Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Terrible and tragic and this girls father escaped because he was visiting a friend who lived on the third floor, we can see from pictures of Grenfell Tower that the Ground Floor up to floor 5 was unaffected by the inferno, the Urbano family lived on floor 20, the below article says that Jessica Urbano made it down to floor 18 and hasn't been heard from since, unfortunately there is zero chance this young girl is still alive.

'Mummy come and get me' - Mother’s agony as she comes home to pleading phone call from 12-year-old daughter

View attachment 133495

"The mother of a 12-year old girl missing after the Grenfell Tower blaze has told of their last phone call before she lost all communication with her.

Adriana Urbano was returning from her job as an office cleaner late when her daughter Jessica rang her to say there was a fire in their building.

Mrs Urbano told The Telegraph: "Jessica had been asleep in our flat when something woke her - I don't know if it was the smoke or a fire alarm - so she rang me at 1.39am as I was on my way home from work.

She said 'Mum where are you? Mummy come and get me'."

Mrs Urbano said she urged Jessica to run down the stairs of the tower block and try to find a fire fighter to lead her to safety.

"I told her to get out of there as quickly as she could. I said 'run as fast as you can', but then the line cut out."

Jessica had also managed to call her father Ramiro after fleeing from their 20th floor flat and is understood to have made it as far as two floors further down.

Mrs Urbano and her husband - who was visiting a friend on the third floor at the time of the fire and was prevented by firefighters from going upstairs to reach his daughter - have heard nothing since about their daughters whereabouts and are hoping against hope she somehow made it out alive.

"We are desperate for news but we have not heard anything," she said. "I've got no idea what's happened to her. We are so worried."

'Mummy come and get me' - Mother’s agony as she comes home to pleading phone call from 12-year-old daughter

WTH? this "father/husband" doing "visiting a friend" on the 3rd floor at 1:45AM while the "wife" is out working? 12 year old left upstairs "alone" on the 20th floor asleep? Fire rages above him, while he "visits" a friend? Was he asleep down there?
I don't like loose ends.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.
I've just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, and that their is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.
Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it. He too is whipping up the crowds by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry which has already been announced. Lilly Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems.
Everyone involved in spreading misinformation are responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

Yes and Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists can FORGET about requisitioning private property, it's NOT going to happen, it's completely illegal under both EU Law and British Law and any attempt to requisition private property would end up in the Law Courts of both Britain and also at the European Court.

There are strict criteria for a Government to requisition private property, you literally would have to have THOUSANDS of people without a home because of a mega Natural Disaster and/or Wartime Bombing of housing.

What you have are 75 people who are in hospital who escaped Grenfell Tower and so now have no home, this does NOT meet ANY of the criteria to requisition private property to house them.

Also why is Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists ONLY calling for RICH PEOPLES' private property to be requisitioned? Oh yes that's right we know why, because Left Wingers HATE THE RICH and the Communist Manifesto says that there should be NO private ownership of ANY property.

You know the British have many disused Military Barracks both within London and also just outside London, so until the time is such that vacant Council Flats can be found for these 75 people, when they leave hospital they could be housed in a disused Military Barracks. Also if there are no vacant Council Flats in that area of North Kensington but there are some vacant Council Flats somewhere else in London, then those people can be housed in those, they shouldn't CARE WHERE they are given a new Council Flat, all they should care about is that they are the few who were lucky to escape, lucky to be alive and lucky to be offered a new Council Flat regardless of where it is in London.
The communists dream - take 'rich' people's property from them ('rich' meaning anyone who has more than them). Yep. He's been whipping up resentment among the poorer against the richer, as if the situation isn't dreadful enough already. He's an absolute POS. None of this is the fault of people who own nice homes, but he's trying to make it as though it is.
Lily Loser Allen was also trying the same thing yesterday.
These people are disgusting opportunists preying on people at their most vulnerable.

Yes and imagine if these Communists took control of your Government, that's not going to happen of course, MI5 and the British Establishment would never allow Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists to get anywhere near Downing Street and Whitehall.

They are dangerous subversives and I would bet money that Jeremy Corbyn and the entire Labour Party along with the Communist Trade Unions are being fully monitored 24/7 by the British Security Apparatus, everything they say in private is being listened to, monitored and recorded.
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Terrible and tragic and this girls father escaped because he was visiting a friend who lived on the third floor, we can see from pictures of Grenfell Tower that the Ground Floor up to floor 5 was unaffected by the inferno, the Urbano family lived on floor 20, the below article says that Jessica Urbano made it down to floor 18 and hasn't been heard from since, unfortunately there is zero chance this young girl is still alive.

'Mummy come and get me' - Mother’s agony as she comes home to pleading phone call from 12-year-old daughter

View attachment 133495

"The mother of a 12-year old girl missing after the Grenfell Tower blaze has told of their last phone call before she lost all communication with her.

Adriana Urbano was returning from her job as an office cleaner late when her daughter Jessica rang her to say there was a fire in their building.

Mrs Urbano told The Telegraph: "Jessica had been asleep in our flat when something woke her - I don't know if it was the smoke or a fire alarm - so she rang me at 1.39am as I was on my way home from work.

She said 'Mum where are you? Mummy come and get me'."

Mrs Urbano said she urged Jessica to run down the stairs of the tower block and try to find a fire fighter to lead her to safety.

"I told her to get out of there as quickly as she could. I said 'run as fast as you can', but then the line cut out."

Jessica had also managed to call her father Ramiro after fleeing from their 20th floor flat and is understood to have made it as far as two floors further down.

Mrs Urbano and her husband - who was visiting a friend on the third floor at the time of the fire and was prevented by firefighters from going upstairs to reach his daughter - have heard nothing since about their daughters whereabouts and are hoping against hope she somehow made it out alive.

"We are desperate for news but we have not heard anything," she said. "I've got no idea what's happened to her. We are so worried."

'Mummy come and get me' - Mother’s agony as she comes home to pleading phone call from 12-year-old daughter

WTH? this "father/husband" doing "visiting a friend" on the 3rd floor at 1:45AM while the "wife" is out working? 12 year old left upstairs "alone" on the 20th floor asleep? Fire rages above him, while he "visits" a friend? Was he asleep down there?
I don't like loose ends.

I don't know, this is something nobody can answer.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.
I've just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, and that their is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.
Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it. He too is whipping up the crowds by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry which has already been announced. Lilly Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems.
Everyone involved in spreading misinformation are responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

Yes and Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists can FORGET about requisitioning private property, it's NOT going to happen, it's completely illegal under both EU Law and British Law and any attempt to requisition private property would end up in the Law Courts of both Britain and also at the European Court.

