Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.
I've just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, and that their is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.
Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it. He too is whipping up the crowds by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry which has already been announced. Lilly Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems.
Everyone involved in spreading misinformation are responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

Yes and Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists can FORGET about requisitioning private property, it's NOT going to happen, it's completely illegal under both EU Law and British Law and any attempt to requisition private property would end up in the Law Courts of both Britain and also at the European Court.

There are strict criteria for a Government to requisition private property, you literally would have to have THOUSANDS of people without a home because of a mega Natural Disaster and/or Wartime Bombing of housing.

What you have are 75 people who are in hospital who escaped Grenfell Tower and so now have no home, this does NOT meet ANY of the criteria to requisition private property to house them.

Also why is Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists ONLY calling for RICH PEOPLES' private property to be requisitioned? Oh yes that's right we know why, because Left Wingers HATE THE RICH and the Communist Manifesto says that there should be NO private ownership of ANY property.

You know the British have many disused Military Barracks both within London and also just outside London, so until the time is such that vacant Council Flats can be found for these 75 people, when they leave hospital they could be housed in a disused Military Barracks. Also if there are no vacant Council Flats in that area of North Kensington but there are some vacant Council Flats somewhere else in London, then those people can be housed in those, they shouldn't CARE WHERE they are given a new Council Flat, all they should care about is that they are the few who were lucky to escape, lucky to be alive and lucky to be offered a new Council Flat regardless of where it is in London.
The communists dream - take 'rich' people's property from them ('rich' meaning anyone who has more than them). Yep. He's been whipping up resentment among the poorer against the richer, as if the situation isn't dreadful enough already. He's an absolute POS. None of this is the fault of people who own nice homes, but he's trying to make it as though it is.
Lily Loser Allen was also trying the same thing yesterday.
These people are disgusting opportunists preying on people at their most vulnerable.

Jeremy Corbyn is a security risk to the internal security and stability of the United Kingdom, he's a dangerous subversive Marxist-Trotskyite, he has called for mass protests, he refuses to ACCEPT that he and his party LOST the British General Election, he has fellow Communists like that maniac Emily Thornberry going onto the television INSISTING they WON an election that they LOST by 262 seats to 318 seats, he has fellow Communists and the Communist Trade Unions calling to activate ONE MILLION COMMUNISTS to get onto the streets on July 1st to demand the overthrow of the DEMOCRATICALLY elected British Government, he is DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES' PRIVATE PROPERTY is SEIZED and GIVEN to poor people, he is using the tragedy of Grenfell Tower to issue these Communist DEMANDS.

This is not someone that the British Establishment are going to allow anywhere near Downing Street, he will be stopped one way or the other, even if that means an MI5 Black Op, they won't stop Jeremy Corbyn with a bullet in his head because that would make him a Martyr for The Cause, but I can fully envision Jeremy Corbyn having a convenient car accident or being run over crossing the road by some vehicle etc.

The British Establishment will put an end to Jeremy Corbyn, even if that means they have to kill him and make it look like an accident.
Already getting a good response.

Woman offers 21 studio flats to Grenfell Tower residents
And no 'requisitioning' required. Poor Comrade Corbyn.
Pretty much every route leads back to ,mainly, tory decisions that have lead to this.

And here you go again, politicising an absolutely terrible tragedy for political gain. The fact is most of these towers were built under Labour. Labour ignored reports of fire risks associated with them from 1997 to 2010. Blair introduced measures that encouraged cladding in line with EU green laws. This cladding has been used all over the country by Labour councils as well as Conservative ones.
No one is getting out of this free from blame, and you are a sickening retard for continually trying to score points in this way.
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Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Pretty much every route leads back to ,mainly, tory decisions that have lead to this.

And here you go again, politicising an absolutely terrible tragedy for political gain. The fact is most of these towers were built under Labour. Labour ignored reports of fire risks associated with them from 1997 to 2010. Blair introduced measures that encouraged cladding in line with EU green laws. This cladding has been used all over the country by Labour councils as well as Conservative ones.
No one is gets out of this free from blame, and you are a sickening retard for continually trying to score points in this way.
Only a tory could even think of being such a hypocrite. I have already mentioned Labours fault in this but the vast overwhelming guilt is firmly at the door of May,Cameron,Osborne and their puppets on Kensington council.
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Good to see you approve of using the dead and their loved ones for political gain, not that I didn't know that already.
Pretty much every route leads back to ,mainly, tory decisions that have lead to this.

