Break Em Off Something IM2-How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

America is full of right wingers who complain about leftist fascism because their views are rejected. Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic. Oh no, it's got to be due to them being "conservatives." People can't be rejecting speakers like Ann Coulter because her speeches are racist hatefests, oh no, it's only because the left doesn't tolerate opposing views. I can keep going with examples but I won't. The fact is that the right has created a grievance industry whereby they believe they are the victims of an imaginary oppression that no one else sees only because of their political association.This perceived victimization led to an insurrection.

On January 6th 2021, Whiteys Rebellion took place at the United States Capital in Washington D.C. January 6, 2021 is a day every person living in this country and perhaps most of the world will never forget. Most have described this day as an insurrection started by the lame duck president, Donald Trump. While it is true about this being an insurrection, the fact is that like most everything in his miserable failure of a presidency, Donald Trump stumbled into conditions that were made long before he took office and he just happened to be the straw that broke the proverbial camels back. I won’t be rehashing the decomposing horse that has and will continue to get beaten about this day, instead let me take a look at things from the another angle.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

Horace Seldon

As I get older, I seem to be better able to see some things I should have seen years ago. First and foremost is that it is not excusing whites for what they have done to say that it must be difficult to be white. Now those in the racist subculture should not equate this as me saying that whites have it just as tough as we do. No, you don’t. You aren’t hated, denied opportunities then blamed for not achieving after you’ve been denied. So let’s cut that one off right there. I say this because it must be tough for those who do so, to live in a fake reality believing things that never were. The America you were taught about never existed. The claim that your skin color makes you better is untrue. The claim that whites have what they do only because of hard work and merit is not so. The claim that the only real Americans are white is disproven by the fact that people were standing on the shores of this country when European ships found the shores.

“Racism has taught whites that we are entitled to privilege as a right of birth, undercutting the assumption of achieved merit which is one of the cornerstones of democracy.”

Horace Seldon

All of these thing create a psychosis that dwells in the minds of part of the white population. In that psychosis, they are the rightful owners of this land and as such, only they are entitled to the rights and privileges of citizenship. This includes the right to rule or govern. This right is why we were forced to endure the embarrassing and inept presidency of the 45th President of this nation. A black man had just been president, and a woman dared to think she could be president, and that was the red line in the sand white men could not let be crossed. So instead of electing one of the most qualified candidates for president in modern times based on the merits of her achievements, we got an unqualified imbecile whose incompetence has cost over one half million American lives and as of this writing the numbers are still rising.

Let me stop this for a moment because we’re well aware of the failed presidency of number 45. It has been discussed and studied at length how number 45 used race to manipulate. Most of this book has been on the impact of racism on blacks, but what quite a few whites fail to understand is that racism has negatively affected them. As Dr King said, (paraphrasing) “the destinies of all are intertwined.” There is no white supremacy when non whites are denied opportunity. A society fails when all are not strong. A three legged table will fall over. It is just that simple.

It is the arrogance created by a belief in white supremacy that was partly responsible for a largely white crowds to attack the Nations capital on January 6, 2021. For years a portion of the white community believed their nation was being taken from them. According to these people, far too many “non americans” were being afforded rights they thought only belonged to them. After all, whites built this country according to them. Not only does racism teach whites a lie about the accomplishments of others thereby creating a psychosis whereby they refuse to see or accept the reality that others besides whites have contributed to civilization but:

“Racism has set whites who are made poor in our society in competition with people of color, and has also increased the separation between classes among whites.”

Horace Seldon

For the past 400 years, wealthy property owning whites have used race to pit moderate to low income whites against people of color. In 2016, so called working class whites developed a cult like following behind a rich inheritance baby who never really had to worry about a job or anything else ever in his life. A man born on third base with a gold spoon stuck in his mouth. Yet they believed this man was the one fighting for them. He was rich, so how was he fighting for them? Based on that, the only way he could have connected was based on race. However President number 45 was not the first to do that. After all, a declaration was made in the late 1700’s that all men were created equal, but those words were just quill pen ink written on parchment.

In prior postd, I cited the 1790 Naturalization Act. This act allowed only white citizenship of this country. While whites could be citizens, only property owning whites could vote. So from the beginning, poor white men did not have equal rights. White women had no rights, yet both played to race. By 1860 most poor white men could vote, by 1920 white women could vote. Still, both groups were not afforded true equal status with wealthy white American males. Working class whites had no work protections and were at the whims of owners. There were no labor unions, no workplace safety regulations, no minimum wage, no maximum on working hours, no child labor laws, nothing. Factory deaths were no stranger to working class whites or anyone else.

The rich were getting richer and all they had to do in order to keep the poor in line and dependent on the crumbs they were getting was to tell them how much they were better than blacks or others of color. As blacks moved north after slavery the rich owners told their white labor how blacks were taking jobs that white men were entitled to. All along, moderate to low income whites have been race baited by the wealthy who did so to keep them in their place. And all throughout American history those whites have fallen for it.

When blacks got civil rights and Affirmative Action became a policy, once agan wealthy whites started telling poor ones how unqualified blacks are taking their jobs. Rich white CEO’s laid off millions of “working class whites” over over the decades while they ship American jobs overseas to exploit foreign workers in “third world” nations for pennies per hour but they told white workers that unqualified blacks or illegal immigrants are taking jobs from whites. As usual, the “working class white” fell for the race baiting. Like Pavlovs dogs, there is a subculture in the white community that begins to salivate in anger at the mention of other races having the same opportunity they do.

