Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

I thought it, and I'm a journalist, lol.

I was pretty sure some stupid jihadi/somali fuck had accidentally blown up his kitchen. And you know, that still hasn't been ruled out.

It is ruled out by no good lefties like the one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists

"It is ruled out by no good lefties like the one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists"

I am not a Lefty and I have never defended Islamic terrorists.

So we have to remain grounded here, we must make a differentiation between Islamic Terrorists and sympathisers and hundreds of people who were trapped and died in the most horrific way in Grenfell Tower.

What happened at Grenfell Tower is radically different than what happened at London Bridge, Manchester, Paris, San Bernardino etc.
I know you are not a leftist, I agree with you , there are a difference beetwen the two thoses people who are burned dead alive and the terrorists. What makes me angry is that after the London attacks And even when there is an attack in the world the leftists and some Muslims come to automatically defend the Muslims as if they are unable to have compassion for the victims. After that they should not surprised to not be loved and to be regarded as traitors by the Westerners.
And I also agree in my opinion it is not a terrorist act but we still do not know the cause yet.
Its not being a terrorist sympathiser to point out that only a tiny minority commit these crimes and that the vast majority of muslims are blameless.
Its just common sense.
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.

For one thing any charity and/or mosque that gets any type of funding from Saudi Arabia should be immediately raided and then closed down.

The House of Saud are evil, Saudi Arabia should be treated as an International Pariah, no Western nation should be selling them weapons and military equipment and all Saudi Ambassador's in Western nations should be told they have 24 hours to return to Saudi Arabia.

There should be complete economic and military sanctions imposed on Saudi Arabia, they are the biggest state sponsor of terrorism, they are funding ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front, they still fund Al-Qaeda and they have for nearly two years been carpet bombing Yemen, the poorest nation in the Middle East, slaughtering huge numbers of Yemeni's and now they are starving the rest to death and the hypocritical West is not only silent about this but are giving it the okay by still selling The House of Saud weapons to use.

The West gets nothing from supporting Saudi Arabia, all the West gets is filthy lucre, which seems to be more important than taking a moral stance about such an evil Regime as The House of Saud.

Disgusting and shameful.
I thought it, and I'm a journalist, lol.

I was pretty sure some stupid jihadi/somali fuck had accidentally blown up his kitchen. And you know, that still hasn't been ruled out.

It is ruled out by no good lefties like the one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists

"It is ruled out by no good lefties like the one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists"

I am not a Lefty and I have never defended Islamic terrorists.

So we have to remain grounded here, we must make a differentiation between Islamic Terrorists and sympathisers and hundreds of people who were trapped and died in the most horrific way in Grenfell Tower.

What happened at Grenfell Tower is radically different than what happened at London Bridge, Manchester, Paris, San Bernardino etc.
I know you are not a leftist, I agree with you , there are a difference beetwen the two thoses people who are burned dead alive and the terrorists. What makes me angry is that after the London attacks And even when there is an attack in the world the leftists and some Muslims come to automatically defend the Muslims as if they are unable to have compassion for the victims. After that they should not surprised to not be loved and to be regarded as traitors by the Westerners.
And I also agree in my opinion it is not a terrorist act but we still do not know the cause yet.
Its not being a terrorist sympathiser to point out that only a tiny minority commit these crimes and that the vast majority of muslims are blameless.
Its just common sense.
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
It is ruled out by no good lefties like the one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists

"It is ruled out by no good lefties like the one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists"

I am not a Lefty and I have never defended Islamic terrorists.

So we have to remain grounded here, we must make a differentiation between Islamic Terrorists and sympathisers and hundreds of people who were trapped and died in the most horrific way in Grenfell Tower.

What happened at Grenfell Tower is radically different than what happened at London Bridge, Manchester, Paris, San Bernardino etc.
I know you are not a leftist, I agree with you , there are a difference beetwen the two thoses people who are burned dead alive and the terrorists. What makes me angry is that after the London attacks And even when there is an attack in the world the leftists and some Muslims come to automatically defend the Muslims as if they are unable to have compassion for the victims. After that they should not surprised to not be loved and to be regarded as traitors by the Westerners.
And I also agree in my opinion it is not a terrorist act but we still do not know the cause yet.
Its not being a terrorist sympathiser to point out that only a tiny minority commit these crimes and that the vast majority of muslims are blameless.
Its just common sense.
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.
Nope. Name one journalist who believed that.