There are strict criteria for a Government to requisition private property, you literally would have to have THOUSANDS of people without a home because of a mega Natural Disaster and/or Wartime Bombing of housing.

What you have are 75 people who are in hospital who escaped Grenfell Tower and so now have no home, this does NOT meet ANY of the criteria to requisition private property to house them.

Also why is Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists ONLY calling for RICH PEOPLES' private property to be requisitioned? Oh yes that's right we know why, because Left Wingers HATE THE RICH and the Communist Manifesto says that there should be NO private ownership of ANY property.

You know the British have many disused Military Barracks both within London and also just outside London, so until the time is such that vacant Council Flats can be found for these 75 people, when they leave hospital they could be housed in a disused Military Barracks. Also if there are no vacant Council Flats in that area of North Kensington but there are some vacant Council Flats somewhere else in London, then those people can be housed in those, they shouldn't CARE WHERE they are given a new Council Flat, all they should care about is that they are the few who were lucky to escape, lucky to be alive and lucky to be offered a new Council Flat regardless of where it is in London.
The communists dream - take 'rich' people's property from them ('rich' meaning anyone who has more than them). Yep. He's been whipping up resentment among the poorer against the richer, as if the situation isn't dreadful enough already. He's an absolute POS. None of this is the fault of people who own nice homes, but he's trying to make it as though it is.
Lily Loser Allen was also trying the same thing yesterday.
These people are disgusting opportunists preying on people at their most vulnerable.

Jeremy Corbyn is a security risk to the internal security and stability of the United Kingdom, he's a dangerous subversive Marxist-Trotskyite, he has called for mass protests, he refuses to ACCEPT that he and his party LOST the British General Election, he has fellow Communists like that maniac Emily Thornberry going onto the television INSISTING they WON an election that they LOST by 262 seats to 318 seats, he has fellow Communists and the Communist Trade Unions calling to activate ONE MILLION COMMUNISTS to get onto the streets on July 1st to demand the overthrow of the DEMOCRATICALLY elected British Government, he is DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES' PRIVATE PROPERTY is SEIZED and GIVEN to poor people, he is using the tragedy of Grenfell Tower to issue these Communist DEMANDS.

This is not someone that the British Establishment are going to allow anywhere near Downing Street, he will be stopped one way or the other, even if that means an MI5 Black Op, they won't stop Jeremy Corbyn with a bullet in his head because that would make him a Martyr for The Cause, but I can fully envision Jeremy Corbyn having a convenient car accident or being run over crossing the road by some vehicle etc.

The British Establishment will put an end to Jeremy Corbyn, even if that means they have to kill him and make it look like an accident.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.
I've just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, and that their is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.
Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it. He too is whipping up the crowds by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry which has already been announced. Lilly Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems.
Everyone involved in spreading misinformation are responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

Yes and Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists can FORGET about requisitioning private property, it's NOT going to happen, it's completely illegal under both EU Law and British Law and any attempt to requisition private property would end up in the Law Courts of both Britain and also at the European Court.

There are strict criteria for a Government to requisition private property, you literally would have to have THOUSANDS of people without a home because of a mega Natural Disaster and/or Wartime Bombing of housing.

What you have are 75 people who are in hospital who escaped Grenfell Tower and so now have no home, this does NOT meet ANY of the criteria to requisition private property to house them.

Also why is Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists ONLY calling for RICH PEOPLES' private property to be requisitioned? Oh yes that's right we know why, because Left Wingers HATE THE RICH and the Communist Manifesto says that there should be NO private ownership of ANY property.

You know the British have many disused Military Barracks both within London and also just outside London, so until the time is such that vacant Council Flats can be found for these 75 people, when they leave hospital they could be housed in a disused Military Barracks. Also if there are no vacant Council Flats in that area of North Kensington but there are some vacant Council Flats somewhere else in London, then those people can be housed in those, they shouldn't CARE WHERE they are given a new Council Flat, all they should care about is that they are the few who were lucky to escape, lucky to be alive and lucky to be offered a new Council Flat regardless of where it is in London.
The communists dream - take 'rich' people's property from them ('rich' meaning anyone who has more than them). Yep. He's been whipping up resentment among the poorer against the richer, as if the situation isn't dreadful enough already. He's an absolute POS. None of this is the fault of people who own nice homes, but he's trying to make it as though it is.
Lily Loser Allen was also trying the same thing yesterday.
These people are disgusting opportunists preying on people at their most vulnerable.

Jeremy Corbyn: Put Grenfell Tower homeless in empty luxury flats

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for empty luxury properties in Kensington to be requisitioned to house victims of the Grenfell inferno.

- Snip -

Mr Corbyn's plan was criticised by Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen, who told the Daily Mail: "It is unsurprising, following their self-delusion that they won the election that Mr Corbyn and his allies are lurching even further to the left.

"Suggesting requisitioning empty properties when empty student accommodation is available locally is completely in line with his Marxist belief that all private property should belong to the state."

Despite questions about its legality, the plan was backed on social media by former acting Labour leader Harriet Harman, who wrote: "Loads of empty flats in Kensington. Jeremy Corbyn right that government should requisition to house Grenfell survivors."

Corbyn: Put tower homeless in empty luxury flats

This Harriet Harman is a Barrister who is publicly endorsing the illegal requisition of private property because she's a Marxist.

I have several friends in London who are Barristers, they earn at least £500,000 a year, so Harriet Harman is one of those typical hypocritical Marxists, she's a Barrister, she isn't poor and she's endorsing SEIZING the private property of rich people to house poor people in. Her Marxist political philosophy also makes her support the call to overthrow the democratically elected Government, she should be disbarred as a Barrister, she is supporting the illegal seizure of private property and a Revolution to remove the Government.

Yes as this Andrew Bridgen says, why isn't Jeremy Corbyn calling for empty student properties to be used to house those 75 people from Grenfell Tower? Oh that's right because Jeremy Corbyn is a Marxist who Hates The Rich.

I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Well at least 500 people lived in Grenfell Tower, 30 are dead and 75 are in hospital, the rest are unaccounted for, so the worst scenario is that all of the rest were in Grenfell Tower at the time, which would mean that 395 people are unaccounted for.

Considering it's been three days since the horrific situation, you would have thought that by now that if those 395 people are okay, if for some reason many were out and about and not at home in Grenfell Tower in the early hours of Wednesday morning, that they would by now have contacted their loved ones and friends to say they are okay, that they haven't, their silence is ominous and can only suggest that they are unable to contact their loved ones and friends because they were in Grenfell Tower and died there during the inferno that engulfed it.

