BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

I really do fear for this man and his family's safety. Sadly, I don't think Big Brother would have any problem killing this man and his family over some grazing cattle. It just wouldn't surprise me these days.

He's breaking the law. We all have to obey the law if we want a civil society. Or are you an anarchist? You prefer anarchy?

Yes we know, it's for America and the children. Can't have those evil Cattle Grazer Terrorists running around free to wreak havoc on innocent men, women, and children. We must preserve our American way of life.
Bundy has title to the land in question?

Eminent Domain doesn't apply to this particular case, but it does resemble it. Look into Eminent Domain a bit more. If Big Brother says it's his, it's his. Very little recourse for the little people.

I can appreciate it when people admit when they are wrong.

You got that link showing where i claimed Eminent Domain applied to this particular case? If not, i can appreciate it when people admit when they are wrong. Thanks.
In the video you will see the law enforcement all left peacefully and drove away. I didn't see any snipers in the video. I believe this is the outer perimeter of Bundys ranch and the actual ranch is down the road.

Let's hope you're right and it ends peacefully. But one thing i've learned over the years is that Big Brother doesn't like to be challenged or lose. They won't hesitate in killing this man or his family over some grazing cattle. That is very sad, but it is what it is.

Oh my goodness. What a whole lot of hyperbole and drama. The rancher is in violation of the law and has been for a couple of decades. He is a law breaker. A criminal. The govenment isn't threatening him with violence, but he is being ordered to obey the law. As with any criminal, if he refused to obey the law, they may well go onto his property to arrest him. If he resists arrest, they may need to be violent. He is bringing this all on himself. The land he is using to graze his cattle is not his land. He has no right to use it or to damage it, an cattle do a lot of damage to grazing land.
In the video you will see the law enforcement all left peacefully and drove away. I didn't see any snipers in the video. I believe this is the outer perimeter of Bundys ranch and the actual ranch is down the road.

Let's hope you're right and it ends peacefully. But one thing i've learned over the years is that Big Brother doesn't like to be challenged or lose. They won't hesitate in killing this man or his family over some grazing cattle. That is very sad, but it is what it is.

Oh my goodness. What a whole lot of hyperbole and drama. The rancher is in violation of the law and has been for a couple of decades. He is a law breaker. A criminal. The govenment isn't threatening him with violence, but he is being ordered to obey the law. As with any criminal, if he refused to obey the law, they may well go onto his property to arrest him. If he resists arrest, they may need to be violent. He is bringing this all on himself. The land he is using to graze his cattle is not his land. He has no right to use it or to damage it, an cattle do a lot of damage to grazing land.

Big Brother can always count on you, huh? So sad. :(
I really do fear for this man and his family's safety. Sadly, I don't think Big Brother would have any problem killing this man and his family over some grazing cattle. It just wouldn't surprise me these days.

He's breaking the law. We all have to obey the law if we want a civil society. Or are you an anarchist? You prefer anarchy?

Yes we know, it's for America and the children. Can't have those evil Cattle Grazer Terrorists running around free to wreak havoc on innocent men, women, and children. We must preserve our American way of life.

So, you are in favor of people breaking the law? Do you know what grazing cattle herds do to land? The damage they do to land? This is not the rancher's land. Would it be okay if he sent his cattle herd over to your place and destory your yard and garden? You'd have no problem with that, right? In fact, as long as you think it is okay for people to break the law and use what isn't theirs, you'd probably think it would be okay for the rancher to send his ranch hands over to your place and just move in, push your family out and live in your house and use it as they like, because that is what the rancher is doing to public lands, just taking it over for his own use irregardless of it being the property of someone else.
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Sorry to offend, but you're very disingenuous. Outraged over Welfare? A Communist Entitlement douche? Really? Not buying it son.

LOL - couldn't care less what you buy or don't buy. And I don't care about your lil' name-calling hissy either.

This rancher stopped paying his grazing fees because he got his panties in a twist over turtles. He's been feeding off the public trough for close to 20 years now. Time to kick his freeloading ass off the gravy train.

Everything else is just a piss poor attempt at distraction and at whipping the Turner Diaries crowd into a frenzy.

Seriously son, come back with a more genuine and coherent argument. No one here is buying a Communist Entitlement douche's 'outrage' over Welfare. Coming from you, it's a very stupid and dishonest argument. If it came from someone else, we could buy it. But you love Taxpayer-funded Freebies. You're not foolin anyone. So try another angle. Because this one ain't gonna work.

Actually, it was quite succinct. I don't believe you were ever once referenced as any kind of a douche.
Let's hope you're right and it ends peacefully. But one thing i've learned over the years is that Big Brother doesn't like to be challenged or lose. They won't hesitate in killing this man or his family over some grazing cattle. That is very sad, but it is what it is.