And here you go again, politicising an absolutely terrible tragedy for political gain. The fact is most of these towers were built under Labour. Labour ignored reports of fire risks associated with them from 1997 to 2010. Blair introduced measures that encouraged cladding in line with EU green laws. This cladding has been used all over the country by Labour councils as well as Conservative ones.
No one is gets out of this free from blame, and you are a sickening retard for continually trying to score points in this way.
Only a tory could even think of being such a hypocrite. I have already mentioned Labours fault in this but the vast overwhelming guilt is firmly at the door of May,Cameron,Osborne and their puppets on Kensington council.
You didn't mention Labours culpability until it was pointed out to you that the blame is shared - and you are STILL trying to whitewash their role.
Did you know there was a fire last night in a residential block run by a Labour council? Do you remember the 2009 apartment block fire under Labours watch? Stop being a dick. You are going to be one very unhappy retard when the inquiry is published!
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Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.

The British Establishment including the Security Services need to deal with this vermin below and some of them could be airdropped back to where they came from in Africa.

Fucking Communist human filth with their African pets in tow.



Pretty much every route leads back to ,mainly, tory decisions that have lead to this.

And here you go again, politicising an absolutely terrible tragedy for political gain. The fact is most of these towers were built under Labour. Labour ignored reports of fire risks associated with them from 1997 to 2010. Blair introduced measures that encouraged cladding in line with EU green laws. This cladding has been used all over the country by Labour councils as well as Conservative ones.
No one is gets out of this free from blame, and you are a sickening retard for continually trying to score points in this way.
Only a tory could even think of being such a hypocrite. I have already mentioned Labours fault in this but the vast overwhelming guilt is firmly at the door of May,Cameron,Osborne and their puppets on Kensington council.
You didn't mention Labours culpability until it was pointed out to you that the blame is shared - and you are STILL trying to whitewash their role.
Did you know there was a fire last night in a residential block run by a Labour council? Do you remember the 2009 apartment block fire under the Labours watch? Stop being a dick. You are going to be one very unhappy retard when the inquiry is published!

"Did you know there was a fire last night in a residential block run by a Labour council?"

Are the people from that building okay, do you know?
It's sad the investigation of the cause is being ignored over the protests.
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Go and read comments in the newspapers covering their disgusting antics. You will see quite a few people who voted for Comrade Corbyn airing their disgust and saying Labour has lost their vote because of their shameful behaviour.
Some people are even losing sympathy because they don't realise many of the people trying to storm the council and screaming abuse in the streets - and actually fighting - are not in fact the dispossessed and grieving, but Comrade Corbyns momentum and socialist workers pigs. Way to go!
Last edited:
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Go and read comments in the newspapers covering their disgusting antics. You will see quite a few people who voted for Comrade Corbyn airing their disgust and saying Labour has lost their vote because of their shameful behaviour.
Some people are even losing sympathy because they don't realise many of the people trying to storm the council and screaming abuse in the streets and actually fighting, are not in fact the dispossessed and grieving, but Comrade Corbyns momentum and socialist workers pigs. Way to go!

I read the Comments Section, also I said last night if the Militant Communists continue to use the dead of Grenfell Tower in such a disgusting political opportunist way that the decent British will angrily turn on the whole Labour Party.

The Militant Communists and Jeremy Corbyn their leader should just keep digging.
Pretty much every route leads back to ,mainly, tory decisions that have lead to this.

And here you go again, politicising an absolutely terrible tragedy for political gain. The fact is most of these towers were built under Labour. Labour ignored reports of fire risks associated with them from 1997 to 2010. Blair introduced measures that encouraged cladding in line with EU green laws. This cladding has been used all over the country by Labour councils as well as Conservative ones.
No one is gets out of this free from blame, and you are a sickening retard for continually trying to score points in this way.
Only a tory could even think of being such a hypocrite. I have already mentioned Labours fault in this but the vast overwhelming guilt is firmly at the door of May,Cameron,Osborne and their puppets on Kensington council.
You didn't mention Labours culpability until it was pointed out to you that the blame is shared - and you are STILL trying to whitewash their role.
Did you know there was a fire last night in a residential block run by a Labour council? Do you remember the 2009 apartment block fire under the Labours watch? Stop being a dick. You are going to be one very unhappy retard when the inquiry is published!

"Did you know there was a fire last night in a residential block run by a Labour council?"

Are the people from that building okay, do you know?
Yes. No fatalities, thank goodness.

A HUGE inferno broke out at a residential block in Shadwell, east London.

PUBLISHED: 00:00, Sat, Jun 17, 2017 | UPDATED: 00:03, Sat, Jun 17, 2017

Four fire engines were dispatched to Tarling Street after worried residents made 36 calls to emergency services.

Two roof extraction units were completely and the wooden decking and fencing of a third floor balcony was partially destroyed in the early hours of Friday morning.


The London fire service was called to a residential fire in Shadwell, east London.