Since 1980, American businesses have sent jobs out of this country and it makes no sense. Everybody’s hero, Ray-Gunn, issued in a government business philosophy of laissez faire economics that has cost this nations workers millions of jobs. “Unqualified” blacks, Asians, illegal immigrants from the southern border, nor anyone else were taking jobs from the white working class. White CEOS and corporate owners sent those jobs away. Their pockets got fat while they race baited white working class citizens into a victim mentality.

"Since the beginning of the 1980s, employment relations in U.S. industrial corporations have undergone three major structural changes—which I summarize as rationalization, marketization, and globalization—that have permanently eliminated middle-class jobs.2 From the early 1980s, rationalization, characterized by plant closings, eliminated the jobs of unionized blue-collar workers. From the early 1990s, marketization, characterized by the end of a career with one company as an employment norm, placed the job security of middle-aged and older white-collar workers in jeopardy. From the early 2000s, globalization, characterized by the movement of employment offshore, left all members of the U.S. labor force, even those with advanced educational credentials and substantial work experience, vulnerable to displacement."

William Lazonick
FinancializationUSCorporation.pdf (

How much longer are you poor ass white racists going to continue allowing yourselves to be played?
Why is the median GPA of Baltimore a 0.13? LOL. How can you even open your mouth here. point one three. Well you beat Blutosky anyway and he's a cracka.

The GPA of one high school student in Baltimore has nothing to do with this topic.
How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Well we don't have mostly 0.13 GPAs dummy. Being played. Your a slave to the libturds Jack. And a waste of fucking time.

Next, Let's go to the hills of Kentucky or West Virginia and test those slack jaws IQ.

IQ has nothing to do with GPA. Studying and doing the work does. If you think I'm saying all Baltimore students have low IQS you are sadly mistaken Jack.

The first big city in WV that came in mind was Parkersburg. With an 86% graduation rate. So what do you see?

If you're using that criteria, there are alot of private schools in.Baltimore with Black kids who have a higher graduation rate. But, i know that doesn't fit your narrative of trying to act as if all blacks are dumb.

I am comparing public high schools. Obviously 0.13 was impressive to you. Where does my narrative ever say that. I SAID THAT ALREADY RACIST!!!!
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:


How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:

You keep posting this pic. Hmmm..I wonder how many Republicans haven't been caught doing racist acts but sure welcome, vote and agree with racist policies that they agree with.

I'm sure you do "wonder" about that. In the meantime, we KNOW you support the guy wearing the KKK robe in the picture.
He sits in wonder with a thumb in his ass.
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:

You keep posting this pic. Hmmm..I wonder how many Republicans haven't been caught doing racist acts but sure welcome, vote and agree with racist policies that they agree with.

I'm sure you do "wonder" about that. In the meantime, we KNOW you support the guy wearing the KKK robe in the picture.
How about Rep. Paul Gosar from Arizona? He just spoke at a white nationalist event. Guess his racism escaped your racist radar. Huh?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
I am black and live in those neighborhoods dumb ass. This thread is not about blacks.

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?
As a very rich white person i get real tired of trying to placate the poor people. They are poor because they vote for the very people who keep them poor. If you havent noticed of late that gasoline prices have gone up over 75 cents and that alone doesnt seem to be a lot but for 20 gallons that is 15 extra dollars thanks to Joe Biden. Does that help the poor, no, but i guess you stupid fucks "feel" that as long as it hurts the rich, then you can live with it. That is called "Cutting off your nose, to spite your face".
You're fortunate to be Rich. You're the minority in America and on this message board. The idea that you think Republicans are for poor people after all the tax breaks to help corporations and people like you is baffling. The only people voting against their own interest is these poor Republicans who act as if they are wealthy and don't need help. They would rather not get anything if it means minorities get it.
The sad truth is more minorities have the low end jobs and pay more taxes and more of a percentage in taxes while struggling to make it. The biggest problem with some whites is there's no empathy for anyone who doesn't look or think like them.
Wrong, man, it must suck to be you. Again i started out as a minimum wage puke working at McD's when the hourly rates was $2.10 , but a burger , small fry and drink were only 95 cents. But instead of staying on that job and whining how fucked my life was, i got skill to enable me to go overseas and work on F-15s making $70,000 tax free, but had to leave my safe zone for such an adventure. To many poor people never leave the area they were born, because they are too scared to take a risk on life. No risk, no reward. That is the failure of the poor...
So, You look down on people who are struggling now as if you never struggled! It's easy to say do as I did, but you act as if there's alot of 70k paying jobs to go around. You were fortunate congratulations, but to say just do what I did is silly.
You said you picked up a skill. Did you pay for the school or did you get help to go get your skill?
I did struggle, all my life, at times i had to deal with affirmative action, where the black guy got preferential treatment, but instead of bitching and moaning about racial inequality, i just worked harder to overcome the Progressive barrier put in front of me. My buddy, also didnt allow Progressive thinking to keep him from achieving his dreams, but went above it and he will never vote Dumbocrat again....
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:


How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?
The MD 2020 in a paper bag is starting to
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:

You keep posting this pic. Hmmm..I wonder how many Republicans haven't been caught doing racist acts but sure welcome, vote and agree with racist policies that they agree with.

