Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Go and read comments in the newspapers covering their disgusting antics. You will see quite a few people who voted for Comrade Corbyn airing their disgust and saying Labour has lost their vote because of their shameful behaviour.
Some people are even losing sympathy because they don't realise many of the people trying to storm the council and screaming abuse in the streets - and actually fighting - are not in fact the dispossessed and grieving, but Comrade Corbyns momentum and socialist workers pigs. Way to go!
Murdered by austerity politics. And you still support them. Disgusting.

This is Robert Peston a former Telegraph hack. Which part has he got wrong ?

One reason why the Grenfell tragedy has shaken so many of us is because it exposes so much of what's wrong with the way this place has been run for years.

We'll have to wait for a forensic examination of all the many decisions that turned a series of risks into an appalling catastrophe.

But although the trigger may still be unclear, it is reasonable to identify a number of underlying causes.

Part of the background is austerity that has been particularly acute for local government.

But austerity seems to have become particularly toxic in a system where responsibility for vital safety decisions is so diffuse: we have ministers in charge of regulations, councillors funding an arms length management company, and a management company placing a refurbishment contract with the cheapest bidder.

There is naturally huge anger that the government didn't ban the kind of cladding used at Grenfell, when such cladding is illegal for use on high rise structures in the US (as the Times reports today).

Similarly there is horror that the government never made it obligatory for the fire safety standards that apply to new buildings to be enforced at older blocks - that such improvements are only recommended, not obligatory.

But such lax or light touch regulation only becomes fatal in a system - such as we have - designed to drive down costs and save money, not to put the safety of people first.

It is a system in which those working for all the interconnected bodies that made the refurbishment decisions and gave the wrong safety advice to tenants are able to say - as if that makes it alright - "we followed the rules".

It is a system in which identifying anyone who can be proved to be ultimately responsible for what happened may be impossible.

And as we saw in the banks before the financial crisis, when people can take reckless decisions safe in the knowledge they can't be held to account, reckless decisions get taken.

The horrific corollary of a faceless, irresponsible system of public-housing governance is that many of the poor and vulnerable people who died in the fire are not even being given the respect of formal identification as victims - because they live on the fringes of the state, and the authorities seem unable to be confident they even existed, let alone that they have died.

There is a social contract between those of us lucky enough to have voices that are heard and those who don't that we should not put them in harms way. Grenfell seems the most grotesque breach of that contract in my lifetime. It shames us all.

Robert Peston it says is also BBC, so he's BBC filth, the BBC are now infested with Leftists, the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.


Robert Peston - Wikipedia
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Go and read comments in the newspapers covering their disgusting antics. You will see quite a few people who voted for Comrade Corbyn airing their disgust and saying Labour has lost their vote because of their shameful behaviour.
Some people are even losing sympathy because they don't realise many of the people trying to storm the council and screaming abuse in the streets - and actually fighting - are not in fact the dispossessed and grieving, but Comrade Corbyns momentum and socialist workers pigs. Way to go!
Murdered by austerity politics. And you still support them. Disgusting.

This is Robert Peston a former Telegraph hack. Which part has he got wrong ?

One reason why the Grenfell tragedy has shaken so many of us is because it exposes so much of what's wrong with the way this place has been run for years.

We'll have to wait for a forensic examination of all the many decisions that turned a series of risks into an appalling catastrophe.

But although the trigger may still be unclear, it is reasonable to identify a number of underlying causes.

Part of the background is austerity that has been particularly acute for local government.

But austerity seems to have become particularly toxic in a system where responsibility for vital safety decisions is so diffuse: we have ministers in charge of regulations, councillors funding an arms length management company, and a management company placing a refurbishment contract with the cheapest bidder.

There is naturally huge anger that the government didn't ban the kind of cladding used at Grenfell, when such cladding is illegal for use on high rise structures in the US (as the Times reports today).

Similarly there is horror that the government never made it obligatory for the fire safety standards that apply to new buildings to be enforced at older blocks - that such improvements are only recommended, not obligatory.

But such lax or light touch regulation only becomes fatal in a system - such as we have - designed to drive down costs and save money, not to put the safety of people first.

It is a system in which those working for all the interconnected bodies that made the refurbishment decisions and gave the wrong safety advice to tenants are able to say - as if that makes it alright - "we followed the rules".

It is a system in which identifying anyone who can be proved to be ultimately responsible for what happened may be impossible.