So that would be the worst scenario 395 + 30 = 425 dead.
There were a number of people who got out very early and were not hospitalised at all, or were released after a brief check up. There is also an issue over subletting, apparently.
Yes because muslims tend to *host* illegals, who are unable to be in the country legally because they're fucking criminals and terrorists.

Hence my statement early's a somali/muslim tenement, so there are about 10 people (actual) per flat. As opposed to the 2 or 3 on the lease. Then there are all the child trafficking victims, so in some of the flats, there are probably like 40.

Stop projecting your lies and fantasies. You don't know who lived in that building at all but since you can't blame Muslim terrorists for the fire you're now claiming child trafficking in the building.

No way to identify some fire victims...

London fire may have destroyed DNA needed to ID victims
June 16, 2017 — The devastating fire that struck a high-rise tower in London may have been so powerful that it destroyed much of the DNA evidence needed to identify its victims.
As firefighters keep searching the charred ruins of the Grenfell Tower public housing complex with sniffer dogs and drones, Metropolitan Police commander Stuart Cundy said there was "a risk that, sadly, we may not be able to identify everybody." Experts said the intensity of Wednesday's fire at the 24-story building will make naming victims extremely difficult, drawing comparisons to the 2001 World Trade Center terror attacks in New York, where 40 percent of the victims were never identified. "When you have a fire that takes hold like that, that is literally an inferno. You get a lot of fragmentation of bodies, charring of bones and sometimes all that's left is ash," said Peter Vanezis, a professor of forensic medical sciences at Queen Mary University in London.


Emergency workers search debris that fell at the base of the fire-gutted Grenfell Tower in London, Friday, June 16, 2017, after a fire engulfed the 24-story building Wednesday morning. London firefighters combed through the burned-out public housing tower Thursday in a grim search for missing people as police and the prime minister launched investigations into the deadly inferno, with pressure building on officials to explain the disaster and assure that similar buildings around the country are safe.​

He said the temperature of the blaze at Grenfell Tower was comparable to a cremation. "The longer a fire burns, the less chance you have that there will be enough DNA left to test," Vanezis said. Still, he said if people were protected by any surrounding furniture or debris, it's possible there might be some viable DNA. Vanezis said the best chance to identify victims may be if officials find any remaining bits of teeth or bone, which are usually the last parts of the body to be destroyed. He said sophisticated techniques could be used to amplify the DNA, but noted such tests can only identify a person's family, not the individual. Vanezis added that medical devices like a pacemaker or any artificial implants could be used to identify people by finding their registration details.


Emergency workers wheel away a body from the fire-gutted Grenfell Tower in London, Friday, June 16, 2017, after a fire engulfed the 24-story building Wednesday morning. London firefighters combed through the burned-out public housing tower Thursday in a grim search for missing people as police and the prime minister launched investigations into the deadly inferno, with pressure building on officials to explain the disaster and assure that similar buildings around the country are safe.​

Another complicating factor is that much of the DNA material that would normally be used to help pinpoint victims — like toothbrushes or combs — were probably also incinerated in the blaze. "Even if we get some DNA, the question will be, do we have anything to compare it to?" said Denise Syndercombe Court, a forensic science expert at King's College London. In those cases, Syndercombe Court said experts would need a DNA sample from other family members or need to see if there are any reference samples available elsewhere, like a hospital blood or tissue test.

Syndercombe Court said even tiny fragments of teeth or bone could help, explaining that DNA tests can be run on as few as 10 to 20 cells. She said many identifications would probably be done via dental records, predicting that such samples would be more likely found from people who died of smoke inhalation, rather than those killed by the fire itself. Syndercombe Court said the testing process would likely take months, as officials scour through remains, search for things like comparison DNA and go through a lengthy verification process. "People won't want to give up easily," she said, adding that officials would likely also encounter other obstacles, like trying to find people who weren't expected to be at the tower or differentiating between siblings where little DNA remains.

The timing of the fire — after the recent deadly attacks in Manchester and London — also doesn't help. "The capacity of labs to do this kind of testing is limited," Syndercombe Court said. "They're already working on forensic evidence from Manchester and London. This just adds to the backlog." As of Friday, London police said 30 people have died in the Grenfell blaze. Britain's Press Association has reported that some 70 people are still missing after the fire, based on a compilation of verified reports.

London fire may have destroyed DNA needed to ID victims
it will be a miracle if no one dies,,,,how can anyone be trapped in the building and walk away?
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

Close up of the WTC, no oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam.


Close up of the Grenfell Tower with oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, the reason why the building went up like a Roman Candle in 15 minutes approx.



"Fears were raised that green energy concerns were prioritised ahead of safety as it emerged that cladding used to make the building more sustainable could have accelerated the fire."

Blog: Green deathtraps: energy-saving renovation blamed for horrific Grenfell Tower fire in London
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Well at least 500 people lived in Grenfell Tower, 30 are dead and 75 are in hospital, the rest are unaccounted for, so the worst scenario is that all of the rest were in Grenfell Tower at the time, which would mean that 395 people are unaccounted for.

Considering it's been three days since the horrific situation, you would have thought that by now that if those 395 people are okay, if for some reason many were out and about and not at home in Grenfell Tower in the early hours of Wednesday morning, that they would by now have contacted their loved ones and friends to say they are okay, that they haven't, their silence is ominous and can only suggest that they are unable to contact their loved ones and friends because they were in Grenfell Tower and died there during the inferno that engulfed it.

So that would be the worst scenario 395 + 30 = 425 dead.
There were a number of people who got out very early and were not hospitalised at all, or were released after a brief check up. There is also an issue over subletting, apparently.
Yes because muslims tend to *host* illegals, who are unable to be in the country legally because they're fucking criminals and terrorists.

Hence my statement early's a somali/muslim tenement, so there are about 10 people (actual) per flat. As opposed to the 2 or 3 on the lease. Then there are all the child trafficking victims, so in some of the flats, there are probably like 40.

KG there is zero evidence to suggest anything you are insisting was occurring in Grenfell Tower and at least half of the people who are unaccounted for, judging by the pictures of them do not look either Somalian or Muslim.

"Hence my statement early's a somali/muslim tenement, so there are about 10 people (actual) per flat. As opposed to the 2 or 3 on the lease. Then there are all the child trafficking victims, so in some of the flats, there are probably like 40."

The actual figures show that approx 500 people lived in those 120 flats, that would be an average of 4 per flat, it's known that several flats only had single occupancy and they were older people 65-84 years old, I think the oldest person unaccounted for is an 84 year old lady named Sheila Smith.

