BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

I see - lost the welfare rancher case - so let's toss out a different case.

One more distraction.

As I have said many times on this thread. There are many instances of governmental abuse and overreach - but this ain't one of 'em.
Certainly they are breaking the law. A law the government passed just to give it justification for taking the property.

See this is just the kind of bullshit that really hurts your credibility.

The government doesn't have to take the land - IT IS ALREADY GOVERNMENT LAND!

that would presume he had any credibility.

To be fair - I think they are talking about a different case (i guess because their arguments are so lame on the Nevada case, they introduced a different one).

I deleted the post.
I see - lost the welfare rancher case - so let's toss out a different case.

One more distraction.

As I have said many times on this thread. There are many instances of governmental abuse and overreach - but this ain't one of 'em.

Since when do you Communist Entitlement douches hate Welfare? Are you really gonna go with that? Seems really weak and dishonest.
I see - lost the welfare rancher case - so let's toss out a different case.

One more distraction.

As I have said many times on this thread. There are many instances of governmental abuse and overreach - but this ain't one of 'em.

Since when do you Communist Entitlement douches hate Welfare? Are you really gonna go with that? Seems really weak and dishonest.

Be that as it may - I detest the notion that taxpayers "owe" freebies to anyone.
(maybe your insults and labels were ignorantly applied?)
The only positive attribute in this entire mess is the image of the United States preparing to murder its citizens in order to take their property. Yes, it has been done before. This is the first in the internet age where actions like this cannot be ignored, dismissed or swept under the rug. The nation is watching. The world is watching. This won't be like the murder of Donald Scott. This is going in every nook and cranny on the planet. America, the beacon of freedom. Gone.
I see - lost the welfare rancher case - so let's toss out a different case.

One more distraction.

As I have said many times on this thread. There are many instances of governmental abuse and overreach - but this ain't one of 'em.

Since when do you Communist Entitlement douches hate Welfare? Are you really gonna go with that? Seems really weak and dishonest.

Be that as it may - I detest the notion that taxpayers "owe" freebies to anyone.
(maybe your insults and labels were ignorantly applied?)

So it's about 'Welfare' then? Man, talk about a stupid distraction attempt. I've never met a Communist Entitlement douche yet who didn't just love Taxpayers paying for their Freebies. You really so sure you wanna go with that argument? Doesn't seem too sincere.
Since when do you Communist Entitlement douches hate Welfare? Are you really gonna go with that? Seems really weak and dishonest.

Be that as it may - I detest the notion that taxpayers "owe" freebies to anyone.
(maybe your insults and labels were ignorantly applied?)

So it's about 'Welfare' then? Man, talk about a stupid distraction attempt. I've never met a Communist Entitlement douche yet who didn't just love Taxpayers paying for their Freebies. You really so sure you wanna go with that argument? Doesn't seem too sincere.

Judging from the caliber your posts - I'm very flattered that you disagree with me. I can't imagine a better compliment. Thank you.
The only positive attribute in this entire mess is the image of the United States preparing to murder its citizens in order to take their property. Yes, it has been done before. This is the first in the internet age where actions like this cannot be ignored, dismissed or swept under the rug. The nation is watching. The world is watching. This won't be like the murder of Donald Scott. This is going in every nook and cranny on the planet. America, the beacon of freedom. Gone.

Yeah .... except it isn't his land.
Be that as it may - I detest the notion that taxpayers "owe" freebies to anyone.
(maybe your insults and labels were ignorantly applied?)

So it's about 'Welfare' then? Man, talk about a stupid distraction attempt. I've never met a Communist Entitlement douche yet who didn't just love Taxpayers paying for their Freebies. You really so sure you wanna go with that argument? Doesn't seem too sincere.

Judging from the caliber your posts - I'm very flattered that you disagree with me. I can't imagine a better compliment. Thank you.

Sorry to offend, but you're very disingenuous. Outraged over Welfare? A Communist Entitlement douche? Really? Not buying your outrage son.
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So it's about 'Welfare' then? Man, talk about a stupid distraction attempt. I've never met a Communist Entitlement douche yet who didn't just love Taxpayers paying for their Freebies. You really so sure you wanna go with that argument? Doesn't seem too sincere.

Judging from the caliber your posts - I'm very flattered that you disagree with me. I can't imagine a better compliment. Thank you.