Only shitbags like the OP and yourself believed that because you generally believe that they are responsible for everything .Grenfell Tower is a diverse and mixed community and that must eat at your bigoted soul.

You are a fucking disgrace.
I thought it, and I'm a journalist, lol.

I was pretty sure some stupid jihadi/somali fuck had accidentally blown up his kitchen. And you know, that still hasn't been ruled out.

It is ruled out by no good lefties like the one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists

"It is ruled out by no good lefties like the one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists"

I am not a Lefty and I have never defended Islamic terrorists.

So we have to remain grounded here, we must make a differentiation between Islamic Terrorists and sympathisers and hundreds of people who were trapped and died in the most horrific way in Grenfell Tower.

What happened at Grenfell Tower is radically different than what happened at London Bridge, Manchester, Paris, San Bernardino etc.
I know you are not a leftist, I agree with you , there are a difference beetwen the two thoses people who are burned dead alive and the terrorists. What makes me angry is that after the London attacks And even when there is an attack in the world the leftists and some Muslims come to automatically defend the Muslims as if they are unable to have compassion for the victims. After that they should not surprised to not be loved and to be regarded as traitors by the Westerners.
And I also agree in my opinion it is not a terrorist act but we still do not know the cause yet.
Its not being a terrorist sympathiser to point out that only a tiny minority commit these crimes and that the vast majority of muslims are blameless.
Its just common sense.
So the fact that you are also a terrorist sympathizer is entirely coincidental?
You could calm down it is likely not ISIS they always claim there Attack.

I don't think anyone thought this was an ISIS attack to begin with, it was apparent within a few hours that this was not any form of terrorist attack.

I think a lot of people thought it was jihad related, I know the *journalists* definitely did, which is why they were so proactive about generating sympathy for muslims.

And you might look at who is agreeing with your viewpoint before you solidify it.

Nope. Name one journalist who believed that.

Only shitbags like the OP and yourself believed that because you generally believe that they are responsible for everything .Grenfell Tower is a diverse and mixed community and that must eat at your bigoted soul.

You are a fucking disgrace.
I thought it, and I'm a journalist, lol.

I was pretty sure some stupid jihadi/somali fuck had accidentally blown up his kitchen. And you know, that still hasn't been ruled out.

It is ruled out by no good lefties like the other one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists

The death toll has now risen to 30 and will rise more, the London Police say that they might never be able to identify all the victims, probably those who were between floors 20-27 will have been almost cremated making identification impossible.

Terrible for their loved ones and friends, that they'll never have full closure or a place they can take the remains of their loved ones to to visit.

As a Christian, even though I never knew these poor souls or their loved ones and friends, as Christians our thoughts and prayers are with them in their time of suffering and we pray that Our Lord can give them spiritual comfort and solace and strength to deal with this going forward.

Grenfell Tower death toll rises to 30

"At least 30 people have died in the Grenfell Tower fire, police have revealed.

Metropolitan Police commander Stuart Cundy confirmed the death toll as he spoke near the scene of the devastating blaze in west London on Friday.

“I’m able to say at this point in time at least 30 people have died as a result of this fire,” he said.

Mr Cundy said the victims included one person who had died in hospital.

“There is nothing to suggest at this time that the fire was started deliberately,” he added.

More than 70 people are believed to be unaccounted for since the blaze, which police fear was so devastating that some victims may never be identified."


Grenfell Tower death toll rises to 30 | Daily Mail Online
"It is ruled out by no good lefties like the one those scumbag who always defend the muslims terrorists"

I am not a Lefty and I have never defended Islamic terrorists.

So we have to remain grounded here, we must make a differentiation between Islamic Terrorists and sympathisers and hundreds of people who were trapped and died in the most horrific way in Grenfell Tower.