I'm sure you do "wonder" about that. In the meantime, we KNOW you support the guy wearing the KKK robe in the picture.
Republicans just had a member speak at a white natiolist event
So why are you showing a Democrat Governor from Virginia? Are you really as stupid as you make yourself seem?
America is full of right wingers who complain about leftist fascism because their views are rejected. Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic. Oh no, it's got to be due to them being "conservatives." People can't be rejecting speakers like Ann Coulter because her speeches are racist hatefests, oh no, it's only because the left doesn't tolerate opposing views. I can keep going with examples but I won't. The fact is that the right has created a grievance industry whereby they believe they are the victims of an imaginary oppression that no one else sees only because of their political association.This perceived victimization led to an insurrection.

On January 6th 2021, Whiteys Rebellion took place at the United States Capital in Washington D.C. January 6, 2021 is a day every person living in this country and perhaps most of the world will never forget. Most have described this day as an insurrection started by the lame duck president, Donald Trump. While it is true about this being an insurrection, the fact is that like most everything in his miserable failure of a presidency, Donald Trump stumbled into conditions that were made long before he took office and he just happened to be the straw that broke the proverbial camels back. I won’t be rehashing the decomposing horse that has and will continue to get beaten about this day, instead let me take a look at things from the another angle.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

Horace Seldon

As I get older, I seem to be better able to see some things I should have seen years ago. First and foremost is that it is not excusing whites for what they have done to say that it must be difficult to be white. Now those in the racist subculture should not equate this as me saying that whites have it just as tough as we do. No, you don’t. You aren’t hated, denied opportunities then blamed for not achieving after you’ve been denied. So let’s cut that one off right there. I say this because it must be tough for those who do so, to live in a fake reality believing things that never were. The America you were taught about never existed. The claim that your skin color makes you better is untrue. The claim that whites have what they do only because of hard work and merit is not so. The claim that the only real Americans are white is disproven by the fact that people were standing on the shores of this country when European ships found the shores.

“Racism has taught whites that we are entitled to privilege as a right of birth, undercutting the assumption of achieved merit which is one of the cornerstones of democracy.”

Horace Seldon

All of these thing create a psychosis that dwells in the minds of part of the white population. In that psychosis, they are the rightful owners of this land and as such, only they are entitled to the rights and privileges of citizenship. This includes the right to rule or govern. This right is why we were forced to endure the embarrassing and inept presidency of the 45th President of this nation. A black man had just been president, and a woman dared to think she could be president, and that was the red line in the sand white men could not let be crossed. So instead of electing one of the most qualified candidates for president in modern times based on the merits of her achievements, we got an unqualified imbecile whose incompetence has cost over one half million American lives and as of this writing the numbers are still rising.

Let me stop this for a moment because we’re well aware of the failed presidency of number 45. It has been discussed and studied at length how number 45 used race to manipulate. Most of this book has been on the impact of racism on blacks, but what quite a few whites fail to understand is that racism has negatively affected them. As Dr King said, (paraphrasing) “the destinies of all are intertwined.” There is no white supremacy when non whites are denied opportunity. A society fails when all are not strong. A three legged table will fall over. It is just that simple.

It is the arrogance created by a belief in white supremacy that was partly responsible for a largely white crowds to attack the Nations capital on January 6, 2021. For years a portion of the white community believed their nation was being taken from them. According to these people, far too many “non americans” were being afforded rights they thought only belonged to them. After all, whites built this country according to them. Not only does racism teach whites a lie about the accomplishments of others thereby creating a psychosis whereby they refuse to see or accept the reality that others besides whites have contributed to civilization but:

“Racism has set whites who are made poor in our society in competition with people of color, and has also increased the separation between classes among whites.”

Horace Seldon

For the past 400 years, wealthy property owning whites have used race to pit moderate to low income whites against people of color. In 2016, so called working class whites developed a cult like following behind a rich inheritance baby who never really had to worry about a job or anything else ever in his life. A man born on third base with a gold spoon stuck in his mouth. Yet they believed this man was the one fighting for them. He was rich, so how was he fighting for them? Based on that, the only way he could have connected was based on race. However President number 45 was not the first to do that. After all, a declaration was made in the late 1700’s that all men were created equal, but those words were just quill pen ink written on parchment.

In prior postd, I cited the 1790 Naturalization Act. This act allowed only white citizenship of this country. While whites could be citizens, only property owning whites could vote. So from the beginning, poor white men did not have equal rights. White women had no rights, yet both played to race. By 1860 most poor white men could vote, by 1920 white women could vote. Still, both groups were not afforded true equal status with wealthy white American males. Working class whites had no work protections and were at the whims of owners. There were no labor unions, no workplace safety regulations, no minimum wage, no maximum on working hours, no child labor laws, nothing. Factory deaths were no stranger to working class whites or anyone else.

