Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

The WTC and the Grenfell Tower were constructed from completely different materials that's why, I don't think the exterior of the WTC had from top to bottom had oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, this is why it only took the Grenfell Tower 15 minutes approx to become a completely engulfed inferno.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.

And the media's whole slant on this is that this is a great opportunity to bring the community together to support muslims.

What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up.

Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard.

"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.

It's not a low comment, nor a joke. This is a classic example of the press trying to hide the reality of the situation. Trust me, if they thought for a minute that a white guy had started this blaze, they would be pumping those numbers up and screaming them from the mosques. It goes hand in hand with them interviewing muslims and getting them to say that this event makes them *afraid*, as if they were being targeted (but wait..we aren't supposed to joke, I thought)...they even interviewed a rabbi who was conveniently on hand to say the fire was a postitive experience because it was bringing everybody together.
I would never want to live higher than 3 stories....high rises make me nervous.

Grenfell Tower fire: Police open criminal investigation into blaze that killed 17 as fears grow death toll could reach 100

Search for the victims could take 'months'


"Fears are growing that the number of people killed in the Grenfell Tower fire could reach 100, as police announced they have opened a criminal investigation into the blaze.

The probe could result in the prosecution of anyone deemed responsible for building or design failures that caused the blaze.

"We as the police have started an investigation, I mentioned when I was down at the scene this morning that one of our very senior investigating officers is leading that for us," said Metropolitan Police commander Stuart Cundy.

"We as the police, we investigate criminal offences - I am not sitting here and saying there are criminal offences that have been committed, that's why you do an investigation, to establish it.

"This will need to be a lot of work between us and other investigating agencies to establish what has happened and why and that is going to take a considerable period of time."

Mr Cundy added that of the 17 victims confirmed to have died, only six had been formally identified. In a sign of how many people police believe did not make it out of the building alive, the commander said he hoped the final death toll "does not reach treble figures".

The search for victims could take "months", he said, adding that aside from the six identified bodies, police did not know the other deceased.

"We cannot release information we do not have and it is so important the information we do release is entirely accurate," he added."

Police open criminal investigation into Grenfell Tower fire
Apparently, behind any kind of cladding there is a gap - air in that gap causes it to act like a chimney.
Tilly it is a backdraft but the question is how the fire start ? a refrigerator that blow up i don't believe that.

Backdraft - Wikipedia

There were electrical issues with the building so it's not quite as unlikely as you might think.

Sadly, I think we will never know the cause of the fire they will stop talking about it soon.

This may be of little concern for Americans but the British will not let this go, nor should they. When you rent a property, you shouldn't have to have a safety inspection before deciding if the place is suitable or fit for habitation.

how do you know what "CONCERNS" americans. Buildings burn in my city regularly----sometimes
people die. There are a myriad of reasons for a fire-------but it is not uncommon for idiots to DELIGHT
in the accusation "DA BASTARD RICH LANDLORD DID IT" the blame game is just as prevalent
in the USA as it is amongst idiot brits. There are arson experts over here who do careful forensics.
In my town inspection of buildings is the responsibility of the local government .... you got lots of
corruption over there?

Try reading the BBC. There are pages and pages on the issues and British laws regarding landlord and tenants' rights.
Adding cladding is a bad thing.

The cladding is primarily added for aesthetic reasons, there is no structural reason at all to add cladding.

Here's an article about why the cladding was added to Grenfell Tower and it was responsible for enveloping the entire building and turning it into a horrific inferno with no escape.

Grenfell Tower cladding that may have led to fire was chosen to improve appearance of Kensington block of flats

Material would help make the flats look better from outside, planners noted.

"The cladding that might have led to the horrifying blaze at Grenfell Tower was added partly to improve its appearance.

During a refurbishment aimed at regeneration last year, cladding was added to the sides of the building to update its look. The cladding then seems to have helped the fire spread around the building, allowing it to destroy almost the entirety of the structure and kill people inside.

And that cladding – a low-cost way of improving the front of the building – was chosen in part so that the tower would look better when seen from the conservation areas and luxury flats that surround north Kensington, according to planning documents, as well as to insulate it.

“Due to its height the tower is visible from the adjacent Avondale Conservation Area to the south and the Ladbroke Conservation Area to the east,” a planning document for the regeneration work reads. “The changes to the existing tower will improve its appearance especially when viewed from the surrounding area.”

