Bragg’s Pursuit of Trump Violates the Sixth Amendment

Withholding exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury...

Leaking sealed Grand Jury information...

As usual, Democrats continue to break laws in their attempt to 'Get Trump' ... and are never held accountable.
I notice true to form it’s only the shills from Langley not giving a positive over Lisa’s excellent op piece. :abgg2q.jpg:
You're interpretation of the charging sentence below is incorrect. The phrase another crime is referring to the falsification of records on February 14, 2017. By writing "with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof" is what makes the falsification of records a felony. In the charge he does not mention election fraud because he is not charging the defendant with that. However it is the crime that caused the defendant to commit this crime.

The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about February 14, 2017,
with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an invoice from Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.

Time barred.
What is his crime? None of you anti-Trump cultists can tell us.

Lisa, the implied crime was to cover up an intrinsically non-disclosed NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT where the whole point in them is not to disclose something, in the hope of keeping his affair (alleged) from impacting his 2016 run for office--- problem is, all of the "crimes" as specified in the indictment happened in 2017 long after he was already in the WH!!! :laughing0301:
Lisa, the implied crime was to cover up an intrinsically non-disclosed NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT where the whole point in them is not to disclose something, in the hope of keeping his affair (alleged) from impacting his 2016 run for office--- problem is, all of the "crimes" as specified in the indictment happened in 2017 long after he was already in the WH!!! :laughing0301:
There's the rub. The ACTIONS...the DEAL to hush Stormy up occurred in 2016. Trump held off the payments so he could make assholes like you say shit like that

it won't wash
There's the rub. The ACTIONS...the DEAL to hush Stormy up occurred in 2016.
Hey Pinhead, so what? Trump is not responsible for Daniels false allegations timed to extort money out of him by threatening his campaign with her claims and there was nothing wrong with them signing a NDA to settle out of court, it is 100% legal and done all of the time.

And the indictment is worthless because however it was recorded in the ledgers is not Trump's doing, a misdemeanor at best far past its statute of limitations, the implied "crime" Trump was somehow trying to hide was his "INTENT" which Bragg cannot prove, especially as all of the DATES for the alleged crimes all occured in 2017 long after he was already in office and the matter moot! :auiqs.jpg:

Trump held off the payments so he could make assholes like you say shit like that it won't wash
What won't wash, your being an asshole?
There's the rub. The ACTIONS...the DEAL to hush Stormy up occurred in 2016. Trump held off the payments so he could make assholes like you say shit like that

it won't wash
What is his crime? None of you anti-Trump cultists can tell us.
The crime is falsification of business records which is a crime in New York state, a misdemeanor. The fact that this crime was committed to conceal evidence of a prior crime, election fraud makes if a felony.

Prosecution for falsifying business records is not uncommon in New York. It is usually prosecuted as a felony because falsification of records is typical done to cover up a prior crime as in this case.

Since Trump has not been charged of convicted of election fraud, Bragg has to convince the jury that there was election fraud and secondly that the falsification of records was done to cover it up. On the surface this sounds fairly easy but I'm sure Trump's lawyers are going throw a lot of obstacles at the prosecution
You're interpretation of the charging sentence below is incorrect. The phrase another crime is referring to the falsification of records on February 14, 2017. By writing "with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof" is what makes the falsification of records a felony. In the charge he does not mention election fraud because he is not charging the defendant with that. However it is the crime that caused the defendant to commit this crime.

The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about February 14, 2017,
with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an invoice from Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.
Because the statute of limitations has already run on the named crimes, the secret crime must be charged and named. Otherwise there is just no wrong.

What some have suggested is that the secret crime Bragg wants to charge is election fraud. By concealing these criminal business record entries from the public he defrauded the public out of their vote. Which is a federal crime. In fact, democrats already presented this to the Federal Election Commission and the whole idea rejected. Why? Because the alleged wrongdoing was a full year AFTER the election.

So. What was the crime?
Because the statute of limitations has already run on the named crimes, the secret crime must be charged and named. Otherwise there is just no wrong.
The statute of limitations did NOT run out on the financial fraud crimes. Otherwise there would have been no indictment Stinkbreath

And there is no "secret crime" that Trump will be charged with. That refers to the crime that Cohen was previously convicted of.

NY State does not require that to be listed in the indictment

Keep up Breath Lady
Our past judicial system considered every accused innocent until proven guilty. Every accused would be notified of the allegations against them. There would be no secret trials. Everyone has the right to an attorney.

Trump's trial does have secret charges. If democrats are to be understood the nature of these charges will be revealed at some point during the trial. If so, America is dead. Our entire system of justice has fallen to tyranny. Attorneys would have to represent clients unable to prepare a defense until the charge was revealed at some point during the trial. The police could arrest without telling you why. An indictment need not tell you. A defendant may be incarcerated for years without knowing why.

If this is the new jurisprudence then America is well and truly dead.
The statute of limitations did NOT run out on the financial fraud crimes. Otherwise there would have been no indictment Stinkbreath

And there is no "secret crime" that Trump will be charged with. That refers to the crime that Cohen was previously convicted of.

NY State does not require that to be listed in the indictment

Keep up Breath Lady
Your ignorance is profound.
Hey Pinhead, so what? Trump is not responsible for Daniels false allegations timed to extort money out of him by threatening his campaign with her claims and there was nothing wrong with them signing a NDA to settle out of court, it is 100% legal and done all of the time.

And the indictment is worthless because however it was recorded in the ledgers is not Trump's doing, a misdemeanor at best far past its statute of limitations, the implied "crime" Trump was somehow trying to hide was his "INTENT" which Bragg cannot prove, especially as all of the DATES for the alleged crimes all occured in 2017 long after he was already in office and the matter moot! :auiqs.jpg:

What won't wash, your being an asshole?
In New York if Trump was responsible for the falsification and there was fraudulent intent then Trump will be found guilty. Whether Trump did it himself or had someone else do it for him is irrelevant. I belief what was falsified were leger records of payments made to Michael Cohen as legal fees which were actually reimbursements for the payoffs he made for Trump. Trump made a number payments to disguise the purpose of payments. I assume that is why there are 34 charges.

And no the statue of limitations has not run out for the 2017 crimes. There is an exception that adds the continuous time the defendant spent out of state.
Lisa, the implied crime was to cover up an intrinsically non-disclosed NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT where the whole point in them is not to disclose something, in the hope of keeping his affair (alleged) from impacting his 2016 run for office--- problem is, all of the "crimes" as specified in the indictment happened in 2017 long after he was already in the WH!!! :laughing0301:
The crime he is charge with is falsifying business records, i.e. recording reimbursements to Cohen for hush money payoffs as legal expenses of the business which is a falsification. Using a lawyer as a conduit only makes the money harder to trace. This was hiding evidence of an election law violation which made it a felony. Also if he deducted these payments as business expense that would be a tax violation although I'm sure he doesn't care about that.

Had he paid off Stormy from his personal checking, he may have got hit with a violating of election law which would have been a misdemeanor but he would not be facing 34 counts of a felony charge.
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