And as we saw in the banks before the financial crisis, when people can take reckless decisions safe in the knowledge they can't be held to account, reckless decisions get taken.

The horrific corollary of a faceless, irresponsible system of public-housing governance is that many of the poor and vulnerable people who died in the fire are not even being given the respect of formal identification as victims - because they live on the fringes of the state, and the authorities seem unable to be confident they even existed, let alone that they have died.

There is a social contract between those of us lucky enough to have voices that are heard and those who don't that we should not put them in harms way. Grenfell seems the most grotesque breach of that contract in my lifetime. It shames us all.

Robert Peston it says is also BBC, so he's BBC filth, the BBC are now infested with Leftists, the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.

View attachment 133742

Robert Peston - Wikipedia
Ex Daily Telegraph city editor. You are a bigger communist than he is.
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Go and read comments in the newspapers covering their disgusting antics. You will see quite a few people who voted for Comrade Corbyn airing their disgust and saying Labour has lost their vote because of their shameful behaviour.
Some people are even losing sympathy because they don't realise many of the people trying to storm the council and screaming abuse in the streets - and actually fighting - are not in fact the dispossessed and grieving, but Comrade Corbyns momentum and socialist workers pigs. Way to go!
Murdered by austerity politics. And you still support them. Disgusting.

This is Robert Peston a former Telegraph hack. Which part has he got wrong ?

One reason why the Grenfell tragedy has shaken so many of us is because it exposes so much of what's wrong with the way this place has been run for years.

We'll have to wait for a forensic examination of all the many decisions that turned a series of risks into an appalling catastrophe.

But although the trigger may still be unclear, it is reasonable to identify a number of underlying causes.

Part of the background is austerity that has been particularly acute for local government.

But austerity seems to have become particularly toxic in a system where responsibility for vital safety decisions is so diffuse: we have ministers in charge of regulations, councillors funding an arms length management company, and a management company placing a refurbishment contract with the cheapest bidder.

There is naturally huge anger that the government didn't ban the kind of cladding used at Grenfell, when such cladding is illegal for use on high rise structures in the US (as the Times reports today).

Similarly there is horror that the government never made it obligatory for the fire safety standards that apply to new buildings to be enforced at older blocks - that such improvements are only recommended, not obligatory.

But such lax or light touch regulation only becomes fatal in a system - such as we have - designed to drive down costs and save money, not to put the safety of people first.

It is a system in which those working for all the interconnected bodies that made the refurbishment decisions and gave the wrong safety advice to tenants are able to say - as if that makes it alright - "we followed the rules".

It is a system in which identifying anyone who can be proved to be ultimately responsible for what happened may be impossible.

And as we saw in the banks before the financial crisis, when people can take reckless decisions safe in the knowledge they can't be held to account, reckless decisions get taken.

The horrific corollary of a faceless, irresponsible system of public-housing governance is that many of the poor and vulnerable people who died in the fire are not even being given the respect of formal identification as victims - because they live on the fringes of the state, and the authorities seem unable to be confident they even existed, let alone that they have died.

There is a social contract between those of us lucky enough to have voices that are heard and those who don't that we should not put them in harms way. Grenfell seems the most grotesque breach of that contract in my lifetime. It shames us all.

"Murdered by austerity politics."

Murder definition:


Murder - Wikipedia
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Go and read comments in the newspapers covering their disgusting antics. You will see quite a few people who voted for Comrade Corbyn airing their disgust and saying Labour has lost their vote because of their shameful behaviour.
Some people are even losing sympathy because they don't realise many of the people trying to storm the council and screaming abuse in the streets - and actually fighting - are not in fact the dispossessed and grieving, but Comrade Corbyns momentum and socialist workers pigs. Way to go!