The rich were getting richer and all they had to do in order to keep the poor in line and dependent on the crumbs they were getting was to tell them how much they were better than blacks or others of color. As blacks moved north after slavery the rich owners told their white labor how blacks were taking jobs that white men were entitled to. All along, moderate to low income whites have been race baited by the wealthy who did so to keep them in their place. And all throughout American history those whites have fallen for it.

When blacks got civil rights and Affirmative Action became a policy, once agan wealthy whites started telling poor ones how unqualified blacks are taking their jobs. Rich white CEO’s laid off millions of “working class whites” over over the decades while they ship American jobs overseas to exploit foreign workers in “third world” nations for pennies per hour but they told white workers that unqualified blacks or illegal immigrants are taking jobs from whites. As usual, the “working class white” fell for the race baiting. Like Pavlovs dogs, there is a subculture in the white community that begins to salivate in anger at the mention of other races having the same opportunity they do.

Since 1980, American businesses have sent jobs out of this country and it makes no sense. Everybody’s hero, Ray-Gunn, issued in a government business philosophy of laissez faire economics that has cost this nations workers millions of jobs. “Unqualified” blacks, Asians, illegal immigrants from the southern border, nor anyone else were taking jobs from the white working class. White CEOS and corporate owners sent those jobs away. Their pockets got fat while they race baited white working class citizens into a victim mentality.

"Since the beginning of the 1980s, employment relations in U.S. industrial corporations have undergone three major structural changes—which I summarize as rationalization, marketization, and globalization—that have permanently eliminated middle-class jobs.2 From the early 1980s, rationalization, characterized by plant closings, eliminated the jobs of unionized blue-collar workers. From the early 1990s, marketization, characterized by the end of a career with one company as an employment norm, placed the job security of middle-aged and older white-collar workers in jeopardy. From the early 2000s, globalization, characterized by the movement of employment offshore, left all members of the U.S. labor force, even those with advanced educational credentials and substantial work experience, vulnerable to displacement."

William Lazonick
FinancializationUSCorporation.pdf (

How much longer are you poor ass white racists going to continue allowing yourselves to be played?
Why is the median GPA of Baltimore a 0.13? LOL. How can you even open your mouth here. point one three. Well you beat Blutosky anyway and he's a cracka.

The GPA of one high school student in Baltimore has nothing to do with this topic.
How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Well we don't have mostly 0.13 GPAs dummy. Being played. Your a slave to the libturds Jack. And a waste of fucking time.

Next, Let's go to the hills of Kentucky or West Virginia and test those slack jaws IQ.

IQ has nothing to do with GPA. Studying and doing the work does. If you think I'm saying all Baltimore students have low IQS you are sadly mistaken Jack.

The first big city in WV that came in mind was Parkersburg. With an 86% graduation rate. So what do you see?

If you're using that criteria, there are alot of private schools in.Baltimore with Black kids who have a higher graduation rate. But, i know that doesn't fit your narrative of trying to act as if all blacks are dumb.

I am comparing public high schools. Obviously 0.13 was impressive to you. Where does my narrative ever say that. I SAID THAT ALREADY RACIST!!!!

That one student has nothinng to do with the thread topic. But you racists run from the truth about yourselves.

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:

You keep posting this pic. Hmmm..I wonder how many Republicans haven't been caught doing racist acts but sure welcome, vote and agree with racist policies that they agree with.

I'm sure you do "wonder" about that. In the meantime, we KNOW you support the guy wearing the KKK robe in the picture.
Republicans just had a member speak at a white natiolist event

You didn't answer my question. How has Ralph "Klanny McBlackface" Northam helped you in return for your support?
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:

You keep posting this pic. Hmmm..I wonder how many Republicans haven't been caught doing racist acts but sure welcome, vote and agree with racist policies that they agree with.

I'm sure you do "wonder" about that. In the meantime, we KNOW you support the guy wearing the KKK robe in the picture.
We know that white supremacist republicans have served in public office.
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:

You keep posting this pic. Hmmm..I wonder how many Republicans haven't been caught doing racist acts but sure welcome, vote and agree with racist policies that they agree with.

I'm sure you do "wonder" about that. In the meantime, we KNOW you support the guy wearing the KKK robe in the picture.
Republicans just had a member speak at a white natiolist event

You didn't answer my question. How has Ralph "Klanny McBlackface" Northam helped you in return for your support?
You asked me that and the man doesn't even live in my state.
America is full of right wingers who complain about leftist fascism because their views are rejected. Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic. Oh no, it's got to be due to them being "conservatives." People can't be rejecting speakers like Ann Coulter because her speeches are racist hatefests, oh no, it's only because the left doesn't tolerate opposing views. I can keep going with examples but I won't. The fact is that the right has created a grievance industry whereby they believe they are the victims of an imaginary oppression that no one else sees only because of their political association.This perceived victimization led to an insurrection.

