Bragg’s Pursuit of Trump Violates the Sixth Amendment

Or picked up a dictionary

I swear, why is it so damn difficult to read the Statement of Facts?

4. After the election, the Defendant reimbursed Lawyer A for the illegal payment through a series of monthly checks, first from the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust (the “Defendant’s Trust”)—a Trust created under the laws of New York which held the Trump Organization entity assets after the Defendant was elected President—and then from the Defendant’s bank account. Each check was processed by the Trump Organization, and each check was disguised as a payment for legal services rendered in a given month of 2017 pursuant to a retainer agreement. The payment records, kept and maintained by the Trump Organization, were false New York business records. In truth, there was no retainer agreement, and Lawyer A was not being paid for legal services rendered in 2017. The Defendant caused his entities’ business records to be falsified to disguise his and others’ criminal conduct.
There are so damn many idiots in this thread that don't have the common courtesy, let alone enough self-pride, to read the damn Statement of Facts. Your stupid question at the end of the post is just one clear example. Had you read the Statement of Facts you would have known the answer.

Another is this bellowing about "what crime, what crime". From the SOF,

7. During and in furtherance of his candidacy for President, the Defendant and others agreed to identify and suppress negative stories about him. Two parties to this agreement have admitted to committing illegal conduct in connection with the scheme. In August 2018, Lawyer A pleaded guilty to two federal crimes involving illegal campaign contributions, and subsequently served time in prison. In addition, in August 2018, American Media, Inc. (“AMI”), a media company that owned and published magazines and supermarket tabloids including the National Enquirer, admitted in a non-prosecution agreement that it made a payment to a source of a story to ensure that the source “did not publicize damaging allegations” about the Defendant “before the 2016 presidential election and thereby influence that election.
And the Trump legal team is a bunch of incompetent fools. For instance, during the Grand Jury proceedings they trotted out the "Keep it from Melania" defense. That would not have dismissed the charge, but it could have prevented it from rising to a felony. It is not a crime to pay hush money to keep a secret from your wife. But the Statement of Facts obliterates that defense,

The Defendant directed Lawyer A to delay making a payment to Woman 2 as long as possible. He instructed Lawyer A that if they could delay the payment until after the election, they could avoid paying altogether, because at that point it would not matter if the story became public.

I mean for the love of God, Trump don't know how to keep his mouth shut.

But here is the news that no one is talking about. Trump has hired Todd Blanche, a former prosecutor in New York and a white-collar criminal defense lawyer. But he don't "defend", he settles, as he did in the Manafort and Fruman cases. I fully expected a plea deal all alone. That is Trump's best option.
There is no illegal payment so anything that follows is moot.
What he did is permissible and you are trying to construct that the mechanical machinations of how it was done is the issue.
What leftoid loons are claiming is to indict someone and then find the right charges.
Peloser said it out loud, trump can prove he's innocent. hahaahhaahahhahha demofks are fking insane.
The challenge is that the judge and jury are very anti-Trump.

Does it have to be tried in NYC at all? The closest to a fair trial would be the borough of Staten Island, but it still leans slightly Dem. Still, he would have at least a few non-haters on the jury, and that’s all he needs.

Upstate NY would be better, Staten Island is second best.

But I expect the indictment to be quashed, eventually. It is BS and violates Trump's Sixth Amendment rights as well.
There is no illegal payment so anything that follows is moot.
What he did is permissible and you are trying to construct that the mechanical machinations of how it was done is the issue.
I'm still trying to understand how hush money is illegal? Wasn't Paula Jones paid?
Upstate NY would be better, Staten Island is second best.

But I expect the indictment to be quashed, eventually. It is BS and violates Trump's Sixth Amendment rights as well.
I think Trump is taking the press. Demofks continue to show how fking stupid they really are.

The claim isn't that they didn't know where he was. The conditions under New York Statutes is "Any period following the commission of the offense during which (i) the defendant was continuously outside this state or (ii) the whereabouts of the defendant were continuously unknown and continuously unascertainable by the exercise of reasonable diligence."

The "OR" between (i) and (ii) is important meaning either or condition tolls the SOL time.

Oh for fk sake give it up already. It's bogus. Go get a beer and relax.
Putting an expense for an NDA under “legal expenses” is not a felony. He’s claiming it’s a felony because it’s concealing a more serious crime, which he won’t name.

Let’s worry more about Biden stealing classified docs from the SCIF when he was a senator. Or go after the thug who tried to kill the garage attendant.

The lopsided justice here is why this is no longer America.

Or allowing a Chinese spy balloon to linger over the USA for a week, including while said spy balloon was doing figure-eights over a B-21 base.
Upstate NY would be better, Staten Island is second best.

But I expect the indictment to be quashed, eventually. It is BS and violates Trump's Sixth Amendment rights as well.
Agree on all counts.

YOUR counts, that is! Not the bogus 34 from the discraceful DA.
Or allowing a Chinese spy balloon to linger over the USA for a week, including while said spy balloon was doing figure-eights over a B-21 base.
The Communists got their money’s worth, didn’t they? The Biden Family payoffs were a good investment.

And instead we have the lefties making a big case out of which line Trump’s accountants put his “floozy payoff” on. SMH.
Oh for fk sake give it up already. It's bogus. Go get a beer and relax.


I am relaxed and popped one of these yesterday when the FDOTUS was marched into the courtroom.

To be a felony it has to be done to conceal another crime.

And someone had to be defrauded thus the word 'defraud' §175.10

and when his intent to defraud

Secondly, one must also be accused of and found guilty of a §175.05 violation first.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree ...

Bragg has not alleged a second-degree action.​
The Communists got their money’s worth, didn’t they? The Biden Family payoffs were a good investment.

And instead we have the lefties making a big case out of which line Trump’s accountants put his “floozy payoff” on. SMH.
A. The hush money payment was clearly used to further a political election so it becomes a campaign donation. One way over the limit for a third party and one not reported as such by Cohen which are crimes.

B. Trump supposedly abetted those crimes and fraudulently altered financial records in doing so. That is a crime.

Beyond that I have no idea what you think you're talking about .
I'm still trying to understand how hush money is illegal? Wasn't Paula Jones paid?
It’s not
So now libs have moved on to some step by step process detailing the tendering of the payment that they feel is illegal. Not the act but rather the method of accomplishment
Libs decry methodology because they are unfamiliar with using it to get things done
When we have illuminated a variety of their misdeeds, they always cry “how did you find out” and then elaborate that the method of discover is wrong and worse than the crime itself.

I am relaxed and popped one of these yesterday when the FDOTUS was marched into the courtroom.

He is enjoying the press. The man has an ego bigger than both of us, and you dummasses keep feeding it. It's hilarious.
A. The hush money payment was clearly used to further a political election so it becomes a campaign donation. One way over the limit for a third party and one not reported as such by Cohen which are crimes.

B. Trump supposedly abetted those crimes and fraudulently altered financial records in doing so. That is a crime.

Beyond that I have no idea what you think you're talking about .
Always the potential future effect bullshit
There is no illegal payment so anything that follows is moot.
What he did is permissible and you are trying to construct that the mechanical machinations of how it was done is the issue.
it was trump's own money.

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