What happened at Grenfell Tower is radically different than what happened at London Bridge, Manchester, Paris, San Bernardino etc.
I know you are not a leftist, I agree with you , there are a difference beetwen the two thoses people who are burned dead alive and the terrorists. What makes me angry is that after the London attacks And even when there is an attack in the world the leftists and some Muslims come to automatically defend the Muslims as if they are unable to have compassion for the victims. After that they should not surprised to not be loved and to be regarded as traitors by the Westerners.
And I also agree in my opinion it is not a terrorist act but we still do not know the cause yet.
Its not being a terrorist sympathiser to point out that only a tiny minority commit these crimes and that the vast majority of muslims are blameless.
Its just common sense.
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Well at least 500 people lived in Grenfell Tower, 30 are dead and 75 are in hospital, the rest are unaccounted for, so the worst scenario is that all of the rest were in Grenfell Tower at the time, which would mean that 395 people are unaccounted for.

Considering it's been three days since the horrific situation, you would have thought that by now that if those 395 people are okay, if for some reason many were out and about and not at home in Grenfell Tower in the early hours of Wednesday morning, that they would by now have contacted their loved ones and friends to say they are okay, that they haven't, their silence is ominous and can only suggest that they are unable to contact their loved ones and friends because they were in Grenfell Tower and died there during the inferno that engulfed it.

So that would be the worst scenario 395 + 30 = 425 dead.
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Well at least 500 people lived in Grenfell Tower, 30 are dead and 75 are in hospital, the rest are unaccounted for, so the worst scenario is that all of the rest were in Grenfell Tower at the time, which would mean that 395 people are unaccounted for.

Considering it's been three days since the horrific situation, you would have thought that by now that if those 395 people are okay, if for some reason many were out and about and not at home in Grenfell Tower in the early hours of Wednesday morning, that they would by now have contacted their loved ones and friends to say they are okay, that they haven't, their silence is ominous and can only suggest that they are unable to contact their loved ones and friends because they were in Grenfell Tower and died there during the inferno that engulfed it.

So that would be the worst scenario 395 + 30 = 425 dead.

Thank you. I did some more searching. This link has a lot of pictures but in the link it basically agrees with your numbers:

"The flats were home to up to 600 people, with 30 now confirmed dead. There are 24 still receiving treatment, of which 12 are still in critical care. At least 70 are missing - and £2.8million has been donated for the victims."

Read more: Heartbreaking details show where Grenfell victims lived | Daily Mail Online
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I know you are not a leftist, I agree with you , there are a difference beetwen the two thoses people who are burned dead alive and the terrorists. What makes me angry is that after the London attacks And even when there is an attack in the world the leftists and some Muslims come to automatically defend the Muslims as if they are unable to have compassion for the victims. After that they should not surprised to not be loved and to be regarded as traitors by the Westerners.
And I also agree in my opinion it is not a terrorist act but we still do not know the cause yet.
Its not being a terrorist sympathiser to point out that only a tiny minority commit these crimes and that the vast majority of muslims are blameless.
Its just common sense.
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.

I've also just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, in part because there is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists/coroner who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.

Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it.
He too is whipping up the crowds with his megaphone by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry - which has already been announced yesterday.

Lilly Loser Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead as if it's some nefarious plot. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems, and it is obvious why.

There are a lot of opportunists out there organising on social media and then turning up and adding fuel to the fire. They are spreading misinformation and stoking up theses people who are already understably devastated and angry - and they will be responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.
Last edited:
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.
The authorities do not release numbers officially willy nilly, and anyone so inclined can do the maths and work out a rough number if they want to.
They need to release at least a tentative body count. This bs about refusing to estimate is ridiculous. And they can release what they know about the cause of the fire.

The fact that they aren't is pretty strong evidence that it is a crime scene.
See, real journalists would be badgering officials for statements, instead of this touchy-feely garbage about asking the neighbors how they FEEL.
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Well at least 500 people lived in Grenfell Tower, 30 are dead and 75 are in hospital, the rest are unaccounted for, so the worst scenario is that all of the rest were in Grenfell Tower at the time, which would mean that 395 people are unaccounted for.

