BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

It's al;ways the people who are getting their ass kicked the worst who "claim victory"

LOL - duly noted.

Free advice. Do not ever vindicate yourself. It is a sure sign of weakness and a signal to the other side you've lost it.

Your welcome and good day. - J.
Anyone who calls those murderers at Waco "peaceful American citizens" is a lying piece of shit. Period.

so the children that died were not peaceful

David Koresh bears full responsibility.

The BATF wanted to make a big production so they could go to Congress at appropriations time and justify their budgets. They could have done their searches any number of ways, but they chose the Rambo approach because it would be exciting on a video shown to Congress.

The Batmen bear at least as much responsibility to the Waco clusterfuck as Koresh does.
The murderers who hid behind them and refused to let them leave have their blood on their hands.

So you were there? you saw with your own eyes?heard with your own ears?

There it's no question that Koresh was crazy, was a pedophile and didn't let those children leave.
so the children that died were not peaceful

David Koresh bears full responsibility.

The BATF wanted to make a big production so they could go to Congress at appropriations time and justify their budgets. They could have done their searches any number of ways, but they chose the Rambo approach because it would be exciting on a video shown to Congress.

The Batmen bear at least as much responsibility to the Waco clusterfuck as Koresh does.

All he had to do was come out peacefully. He is fully responsible for what happened.
David Koresh bears full responsibility.

The BATF wanted to make a big production so they could go to Congress at appropriations time and justify their budgets. They could have done their searches any number of ways, but they chose the Rambo approach because it would be exciting on a video shown to Congress.

The Batmen bear at least as much responsibility to the Waco clusterfuck as Koresh does.

All he had to do was come out peacefully. He is fully responsible for what happened.

The BATF wanted an incident. They got it.
BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

The "peaceful rancher" has not paid grazing fees to the US government for twenty years, argues federal land is really state land, and made threats to do whatever it took to prevent the feds from rounding up his stock.

No one had, Jake. It wasn't until the long lost tortoise appeared that it went off the rails. Something doesn't add up. I'm sure the story will continue to develop and we'll see if military action is taken over a few turtles. The fed govt. don't have the right to steal his cattle. Under any circumstances. They should back off.

The rancher has no right to not pay We the People fees for our land.

So, yeah, govt rounding up the cattle is perfectly acceptable.
So since I've "lost" it should be no problem for someone to tell me what I'm getting in return for letting this guy run his commercial enterprise on my land for free? I don't want to hike or camp in a pile of cow shit. So the part he is using is not useable to the rest of us. What is this freeloader giving us in return?
So since I've "lost" it should be no problem for someone to tell me what I'm getting in return for letting this guy run his commercial enterprise on my land for free? I don't want to hike or camp in a pile of cow shit. So the part he is using is not useable to the rest of us. What is this freeloader giving us in return?

You're going to get your pound of flesh in a few days when the bullets fly and he gets real dead for his principled stand. You'll get some entertainment value of it when it's on the evening news and some righteous indignation, so you've at least got that going for you.
How about those kids in the day care in the Oklahoma Federal Building? Timothy McVeigh was taking "revenge" for Waco and killed all those children and all the others in that building who died.

What about them,different case ,no reliance,other than a nut case raging against a perceived over bearing Gov.

I didn't know Timothy McVeigh was our government. OH yeah . HE IS NOT. He was just some WACKO who went crazy
Anyone who calls those murderers at Waco "peaceful American citizens" is a lying piece of shit. Period.

so the children that died were not peaceful

The murderers who hid behind them and refused to let them leave have their blood on their hands.

any story that laments those "peaceful American Citizens" who murdered men women and children and then blamed it on law enforcement is written by a piece of shit liar.


Why would I read any further?

You obviously don't read any further, and that is why you remain ignorant. The residents of the Koresh compound at Waco didn't go looking for trouble, the trouble came to them in the form of the ATF. The same at Ruby Ridge in Idaho.

Apparently, being repeated in Nevada.
so the children that died were not peaceful

The murderers who hid behind them and refused to let them leave have their blood on their hands.

any story that laments those "peaceful American Citizens" who murdered men women and children and then blamed it on law enforcement is written by a piece of shit liar.


Why would I read any further?

You obviously don't read any further, and that is why you remain ignorant. The residents of the Koresh compound at Waco didn't go looking for trouble, the trouble came to them in the form of the ATF. The same at Ruby Ridge in Idaho.

Apparently, being repeated in Nevada.

Vicki Weaver surely had it coming when Lon Horiuchi put one through her head while holding an assault baby.

She was making a move, man. He had to get it on!
So since I've "lost" it should be no problem for someone to tell me what I'm getting in return for letting this guy run his commercial enterprise on my land for free? I don't want to hike or camp in a pile of cow shit. So the part he is using is not useable to the rest of us. What is this freeloader giving us in return?

Yet, you can hike and camp use ATVs and drive cars polluting the land, you can do this unregulated for free,( as long as you don't mess with the rock art) your horse can crap all over the place and eat the grass. You will probably pee and poo on the land if staying for any amount of time for free.

You can use the land as a virtual hotel for as long as you like and camp and build fires to warm your butt at night, leaving the land scarred from the fire and your horse trampling all over the land. Your car and ATVs can scar the land, your feet can do the same. Your dog and cat can pee and poo all over the land if you choose to bring it.

Guess what ,you can hunt there, fish there, you can pan for gold there. Gaining a profit for yourself in all of the aforementioned items. You can photograph the area and sell the photos if you are good enough and make money from the area. You can sustain yourself off the land for free as long as you want as there is nothing to regulate how long you stay.

Perhaps he does not appreciate that. But you can do it, cant you? And you don't have to pay him a dime. You can do all of the above for free.

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There it's no question that Koresh was crazy, was a pedophile and didn't let those children leave.

What was the basis of the BATF raid?

Using all the extensive legal training you have, from years of sitting in your trailer, eating bon bons and watching Law and Order reruns, did it make sense for the BATF to serve such a warrant?

Is there precedent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms to investigate allegations of child abuse? Particularly after the country officials investigated and found no evidence?
So since I've "lost" it should be no problem for someone to tell me what I'm getting in return for letting this guy run his commercial enterprise on my land for free? I don't want to hike or camp in a pile of cow shit. So the part he is using is not useable to the rest of us. What is this freeloader giving us in return?

You're going to get your pound of flesh in a few days when the bullets fly and he gets real dead for his principled stand. You'll get some entertainment value of it when it's on the evening news and some righteous indignation, so you've at least gxot that going for you.

I don't want him dead. I want him to pay what he owes or get off my land. If he dies, it will be his choice. He really wants to die to defend the principle of his "right" to have the taxpayers subsidize his commercial enterprise?
There was absolutely no reason to storm the buildings, no one had attempted to leave,

So as long as you stay home after you murder someone .... you're in the clear ????

That all depends on who did the murdering. Koresh was hit when he opened the front door to greet the officers. Doesn't appear that he was looking for a shootout. If the ATF fired first, then they were the murderers.

The ATF went looking for a show. Even invited the TV cameras to the party. They got the show they were looking for.

The FBI lost their case, in my humble opinion, when they bulldozed the site to prevent the Texas Rangers from conducting an investigation into who fired first. They destroyed all the evidence for a reason. And, that reason was to protect themselves.

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