There is beyond zero evidence of any "child trafficking victims" being in Grenfell Tower.

You are in the realms of absolute fantasy with this stuff.
While I agree with most of what Ms. Hamilton says, I disagree about the conclusion.

At some point the mad-hatter crypto-Leninist will find himself Prime Minister - for a short time.

In that short time he will at least try to renationalize: Steel, energy production, rails, water/sewer and surely try to bring back BOAC/BEA (though without that "E" due to Brexit). Also the tube and buses will be shut down on average 3-days per week by "industrial action". Many city streets will be reduced to one lane as accumulating trash piles up and spills off the sidewalks.

None of that would be new. It's just what HAS happened under previous Labour governments. The British people have rather short memories. But they're not entirely stupid and that's why any Corbyn regime - and I DO believe there will be one - will have a short, joyless lifespan. Joyless for the people.

If you doubt the old loon would try that stuff just search out the maunderings of our very own Tainted Tommy for a preview.
Its not being a terrorist sympathiser to point out that only a tiny minority commit these crimes and that the vast majority of muslims are blameless.
Its just common sense.
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.

I've also just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, in part because there is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists/coroner who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.

Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it.
He too is whipping up the crowds with his megaphone by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry - which has already been announced yesterday.

Lilly Loser Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead as if it's some nefarious plot. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems, and it is obvious why.

There are a lot of opportunists out there organising on social media and then turning up and adding fuel to the fire. They are spreading misinformation and stoking up theses people who are already understably devastated and angry - and they will be responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

The Usual Suspects are behind organising the below, if this sort of thing becomes actual riots, then I see a good case for security reasons for the British Government to restrict people in Britain's general access to Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter etc because that's how they are coordinating this Rabid Agitation.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises with hundreds expected at 'justice' rally

Local councillor Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt after a string of failures

Is this Eartha Pond issuing some type of threat with that comment?

Anger over the Grenfell Tower disaster could lead to riots on the streets, it has been claimed.

The horrific fire, which has left at least 30 people dead, has left the local community angry and frustrated.

Politicians including Sadiq Khan have been heckled at the scene and locals even shouted "where are you going?" as the Queen and Prince William left the site today.

And hundreds of people are expected to attend a 'justice' rally in central London tonight.

So screaming at the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan and screaming at the Queen and Prince William.

Lol Communist filth keep this up, keep digging your own grave.

The British have a law where people cannot protest and/or gather in groups near The Houses of Parliament and also anywhere in the Whitehall area where Downing Street also is, hopefully these Communist Maniacs, being stupid, march banging their pots and pans and end up in Whitehall, because then they will be violating the law and the London Police can mass arrest them all.

Now, a local councillor has warned there could be "unrest in the streets" if council chiefs don't step in.

Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt.

Ms Pond, who works as an assistant vice principle in Brent and a councillor at nearby Queens Park Community Council, said: "If the council don't step up to the plate there will be unrest in the streets; it's that serious.

"People are so angry and frustrated. No-one from the council has been down here.

Yes nobody from that Council has visited there probably because of the aggressive Communist Agitators who are verbally abusing anyone who appear, such as the Mayor and the Queen and Prince William....the Communists of course being Republican so also hate the British Royal Family and would if they could have them lynched from the nearest tree.

Very soon the British Government if this continues will just have to go full-on Authoritarian and declare a State of Emergency and put Britain under Martial Law to ensure public order and stability.

"It's an appalling lack of response."

More than 1,800 people are said to be planning to attend a rally in Westminster tonight to demand 'justice' for Grenfell victims.

A Facebook event, 'justice for Grenfell!', has been listed as taking place at 6pm outside the Department for Communities and Local Government.

If riots and violence erupts within the next few weeks, British peoples' access to Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media should be SEVERELY RESTRICTED. PERIOD. You cannot have violent Communist Agitators planning via Social Media.

The posting said: "At least 150 people have died in the fire at Grenfell Tower. They deserve justice. We demand answers.

"Solidarity with the residents of Grenfell Tower. Supported by Grenfell action group, Defend Council Housing, Kensington and Chelsea Momentum, Westway23 and NW London Stand Up to Racism."

Lol London Stand Up to Racism. WTF does what happened at Grenfell Towell have to do with fucking racism? Nothing that's what, half the people who lived at Grenfell Tower were White people. Communist Agitating human filth using a tragedy to push their Agenda.

At least 30 people have officially been confirmed dead with the death toll expected to rise.

Ms Pond's comments come after furious residents shouted out in frustration as Sadiq Khan visited the scene of the 24-storey West London block.

The London mayor was heckled by a young boy on a man's shoulder as he descended on the scene with a heavy police presence.

TV footage showed the boy shouting: "How many children died? What are you going to do about it?"

Lol these maniacs have even been screaming in the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan's face.

Here's the rest of the article.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises
Last edited:
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.

I've also just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, in part because there is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists/coroner who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.

Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it.
He too is whipping up the crowds with his megaphone by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry - which has already been announced yesterday.

Lilly Loser Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead as if it's some nefarious plot. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems, and it is obvious why.

There are a lot of opportunists out there organising on social media and then turning up and adding fuel to the fire. They are spreading misinformation and stoking up theses people who are already understably devastated and angry - and they will be responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

The Usual Suspects are behind organising the below, if this sort of thing becomes actual riots, then I see a good case for security reasons for the British Government to restrict people in Britain's general access to Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter etc because that's how they are coordinating this Rabid Agitation.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises with hundreds expected at 'justice' rally

Local councillor Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt after a string of failures

Is this Eartha Pond issuing some type of threat with that comment?

Anger over the Grenfell Tower disaster could lead to riots on the streets, it has been claimed.

The horrific fire, which has left at least 30 people dead, has left the local community angry and frustrated.

Politicians including Sadiq Khan have been heckled at the scene and locals even shouted "where are you going?" as the Queen and Prince William left the site today.

And hundreds of people are expected to attend a 'justice' rally in central London tonight.

The British have a law where people cannot protest and/or gather in groups near The Houses of Parliament and also anywhere in the Whitehall area where Downing Street also is, hopefully these Communist Maniacs, being stupid, march banging their pots and pans and end up in Whitehall, because then they will be violating the law and the London Police can mass arrest them all.

Now, a local councillor has warned there could be "unrest in the streets" if council chiefs don't step in.

Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt.

Ms Pond, who works as an assistant vice principle in Brent and a councillor at nearby Queens Park Community Council, said: "If the council don't step up to the plate there will be unrest in the streets; it's that serious.