On January 6th 2021, Whiteys Rebellion took place at the United States Capital in Washington D.C. January 6, 2021 is a day every person living in this country and perhaps most of the world will never forget. Most have described this day as an insurrection started by the lame duck president, Donald Trump. While it is true about this being an insurrection, the fact is that like most everything in his miserable failure of a presidency, Donald Trump stumbled into conditions that were made long before he took office and he just happened to be the straw that broke the proverbial camels back. I won’t be rehashing the decomposing horse that has and will continue to get beaten about this day, instead let me take a look at things from the another angle.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

Horace Seldon

As I get older, I seem to be better able to see some things I should have seen years ago. First and foremost is that it is not excusing whites for what they have done to say that it must be difficult to be white. Now those in the racist subculture should not equate this as me saying that whites have it just as tough as we do. No, you don’t. You aren’t hated, denied opportunities then blamed for not achieving after you’ve been denied. So let’s cut that one off right there. I say this because it must be tough for those who do so, to live in a fake reality believing things that never were. The America you were taught about never existed. The claim that your skin color makes you better is untrue. The claim that whites have what they do only because of hard work and merit is not so. The claim that the only real Americans are white is disproven by the fact that people were standing on the shores of this country when European ships found the shores.

“Racism has taught whites that we are entitled to privilege as a right of birth, undercutting the assumption of achieved merit which is one of the cornerstones of democracy.”

Horace Seldon

All of these thing create a psychosis that dwells in the minds of part of the white population. In that psychosis, they are the rightful owners of this land and as such, only they are entitled to the rights and privileges of citizenship. This includes the right to rule or govern. This right is why we were forced to endure the embarrassing and inept presidency of the 45th President of this nation. A black man had just been president, and a woman dared to think she could be president, and that was the red line in the sand white men could not let be crossed. So instead of electing one of the most qualified candidates for president in modern times based on the merits of her achievements, we got an unqualified imbecile whose incompetence has cost over one half million American lives and as of this writing the numbers are still rising.

Let me stop this for a moment because we’re well aware of the failed presidency of number 45. It has been discussed and studied at length how number 45 used race to manipulate. Most of this book has been on the impact of racism on blacks, but what quite a few whites fail to understand is that racism has negatively affected them. As Dr King said, (paraphrasing) “the destinies of all are intertwined.” There is no white supremacy when non whites are denied opportunity. A society fails when all are not strong. A three legged table will fall over. It is just that simple.

It is the arrogance created by a belief in white supremacy that was partly responsible for a largely white crowds to attack the Nations capital on January 6, 2021. For years a portion of the white community believed their nation was being taken from them. According to these people, far too many “non americans” were being afforded rights they thought only belonged to them. After all, whites built this country according to them. Not only does racism teach whites a lie about the accomplishments of others thereby creating a psychosis whereby they refuse to see or accept the reality that others besides whites have contributed to civilization but:

“Racism has set whites who are made poor in our society in competition with people of color, and has also increased the separation between classes among whites.”

Horace Seldon

For the past 400 years, wealthy property owning whites have used race to pit moderate to low income whites against people of color. In 2016, so called working class whites developed a cult like following behind a rich inheritance baby who never really had to worry about a job or anything else ever in his life. A man born on third base with a gold spoon stuck in his mouth. Yet they believed this man was the one fighting for them. He was rich, so how was he fighting for them? Based on that, the only way he could have connected was based on race. However President number 45 was not the first to do that. After all, a declaration was made in the late 1700’s that all men were created equal, but those words were just quill pen ink written on parchment.

In prior postd, I cited the 1790 Naturalization Act. This act allowed only white citizenship of this country. While whites could be citizens, only property owning whites could vote. So from the beginning, poor white men did not have equal rights. White women had no rights, yet both played to race. By 1860 most poor white men could vote, by 1920 white women could vote. Still, both groups were not afforded true equal status with wealthy white American males. Working class whites had no work protections and were at the whims of owners. There were no labor unions, no workplace safety regulations, no minimum wage, no maximum on working hours, no child labor laws, nothing. Factory deaths were no stranger to working class whites or anyone else.

The rich were getting richer and all they had to do in order to keep the poor in line and dependent on the crumbs they were getting was to tell them how much they were better than blacks or others of color. As blacks moved north after slavery the rich owners told their white labor how blacks were taking jobs that white men were entitled to. All along, moderate to low income whites have been race baited by the wealthy who did so to keep them in their place. And all throughout American history those whites have fallen for it.

When blacks got civil rights and Affirmative Action became a policy, once agan wealthy whites started telling poor ones how unqualified blacks are taking their jobs. Rich white CEO’s laid off millions of “working class whites” over over the decades while they ship American jobs overseas to exploit foreign workers in “third world” nations for pennies per hour but they told white workers that unqualified blacks or illegal immigrants are taking jobs from whites. As usual, the “working class white” fell for the race baiting. Like Pavlovs dogs, there is a subculture in the white community that begins to salivate in anger at the mention of other races having the same opportunity they do.

Since 1980, American businesses have sent jobs out of this country and it makes no sense. Everybody’s hero, Ray-Gunn, issued in a government business philosophy of laissez faire economics that has cost this nations workers millions of jobs. “Unqualified” blacks, Asians, illegal immigrants from the southern border, nor anyone else were taking jobs from the white working class. White CEOS and corporate owners sent those jobs away. Their pockets got fat while they race baited white working class citizens into a victim mentality.

"Since the beginning of the 1980s, employment relations in U.S. industrial corporations have undergone three major structural changes—which I summarize as rationalization, marketization, and globalization—that have permanently eliminated middle-class jobs.2 From the early 1980s, rationalization, characterized by plant closings, eliminated the jobs of unionized blue-collar workers. From the early 1990s, marketization, characterized by the end of a career with one company as an employment norm, placed the job security of middle-aged and older white-collar workers in jeopardy. From the early 2000s, globalization, characterized by the movement of employment offshore, left all members of the U.S. labor force, even those with advanced educational credentials and substantial work experience, vulnerable to displacement."