This just again illustrates that Leftists are completely irrational and are impossible to even reason with, they are run purely by their emotions which they have NO control of and as such are out of control, they are hysterical and exhibit symptoms of actual mental illness.
@soundpolitic on Twitter

Oh hang on. Mrs May is a victim of the fire herself.
Rachel Johnson is a Liberal Democrat and an idiot. You know that, right?
Mrs May has been called a murderer over and over by you filthy commie pigs. So what's your point, exactly?
That she is a murderer along wit the other austerity tories.
So you are calling Theresa May a murderer, even though the Labour Gvmnt and Labour councils have used the same materials which are in situ in over 30,000 buildings in the U.K, and even though 9 people died in a blaze in a building with this cladding under a Labour gvmnt. So you are saying Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and the Labour Party are murderers?
Like I said, you're a filthy commie AND a very,very stupid 'man'.
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Go and read comments in the newspapers covering their disgusting antics. You will see quite a few people who voted for Comrade Corbyn airing their disgust and saying Labour has lost their vote because of their shameful behaviour.
Some people are even losing sympathy because they don't realise many of the people trying to storm the council and screaming abuse in the streets - and actually fighting - are not in fact the dispossessed and grieving, but Comrade Corbyns momentum and socialist workers pigs. Way to go!
Murdered by austerity politics. And you still support them. Disgusting.

This is Robert Peston a former Telegraph hack. Which part has he got wrong ?

One reason why the Grenfell tragedy has shaken so many of us is because it exposes so much of what's wrong with the way this place has been run for years.

We'll have to wait for a forensic examination of all the many decisions that turned a series of risks into an appalling catastrophe.

But although the trigger may still be unclear, it is reasonable to identify a number of underlying causes.

Part of the background is austerity that has been particularly acute for local government.

But austerity seems to have become particularly toxic in a system where responsibility for vital safety decisions is so diffuse: we have ministers in charge of regulations, councillors funding an arms length management company, and a management company placing a refurbishment contract with the cheapest bidder.

There is naturally huge anger that the government didn't ban the kind of cladding used at Grenfell, when such cladding is illegal for use on high rise structures in the US (as the Times reports today).

Similarly there is horror that the government never made it obligatory for the fire safety standards that apply to new buildings to be enforced at older blocks - that such improvements are only recommended, not obligatory.

But such lax or light touch regulation only becomes fatal in a system - such as we have - designed to drive down costs and save money, not to put the safety of people first.

It is a system in which those working for all the interconnected bodies that made the refurbishment decisions and gave the wrong safety advice to tenants are able to say - as if that makes it alright - "we followed the rules".

It is a system in which identifying anyone who can be proved to be ultimately responsible for what happened may be impossible.

And as we saw in the banks before the financial crisis, when people can take reckless decisions safe in the knowledge they can't be held to account, reckless decisions get taken.

The horrific corollary of a faceless, irresponsible system of public-housing governance is that many of the poor and vulnerable people who died in the fire are not even being given the respect of formal identification as victims - because they live on the fringes of the state, and the authorities seem unable to be confident they even existed, let alone that they have died.

There is a social contract between those of us lucky enough to have voices that are heard and those who don't that we should not put them in harms way. Grenfell seems the most grotesque breach of that contract in my lifetime. It shames us all.

Robert Peston it says is also BBC, so he's BBC filth, the BBC are now infested with Leftists, the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.

View attachment 133742

Robert Peston - Wikipedia
Ex Daily Telegraph city editor. You are a bigger communist than he is.

"You are a bigger communist than he is."

Um, you have been drinking that alcoholic lemonade today I think :rolleyes-41:
Are Conservative councils and the Conservative Party and Mrs May responsible for putting up the cladding on 30,000 buildings across the U.K. In response to EU laws and the original Labour policy? I think not.
All of this cladding needs to be removed and the political point scoring must end. It helps no one and it won't bring back those who died under both Labours and the Conservatives' watch.
@soundpolitic on Twitter

Oh hang on. Mrs May is a victim of the fire herself.
Rachel Johnson is a Liberal Democrat and an idiot. You know that, right?
Mrs May has been called a murderer over and over by you filthy commie pigs. So what's your point, exactly?
That she is a murderer along wit the other austerity tories.
Maybe if Labour hadn't racked up so much irresponsible debt, there wouldn't have had to be such cuts. Spend! Spend! Spend! Got us into this mess. Happy?
Check it out. Its true.


Tomm, a pretty "generic" vote there EH? "Fit for human habitation". What details are missing?
It was a bill to give redress to tenants when homes fell below legal standards of fitness. It included things like damp,infestation an fire and safety hazards. The ability to sue the ;landlord was set on a previous level in the 50s and meant you could not sue if you paid over £50 a year in rent. IE everybody.
The bill failed because it was opposed by the tories, a large number of whom are landlords. There is a question as to wether it would have made a difference here. However given the documented concerns of the residents there is a chance that it might have done. People living there could see the dangers,only the landlord did not. .
Are Conservative councils and the Conservative Party and Mrs May responsible for putting up the cladding on 30,000 buildings across the U.K. In response to EU laws and the original Labour policy? I think not.
All of this cladding needs to be removed and the political point scoring must end. It helps no one and it won't bring back those who died under both Labours and the Conservatives' watch.