Considering it's been three days since the horrific situation, you would have thought that by now that if those 395 people are okay, if for some reason many were out and about and not at home in Grenfell Tower in the early hours of Wednesday morning, that they would by now have contacted their loved ones and friends to say they are okay, that they haven't, their silence is ominous and can only suggest that they are unable to contact their loved ones and friends because they were in Grenfell Tower and died there during the inferno that engulfed it.

So that would be the worst scenario 395 + 30 = 425 dead.
There were a number of people who got out very early and were not hospitalised at all, or were released after a brief check up. There is also an issue over sub-letting, apparently.
Last edited:
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Well at least 500 people lived in Grenfell Tower, 30 are dead and 75 are in hospital, the rest are unaccounted for, so the worst scenario is that all of the rest were in Grenfell Tower at the time, which would mean that 395 people are unaccounted for.

Considering it's been three days since the horrific situation, you would have thought that by now that if those 395 people are okay, if for some reason many were out and about and not at home in Grenfell Tower in the early hours of Wednesday morning, that they would by now have contacted their loved ones and friends to say they are okay, that they haven't, their silence is ominous and can only suggest that they are unable to contact their loved ones and friends because they were in Grenfell Tower and died there during the inferno that engulfed it.

So that would be the worst scenario 395 + 30 = 425 dead.

Thank you. I did some more searching. This link has a lot of picture but in the link it basically agrees with your numbers:

"The flats were home to up to 600 people, with 30 now confirmed dead. There are 24 still receiving treatment, of which 12 are still in critical care. At least 70 are missing - and £2.8million has been donated for the victims."

Read more: Heartbreaking details show where Grenfell victims lived | Daily Mail Online
There is a 5 million pound fund ATM.
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Well at least 500 people lived in Grenfell Tower, 30 are dead and 75 are in hospital, the rest are unaccounted for, so the worst scenario is that all of the rest were in Grenfell Tower at the time, which would mean that 395 people are unaccounted for.

Considering it's been three days since the horrific situation, you would have thought that by now that if those 395 people are okay, if for some reason many were out and about and not at home in Grenfell Tower in the early hours of Wednesday morning, that they would by now have contacted their loved ones and friends to say they are okay, that they haven't, their silence is ominous and can only suggest that they are unable to contact their loved ones and friends because they were in Grenfell Tower and died there during the inferno that engulfed it.

So that would be the worst scenario 395 + 30 = 425 dead.
There were a number of people who got out very early and were not hospitalised at all, or were released after a brief check up. There is also an issue over subletting, apparently.
Yes because muslims tend to *host* illegals, who are unable to be in the country legally because they're fucking criminals and terrorists.

Hence my statement early's a somali/muslim tenement, so there are about 10 people (actual) per flat. As opposed to the 2 or 3 on the lease. Then there are all the child trafficking victims, so in some of the flats, there are probably like 40.
Its not being a terrorist sympathiser to point out that only a tiny minority commit these crimes and that the vast majority of muslims are blameless.
Its just common sense.
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.
I've just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, and that their is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.
Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it. He too is whipping up the crowds by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry which has already been announced. Lilly Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems.
Everyone involved in spreading misinformation are responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

Yes and Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists can FORGET about requisitioning private property, it's NOT going to happen, it's completely illegal under both EU Law and British Law and any attempt to requisition private property would end up in the Law Courts of both Britain and also at the European Court.

There are strict criteria for a Government to requisition private property, you literally would have to have THOUSANDS of people without a home because of a mega Natural Disaster and/or Wartime Bombing of housing.

What you have are 75 people who are in hospital who escaped Grenfell Tower and so now have no home, this does NOT meet ANY of the criteria to requisition private property to house them.

Also why is Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists ONLY calling for RICH PEOPLES' private property to be requisitioned? Oh yes that's right we know why, because Left Wingers HATE THE RICH and the Communist Manifesto says that there should be NO private ownership of ANY property.