The document, published in 2014 and providing a full report on the works, makes repeated reference to the “appearance of the area”. That is the justification for the material used on the outside of the building, which has since been claimed to have contributed to the horror."

Grenfell Tower was covered in material to make it look better. That’s being blamed for multiple deaths
The WTC and the Grenfell Tower were constructed from completely different materials that's why, I don't think the exterior of the WTC had from top to bottom had oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, this is why it only took the Grenfell Tower 15 minutes approx to become a completely engulfed inferno.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.

And the media's whole slant on this is that this is a great opportunity to bring the community together to support muslims.

What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up.

Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard.

"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.

It's not a low comment, nor a joke. This is a classic example of the press trying to hide the reality of the situation. Trust me, if they thought for a minute that a white guy had started this blaze, they would be pumping those numbers up and screaming them from the mosques. It goes hand in hand with them interviewing muslims and getting them to say that this event makes them *afraid*, as if they were being targeted (but wait..we aren't supposed to joke, I thought)...they even interviewed a rabbi who was conveniently on hand to say the fire was a postitive experience because it was bringing everybody together.
It takes something to make Lucy seem like a normal person. You really are a low information piece of shit.You know fuck all about this and speculate on a tragedy with no intelligence or knowledge. The internet has exposed us to some really poisonous shits and it has a lot to answer for. I hope the relatives of the dead never get to see the shit that you produce.

For shame.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.

And the media's whole slant on this is that this is a great opportunity to bring the community together to support muslims.

What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up.

Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard.

"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.
We can't say what started the fire, shit the building is still smoking and probably will be for at least a week. While I don't buy the early reports of a exploding refrigerator It could be something as simple as someone smoking in bed,left something burning on the stove,electrical fire, kid playing with matches,someone leaving rags with a flammable substance in the wrong place,furnace issue,Natural gas,Taco bell butt explosion,candle... While I'm no big fan of Islam until we know what actually happened, if we ever know, we shouldn't speculate whether this is terrorist or not. It could be but it may also not be. What is abundantly clear is whatever was on the side of that building was very flammable and contributed to the quick spread of this fire. If you look at pics and footage you can see the fire flying up the side of that building. That has to be the cladding on the outside of the building. Pieces of foam were found all over the neighborhood so clearly the cladding burned off.

how do you know that what burned was not whatever was UNDER the cladding?-----"foam" sounds to
me like some kind of insulating material but I am not the expert that you are
Uh because the BBC did a piece on it.:eusa_eh:

It probably was insulation. The building was built in the 70's so they were looking to make it more efficient. They do this in America too. My house was built in 49 so when we put siding on our house the company put a thin layer of insulation under the siding. If the siding burns off you'd see the foam. If the foam becomes airborne it travels on the wind. I know this first hand because a local factory that makes foam located three towns over caught fire and the stuff rained down on all the neighboring towns including my yard.:dunno:

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Eight hundred and five years ago there was another fire in London.

10 of History's Deadliest Fires

3. The Great Fire of Southwark, London 1212

The oldest fire on the list, nonetheless, it’s the deadliest recorded in London’s history and marks the second time the London Bridge burned. The previous bridge, built of wood, burned in 1135. When residents rebuilt the bridge, they used stone for the base, but still used wood for the floor. On July 12, 1212, after the flames gutted Borough High Street, the burning ashes carried by a steady wind set the bridge ablaze. Most of those who died saw the fire first from the river’s north bank and ran onto the burning bridge to help fight the fire. Both sides caught fire, trapping the would-be rescuers on the bridge. An estimated 3,000 people died that day.
The WTC and the Grenfell Tower were constructed from completely different materials that's why, I don't think the exterior of the WTC had from top to bottom had oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, this is why it only took the Grenfell Tower 15 minutes approx to become a completely engulfed inferno.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.

And the media's whole slant on this is that this is a great opportunity to bring the community together to support muslims.

What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up.

Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard.

"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.

It's not a low comment, nor a joke. This is a classic example of the press trying to hide the reality of the situation. Trust me, if they thought for a minute that a white guy had started this blaze, they would be pumping those numbers up and screaming them from the mosques. It goes hand in hand with them interviewing muslims and getting them to say that this event makes them *afraid*, as if they were being targeted (but wait..we aren't supposed to joke, I thought)...they even interviewed a rabbi who was conveniently on hand to say the fire was a postitive experience because it was bringing everybody together.