Sorry to offend, but you're very disingenuous. Outraged over Welfare? A Communist Entitlement douche? Really? Not buying it son.

LOL - I made it clear I'm flattered - not offended. I couldn't care less what you buy or don't buy. And I don't care about your lil' name-calling hissy either.

This rancher stopped paying his grazing fees because he got his panties in a twist over turtles. He's been feeding off the public trough for close to 20 years now. Time to kick his freeloading ass off the gravy train.

Everything else is just a piss poor attempt at distraction and at whipping the Turner Diaries crowd into a frenzy.
Judging from the caliber your posts - I'm very flattered that you disagree with me. I can't imagine a better compliment. Thank you.

Sorry to offend, but you're very disingenuous. Outraged over Welfare? A Communist Entitlement douche? Really? Not buying it son.

LOL - couldn't care less what you buy or don't buy. And I don't care about your lil' name-calling hissy either.

This rancher stopped paying his grazing fees because he got his panties in a twist over turtles. He's been feeding off the public trough for close to 20 years now. Time to kick his freeloading ass off the gravy train.

Everything else is just a piss poor attempt at distraction and at whipping the Turner Diaries crowd into a frenzy.

Seriously son, come back with a more genuine and coherent argument. No one here is buying a Communist Entitlement douche's 'outrage' over Welfare. Coming from you, it's a very stupid and dishonest argument. If it came from someone else, we could buy it. But you love Taxpayer-funded Freebies. You're not foolin anyone. So try another angle. Because this one ain't gonna work.
Sorry to offend, but you're very disingenuous. Outraged over Welfare? A Communist Entitlement douche? Really? Not buying it son.

LOL - couldn't care less what you buy or don't buy. And I don't care about your lil' name-calling hissy either.

This rancher stopped paying his grazing fees because he got his panties in a twist over turtles. He's been feeding off the public trough for close to 20 years now. Time to kick his freeloading ass off the gravy train.

Everything else is just a piss poor attempt at distraction and at whipping the Turner Diaries crowd into a frenzy.

Seriously son, come back with a more genuine and coherent argument. No one here is buying a Communist Entitlement douche's 'outrage' over Welfare. Coming from you, it's a very stupid and dishonest argument. If it came from someone else, we could buy it. But you love Taxpayer-funded Freebies. You're not foolin anyone. So try another angle. Because this one ain't gonna work.

So that's what ya got?
If this is an example of the support this ol' rancher has, he's screwed.
I can only hope that someone of crafty intelligence can take this incident and use it. Not only in the United States. Certainly an incident like this can be used to Russia to undermine obama's credibility in conflict.

A country that would kill its own citizens to steal their property, will not hesitate to steal the property of anyone else.
What does that have to do with this at all?

Nothing at all. If they had a real case in favor of this welfare cowboy - they would state it. The fact that they keep posting diversions and conspiracy theories and ....

"ewwww ewwww remember Waco"

Is a very clear indication that they have no case.

Eminent domain? LOL - REALLY - how is that a factor in this case AT ALL? It isn't.

It's a factor, and it's very disturbing. Do you really own anything? You probably don't even realize that what you think is yours, is actually Big Brother's. If he says it's so, it becomes so.

Bundy has title to the land in question?
April 19, 1993 - Waco Tragedy

The 51-day Branch Davidian standoff, with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire Arms and Explosives, in Waco, Texas ends in the fiery death of approximately 76 people, including 27 children.

April 19, 1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing

The deadly bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, a government building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma took place killing 168 people and injuring over 800 more.

For more information on this date in history, visit April 19

April 20, 1999 - Columbine School Shooting

Two deranged students stalk classmates and teachers killing twelve students and one teacher before killing themselves at the Columbine High School in Colorado.

For more information on this date in history, visit April 20

April 16, 2007 - VA Tech Massacre

Crazed lunatic kills two students in the early hours of the morning and then goes across the campus of VA Tech to kill 30 more students and wound nearly 30 more.

For more information on this date in history, visit April 16

The Bloody Month of April

Wars that began during the month of April are:

The American Revolution (1775)

The American Civil War (1861)

The Armenian Genocide (1914)

The Bosnian War (1992)

The Rwandan Genocide (1994)

Assassinations during the month of April:

President Abraham Lincoln (1865)

Martin Luther King Jr (1968)

These are just the tip of the iceberg. Visit the link below, click on each day of the month of April and read what has occurred during this bloody month.

