Braun Quits Presidential Race, Backs Dean


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
CARROLL, Iowa - Former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (news - web sites) dropped out of the presidential race Thursday and endorsed Howard Dean (news - web sites) as "a Democrat we can all be proud to support."

"Gov. Dean has the energy to inspire the American people, to break the cocoon of fear that envelopes us and empowers President Bush (news - web sites) and his entourage from the extreme right-wing," she said at a joint appearance with the former Vermont governor.

Braun, whose own campaign failed to generate significant campaign funds or support in national or state polls, said Dean had a program to "put our country back on track to tax fairness, job creation, balanced budgets and an economy that works for everyone regardless of sex or race."

Braun, the only woman and one of two blacks in the race, left the field four days ahead of the Iowa caucuses.

The Story


And then there were eight...
Too bad Braun can't contribute any money or votes, but maybe Dean can get Al off his back about not having black support!:)
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
Too bad Braun can't contribute any money or votes, but maybe Dean can get Al off his back about not having black support!:)

Al Sharpton looks pretty strong in the South Carolina primary polls. If he can place second (or first - there's a scary thought) then he can hang on and try to get some other Southern states support in the primaries. That would put power back into the hands of the NAACP and other liberal black organizations at the Dem convention. Just a little subplot to think about during the primaries - Sharpton is running to show the Democrats exactly how much they need the unified black vote.

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