Firefighters battled with the blaze for around an hour before finally extinguishing the inferno at 2.24am.

The Metropolitan Police tweeted: "A few calls to a rooftop fire in #JamesVollerWay but thanks to @LondonFire it's now out with no injuries."

Investigation teams were sent down to the address to establish the cause of the fire

3 nights in a row, in muslim populated areas?������. #GrenfellTower#Walthamstowfire #shadwellfire

— mariamshahx (@RealistMarzyy) June 16, 2017


Videos and pictures of the fire have trended on social media
A spokesman for London Fire Brigade confirmed no one was injured by the blaze.

Massive inferno breaks out in East London residential block days after Grenfell Tower fire
Pretty much every route leads back to ,mainly, tory decisions that have lead to this.

And here you go again, politicising an absolutely terrible tragedy for political gain. The fact is most of these towers were built under Labour. Labour ignored reports of fire risks associated with them from 1997 to 2010. Blair introduced measures that encouraged cladding in line with EU green laws. This cladding has been used all over the country by Labour councils as well as Conservative ones.
No one is gets out of this free from blame, and you are a sickening retard for continually trying to score points in this way.
Only a tory could even think of being such a hypocrite. I have already mentioned Labours fault in this but the vast overwhelming guilt is firmly at the door of May,Cameron,Osborne and their puppets on Kensington council.
You didn't mention Labours culpability until it was pointed out to you that the blame is shared - and you are STILL trying to whitewash their role.
Did you know there was a fire last night in a residential block run by a Labour council? Do you remember the 2009 apartment block fire under the Labours watch? Stop being a dick. You are going to be one very unhappy retard when the inquiry is published!

"Did you know there was a fire last night in a residential block run by a Labour council?"

Are the people from that building okay, do you know?
Yes. No fatalities, thank goodness.

A HUGE inferno broke out at a residential block in Shadwell, east London.

PUBLISHED: 00:00, Sat, Jun 17, 2017 | UPDATED: 00:03, Sat, Jun 17, 2017

Four fire engines were dispatched to Tarling Street after worried residents made 36 calls to emergency services.

Two roof extraction units were completely and the wooden decking and fencing of a third floor balcony was partially destroyed in the early hours of Friday morning.


The London fire service was called to a residential fire in Shadwell, east London.

Firefighters battled with the blaze for around an hour before finally extinguishing the inferno at 2.24am.

The Metropolitan Police tweeted: "A few calls to a rooftop fire in #JamesVollerWay but thanks to @LondonFire it's now out with no injuries."

Investigation teams were sent down to the address to establish the cause of the fire

3 nights in a row, in muslim populated areas?������. #GrenfellTower#Walthamstowfire #shadwellfire

— mariamshahx (@RealistMarzyy) June 16, 2017


Videos and pictures of the fire have trended on social media
A spokesman for London Fire Brigade confirmed no one was injured by the blaze.

Massive inferno breaks out in East London residential block days after Grenfell Tower fire

Thank God nobody was hurt in that new situation in the East of London, I would think though that the people in that building must have had a terrible vision that they were about to be engulfed in an inferno this so soon after Grenfell Tower.

You say that building is in a Labour controlled Council, so of course Jeremy Corbyn and his Militant Communist Party will be silent about this.
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Go and read comments in the newspapers covering their disgusting antics. You will see quite a few people who voted for Comrade Corbyn airing their disgust and saying Labour has lost their vote because of their shameful behaviour.
Some people are even losing sympathy because they don't realise many of the people trying to storm the council and screaming abuse in the streets - and actually fighting - are not in fact the dispossessed and grieving, but Comrade Corbyns momentum and socialist workers pigs. Way to go!
Murdered by austerity politics. And you still support them. Disgusting.

This is Robert Peston a former Telegraph hack. Which part has he got wrong ?

One reason why the Grenfell tragedy has shaken so many of us is because it exposes so much of what's wrong with the way this place has been run for years.

We'll have to wait for a forensic examination of all the many decisions that turned a series of risks into an appalling catastrophe.

But although the trigger may still be unclear, it is reasonable to identify a number of underlying causes.

Part of the background is austerity that has been particularly acute for local government.

But austerity seems to have become particularly toxic in a system where responsibility for vital safety decisions is so diffuse: we have ministers in charge of regulations, councillors funding an arms length management company, and a management company placing a refurbishment contract with the cheapest bidder.

There is naturally huge anger that the government didn't ban the kind of cladding used at Grenfell, when such cladding is illegal for use on high rise structures in the US (as the Times reports today).

Similarly there is horror that the government never made it obligatory for the fire safety standards that apply to new buildings to be enforced at older blocks - that such improvements are only recommended, not obligatory.