"People are so angry and frustrated. No-one from the council has been down here.

"It's an appalling lack of response."

More than 1,800 people are said to be planning to attend a rally in Westminster tonight to demand 'justice' for Grenfell victims.

A Facebook event, 'justice for Grenfell!', has been listed as taking place at 6pm outside the Department for Communities and Local Government.

If riots and violence erupts within the next few weeks, British peoples' access to Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media should be SEVERELY RESTRICTED. PERIOD. You cannot have violent Communist Agitators planning via Social Media.

The posting said: "At least 150 people have died in the fire at Grenfell Tower. They deserve justice. We demand answers.

"Solidarity with the residents of Grenfell Tower. Supported by Grenfell action group, Defend Council Housing, Kensington and Chelsea Momentum, Westway23 and NW London Stand Up to Racism."

Lol London Stand Up to Racism. WTF does what happened at Grenfell Towell have to do with fucking racism? Nothing that's what, half the people who lived at Grenfell Tower were White people. Communist Agitating human filth using a tragedy to push their Agenda.

At least 30 people have officially been confirmed dead with the death toll expected to rise.

Ms Pond's comments come after furious residents shouted out in frustration as Sadiq Khan visited the scene of the 24-storey West London block.

The London mayor was heckled by a young boy on a man's shoulder as he descended on the scene with a heavy police presence.

TV footage showed the boy shouting: "How many children died? What are you going to do about it?"

Lol these maniacs have even been screaming in the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan's face.

Here's the rest of the article.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises

Mass arrest the fuckers.

Look at these filthy Far Left POS, this has NOTHING to do with Grenfell Tower, they are wanting the overthrow of Britain's Democratically elected Government, they should be mass arrested and thrown into dungeons. Better still spray them with rubber bullets first and tear gas them.

"Capitalism is the enemy of the people" = Filthy Communist POS.


Zero Tolerance on Communist human filth, why are the British such pussies, get with the programme already, you cannot have dirty Communist Anarchist human filth dictating what you should or should not be doing.

The British Police should deal with these POS like they dealt with the Communist supported British Miners in the 1980s. You have to show this crowd who is the Boss and who are the peasants. You have to maintain law and order and full discipline in a society, if not the society will descend into chaos and anarchy.

"Bring Down The Government Guilty of Murder" TOTAL horsecrap, rubber bullets and tear gas. It's okay to allow people to be upset and express their emotions, it's NOT alright for people to call for the overthrow of Governments and threaten violent riots.


London protests as they happened: Demonstrators demand justice for Grenfell victims after day of fury and sorrow

Key Points

"Protests erupted across London on Friday afternoon in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire disaster, with victims and other angry Londoners uniting in outrage at the failings that led to the blaze.

Many of the protesters called on Theresa May to resign, after a number of damning reports about the Government's treatment of fire safety concerns emerged after the tragedy.

The Prime Minister was also under intense pressure after she failed to meet with victims immediately after the fire, choosing to talk to the emergency services instead. She has since visited victims in hospital.

So far, the fire that broke out in the residential block in the early hours of Wednesday morning has claimed at least 30 lives, and the death toll is expected to rise."

Protesters demand justice for Grenfell victims after day of fury

Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.

I've also just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, in part because there is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists/coroner who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.

Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it.
He too is whipping up the crowds with his megaphone by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry - which has already been announced yesterday.

Lilly Loser Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead as if it's some nefarious plot. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems, and it is obvious why.

There are a lot of opportunists out there organising on social media and then turning up and adding fuel to the fire. They are spreading misinformation and stoking up theses people who are already understably devastated and angry - and they will be responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

The Usual Suspects are behind organising the below, if this sort of thing becomes actual riots, then I see a good case for security reasons for the British Government to restrict people in Britain's general access to Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter etc because that's how they are coordinating this Rabid Agitation.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises with hundreds expected at 'justice' rally

Local councillor Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt after a string of failures

Is this Eartha Pond issuing some type of threat with that comment?

Anger over the Grenfell Tower disaster could lead to riots on the streets, it has been claimed.

The horrific fire, which has left at least 30 people dead, has left the local community angry and frustrated.

Politicians including Sadiq Khan have been heckled at the scene and locals even shouted "where are you going?" as the Queen and Prince William left the site today.

And hundreds of people are expected to attend a 'justice' rally in central London tonight.

The British have a law where people cannot protest and/or gather in groups near The Houses of Parliament and also anywhere in the Whitehall area where Downing Street also is, hopefully these Communist Maniacs, being stupid, march banging their pots and pans and end up in Whitehall, because then they will be violating the law and the London Police can mass arrest them all.

Now, a local councillor has warned there could be "unrest in the streets" if council chiefs don't step in.

Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt.

Ms Pond, who works as an assistant vice principle in Brent and a councillor at nearby Queens Park Community Council, said: "If the council don't step up to the plate there will be unrest in the streets; it's that serious.

"People are so angry and frustrated. No-one from the council has been down here.

"It's an appalling lack of response."

More than 1,800 people are said to be planning to attend a rally in Westminster tonight to demand 'justice' for Grenfell victims.

A Facebook event, 'justice for Grenfell!', has been listed as taking place at 6pm outside the Department for Communities and Local Government.

If riots and violence erupts within the next few weeks, British peoples' access to Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media should be SEVERELY RESTRICTED. PERIOD. You cannot have violent Communist Agitators planning via Social Media.

The posting said: "At least 150 people have died in the fire at Grenfell Tower. They deserve justice. We demand answers.

"Solidarity with the residents of Grenfell Tower. Supported by Grenfell action group, Defend Council Housing, Kensington and Chelsea Momentum, Westway23 and NW London Stand Up to Racism."

Lol London Stand Up to Racism. WTF does what happened at Grenfell Towell have to do with fucking racism? Nothing that's what, half the people who lived at Grenfell Tower were White people. Communist Agitating human filth using a tragedy to push their Agenda.

At least 30 people have officially been confirmed dead with the death toll expected to rise.

Ms Pond's comments come after furious residents shouted out in frustration as Sadiq Khan visited the scene of the 24-storey West London block.

The London mayor was heckled by a young boy on a man's shoulder as he descended on the scene with a heavy police presence.

TV footage showed the boy shouting: "How many children died? What are you going to do about it?"

Lol these maniacs have even been screaming in the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan's face.

Here's the rest of the article.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises

Mass arrest the fuckers.

Look at these filthy Far Left POS, this has NOTHING to do with Grenfell Tower, they are wanting the overthrow of Britain's Democratically elected Government, they should be mass arrested and thrown into dungeons. Better still spray them with rubber bullets first and tear gas them.

