Bragg’s Pursuit of Trump Violates the Sixth Amendment

Just one instance of Donald Trump in New York since 2017.

So no, no without interruption. No tolling of the SoL applies.

In 2020 and 2021.

Four visits ... New York.


So no, no 'without interruption', so no tolling of the SoL.
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Nope. I said he was the State of NY...for state crimes
But you said the charges were a felony, why didn't feds arrest him? Why didn't a fed charge him? the charges at the moment are only misdemeanors. Need a second crime of intent, and it ain't there to make it a felony.
A. The hush money payment was clearly used to further a political election so it becomes a campaign donation. One way over the limit for a third party and one not reported as such by Cohen which are crimes.

B. Trump supposedly abetted those crimes and fraudulently altered financial records in doing so. That is a crime.

Beyond that I have no idea what you think you're talking about .
This is you talking about the potential future event of his possible election and that his efforts were to illegally assure his election .
Proof provided so now name calling or say the words are wrong
This is you talking about the potential future event of his possible election and that his efforts were to illegally assure his election .
Proof provided so now name calling or say the words are wrong
It's about the 2016 election dumbfuk
But you said the charges were a felony, why didn't feds arrest him?
Jesus Christ. Do you think only the Feds can charge felonies?'re the worst troll on this board. And by that I mean you're really BAD at it
Withholding exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury...

Leaking sealed Grand Jury information...

As usual, Democrats continue to break laws in their attempt to 'Get Trump' ... and are never held accountable.
You people are hilarious. You make claims not even a Giuliani would.
In 2020 and 2021.

Four visits ... New York.


So no, no 'without interruption', so no tolling of the SoL.
Dude...what the hell are you going on about?
Need a second crime of intent, and it ain't there to make it a felony.
So trump has nothing to worry about.......LOL
Just take the stand under oath Donald, and tell us your version of the truth.
The truth shall set you free.
A crime involving the 2016 election is not a matter for a local DA.
Wrong again.'re qrong a lot. He was indicted for fraudulently altering financial records in furtherance of a Federal crime committed in 2016. That fraudulent alteration is a state felony.

Now you now better. Don't make that "mistake" again
You cannot be convicted of violating 175.10 without being convicted of violating 175.05 and Bragg has not charged a 175.05 violation.

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.​
A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree​
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit​
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.​

Furthermore, the nexus of these statutes is someone suffered a loss because of the alleged falsification of business records, and no such thing is alleged by Bragg nor could he as no one suffered a loss which is why the word 'defraud' is in the statute.
You don't have to be convicted or indited for 175.05 to be indited for 175.1. Where the sam hell do you people get these crazy ass ideas. The defraud comes from the fact that it was "business records" used to calculate taxes, the State of New York, and the City of New York City suffered the loss. Damn, it ain't that hard to understand.
There is no illegal payment so anything that follows is moot.
What he did is permissible and you are trying to construct that the mechanical machinations of how it was done is the issue.
Wow, Cohen went to jail for making THAT ILLEGAL PAYMENT you stupid shit.
So trump has nothing to worry about.......LOL
Just take the stand under oath Donald, and tell us your version of the truth.
The truth shall set you free.
Hahaha the law is so confusing for you've been arguing with yourself for pages.

No one knows what the fuck you are going on about

Are you that clueless then insist on commenting about a thread within this thread where you have no idea what it is about?

If you were interested you could click through and easily find it but that is beyond your ability. And it is something like three or four posts besides.

Have a nice day.

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