I'm saying IMHO someone discarded a cigarette outside, it caught something, spread to the cladding and from the cladding spread into an open window of one of the apartments and then via the cladding outside the whole building was engulfed in an inferno in approx 15 minutes, alternatively someone fell asleep while holding a cigarette and the same thing happened.

As the Ground Floor and the first four floors were unaffected, IMHO someone threw a cigarette out of a window on the fifth floor and/or someone on the fifth floor fell asleep while holding a cigarette.

From the pictures of the damage to Grenfell Tower the situation began on the fifth floor and spread upward, the floors below are basically undamaged.

The cladding is instrumental in the disaster.

That cladding as I said the other day is plastic based backed with foam, they are aluminium and have a plastic base that is backed with foam, it's insane that this sort of cladding is LEGAL with regard to buildings, but construction firms use this plastic based cladding because it's CHEAP, and it's this cladding why Grenfell Tower went up like a Roman Candle within approx 15 minutes.

You have buildings in America also that use this identical plastic based cladding.

Something like what happened to Grenfell Tower happened in Melbourne, Australia a few years ago, I was unaware of this previous situation, but it has now drawn attention because of the Grenfell Tower happening and it's the same cladding and the Melbourne situation was caused by someone discarding a cigarette but inside not outside, however the effect would be the same at Grenfell Tower if a cigarette was discarded inside or outside.

21 storeys, discarded cigarette, identical cladding, building went up like a Roman Candle in 11 minutes approx:

"A fire at the Lacrosse building in Melbourne’s Docklands on 25 November 2014 is strikingly similar to London’s Grenfell Tower fire, which has left at least 17 people dead and many more injured.

The rapid spread of the Lacrosse building fire, which was sparked by a cigarette on an eighth-floor balcony and raced up 13 floors to the roof of the 21-storey building in 11 minutes, was blamed on flammable aluminium composite cladding that lined the exterior concrete walls.

The same type of cladding was installed on the Grenfell Tower in 2016, as part of a £10m renovation."


Cladding in London high-rise fire also blamed for 2014 Melbourne blaze

"A fire at the Lacrosse building in Melbourne’s Docklands in 2014 is strikingly similar to London blaze as investigations point to cladding used in buildings.

Flammable cladding blamed for the rapid spread of the fatal Grenfell Tower blaze was pinpointed as contributing to another fire in a high-rise apartment building in Melbourne, which narrowly avoided loss of life.

A fire at the Lacrosse building in Melbourne’s Docklands on 25 November 2014 is strikingly similar to London’s Grenfell Tower fire, which has left at least 17 people dead and many more injured.

The rapid spread of the Lacrosse building fire, which was sparked by a cigarette on an eighth-floor balcony and raced up 13 floors to the roof of the 21-storey building in 11 minutes, was blamed on flammable aluminium composite cladding that lined the exterior concrete walls.

The same type of cladding was installed on the Grenfell Tower in 2016, as part of a £10m renovation.

Aluminium composite panels have a polyethylene or plastic core and an aluminium coating. It is a cheap building material widely used worldwide to clad high-rise apartment"

Cladding in London high-rise fire also blamed for 2014 Melbourne blaze
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Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.

And the media's whole slant on this is that this is a great opportunity to bring the community together to support muslims.

What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up.

Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard.

"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.

It's not a low comment, nor a joke. This is a classic example of the press trying to hide the reality of the situation. Trust me, if they thought for a minute that a white guy had started this blaze, they would be pumping those numbers up and screaming them from the mosques. It goes hand in hand with them interviewing muslims and getting them to say that this event makes them *afraid*, as if they were being targeted (but wait..we aren't supposed to joke, I thought)...they even interviewed a rabbi who was conveniently on hand to say the fire was a postitive experience because it was bringing everybody together.
It takes something to make Lucy seem like a normal person. You really are a low information piece of shit.You know fuck all about this and speculate on a tragedy with no intelligence or knowledge. The internet has exposed us to some really poisonous shits and it has a lot to answer for. I hope the relatives of the dead never get to see the shit that you produce.

For shame.
You could calm down it is likely not ISIS they always claim there Attack.
I'm saying IMHO someone discarded a cigarette outside, it caught something, spread to the cladding and from the cladding spread into an open window of one of the apartments and then via the cladding outside the whole building was engulfed in an inferno in approx 15 minutes, alternatively someone fell asleep while holding a cigarette and the same thing happened, but the cladding is instrumental in the disaster.