William Lazonick
FinancializationUSCorporation.pdf (

How much longer are you poor ass white racists going to continue allowing yourselves to be played?
Why is the median GPA of Baltimore a 0.13? LOL. How can you even open your mouth here. point one three. Well you beat Blutosky anyway and he's a cracka.

The GPA of one high school student in Baltimore has nothing to do with this topic.
How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Well we don't have mostly 0.13 GPAs dummy. Being played. Your a slave to the libturds Jack. And a waste of fucking time.

Next, Let's go to the hills of Kentucky or West Virginia and test those slack jaws IQ.

IQ has nothing to do with GPA. Studying and doing the work does. If you think I'm saying all Baltimore students have low IQS you are sadly mistaken Jack.

The first big city in WV that came in mind was Parkersburg. With an 86% graduation rate. So what do you see?

If you're using that criteria, there are alot of private schools in.Baltimore with Black kids who have a higher graduation rate. But, i know that doesn't fit your narrative of trying to act as if all blacks are dumb.

I am comparing public high schools. Obviously 0.13 was impressive to you. Where does my narrative ever say that. I SAID THAT ALREADY RACIST!!!!

That one student has nothinng to do with the thread topic. But you racists run from the truth about yourselves.

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:


Well, um, er, blackface and the Klan is not all that bad, it's not like he was a Republican and did that. The democrat White Masters can do stuff like that
America is full of right wingers who complain about leftist fascism because their views are rejected. Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic. Oh no, it's got to be due to them being "conservatives." People can't be rejecting speakers like Ann Coulter because her speeches are racist hatefests, oh no, it's only because the left doesn't tolerate opposing views. I can keep going with examples but I won't. The fact is that the right has created a grievance industry whereby they believe they are the victims of an imaginary oppression that no one else sees only because of their political association.This perceived victimization led to an insurrection.

On January 6th 2021, Whiteys Rebellion took place at the United States Capital in Washington D.C. January 6, 2021 is a day every person living in this country and perhaps most of the world will never forget. Most have described this day as an insurrection started by the lame duck president, Donald Trump. While it is true about this being an insurrection, the fact is that like most everything in his miserable failure of a presidency, Donald Trump stumbled into conditions that were made long before he took office and he just happened to be the straw that broke the proverbial camels back. I won’t be rehashing the decomposing horse that has and will continue to get beaten about this day, instead let me take a look at things from the another angle.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

Horace Seldon

As I get older, I seem to be better able to see some things I should have seen years ago. First and foremost is that it is not excusing whites for what they have done to say that it must be difficult to be white. Now those in the racist subculture should not equate this as me saying that whites have it just as tough as we do. No, you don’t. You aren’t hated, denied opportunities then blamed for not achieving after you’ve been denied. So let’s cut that one off right there. I say this because it must be tough for those who do so, to live in a fake reality believing things that never were. The America you were taught about never existed. The claim that your skin color makes you better is untrue. The claim that whites have what they do only because of hard work and merit is not so. The claim that the only real Americans are white is disproven by the fact that people were standing on the shores of this country when European ships found the shores.

“Racism has taught whites that we are entitled to privilege as a right of birth, undercutting the assumption of achieved merit which is one of the cornerstones of democracy.”

Horace Seldon

All of these thing create a psychosis that dwells in the minds of part of the white population. In that psychosis, they are the rightful owners of this land and as such, only they are entitled to the rights and privileges of citizenship. This includes the right to rule or govern. This right is why we were forced to endure the embarrassing and inept presidency of the 45th President of this nation. A black man had just been president, and a woman dared to think she could be president, and that was the red line in the sand white men could not let be crossed. So instead of electing one of the most qualified candidates for president in modern times based on the merits of her achievements, we got an unqualified imbecile whose incompetence has cost over one half million American lives and as of this writing the numbers are still rising.

Let me stop this for a moment because we’re well aware of the failed presidency of number 45. It has been discussed and studied at length how number 45 used race to manipulate. Most of this book has been on the impact of racism on blacks, but what quite a few whites fail to understand is that racism has negatively affected them. As Dr King said, (paraphrasing) “the destinies of all are intertwined.” There is no white supremacy when non whites are denied opportunity. A society fails when all are not strong. A three legged table will fall over. It is just that simple.

It is the arrogance created by a belief in white supremacy that was partly responsible for a largely white crowds to attack the Nations capital on January 6, 2021. For years a portion of the white community believed their nation was being taken from them. According to these people, far too many “non americans” were being afforded rights they thought only belonged to them. After all, whites built this country according to them. Not only does racism teach whites a lie about the accomplishments of others thereby creating a psychosis whereby they refuse to see or accept the reality that others besides whites have contributed to civilization but:

“Racism has set whites who are made poor in our society in competition with people of color, and has also increased the separation between classes among whites.”