"Capitalism is the enemy of the people" = Filthy Communist POS.


Zero Tolerance on Communist human filth, why are the British such pussies, get with the programme already, you cannot have dirty Communist Anarchist human filth dictating what you should or should not be doing.

The British Police should deal with these POS like they dealt with the Communist supported British Miners in the 1980s. You have to show this crowd who is the Boss and who are the peasants. You have to maintain law and order and full discipline in a society, if not the society will descend into chaos and anarchy.

"Bring Down The Government Guilty of Murder" TOTAL horsecrap, rubber bullets and tear gas. It's okay to allow people to be upset and express their emotions, it's NOT alright for people to call for the overthrow of Governments and threaten violent riots.


London protests as they happened: Demonstrators demand justice for Grenfell victims after day of fury and sorrow

Key Points

"Protests erupted across London on Friday afternoon in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire disaster, with victims and other angry Londoners uniting in outrage at the failings that led to the blaze.

Many of the protesters called on Theresa May to resign, after a number of damning reports about the Government's treatment of fire safety concerns emerged after the tragedy.

The Prime Minister was also under intense pressure after she failed to meet with victims immediately after the fire, choosing to talk to the emergency services instead. She has since visited victims in hospital.

So far, the fire that broke out in the residential block in the early hours of Wednesday morning has claimed at least 30 lives, and the death toll is expected to rise."

Protesters demand justice for Grenfell victims after day of fury

Showing they are Communist filth, the latest comment in the Comment's Section "we need an urgent redistribution of wealth"


Theresa May it seems PERSONALLY set Grenfell Tower ablaze and murdered people.

Abubakr Dantata-Denisse, now there's a good English name, maybe it should go back to Camel Jockey Shithole Land.


Yes excellent comments from this ForestRunner and Jon from the Marshes and Independent Mind and EU being serious.




Uh-oh an educated person has found where the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan said in 2016 that HE was in charge of overall housing in London, seems this was on the watch of the Pakistani Street Shitter Sadiq Khan and NOT Theresa May.



Who was running London in 2016? That would be your fellow Kebab Street Shitter Sadiq Khan. Typical low IQ Kebab Chimp thinks that Sadiq Khan is a Tory "If I'm mistaken Is the Tories in all THREE cases" Lol go back to your Sand Desert Hellhole you low IQ Kebab Camel Jockey.


More Comments Section below.

Protesters demand justice for Grenfell victims after day of fury
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.

I've also just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, in part because there is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists/coroner who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.

Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it.
He too is whipping up the crowds with his megaphone by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry - which has already been announced yesterday.

Lilly Loser Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead as if it's some nefarious plot. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems, and it is obvious why.

There are a lot of opportunists out there organising on social media and then turning up and adding fuel to the fire. They are spreading misinformation and stoking up theses people who are already understably devastated and angry - and they will be responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

The Usual Suspects are behind organising the below, if this sort of thing becomes actual riots, then I see a good case for security reasons for the British Government to restrict people in Britain's general access to Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter etc because that's how they are coordinating this Rabid Agitation.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises with hundreds expected at 'justice' rally

Local councillor Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt after a string of failures

Is this Eartha Pond issuing some type of threat with that comment?

Anger over the Grenfell Tower disaster could lead to riots on the streets, it has been claimed.

The horrific fire, which has left at least 30 people dead, has left the local community angry and frustrated.

Politicians including Sadiq Khan have been heckled at the scene and locals even shouted "where are you going?" as the Queen and Prince William left the site today.

And hundreds of people are expected to attend a 'justice' rally in central London tonight.

So screaming at the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan and screaming at the Queen and Prince William.

Lol Communist filth keep this up, keep digging your own grave.

The British have a law where people cannot protest and/or gather in groups near The Houses of Parliament and also anywhere in the Whitehall area where Downing Street also is, hopefully these Communist Maniacs, being stupid, march banging their pots and pans and end up in Whitehall, because then they will be violating the law and the London Police can mass arrest them all.

Now, a local councillor has warned there could be "unrest in the streets" if council chiefs don't step in.

Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt.

Ms Pond, who works as an assistant vice principle in Brent and a councillor at nearby Queens Park Community Council, said: "If the council don't step up to the plate there will be unrest in the streets; it's that serious.

"People are so angry and frustrated. No-one from the council has been down here.

Yes nobody from that Council has visited there probably because of the aggressive Communist Agitators who are verbally abusing anyone who appear, such as the Mayor and the Queen and Prince William....the Communists of course being Republican so also hate the British Royal Family and would if they could have them lynched from the nearest tree.

Very soon the British Government if this continues will just have to go full-on Authoritarian and declare a State of Emergency and put Britain under Martial Law to ensure public order and stability.

"It's an appalling lack of response."

More than 1,800 people are said to be planning to attend a rally in Westminster tonight to demand 'justice' for Grenfell victims.

A Facebook event, 'justice for Grenfell!', has been listed as taking place at 6pm outside the Department for Communities and Local Government.

If riots and violence erupts within the next few weeks, British peoples' access to Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media should be SEVERELY RESTRICTED. PERIOD. You cannot have violent Communist Agitators planning via Social Media.

The posting said: "At least 150 people have died in the fire at Grenfell Tower. They deserve justice. We demand answers.

"Solidarity with the residents of Grenfell Tower. Supported by Grenfell action group, Defend Council Housing, Kensington and Chelsea Momentum, Westway23 and NW London Stand Up to Racism."

Lol London Stand Up to Racism. WTF does what happened at Grenfell Towell have to do with fucking racism? Nothing that's what, half the people who lived at Grenfell Tower were White people. Communist Agitating human filth using a tragedy to push their Agenda.

At least 30 people have officially been confirmed dead with the death toll expected to rise.

Ms Pond's comments come after furious residents shouted out in frustration as Sadiq Khan visited the scene of the 24-storey West London block.

The London mayor was heckled by a young boy on a man's shoulder as he descended on the scene with a heavy police presence.

TV footage showed the boy shouting: "How many children died? What are you going to do about it?"

Lol these maniacs have even been screaming in the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan's face.

Here's the rest of the article.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises

I think what should happen re. Britain. Theresa May should do the deal with the DUP and then declare Martial Law, these Communist Agitators lead by Jeremy Corbyn the lifelong Marxist Trotskyite need neutering and ALL protests should be declared illegal and they should also impose a Curfew where NOBODY is allowed on the streets from 7PM-7AM unless they have good reason to be and if they don't they should be arrested as potential Communist Agitators.