That cladding as I said the other day is plastic based backed with foam, they are aluminium and have a plastic base that is backed with foam, it's insane that this sort of cladding is LEGAL with regard to buildings, but construction firms use this plastic based cladding because it's CHEAP, and it's this cladding why Grenfell Tower went up like a Roman Candle within approx 15 minutes.

You have buildings in America also that use this identical plastic based cladding.

Something like what happened to Grenfell Tower happened in Melbourne, Australia a few years ago, I was unaware of this previous situation, but it has now drawn attention because of the Grenfell Tower happening and it's the same cladding and the Melbourne situation was caused by someone discarding a cigarette but inside not outside, however the effect would be the same at Grenfell Tower if a cigarette was discarded inside or outside.

21 storeys, discarded cigarette, identical cladding, building went up like a Roman Candle in 11 minutes approx:

"A fire at the Lacrosse building in Melbourne’s Docklands on 25 November 2014 is strikingly similar to London’s Grenfell Tower fire, which has left at least 17 people dead and many more injured.

The rapid spread of the Lacrosse building fire, which was sparked by a cigarette on an eighth-floor balcony and raced up 13 floors to the roof of the 21-storey building in 11 minutes, was blamed on flammable aluminium composite cladding that lined the exterior concrete walls.

The same type of cladding was installed on the Grenfell Tower in 2016, as part of a £10m renovation."

View attachment 133314

Cladding in London high-rise fire also blamed for 2014 Melbourne blaze

"A fire at the Lacrosse building in Melbourne’s Docklands in 2014 is strikingly similar to London blaze as investigations point to cladding used in buildings.

Flammable cladding blamed for the rapid spread of the fatal Grenfell Tower blaze was pinpointed as contributing to another fire in a high-rise apartment building in Melbourne, which narrowly avoided loss of life.

A fire at the Lacrosse building in Melbourne’s Docklands on 25 November 2014 is strikingly similar to London’s Grenfell Tower fire, which has left at least 17 people dead and many more injured.

The rapid spread of the Lacrosse building fire, which was sparked by a cigarette on an eighth-floor balcony and raced up 13 floors to the roof of the 21-storey building in 11 minutes, was blamed on flammable aluminium composite cladding that lined the exterior concrete walls.

The same type of cladding was installed on the Grenfell Tower in 2016, as part of a £10m renovation.

Aluminium composite panels have a polyethylene or plastic core and an aluminium coating. It is a cheap building material widely used worldwide to clad high-rise apartment"

Cladding in London high-rise fire also blamed for 2014 Melbourne blaze

The fire in Melbourne should have sent a message to everyone about the danger of cladding.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.

And the media's whole slant on this is that this is a great opportunity to bring the community together to support muslims.

What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up.

Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard.

"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.

It's not a low comment, nor a joke. This is a classic example of the press trying to hide the reality of the situation. Trust me, if they thought for a minute that a white guy had started this blaze, they would be pumping those numbers up and screaming them from the mosques. It goes hand in hand with them interviewing muslims and getting them to say that this event makes them *afraid*, as if they were being targeted (but wait..we aren't supposed to joke, I thought)...they even interviewed a rabbi who was conveniently on hand to say the fire was a postitive experience because it was bringing everybody together.
It takes something to make Lucy seem like a normal person. You really are a low information piece of shit.You know fuck all about this and speculate on a tragedy with no intelligence or knowledge. The internet has exposed us to some really poisonous shits and it has a lot to answer for. I hope the relatives of the dead never get to see the shit that you produce.

For shame.

That's because I am a normal person with just differing political and social views.
Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.

And the media's whole slant on this is that this is a great opportunity to bring the community together to support muslims.

What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up.

Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard.

"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.

It's not a low comment, nor a joke. This is a classic example of the press trying to hide the reality of the situation. Trust me, if they thought for a minute that a white guy had started this blaze, they would be pumping those numbers up and screaming them from the mosques. It goes hand in hand with them interviewing muslims and getting them to say that this event makes them *afraid*, as if they were being targeted (but wait..we aren't supposed to joke, I thought)...they even interviewed a rabbi who was conveniently on hand to say the fire was a postitive experience because it was bringing everybody together.
It takes something to make Lucy seem like a normal person. You really are a low information piece of shit.You know fuck all about this and speculate on a tragedy with no intelligence or knowledge. The internet has exposed us to some really poisonous shits and it has a lot to answer for. I hope the relatives of the dead never get to see the shit that you produce.