This all began two weeks ago when the Labour Party LOST a General Election, they then spent 72 hours INSISTING that they had not lost the election but had won the election, even though they got 262 seats and the Conservatives got 318 seats and they fanatically refused to accept that the Conservatives had WON the election but just didn't get an overall majority.

Labour were insisting they were ready to take control and move into Downing Street and that maniac Emily Thornberry even said they were preparing for a Labour Cabinet.

Then the following Wednesday the horrific tragedy at Grenfell Tower happened and the Labour Party lead by the Marxist-Trotskyite Jeremy Corbyn IMMEDIATELY seized on that tragedy in literally the worst political opportunistic way as a means to purely push for the overthrow of the Democratically elected British Government and the overturning of the Democratically administered General Election.

Labour do not give a CRAP about the dead of Grenfell Tower, they are using them for their own political purposes.

Absolutely disgusting
Are Conservative councils and the Conservative Party and Mrs May responsible for putting up the cladding on 30,000 buildings across the U.K. In response to EU laws and the original Labour policy? I think not.
All of this cladding needs to be removed and the political point scoring must end. It helps no one and it won't bring back those who died under both Labours and the Conservatives' watch.
Your attempt to deflect this is pathetic. Tores have had 7 years of cutting funding to all of our public services and now the innocent are paying the cost. Maybe if they were not so keen to cut billionaire taxes there would be a bit more cash.
Are Conservative councils and the Conservative Party and Mrs May responsible for putting up the cladding on 30,000 buildings across the U.K. In response to EU laws and the original Labour policy? I think not.
All of this cladding needs to be removed and the political point scoring must end. It helps no one and it won't bring back those who died under both Labours and the Conservatives' watch.

This all began two weeks ago when the Labour Party LOST a General Election, they then spent 72 hours INSISTING that they had not lost the election but had won the election, even though they got 262 seats and the Conservatives got 318 seats and they fanatically refused to accept that the Conservatives had WON the election but just didn't get an overall majority.

Labour were insisting they were ready to take control and move into Downing Street and that maniac Emily Thornberry even said they were preparing for a Labour Cabinet.

Then the following Wednesday the horrific tragedy at Grenfell Tower happened and the Labour Party lead by the Marxist-Trotskyite Jeremy Corbyn IMMEDIATELY seized on that tragedy in literally the worst political opportunistic way as a means to purely push for the overthrow of the Democratically elected British Government and the overturning of the Democratically administered General Election.

Labour do not give a CRAP about the dead of Grenfell Tower, they are using them for their own political purposes.

Absolutely disgusting
Yeah right. Labour losing an election caused the death of hundreds through tory austerity. Thats how it works.
Are Conservative councils and the Conservative Party and Mrs May responsible for putting up the cladding on 30,000 buildings across the U.K. In response to EU laws and the original Labour policy? I think not.
All of this cladding needs to be removed and the political point scoring must end. It helps no one and it won't bring back those who died under both Labours and the Conservatives' watch.

This all began two weeks ago when the Labour Party LOST a General Election, they then spent 72 hours INSISTING that they had not lost the election but had won the election, even though they got 262 seats and the Conservatives got 318 seats and they fanatically refused to accept that the Conservatives had WON the election but just didn't get an overall majority.

Labour were insisting they were ready to take control and move into Downing Street and that maniac Emily Thornberry even said they were preparing for a Labour Cabinet.

Then the following Wednesday the horrific tragedy at Grenfell Tower happened and the Labour Party lead by the Marxist-Trotskyite Jeremy Corbyn IMMEDIATELY seized on that tragedy in literally the worst political opportunistic way as a means to purely push for the overthrow of the Democratically elected British Government and the overturning of the Democratically administered General Election.

Labour do not give a CRAP about the dead of Grenfell Tower, they are using them for their own political purposes.

Absolutely disgusting
Yeah right. Labour losing an election caused the death of hundreds through tory austerity. Thats how it works.

That isn't what I said and you have deliberately missed the point.

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