Britain needs full-on Authoritarianism to deal with this Organised Subversion, the British do not have a First Amendment or anything, there is nothing to stop Martial Law being imposed. The whip needs to be cracked before Britain descends into Anarchy.

This Far Left filth are using the Grenfell Tower tragedy to push the Communist Agenda and it's disgusting.
it will be a miracle if no one dies,,,,how can anyone be trapped in the building and walk away?
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

Close up of the WTC, no oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam.


Close up of the Grenfell Tower with oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, the reason why the building went up like a Roman Candle in 15 minutes approx.



"Fears were raised that green energy concerns were prioritised ahead of safety as it emerged that cladding used to make the building more sustainable could have accelerated the fire."

Blog: Green deathtraps: energy-saving renovation blamed for horrific Grenfell Tower fire in London
There have been people in this thread trying to politicise this overwhelming tragedy from the get go in order to lay all blame at the Conservatives door.

But the truth is, warnings about safety in these blocks were ignored by the Labour gvmnt from 1997 to 2010, and Tony Blair issued commandments based on global warning crap that led to hundreds, if not thousands, of councils, both Labour and Conservative, to clad buildings such as these to 'conserve heat'. The last fire that is attributed to such measures happened under a Labour gvmnt and a Labour council.

This clealry isn't a party issue, the problems, and the ignoring of the problems, go back decades and both parties are culpable.

It's truly disgusting that the Left now uses this particular tragedy to score points, and that they have such little regard for the victims that they gleefully whip them up with lies and political point scoring. It's really sad.
Last edited:
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

Close up of the WTC, no oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam.


Close up of the Grenfell Tower with oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, the reason why the building went up like a Roman Candle in 15 minutes approx.



"Fears were raised that green energy concerns were prioritised ahead of safety as it emerged that cladding used to make the building more sustainable could have accelerated the fire."

Blog: Green deathtraps: energy-saving renovation blamed for horrific Grenfell Tower fire in London
There have been people in this thread trying to politicise this overwhelming tragedy from the get go in order to lay all blame at the Conservatives door.
The truth is, warnings about safety in these blocks were ignored by the Labour gvmnt from 1997 to 2010, and Tony Blair issued commandments based on global warning crap that led hundreds, if not thousands, of councils, both Labour and Conservative, to clad buildings such as these to 'conserve heat'. The last fire that is attributed to such measures happened under a Labour gvmnt and a Labour council.
This clealry isn't a party issue, the problems, and the ignoring the problems, go back decades and both parties are culpable. It's truly disgusting that the Left now uses this particular tragedy to score points, and that they have such little regard for the victims that they gleefully whip them up with lies and political point scoring. It's really sad.

Conservatives in the Western world are too nice, it's time the Commies were dealt with, there are laws that can be used to put a stop to their disgusting Organised Agitation, it's time to use those laws or face Anarchy, it's best to kill it in it's tracks before the Organised Agitators kick off the violent rioting, because innocent people are going to get injured and possibly killed during those violent riots.

This must be seen as a means to ensure public safety and the continuation of civil order.
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.

I've also just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, in part because there is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists/coroner who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.

Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it.
He too is whipping up the crowds with his megaphone by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry - which has already been announced yesterday.

Lilly Loser Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead as if it's some nefarious plot. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems, and it is obvious why.

There are a lot of opportunists out there organising on social media and then turning up and adding fuel to the fire. They are spreading misinformation and stoking up theses people who are already understably devastated and angry - and they will be responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

The Usual Suspects are behind organising the below, if this sort of thing becomes actual riots, then I see a good case for security reasons for the British Government to restrict people in Britain's general access to Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter etc because that's how they are coordinating this Rabid Agitation.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises with hundreds expected at 'justice' rally

Local councillor Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt after a string of failures

Is this Eartha Pond issuing some type of threat with that comment?

Anger over the Grenfell Tower disaster could lead to riots on the streets, it has been claimed.

The horrific fire, which has left at least 30 people dead, has left the local community angry and frustrated.

Politicians including Sadiq Khan have been heckled at the scene and locals even shouted "where are you going?" as the Queen and Prince William left the site today.

And hundreds of people are expected to attend a 'justice' rally in central London tonight.

So screaming at the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan and screaming at the Queen and Prince William.

Lol Communist filth keep this up, keep digging your own grave.

The British have a law where people cannot protest and/or gather in groups near The Houses of Parliament and also anywhere in the Whitehall area where Downing Street also is, hopefully these Communist Maniacs, being stupid, march banging their pots and pans and end up in Whitehall, because then they will be violating the law and the London Police can mass arrest them all.

Now, a local councillor has warned there could be "unrest in the streets" if council chiefs don't step in.

Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt.

Ms Pond, who works as an assistant vice principle in Brent and a councillor at nearby Queens Park Community Council, said: "If the council don't step up to the plate there will be unrest in the streets; it's that serious.

"People are so angry and frustrated. No-one from the council has been down here.

Yes nobody from that Council has visited there probably because of the aggressive Communist Agitators who are verbally abusing anyone who appear, such as the Mayor and the Queen and Prince William....the Communists of course being Republican so also hate the British Royal Family and would if they could have them lynched from the nearest tree.

Very soon the British Government if this continues will just have to go full-on Authoritarian and declare a State of Emergency and put Britain under Martial Law to ensure public order and stability.

"It's an appalling lack of response."

More than 1,800 people are said to be planning to attend a rally in Westminster tonight to demand 'justice' for Grenfell victims.

A Facebook event, 'justice for Grenfell!', has been listed as taking place at 6pm outside the Department for Communities and Local Government.

If riots and violence erupts within the next few weeks, British peoples' access to Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media should be SEVERELY RESTRICTED. PERIOD. You cannot have violent Communist Agitators planning via Social Media.

The posting said: "At least 150 people have died in the fire at Grenfell Tower. They deserve justice. We demand answers.

"Solidarity with the residents of Grenfell Tower. Supported by Grenfell action group, Defend Council Housing, Kensington and Chelsea Momentum, Westway23 and NW London Stand Up to Racism."

Lol London Stand Up to Racism. WTF does what happened at Grenfell Towell have to do with fucking racism? Nothing that's what, half the people who lived at Grenfell Tower were White people. Communist Agitating human filth using a tragedy to push their Agenda.

At least 30 people have officially been confirmed dead with the death toll expected to rise.

Ms Pond's comments come after furious residents shouted out in frustration as Sadiq Khan visited the scene of the 24-storey West London block.

The London mayor was heckled by a young boy on a man's shoulder as he descended on the scene with a heavy police presence.