For shame.
You could calm down it is likely not ISIS they always claim there Attack.

I don't think anyone thought this was an ISIS attack to begin with, it was apparent within a few hours that this was not any form of terrorist attack.
I'm saying IMHO someone discarded a cigarette outside, it caught something, spread to the cladding and from the cladding spread into an open window of one of the apartments and then via the cladding outside the whole building was engulfed in an inferno in approx 15 minutes, alternatively someone fell asleep while holding a cigarette and the same thing happened, but the cladding is instrumental in the disaster.

That cladding as I said the other day is plastic based backed with foam, they are aluminium and have a plastic base that is backed with foam, it's insane that this sort of cladding is LEGAL with regard to buildings, but construction firms use this plastic based cladding because it's CHEAP, and it's this cladding why Grenfell Tower went up like a Roman Candle within approx 15 minutes.

You have buildings in America also that use this identical plastic based cladding.

Something like what happened to Grenfell Tower happened in Melbourne, Australia a few years ago, I was unaware of this previous situation, but it has now drawn attention because of the Grenfell Tower happening and it's the same cladding and the Melbourne situation was caused by someone discarding a cigarette but inside not outside, however the effect would be the same at Grenfell Tower if a cigarette was discarded inside or outside.

21 storeys, discarded cigarette, identical cladding, building went up like a Roman Candle in 11 minutes approx:

"A fire at the Lacrosse building in Melbourne’s Docklands on 25 November 2014 is strikingly similar to London’s Grenfell Tower fire, which has left at least 17 people dead and many more injured.

The rapid spread of the Lacrosse building fire, which was sparked by a cigarette on an eighth-floor balcony and raced up 13 floors to the roof of the 21-storey building in 11 minutes, was blamed on flammable aluminium composite cladding that lined the exterior concrete walls.

The same type of cladding was installed on the Grenfell Tower in 2016, as part of a £10m renovation."

View attachment 133314

Cladding in London high-rise fire also blamed for 2014 Melbourne blaze

"A fire at the Lacrosse building in Melbourne’s Docklands in 2014 is strikingly similar to London blaze as investigations point to cladding used in buildings.

Flammable cladding blamed for the rapid spread of the fatal Grenfell Tower blaze was pinpointed as contributing to another fire in a high-rise apartment building in Melbourne, which narrowly avoided loss of life.

A fire at the Lacrosse building in Melbourne’s Docklands on 25 November 2014 is strikingly similar to London’s Grenfell Tower fire, which has left at least 17 people dead and many more injured.

The rapid spread of the Lacrosse building fire, which was sparked by a cigarette on an eighth-floor balcony and raced up 13 floors to the roof of the 21-storey building in 11 minutes, was blamed on flammable aluminium composite cladding that lined the exterior concrete walls.

The same type of cladding was installed on the Grenfell Tower in 2016, as part of a £10m renovation.

Aluminium composite panels have a polyethylene or plastic core and an aluminium coating. It is a cheap building material widely used worldwide to clad high-rise apartment"

Cladding in London high-rise fire also blamed for 2014 Melbourne blaze

The fire in Melbourne should have sent a message to everyone about the danger of cladding.

Yes I agree.

From the article I have just given a link to:

"There have been reports of fires involving aluminium cladding in residential towers in France, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea and the US.

In a report into the investigation of the Lacrosse fire, the Melbourne metropolitan fire brigade said the rapid vertical spread of the fire was “directly associated” with the external cladding.

“Had the external wall cladding been of a non-combustible type, the likelihood of fire spread beyond the level of ignition would have been greatly reduced,” it said."

And the media's whole slant on this is that this is a great opportunity to bring the community together to support muslims.

What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up.

Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard.

"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.

It's not a low comment, nor a joke. This is a classic example of the press trying to hide the reality of the situation. Trust me, if they thought for a minute that a white guy had started this blaze, they would be pumping those numbers up and screaming them from the mosques. It goes hand in hand with them interviewing muslims and getting them to say that this event makes them *afraid*, as if they were being targeted (but wait..we aren't supposed to joke, I thought)...they even interviewed a rabbi who was conveniently on hand to say the fire was a postitive experience because it was bringing everybody together.
It takes something to make Lucy seem like a normal person. You really are a low information piece of shit.You know fuck all about this and speculate on a tragedy with no intelligence or knowledge. The internet has exposed us to some really poisonous shits and it has a lot to answer for. I hope the relatives of the dead never get to see the shit that you produce.