Oh my goodness. What a whole lot of hyperbole and drama. The rancher is in violation of the law and has been for a couple of decades. He is a law breaker. A criminal. The govenment isn't threatening him with violence, but he is being ordered to obey the law. As with any criminal, if he refused to obey the law, they may well go onto his property to arrest him. If he resists arrest, they may need to be violent. He is bringing this all on himself. The land he is using to graze his cattle is not his land. He has no right to use it or to damage it, an cattle do a lot of damage to grazing land.

Big Brother can always count on you, huh? So sad. :(

You know, you are such a fucking idiot, you don't even understand what the term Big Brother refers to or means. You've probably only ever even heard of the novel 1984, never read it, and if you did, you obviously did not get what it is about. And, on top of that, I highly doubt you've ever read anything else Orwell wrote and do not at all have any idea where he is coming from. You're continuously misusing the term 'Big Brother' and making a complete fool of yourself in so doing. What a jerk. In fact, you probably haven't even heard of the novel 1984. You've just heard the term big brother and think it means something it doesn't. What a fool.
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He's breaking the law. We all have to obey the law if we want a civil society. Or are you an anarchist? You prefer anarchy?

Yes we know, it's for America and the children. Can't have those evil Cattle Grazer Terrorists running around free to wreak havoc on innocent men, women, and children. We must preserve our American way of life.

So, you are in favor of people breaking the law? Do you know what grazing cattle herds do to land? The damage they do to land? This is not the rancher's land. Would it be okay if he sent his cattle herd over to your place and destory your yard and garden? You'd have no problem with that, right? In fact, as long as you think it is okay for people to break the law and use what isn't theirs, you'd probably think it would be okay for the rancher to send his ranch hands over to your place and just move in, push your family out and live in your house and use it as they like, because that is what the rancher is doing to public lands, just taking it over for his own use irregardless of it being the property of someone else.

Him and his family were there long long before Big Brother stole the land. It's the same as when he stole the land from Native Americans. So who's really the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' here?
LOL - couldn't care less what you buy or don't buy. And I don't care about your lil' name-calling hissy either.

This rancher stopped paying his grazing fees because he got his panties in a twist over turtles. He's been feeding off the public trough for close to 20 years now. Time to kick his freeloading ass off the gravy train.

Everything else is just a piss poor attempt at distraction and at whipping the Turner Diaries crowd into a frenzy.

Seriously son, come back with a more genuine and coherent argument. No one here is buying a Communist Entitlement douche's 'outrage' over Welfare. Coming from you, it's a very stupid and dishonest argument. If it came from someone else, we could buy it. But you love Taxpayer-funded Freebies. You're not foolin anyone. So try another angle. Because this one ain't gonna work.

Actually, it was quite succinct. I don't believe you were ever once referenced as any kind of a douche.

He or she is a Communist Entitlement douche. So no one's buying the 'Outrage' over Welfare. Since when do Communist Entitlement douches have a problem with Taxpayers paying for Freebies? So i'll stand by my assessment of his or her's argument. It's absolute Bullshite.
OK - now I get it.

Have a nice day and enjoy your meds.

OK...let me see if I have this right. [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] should be on meds for stating facts but the nutcases defending this guy, Koresh, McVeigh, et al, are sane?

Here's what I see.

This dude was breaking the law by not paying the fees to graze his cattle on federal land. He refused to pay those fees after paying them for many years.


So now all tin-hatted militia types are rallying around this guy, crying like two year olds.

When all he had to do was follow the law.

It's just that simple. Follow the law, you don't get in trouble.

Don't like the law? Run for office and get it changed.

I looked at everything from the fox news articles and other stories that ran yesterday afternoon, Howie. I believe he needs to obey the law of the land. If they say he owes the money and he says he has it - let him pay it and be done with it. David Koresh should have come out of the house when he was asked to. The fact he refused to led to the belief he was hiding something - perhaps harming the children inside. He should have been willing to show the authorities there was nothing wrong there. My 2 cents.
What you believe Koresh should have done is not what he did. So what do you think should have been done about that?
Yes we know, it's for America and the children. Can't have those evil Cattle Grazer Terrorists running around free to wreak havoc on innocent men, women, and children. We must preserve our American way of life.

So, you are in favor of people breaking the law? Do you know what grazing cattle herds do to land? The damage they do to land? This is not the rancher's land. Would it be okay if he sent his cattle herd over to your place and destory your yard and garden? You'd have no problem with that, right? In fact, as long as you think it is okay for people to break the law and use what isn't theirs, you'd probably think it would be okay for the rancher to send his ranch hands over to your place and just move in, push your family out and live in your house and use it as they like, because that is what the rancher is doing to public lands, just taking it over for his own use irregardless of it being the property of someone else.

Him and his family were there long long before Big Brother stole the land. It's the same as when he stole the land from Native Americans. So who's really the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' here?

