Brainwashed College Creatures.

That's true only if they enter the real world workplace. However, these are social workers. Some will enter the bubble of government drone, while the others will become indoctrinators of the next generation.

Read a story about a year ago where a bunch of new grads were working as interns in a large company.
They wanted casual Friday so they all got together and gave their list of demands to HR.
They came into work the following day and were told to empty their desks and hit the road.
They couldnt understand why. They said they learned in college that that's the way the corporate world worked.
News Flash!!! Thats not how the real world works and certainly not with a bunch of interns.
Read a story about a year ago where a bunch of new grads were working as interns in a large company.
They wanted casual Friday so they all got together and gave their list of demands to HR.
They came into work the following day and were told to empty their desks and hit the road.
They couldnt understand why. They said they learned in college that that's the way the corporate world worked.
News Flash!!! Thats not how the real world works and certainly not with a bunch of interns.
Yep. Read sn article yesterday about a bunch of workers signed a petition and gave it to the CEO with a list of executives they demanded be fired. Guess who got fired?
The thing I find most hysterical is the idea that someone is "harmed" by being "misgendered".

Give me a fuckin' break. If someone is so delicate that referring to someone as a "he" when he wants to be called a "she", they really have no business being out in public...
Comment on the topic. I'm not the topic. As a so-called "moderator", you should know that. Now try again, child.
I did comment. I will restate: "Good one! Now go to the School of Medicine and say vaccines are dangerous."
Zinc's a mod now here too? Wow, I guess we really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Oh yea. They scraped the barrel and dug around outside the barrel for any that spilled. When stated salary is: loose "change and candy wrappers" the pickings are slim.

We're fine as long as you agree that wiener dogs are truly nature's perfect predator.
I did comment. I will restate: "Good one! Now go to the School of Medicine and say vaccines are dangerous."

Vaccines generally are pretty safe because they undergo years of meticulous testing. The Covid mRNA was not developed that way but in a few months only from the spike protein shell common to Covid and other CVs with little testing which is why they make you sign a disclaimer that if the Covid "vax" screws you up, don't come crying to them, they accept no responsibility.
Two minutes in and I had to stop. I'm afraid these imbeciles would not like me if I were there as I'd blow apart every atom of their baseless ideology with irrefutable logic.
It's worth watching because this guy is a professor. His patience and intellect is worth watching.
Oh yea. They scraped the barrel and dug around outside the barrel for any that spilled. When stated salary is: loose "change and candy wrappers" the pickings are slim.

Not too slim, zinc! They found you! Here's wishing you the best of luck that you turn out a better mod for USMB than I've seen from you so far as a poster.
Good one! Now go to the School of Medicine and say vaccines are dangerous.

Many Doctors believe they are harmful. And they have evidence to back that up.
Asking a bunch of pre med students what they think isn't going to be productive in the least.
They have zero experience which of course is why they're in pre med rather than practicing medicine.
It's worth watching because this guy is a professor. His patience and intellect is worth watching.

Yes, I'm sure he is, just that right now I don't feel like getting too upset listening to the hyperbolic nonsense that I saw coming from his female detractors from the roof. But as a logician, I can already surmise their comments and his well-thought out replies.

I just love it when someone trips up the left with their own statements and claims sticking them with their own indefensible hypocrisy!

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