Brainwashed College Creatures.

Sure. What's your opinion of the initial video in this thread?
Its not his best work by a long shot. His practice appears to be to get some college contestants, have them pick where they are at on the question and why, and then arguments are made to push to a more conservative context. In this case that was immediately interrupted.

he does better when he's actually on campus. This comes off more trolly as he starts right outside of Red Square (what we called the version of that school where I went) and the question is far more antagonistic then his usual threads.
Its not his best work by a long shot. His practice appears to be to get some college contestants, have them pick where they are at on the question and why, and then arguments are made to push to a more conservative context. In this case that was immediately interrupted.

he does better when he's actually on campus. This comes off more trolly as he starts right outside of Red Square (what we called the version of that school where I went) and the question is far more antagonistic then his usual threads.
Looks like he is on campus at the Social Work Bldg. That's what he says and what the building says. I don't think you watched the video.. What's your opinion of the students?
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Looks like he is on campus at the Social Work Bldg. That's what he says and what the building says. I don't think you watched the video.. What's your opinion of the students?
I did watch the video. They appeared quite alarmed by him. Standing outside the school with the most socially aggressive kids outside of PIG lawyers, I am shocked just shocked. But thats why you posted it.

As I said. Now do one that vaccines are dangerous outside the School of Medicine, or Smith's Invisible Hand is inherently wrong in front of the School of Business. Lions and Tigers and Bears! oh my.
I did watch the video. They appeared quite alarmed by him. Standing outside the school with the most socially aggressive kids outside of PIG lawyers, I am shocked just shocked. But thats why you posted it.

As I said. Now do one that vaccines are dangerous outside the School of Medicine, or Smith's Invisible Hand is inherently wrong in front of the School of Business. Lions and Tigers and Bears! oh my.
So do you still believe that this topic is in the wrong section, or have you thought about what I said?
Those kids don't affect the nation. They're more productive than previous generations.
So do you still believe that this topic is in the wrong section, or have you thought about what I said?
Yep wrong section. But whatevs I am discussing not modding. Wifey is out of time so may watch again on the tV.
Not discussing education. It's a post trolling some kids who happen to be students.
I disagree. The professor is demonstrating and teaching. So if you were moderating, you would move this to the Rubber Room?
I disagree. The professor is demonstrating and teaching. So if you were moderating, you would move this to the Rubber Room?
He's not teaching. There are no education issues being discussed. Nothing about the school is being discussed.
He's not teaching. There are no education issues being discussed. Nothing about the school is being discussed.
He most certainly is teaching. He's challenging these student's belief system they learned at that school. You didn't answer my question...Would you move this to the Rubber Room if you were moderating?
He most certainly is teaching. He's challenging these student's belief system they learned at that school. You didn't answer my question...Would you move this to the Rubber Room if you were moderating?
U less someone is reporting it I doubt I'd notice it.
U less someone is reporting it I doubt I'd notice it.
So if someone reported it you'd move it, even though it is on a college campus and has a discussion between students and a professor. See, this is why you shouldn't be a moderator. You can't put down your political bias. You simply don't like the content.

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