April, Bloody April: Waco Tragedy, Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine School Shooting and VA Tech Massacre - Yahoo Voices -

The Illuminati goes back to the very beginning of our nations history. They are satanists. The first Illuminati / Satanist family to arrive in America were the Collins family. Some changed their name to Todd. You'll note quite a few in politics, Hollywood films, the occult / horror films, Look up John Collins - there is quite a history there and these dates have been their high holy days for hundreds of years.

OK - now I get it.

Have a nice day and enjoy your meds.

OK...let me see if I have this right. [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] should be on meds for stating facts but the nutcases defending this guy, Koresh, McVeigh, et al, are sane?

Here's what I see.

This dude was breaking the law by not paying the fees to graze his cattle on federal land. He refused to pay those fees after paying them for many years.


So now all tin-hatted militia types are rallying around this guy, crying like two year olds.

When all he had to do was follow the law.

It's just that simple. Follow the law, you don't get in trouble.

Don't like the law? Run for office and get it changed.

I looked at everything from the fox news articles and other stories that ran yesterday afternoon, Howie. I believe he needs to obey the law of the land. If they say he owes the money and he says he has it - let him pay it and be done with it. David Koresh should have come out of the house when he was asked to. The fact he refused to led to the belief he was hiding something - perhaps harming the children inside. He should have been willing to show the authorities there was nothing wrong there. My 2 cents.
LOL - couldn't care less what you buy or don't buy. And I don't care about your lil' name-calling hissy either.

This rancher stopped paying his grazing fees because he got his panties in a twist over turtles. He's been feeding off the public trough for close to 20 years now. Time to kick his freeloading ass off the gravy train.

Everything else is just a piss poor attempt at distraction and at whipping the Turner Diaries crowd into a frenzy.

Seriously son, come back with a more genuine and coherent argument. No one here is buying a Communist Entitlement douche's 'outrage' over Welfare. Coming from you, it's a very stupid and dishonest argument. If it came from someone else, we could buy it. But you love Taxpayer-funded Freebies. You're not foolin anyone. So try another angle. Because this one ain't gonna work.

So that's what ya got?
If this is an example of the support this ol' rancher has, he's screwed.

He's screwed regardless. Thanks to Goose Stepping Authority-Worshippers like you.
I really do fear for this man and his family's safety. Sadly, I don't think Big Brother would have any problem killing this man and his family over some grazing cattle. It just wouldn't surprise me these days.

He's breaking the law. We all have to obey the law if we want a civil society. Or are you an anarchist? You prefer anarchy?
Nothing at all. If they had a real case in favor of this welfare cowboy - they would state it. The fact that they keep posting diversions and conspiracy theories and ....

"ewwww ewwww remember Waco"

Is a very clear indication that they have no case.

Eminent domain? LOL - REALLY - how is that a factor in this case AT ALL? It isn't.

It's a factor, and it's very disturbing. Do you really own anything? You probably don't even realize that what you think is yours, is actually Big Brother's. If he says it's so, it becomes so.

Bundy has title to the land in question?

Eminent Domain doesn't apply to this particular case, but it does resemble it. Look into Eminent Domain a bit more. If Big Brother says it's his, it's his. Very little recourse for the little people.
Seriously son, come back with a more genuine and coherent argument. No one here is buying a Communist Entitlement douche's 'outrage' over Welfare. Coming from you, it's a very stupid and dishonest argument. If it came from someone else, we could buy it. But you love Taxpayer-funded Freebies. You're not foolin anyone. So try another angle. Because this one ain't gonna work.

So that's what ya got?
If this is an example of the support this ol' rancher has, he's screwed.

He's screwed regardless. Thanks to Goose Stepping Authority-Worshippers like you.

ah, more name-calling.

You're not really doing him any good with that now are you?
It's a factor, and it's very disturbing. Do you really own anything? You probably don't even realize that what you think is yours, is actually Big Brother's. If he says it's so, it becomes so.

Bundy has title to the land in question?

Eminent Domain doesn't apply to this particular case, but it does resemble it. Look into Eminent Domain a bit more. If Big Brother says it's his, it's his. Very little recourse for the little people.

I can appreciate it when people admit when they are wrong.

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