Horace Seldon

For the past 400 years, wealthy property owning whites have used race to pit moderate to low income whites against people of color. In 2016, so called working class whites developed a cult like following behind a rich inheritance baby who never really had to worry about a job or anything else ever in his life. A man born on third base with a gold spoon stuck in his mouth. Yet they believed this man was the one fighting for them. He was rich, so how was he fighting for them? Based on that, the only way he could have connected was based on race. However President number 45 was not the first to do that. After all, a declaration was made in the late 1700’s that all men were created equal, but those words were just quill pen ink written on parchment.

In prior postd, I cited the 1790 Naturalization Act. This act allowed only white citizenship of this country. While whites could be citizens, only property owning whites could vote. So from the beginning, poor white men did not have equal rights. White women had no rights, yet both played to race. By 1860 most poor white men could vote, by 1920 white women could vote. Still, both groups were not afforded true equal status with wealthy white American males. Working class whites had no work protections and were at the whims of owners. There were no labor unions, no workplace safety regulations, no minimum wage, no maximum on working hours, no child labor laws, nothing. Factory deaths were no stranger to working class whites or anyone else.

The rich were getting richer and all they had to do in order to keep the poor in line and dependent on the crumbs they were getting was to tell them how much they were better than blacks or others of color. As blacks moved north after slavery the rich owners told their white labor how blacks were taking jobs that white men were entitled to. All along, moderate to low income whites have been race baited by the wealthy who did so to keep them in their place. And all throughout American history those whites have fallen for it.

When blacks got civil rights and Affirmative Action became a policy, once agan wealthy whites started telling poor ones how unqualified blacks are taking their jobs. Rich white CEO’s laid off millions of “working class whites” over over the decades while they ship American jobs overseas to exploit foreign workers in “third world” nations for pennies per hour but they told white workers that unqualified blacks or illegal immigrants are taking jobs from whites. As usual, the “working class white” fell for the race baiting. Like Pavlovs dogs, there is a subculture in the white community that begins to salivate in anger at the mention of other races having the same opportunity they do.

Since 1980, American businesses have sent jobs out of this country and it makes no sense. Everybody’s hero, Ray-Gunn, issued in a government business philosophy of laissez faire economics that has cost this nations workers millions of jobs. “Unqualified” blacks, Asians, illegal immigrants from the southern border, nor anyone else were taking jobs from the white working class. White CEOS and corporate owners sent those jobs away. Their pockets got fat while they race baited white working class citizens into a victim mentality.

"Since the beginning of the 1980s, employment relations in U.S. industrial corporations have undergone three major structural changes—which I summarize as rationalization, marketization, and globalization—that have permanently eliminated middle-class jobs.2 From the early 1980s, rationalization, characterized by plant closings, eliminated the jobs of unionized blue-collar workers. From the early 1990s, marketization, characterized by the end of a career with one company as an employment norm, placed the job security of middle-aged and older white-collar workers in jeopardy. From the early 2000s, globalization, characterized by the movement of employment offshore, left all members of the U.S. labor force, even those with advanced educational credentials and substantial work experience, vulnerable to displacement."

William Lazonick
FinancializationUSCorporation.pdf (

How much longer are you poor ass white racists going to continue allowing yourselves to be played?
Why is the median GPA of Baltimore a 0.13? LOL. How can you even open your mouth here. point one three. Well you beat Blutosky anyway and he's a cracka.

The GPA of one high school student in Baltimore has nothing to do with this topic.
How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Well we don't have mostly 0.13 GPAs dummy. Being played. Your a slave to the libturds Jack. And a waste of fucking time.

Next, Let's go to the hills of Kentucky or West Virginia and test those slack jaws IQ.

IQ has nothing to do with GPA. Studying and doing the work does. If you think I'm saying all Baltimore students have low IQS you are sadly mistaken Jack.

The first big city in WV that came in mind was Parkersburg. With an 86% graduation rate. So what do you see?

If you're using that criteria, there are alot of private schools in.Baltimore with Black kids who have a higher graduation rate. But, i know that doesn't fit your narrative of trying to act as if all blacks are dumb.

I am comparing public high schools. Obviously 0.13 was impressive to you. Where does my narrative ever say that. I SAID THAT ALREADY RACIST!!!!

No. You got caught in a bullshit comparison and now you're trying to back peddle, racist
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Reactions: IM2
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
I am black and live in those neighborhoods dumb ass. This thread is not about blacks.

