invested in BP???? Hope you don't have a market or hedge fund, because you're one of them and you're cheering your own throat being slit.

How fucking stupid.

Oh look, Vanguard Investments, Ameriprise, Mutual Life Insurance.... Who do they represent? Why do you leftists always see a conceited Mr. Potter at the top of every major corporation while all the George Baileys in your little fantasy world are living in Communes and buying flax seed flour down at the "Hashish and Bong Coffee House" and Co-Op before Open Mic Free Verse night?
BP is too big to fail? So, the American tax payer must give aid and comfort to the company? Shall we raise taxes to save the economies of the Gulf Coast States, and let BP continue to earn profits in the $ billions?
What BP has done is criminal negligence, and given that criminals are punished to two ways - Prison or fines and usually ordered to make restitution, it's time to punish those individuals culpable and not their investors.
First, a criminal investigation needs to be undertaken by each state effected by their AG's, and individuals named as both principles and conspirators. A trial be held in each state where a full accounting of what happened, why and what coverups/lies were issued and under whose direction. If found guilty the offenders should be sentenced to long prison sentences and restitution be determined and property and assets surrendered.
Or will those responsible escape the consequences of their actions and once again prove that some people are really above and out of the reach of the law?
BP is too big to fail? So, the American tax payer must give aid and comfort to the company? Shall we raise taxes to save the economies of the Gulf Coast States, and let BP continue to earn profits in the $ billions?
What BP has done is criminal negligence, and given that criminals are punished to two ways - Prison or fines and usually ordered to make restitution, it's time to punish those individuals culpable and not their investors.
First, a criminal investigation needs to be undertaken by each state effected by their AG's, and individuals named as both principles and conspirators. A trial be held in each state where a full accounting of what happened, why and what coverups/lies were issued and under whose direction. If found guilty the offenders should be sentenced to long prison sentences and restitution be determined and property and assets surrendered.
Or will those responsible escape the consequences of their actions and once again prove that some people are really above and out of the reach of the law?

I don't disagree and there have been some accusations that certain politicians are at least partially responsible.

However, it is the individuals within the organization and/or politicians from without that are responsible for the failure. It is not the organization itself.

I believe that the responsibility for the cleanup is the organization itself because the organization benefited and would have continued to benefit from the well. The assets of the organization need to cover the costs of the cleanup, but the individuals within the organization are the culprits of this disaster and they are the ones that should suffer the penalties of their actions. I don't believe the shareholders who had zero to do with the decisions made that led to this disaster should be held anymore responsible than the value of their stocks.

Cheering the downfall of BP is akin to, IMHO, cutting of your nose to spite your face. Some people in this thread are calling its shareholder "evil". That is ridiculous and quite frankly idiotic! Personally, I don't know whether or not one of my mutual funds/retirement plans own shares in BP, but I would guess I probably do somewhere. I believe we need BP to stick around and fix this mess. That does not by any means say that I think we should subsidize them.


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