You know the British have many disused Military Barracks both within London and also just outside London, so until the time is such that vacant Council Flats can be found for these 75 people, when they leave hospital they could be housed in a disused Military Barracks. Also if there are no vacant Council Flats in that area of North Kensington but there are some vacant Council Flats somewhere else in London, then those people can be housed in those, they shouldn't CARE WHERE they are given a new Council Flat, all they should care about is that they are the few who were lucky to escape, lucky to be alive and lucky to be offered a new Council Flat regardless of where it is in London.

I don't think I would recommend to follow the "guidelines" to stay in your unit and wait for help. uh-----nope.
I tried to find out "how many are missing". The information is not easily available on lazy internet search.

They must have a record of WHO lived in that tower. How many are accounted for? How many are missing? We can hope it is only 30 dead. My original estimate is way off I hope.

Terrible and tragic and this girls father escaped because he was visiting a friend who lived on the third floor, we can see from pictures of Grenfell Tower that the Ground Floor up to floor 5 was unaffected by the inferno, the Urbano family lived on floor 20, the below article says that Jessica Urbano made it down to floor 18 and hasn't been heard from since, unfortunately there is zero chance this young girl is still alive.

'Mummy come and get me' - Mother’s agony as she comes home to pleading phone call from 12-year-old daughter


"The mother of a 12-year old girl missing after the Grenfell Tower blaze has told of their last phone call before she lost all communication with her.

Adriana Urbano was returning from her job as an office cleaner late when her daughter Jessica rang her to say there was a fire in their building.

Mrs Urbano told The Telegraph: "Jessica had been asleep in our flat when something woke her - I don't know if it was the smoke or a fire alarm - so she rang me at 1.39am as I was on my way home from work.

She said 'Mum where are you? Mummy come and get me'."

Mrs Urbano said she urged Jessica to run down the stairs of the tower block and try to find a fire fighter to lead her to safety.

"I told her to get out of there as quickly as she could. I said 'run as fast as you can', but then the line cut out."

Jessica had also managed to call her father Ramiro after fleeing from their 20th floor flat and is understood to have made it as far as two floors further down.

Mrs Urbano and her husband - who was visiting a friend on the third floor at the time of the fire and was prevented by firefighters from going upstairs to reach his daughter - have heard nothing since about their daughters whereabouts and are hoping against hope she somehow made it out alive.

"We are desperate for news but we have not heard anything," she said. "I've got no idea what's happened to her. We are so worried."

'Mummy come and get me' - Mother’s agony as she comes home to pleading phone call from 12-year-old daughter
no, they aren't blameless. They support and defend these groups through fake "charities" and in their mosques.
Nobody is listening.

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Of course they are. So are you.

The Left Wing backed by the Communist Trade Unions are deliberately whipping this up so it descends into violent protests. Disgusting playing politics and attempting to score points.

The more the below type thing happens, angry screaming, storming Government offices and protesting and threatening and demanding, the more the below type thing happens the chances are high that public sympathy is going to turn to public resentment against these people.

Every time one of these Left Wing politicians and Communist Trade Unionists make public comments, the majority of the British people are going to see this as it is, the most disgusting form of playing Partisan Politics.

The Left Wing never miss an opportunity to sink even lower than they were before.

The below link is to Live Updates.

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Grenfell Tower fire: protesters enter Kensington town hall – latest

Using a horrific tragedy to try and further the Communist Agenda - Jeremy Corbyn is actually DEMANDING that RICH PEOPLES property is SEIZED by the British Government to house people who escaped Grenfell Tower, Jeremy Corbyn fully supports Squatters Rights I might add, so it's not surprising he's demanding what he is.

The Left Wing have always despised wealthy people, they also hate that people own private property, the Communists support NO private property in private hands.

I can fully see that within the next few months if Corbyn and his fellow Communists don't SFTU they are going to be arrested for Sedition, I posted an article last night where the British Communists backed by the Trade Unions are calling for one million people on the streets and the overthrow of the democratically elected British Government because the Labour Party LOST their election, the Conservative Party WON their election, they got the most seats, they got 56 seats more than the Labour Party, they just didn't get an overall majority.

Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats = Labour says they WON :cuckoo:

Jeremy Corbyn Filthy Communist playing the politics of Hate The Rich, Seize The Properties.

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

"Jeremy Corbyn demanded the requisitioning of empty luxury properties to house survivors left homeless by the Grenfell Tower blaze as he called for wholesale social reform in the wake of the disaster.

The Labour leader said the fire, which engulfed the council-owned tower in the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, had exposed a “tale of two cities”. “Properties must be found, requisitioned if necessary, to make sure those residents do get rehoused locally,” he told a parliamentary debate. “It cannot be acceptable that in London you have luxury buildings and flats kept as land banking for the future while the homeless and the poor look for somewhere to live.”

Corbyn: seize properties of the rich for Grenfell homeless

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire.

The Labour leader said that the London Borough was a "tale of two cities" between a wealthy south and a rich north.

He suggested that "requisitioning" expensive vacant properties could help ensure that residents are housed locally.

The Government has committed to rehousing all those who lost their homes in the fire in the local area.

However Mr Corbyn said: “Kensington is a tale of two cities. The south part of Kensington is incredibly wealthy, it’s the wealthiest part of the whole country."

Jeremy Corbyn: Empty homes owned by rich should be 'requisitioned' for Grenfell Tower residents
Like the true commie he is! He is whipping up even more resentment among an already devastated community.
But this is what he's done all his life and it's all he's good for.
I've just watched a muslim woman among the protesters already screaming islamophobia, and others saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY not releasing the number of dead, and that their is nowhere to put all the bodies - SMH - they are being whipped up into a frenzy over lies. It is the pathologists who have the best chance to state with any degree of accuracy the number of dead, and there are no 'bodies' as such that require a place to be put. Not to mention the building isn't safe enough for any of this stuff to happen yet.
Now a mustaffa somebody (who did not live in the building) is claiming it's terrible that the police formed a barrier between the council building (with councillors inside) and the crowds trying to storm it. He too is whipping up the crowds by demanding the death toll NOW and everything else NOW and demanding things such as an inquiry which has already been announced. Lilly Allen has also been saying the authorities are DELIBERATELY withholding the figure for the number of dead. These people keep having it explained to them that the building needs to be made safe first, but they are willfully not understanding this, it seems.
Everyone involved in spreading misinformation are responsible for what is sure to come - RIOTS.

Yes and Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists can FORGET about requisitioning private property, it's NOT going to happen, it's completely illegal under both EU Law and British Law and any attempt to requisition private property would end up in the Law Courts of both Britain and also at the European Court.

There are strict criteria for a Government to requisition private property, you literally would have to have THOUSANDS of people without a home because of a mega Natural Disaster and/or Wartime Bombing of housing.

What you have are 75 people who are in hospital who escaped Grenfell Tower and so now have no home, this does NOT meet ANY of the criteria to requisition private property to house them.

Also why is Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Communists ONLY calling for RICH PEOPLES' private property to be requisitioned? Oh yes that's right we know why, because Left Wingers HATE THE RICH and the Communist Manifesto says that there should be NO private ownership of ANY property.

You know the British have many disused Military Barracks both within London and also just outside London, so until the time is such that vacant Council Flats can be found for these 75 people, when they leave hospital they could be housed in a disused Military Barracks. Also if there are no vacant Council Flats in that area of North Kensington but there are some vacant Council Flats somewhere else in London, then those people can be housed in those, they shouldn't CARE WHERE they are given a new Council Flat, all they should care about is that they are the few who were lucky to escape, lucky to be alive and lucky to be offered a new Council Flat regardless of where it is in London.
The communists dream - take 'rich' people's property from them ('rich' meaning anyone who has more than them). Yep. He's been whipping up resentment among the poorer against the richer, as if the situation isn't dreadful enough already. He's an absolute POS. None of this is the fault of people who own nice homes, but he's trying to make it as though it is.
Lily Loser Allen was also trying the same thing yesterday.
These people are disgusting opportunists preying on people at their most vulnerable.

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