But such lax or light touch regulation only becomes fatal in a system - such as we have - designed to drive down costs and save money, not to put the safety of people first.

It is a system in which those working for all the interconnected bodies that made the refurbishment decisions and gave the wrong safety advice to tenants are able to say - as if that makes it alright - "we followed the rules".

It is a system in which identifying anyone who can be proved to be ultimately responsible for what happened may be impossible.

And as we saw in the banks before the financial crisis, when people can take reckless decisions safe in the knowledge they can't be held to account, reckless decisions get taken.

The horrific corollary of a faceless, irresponsible system of public-housing governance is that many of the poor and vulnerable people who died in the fire are not even being given the respect of formal identification as victims - because they live on the fringes of the state, and the authorities seem unable to be confident they even existed, let alone that they have died.

There is a social contract between those of us lucky enough to have voices that are heard and those who don't that we should not put them in harms way. Grenfell seems the most grotesque breach of that contract in my lifetime. It shames us all.
Many/Most building I have seen in Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and most of Asia are massive high-rise. 25-50 stories everywhere you look. Hotels are 50+ stories. I have stayed on floor 52, 13 etc.

A Korean local told me they hide the suicide jumper info. did not hear anything about massive fires.
Socialist worker placards read “MAY MUST GO” and “KICK THE TORIES OUT” and other signs said the Tories had “blood on their hands” and urged the public to “back Corbyn.”

...He added: “It’s sad to see genuine anger and hurt hijacked for cheap political stunts and these people should be ashamed.”

Hard-left activists blasted for “hijacking” the genuine outrage over the Grenfell tragedy

Socialist Workers party and Momentum, who also were among those invading the council building, also being bussed down from the midlands and the north.
The Left never misses an opportunity to exploit a tragedy and trample all over the victims and their loved ones for political gain. Shameful and sad.
Well they will have a lot of opportunities as the tory atrocities mount up. Hopefully this government will crumble and we will have the chance to elect a government that works for more than the 5%.
Go and read comments in the newspapers covering their disgusting antics. You will see quite a few people who voted for Comrade Corbyn airing their disgust and saying Labour has lost their vote because of their shameful behaviour.
Some people are even losing sympathy because they don't realise many of the people trying to storm the council and screaming abuse in the streets - and actually fighting - are not in fact the dispossessed and grieving, but Comrade Corbyns momentum and socialist workers pigs. Way to go!
Murdered by austerity politics. And you still support them. Disgusting.

This is Robert Peston a former Telegraph hack. Which part has he got wrong ?

One reason why the Grenfell tragedy has shaken so many of us is because it exposes so much of what's wrong with the way this place has been run for years.

We'll have to wait for a forensic examination of all the many decisions that turned a series of risks into an appalling catastrophe.

But although the trigger may still be unclear, it is reasonable to identify a number of underlying causes.

Part of the background is austerity that has been particularly acute for local government.

But austerity seems to have become particularly toxic in a system where responsibility for vital safety decisions is so diffuse: we have ministers in charge of regulations, councillors funding an arms length management company, and a management company placing a refurbishment contract with the cheapest bidder.

There is naturally huge anger that the government didn't ban the kind of cladding used at Grenfell, when such cladding is illegal for use on high rise structures in the US (as the Times reports today).

Similarly there is horror that the government never made it obligatory for the fire safety standards that apply to new buildings to be enforced at older blocks - that such improvements are only recommended, not obligatory.

But such lax or light touch regulation only becomes fatal in a system - such as we have - designed to drive down costs and save money, not to put the safety of people first.

It is a system in which those working for all the interconnected bodies that made the refurbishment decisions and gave the wrong safety advice to tenants are able to say - as if that makes it alright - "we followed the rules".

It is a system in which identifying anyone who can be proved to be ultimately responsible for what happened may be impossible.

And as we saw in the banks before the financial crisis, when people can take reckless decisions safe in the knowledge they can't be held to account, reckless decisions get taken.

The horrific corollary of a faceless, irresponsible system of public-housing governance is that many of the poor and vulnerable people who died in the fire are not even being given the respect of formal identification as victims - because they live on the fringes of the state, and the authorities seem unable to be confident they even existed, let alone that they have died.

There is a social contract between those of us lucky enough to have voices that are heard and those who don't that we should not put them in harms way. Grenfell seems the most grotesque breach of that contract in my lifetime. It shames us all.

"Murdered by austerity politics."

They were not murdered, it was an accident due to the contracting firm cutting corners to save money.

Murder is the DELIBERATE killing of someone, they were NOT deliberately killed.

Leftists need to get a grip, this is disgusting and beyond the lowest of the low.

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