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?
As a very rich white person i get real tired of trying to placate the poor people. They are poor because they vote for the very people who keep them poor. If you havent noticed of late that gasoline prices have gone up over 75 cents and that alone doesnt seem to be a lot but for 20 gallons that is 15 extra dollars thanks to Joe Biden. Does that help the poor, no, but i guess you stupid fucks "feel" that as long as it hurts the rich, then you can live with it. That is called "Cutting off your nose, to spite your face".
You're fortunate to be Rich. You're the minority in America and on this message board. The idea that you think Republicans are for poor people after all the tax breaks to help corporations and people like you is baffling. The only people voting against their own interest is these poor Republicans who act as if they are wealthy and don't need help. They would rather not get anything if it means minorities get it.
The sad truth is more minorities have the low end jobs and pay more taxes and more of a percentage in taxes while struggling to make it. The biggest problem with some whites is there's no empathy for anyone who doesn't look or think like them.
Wrong, man, it must suck to be you. Again i started out as a minimum wage puke working at McD's when the hourly rates was $2.10 , but a burger , small fry and drink were only 95 cents. But instead of staying on that job and whining how fucked my life was, i got skill to enable me to go overseas and work on F-15s making $70,000 tax free, but had to leave my safe zone for such an adventure. To many poor people never leave the area they were born, because they are too scared to take a risk on life. No risk, no reward. That is the failure of the poor...
So, You look down on people who are struggling now as if you never struggled! It's easy to say do as I did, but you act as if there's alot of 70k paying jobs to go around. You were fortunate congratulations, but to say just do what I did is silly.
You said you picked up a skill. Did you pay for the school or did you get help to go get your skill?
That idiot makes assumption about people that he should not make. This thread is not about lecturing blacks on how they can make it if we just do like whites. I have a degree plus meaning grad school. I helped build 3 organizations, one from nothing. So this chump needs to just shut his mouth and address the thread topic. But he can't, because he can't handle the truth.
Exactly. I have a job making over 70 k but I'm not nieve enough or lack empathy for people who don't. Some of These are the same people that want to talk About Church and loving people, but hate brown people
Wrong again, retarded one, i dont hate brown people, i dont hate black people, i dont hate white people, but i do hate stupid poor people who keep voting Democrats who keep them poor. Shame you dont have the intelligence to realize that. Elections have consequences, when Prog Elites keep you poor by raising taxes and energy then you deserve to be poor..
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Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:

You keep posting this pic. Hmmm..I wonder how many Republicans haven't been caught doing racist acts but sure welcome, vote and agree with racist policies that they agree with.

I'm sure you do "wonder" about that. In the meantime, we KNOW you support the guy wearing the KKK robe in the picture.
Republicans just had a member speak at a white natiolist event

You didn't answer my question. How has Ralph "Klanny McBlackface" Northam helped you in return for your support?
You asked me that and the man doesn't even live in my state.

So, you still support him. Especially when he wears that Klan robe. Is that your kink?

Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:

You keep posting this pic. Hmmm..I wonder how many Republicans haven't been caught doing racist acts but sure welcome, vote and agree with racist policies that they agree with.

I'm sure you do "wonder" about that. In the meantime, we KNOW you support the guy wearing the KKK robe in the picture.
Republicans just had a member speak at a white natiolist event
So why are you showing a Democrat Governor from Virginia? Are you really as stupid as you make yourself seem?
Try asking you boy marvin the martian that question.
Right wingers can't be disliked because they want to end healthcare for millions of people, cut school lunch programs, food stamps or any other assistance for people in need, or how they want to protect businesses from getting sued for forcing people to work during a pandemic.
You are wrong.

They don't care one way or another. They just don't want to pay for that shit.

It's like: IM2, pay my kid's lunch for the next 2 years. I am not asking. Do it or go to jail/get shot.


Like I said:

How Long Are you Poor Ass Whites Going to Let Yourselves Be Played?

Because we blacks have paid for white people since this nation started.
Yes, but no living black person has paid for any living white person.

I don't care how much you cry about it, there is NO SUCH THING AS COLLECTIVE CULPABILITY independent of individual culpability.

But, I will compromise. I will support black businesses when I can and I will support funding for that effort.
Thats incorrect. We paid for the GI bill and we pay taxes now that go to whites for community development projects in the burbs. There is such a thing as collective culpability since laws created collective harm. The white racist argument of individualism is without merit.
That's a tax and spend problem, not a racial problem.

Quit making everything about race.

Laws creating collective harm are the fault of GOVERNMENT, which is the people. So, you are arguing for both creating the problem and punishing yourself for the failure that results. You should not also be the beneficiary of such failure.
There is a racial problem that whites such as yourself want to deny it's existence. I will continue making things about race until race is no longer ab issue. Your white ass and others like you is why it remains an issue. Laws and policies were purposefully made to exclude blacks. And that was due to white racism.
You know, the dumbfuck that you are, who makes everything about race, is going to cause more racial animosity because of your stupidity. Go talk to some blacks in the neighborhoods, and see how they have fit in with the American Dream. Because they would look at you and realize what a dumbass you are...
More animosity?? Dude it takes a few seconds scrolling up these threads made and commented on by these racist assholes. Some post all day everyday racist bullshit, they don't need help to hate blacks..
Notice that not one of these idiots has addressed the OP. They continue to get played and are too stupid to see it.

You're the one getting played. Tell us how good the party of Jim Crow and the KKK has been to you.
First, tell us about the NEW party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

Same as the old party - the DNC. Remember, you made sure this guy kept his job in 2021. Tell us how good Klanny McBlackface has been for your party:

You keep posting this pic. Hmmm..I wonder how many Republicans haven't been caught doing racist acts but sure welcome, vote and agree with racist policies that they agree with.

I'm sure you do "wonder" about that. In the meantime, we KNOW you support the guy wearing the KKK robe in the picture.
Republicans just had a member speak at a white natiolist event

You didn't answer my question. How has Ralph "Klanny McBlackface" Northam helped you in return for your support?
You asked me that and the man doesn't even live in my state.

If it were Trump in Blackface or the Klan outfit, you'd say the same sad pathetic "I live in Kansas with the Scarecrow who also has no brain!" right?

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