Oh my goodness. What a whole lot of hyperbole and drama. The rancher is in violation of the law and has been for a couple of decades. He is a law breaker. A criminal. The govenment isn't threatening him with violence, but he is being ordered to obey the law. As with any criminal, if he refused to obey the law, they may well go onto his property to arrest him. If he resists arrest, they may need to be violent. He is bringing this all on himself. The land he is using to graze his cattle is not his land. He has no right to use it or to damage it, an cattle do a lot of damage to grazing land.

Big Brother can always count on you, huh? So sad. :(

You know, you are such a fucking idiot, you don't even understand what the term Big Brother refers to or means. You've probably only ever even heard of the novel 1984, never read it, and if you did, you obviously did not get what it is about. And, on top of that, I highly doubt you've ever read anything else Orwell wrote and do not at all have any idea where he is coming from. You're continuously misusing the term 'Big Brother' and making a complete fool of yourself in so doing. What a jerk. In fact, you probably haven't even heard of the novel 1984. You've just heard the term big brother and think it means something it doesn't. What a fool.

Nice try, but you are the quintessential boot-licking Big Brother Worshipper. It is what it is.
I really do fear for this man and his family's safety. Sadly, I don't think Big Brother would have any problem killing this man and his family over some grazing cattle. It just wouldn't surprise me these days.

He's breaking the law. We all have to obey the law if we want a civil society. Or are you an anarchist? You prefer anarchy?

Yes we know, it's for America and the children. Can't have those evil Cattle Grazer Terrorists running around free to wreak havoc on innocent men, women, and children. We must preserve our American way of life.

There is no terrorist. Rhetorical hyperboles is really all you got isn't it?

The travesty here is that he's been allowed to break the rule of law for 20 some odd years with little or no consequence.

Thin that herd. Get them to the market. Beef, it's what's for dinner. :D
He's breaking the law. We all have to obey the law if we want a civil society. Or are you an anarchist? You prefer anarchy?

Yes we know, it's for America and the children. Can't have those evil Cattle Grazer Terrorists running around free to wreak havoc on innocent men, women, and children. We must preserve our American way of life.

There is no terrorist. Rhetorical hyperboles is really all you got isn't it?

The travesty here is that he's been allowed to break the rule of law for 20 some odd years with little or no consequence.

Thin that herd. Get them to the market. Beef, it's what's for dinner. :D

Big Brother is the criminal thief in this. And it's so sad so many Americans feel compelled to shill. This man is a good man, he's not a criminal. Especially when compared to the all-too numerous criminals in our Government. Let the man graze his cattle. Big Brother can go to hell.
While law enforcement agencies will negotiate with hostage takers, which is exactly what Koresh was doing with the kids, they also put a SWAT team on the roof to take them out, should they come to the conclusion that the hostages are in danger of being killed or injured by the hostage takers.

Koresh knew that, and he made no effort whatsoever to protect those kids. He was using them as a shield.
While law enforcement agencies will negotiate with hostage takers, which is exactly what Koresh was doing with the kids, they also put a SWAT team on the roof to take them out, should they come to the conclusion that the hostages are in danger of being killed or injured by the hostage takers.

Koresh knew that, and he made no effort whatsoever to protect those kids. He was using them as a shield.
So what?
Here's the latest...

Heavily-Armed Feds Surround Nevada Ranch

A 20-year dispute between a Nevada rancher and federal rangers over illegal cattle grazing erupted into an Old West-style showdown on the open range this week, even prompting self-proclaimed members of militia groups from across the country to join the rancher in fighting what they say is U.S. "tyranny."

What began as a legal fight between longtime rancher Cliven Bundy and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has escalated as Bundy kept his cattle on the federal land, and the government has responded by beginning roundups of the livestock.

A confrontation teetered on violence Wednesday when Bundy family members and dozens of supporters angrily confronted a group of rangers holding Tasers and barking dogs on leashes near Bunkerville, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

Federal officials say a police dog was kicked and officers were assaulted.

Bundy family members say they were thrown to the ground or jolted with a Taser.
In the end, the rangers got into their white SUVs and drove away, a YouTube video of the incident showed.

"Get out of our state!" the cheering protesters yelled at the rangers as they departed in several vehicles. "BLM go away! BLM go away!" they added, referring to the Bureau of Land Management.

The entire incident is now under investigation, Amy Lueders, the bureau's director in Nevada, said Thursday.

To some, the 67-year-old Bundy is a hero who hails from a long family of ranchers stretching back to the Wild West.

To environmentalists and the feds, however, he's an outlaw of sorts who owes U.S. taxpayers more than $1 million in unpaid grazing fees.

The U.S. government is rounding up Bundy's cattle that it says have been grazing illegally on public lands in Clark County for more than 20 years, according to the land-management bureau and the National Park Service...

Showdown: Nevada rancher, feds face off over grazing rights -

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