TV footage showed the boy shouting: "How many children died? What are you going to do about it?"

Lol these maniacs have even been screaming in the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan's face.

Here's the rest of the article.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises
Khan had to hide in the church yesterday until a two deep ring of police were ready to surround him so he could come out and lecture and lie. He was visibly scared.
Someone was also arrested for throwing a bottle at him. But, in all fairness, this particular tragedy cannot be laid at his door either.

However, he has presided over Tooting, along with consecutive Labour councils, for a long time, and they have tower blocks with cladding. He should probably stop to think about that before he continues with his blame game.

The inquiry is inevitably going to apportion plenty of the blame at the Labour parties door too, but they just cannot seem to stop themselves from trying to capitalise on this tragedy.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.

I've also just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, in part because there is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists/coroner who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.

Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it.
He too is whipping up the crowds with his megaphone by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry - which has already been announced yesterday.

Lilly Loser Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead as if it's some nefarious plot. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems, and it is obvious why.

There are a lot of opportunists out there organising on social media and then turning up and adding fuel to the fire. They are spreading misinformation and stoking up theses people who are already understably devastated and angry - and they will be responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

The Usual Suspects are behind organising the below, if this sort of thing becomes actual riots, then I see a good case for security reasons for the British Government to restrict people in Britain's general access to Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter etc because that's how they are coordinating this Rabid Agitation.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises with hundreds expected at 'justice' rally

Local councillor Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt after a string of failures

Is this Eartha Pond issuing some type of threat with that comment?

Anger over the Grenfell Tower disaster could lead to riots on the streets, it has been claimed.

The horrific fire, which has left at least 30 people dead, has left the local community angry and frustrated.

Politicians including Sadiq Khan have been heckled at the scene and locals even shouted "where are you going?" as the Queen and Prince William left the site today.

And hundreds of people are expected to attend a 'justice' rally in central London tonight.

The British have a law where people cannot protest and/or gather in groups near The Houses of Parliament and also anywhere in the Whitehall area where Downing Street also is, hopefully these Communist Maniacs, being stupid, march banging their pots and pans and end up in Whitehall, because then they will be violating the law and the London Police can mass arrest them all.

Now, a local councillor has warned there could be "unrest in the streets" if council chiefs don't step in.

Eartha Pond said that if local authority doesn't act quickly, civil unrest could erupt.

Ms Pond, who works as an assistant vice principle in Brent and a councillor at nearby Queens Park Community Council, said: "If the council don't step up to the plate there will be unrest in the streets; it's that serious.

"People are so angry and frustrated. No-one from the council has been down here.

"It's an appalling lack of response."

More than 1,800 people are said to be planning to attend a rally in Westminster tonight to demand 'justice' for Grenfell victims.

A Facebook event, 'justice for Grenfell!', has been listed as taking place at 6pm outside the Department for Communities and Local Government.

If riots and violence erupts within the next few weeks, British peoples' access to Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media should be SEVERELY RESTRICTED. PERIOD. You cannot have violent Communist Agitators planning via Social Media.

The posting said: "At least 150 people have died in the fire at Grenfell Tower. They deserve justice. We demand answers.

"Solidarity with the residents of Grenfell Tower. Supported by Grenfell action group, Defend Council Housing, Kensington and Chelsea Momentum, Westway23 and NW London Stand Up to Racism."

Lol London Stand Up to Racism. WTF does what happened at Grenfell Towell have to do with fucking racism? Nothing that's what, half the people who lived at Grenfell Tower were White people. Communist Agitating human filth using a tragedy to push their Agenda.

At least 30 people have officially been confirmed dead with the death toll expected to rise.

Ms Pond's comments come after furious residents shouted out in frustration as Sadiq Khan visited the scene of the 24-storey West London block.

The London mayor was heckled by a young boy on a man's shoulder as he descended on the scene with a heavy police presence.

TV footage showed the boy shouting: "How many children died? What are you going to do about it?"

Lol these maniacs have even been screaming in the Kebab Mayor Sadiq Khan's face.

Here's the rest of the article.

Fears of 'riots in the streets' as anger over Grenfell Tower tragedy rises

Mass arrest the fuckers.

Look at these filthy Far Left POS, this has NOTHING to do with Grenfell Tower, they are wanting the overthrow of Britain's Democratically elected Government, they should be mass arrested and thrown into dungeons. Better still spray them with rubber bullets first and tear gas them.

"Capitalism is the enemy of the people" = Filthy Communist POS.


Zero Tolerance on Communist human filth, why are the British such pussies, get with the programme already, you cannot have dirty Communist Anarchist human filth dictating what you should or should not be doing.

The British Police should deal with these POS like they dealt with the Communist supported British Miners in the 1980s. You have to show this crowd who is the Boss and who are the peasants. You have to maintain law and order and full discipline in a society, if not the society will descend into chaos and anarchy.

"Bring Down The Government Guilty of Murder" TOTAL horsecrap, rubber bullets and tear gas. It's okay to allow people to be upset and express their emotions, it's NOT alright for people to call for the overthrow of Governments and threaten violent riots.


London protests as they happened: Demonstrators demand justice for Grenfell victims after day of fury and sorrow

Key Points

"Protests erupted across London on Friday afternoon in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire disaster, with victims and other angry Londoners uniting in outrage at the failings that led to the blaze.

Many of the protesters called on Theresa May to resign, after a number of damning reports about the Government's treatment of fire safety concerns emerged after the tragedy.

The Prime Minister was also under intense pressure after she failed to meet with victims immediately after the fire, choosing to talk to the emergency services instead. She has since visited victims in hospital.

So far, the fire that broke out in the residential block in the early hours of Wednesday morning has claimed at least 30 lives, and the death toll is expected to rise."

Protesters demand justice for Grenfell victims after day of fury

You said in another post that the British Conservatives are "too nice", or something similar. And you are absolutley right.
I see it also as how the Republicans were "too nice" until they got Donald Trump - someone who is NOT too nice to throw their crap straight back at them.
Sadly, we aren't there yet. We still value dignity and 'not lowering ourselves to the lowest common denominator' in an environment where that is just seen as weakness, and even a lack of conviction.
We have allowed PC to prevent honest debate, and the police were infected with this long ago, as evidenced when generic 'white van man' gets arrested for shouting 'f**k off out of this country if you don't like it' to Islamist filth holding placards saying 'your 9/11 is on its way' and 'behead those who insult islam'.
Sadly, I think we are about to see a rerun of ?2010 but worse, with rioting and looting, whilst the police stand back and watch, fearful of making arrests because the perps are almost wholesale, 'not white'.
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