For shame.
You could calm down it is likely not ISIS they always claim there Attack.

I don't think anyone thought this was an ISIS attack to begin with, it was apparent within a few hours that this was not any form of terrorist attack.

I think a lot of people thought it was jihad related, I know the *journalists* definitely did, which is why they were so proactive about generating sympathy for muslims.

And you might look at who is agreeing with your viewpoint before you solidify it.

And the media's whole slant on this is that this is a great opportunity to bring the community together to support muslims.

What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up.

Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard.

"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.

It's not a low comment, nor a joke. This is a classic example of the press trying to hide the reality of the situation. Trust me, if they thought for a minute that a white guy had started this blaze, they would be pumping those numbers up and screaming them from the mosques. It goes hand in hand with them interviewing muslims and getting them to say that this event makes them *afraid*, as if they were being targeted (but wait..we aren't supposed to joke, I thought)...they even interviewed a rabbi who was conveniently on hand to say the fire was a postitive experience because it was bringing everybody together.
It takes something to make Lucy seem like a normal person. You really are a low information piece of shit.You know fuck all about this and speculate on a tragedy with no intelligence or knowledge. The internet has exposed us to some really poisonous shits and it has a lot to answer for. I hope the relatives of the dead never get to see the shit that you produce.

For shame.
You could calm down it is likely not ISIS they always claim there Attack.

I don't think anyone thought this was an ISIS attack to begin with, it was apparent within a few hours that this was not any form of terrorist attack.
Some people could have think it was because with all the others attacks in London in the past few weeks. myself at first when i wake up in the morning and saw the burning building it cross my mind and i don't think i am the only one.
"What a bunch of fucking asshats. Either someone's bomb shit blew up, or they had a sick somali arsonist, or some moron was cooking over an open flame late at night in their apartment for Ramadan and burned them up."

We need to put things into perspective and not in the realm of hysteria darling.

The situation at this time is that nobody knows what caused this horrific situation and wild speculation isn't helpful.

This terrible incident could have started outside, it could be that someone was returning home and/or going into Grenfell Tower to visit a friend and they discarded a cigarette outside and it caught something, then spread into the cladding.

I have had a look at the weather report for London that night, it was very humid, they don't have air conditioning, so chances are that many people had their apartment windows open.

A discarded cigarette outside could have caught something, spread into the cladding and from the cladding with open windows spread into the building, it could be that simple.

Alternately someone inside the apartment building fell asleep while still holding their cigarette, these things do happen.

"Yeah 6 people, what a fucking joke. They literally believe humanity is a collective retard."

You know KG this is a low comment, you are better than making such a comment, it's now 12 people, it probably will be several hundred people, I don't find deaths something to consider a joke, especially when this is going to involve young children and babies perishing in such an excruciating way.

It's not a low comment, nor a joke. This is a classic example of the press trying to hide the reality of the situation. Trust me, if they thought for a minute that a white guy had started this blaze, they would be pumping those numbers up and screaming them from the mosques. It goes hand in hand with them interviewing muslims and getting them to say that this event makes them *afraid*, as if they were being targeted (but wait..we aren't supposed to joke, I thought)...they even interviewed a rabbi who was conveniently on hand to say the fire was a postitive experience because it was bringing everybody together.
It takes something to make Lucy seem like a normal person. You really are a low information piece of shit.You know fuck all about this and speculate on a tragedy with no intelligence or knowledge. The internet has exposed us to some really poisonous shits and it has a lot to answer for. I hope the relatives of the dead never get to see the shit that you produce.

For shame.
You could calm down it is likely not ISIS they always claim there Attack.

I don't think anyone thought this was an ISIS attack to begin with, it was apparent within a few hours that this was not any form of terrorist attack.

I think a lot of people thought it was jihad related, I know the *journalists* definitely did, which is why they were so proactive about generating sympathy for muslims.

And you might look at who is agreeing with your viewpoint before you solidify it.

I am using basic logic KG.

"And you might look at who is agreeing with your viewpoint before you solidify it."

I have posted numerous links to illustrate my points and to back up my points, including all about the cladding and now also how a discarded cigarette can and has previously caused an inferno that rapidly enveloped an entire building in the same vertical direction.

My position was solidified days ago and not an hour ago, if you read the earlier parts of this thread.

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