Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

If I ever lived in a building like that, I'd invest in a repelling rope.
MrGracie said the same thing..but he said one of those fly suits or a parachute for both of us. Hell, if it was me, I would be scaling those balconies all the way down. Fuck the ladders if they don't reach far enough! Better die of broken bones or neck than being burned alive.

I live on the 3rd and top floor of my building, but I wouldn't want to live ANY higher than that!
It's breaking on Drudge Report via the BBC. This is another terrorist attack.


It is very unlikely this is a terrorist attack.

The footage is absolutely horrific, shocking. It says there are 120 flats in that building and there are only a few instances of people being rescued, so tragically several hundred people will have perished, entire families including children and babies will have perished in the most horrible way.

We pray for those who are suffering at this time of grief, and also pray that those who left this fucked-up planet today are now safe in Our Lords Beautiful Kingdom having been welcomed into His arms.

would this be the exception in London Islamic attacks?

they are happening so often lately......
If this turns out to be a terror attack I have a feeling this will not end well for Muslims in London.
It appeared to be a really hot fire.
These commentators on Sky News are already covering for Muslims, that it's Ramadan and people would had been up at that time of night for prayer.

those commentators are the worst

they have sold their souls to Globalism.

Total european scum
i really dont believe this was an accident. i dont think a ciggy would of burnt down 27 floors

A firefighter has wondered if the sprinkler systems feed was sabotaged. He suggested maybe gas was switched with the water/fire suppressant and was spreading gas causing the building to be engulfed so quickly.
I don't want to jump to conclusions, but what are the chances of it being an accident vs a terrorist attack what with all the crap they have been dealing with lately? Coinkydink seems to not apply. And having a muslim mayor who said there is nothing to worry about yet people are dead from the last crap that happened...I dunno. I lean towards a planned pouring of a flammable fluid all around the first or second floors, then up higher and higher all around so they made damn sure the whole thing went up in flames.
One woman's 13 year old niece was on the fire escape or stairwell on the 20th floor last time she was heard from, the phone cut out and they haven't heard from her since.
I have to say

I don't trust BBC

I trust much more witnesses who were there and lived through the horror

I want to know who they saw.... were there islamic looking men.....what do they know...I trust ordinary people more than scum BBC

Because BBC is fake news like CNN ok?
I think both the building and the area are 'culturally diverse'.

This Grenville Tower is in North Kensington, the very poor section of Kensington, community social housing and with that "culturally diverse" yes.

I don't want to jump to conclusions, but what are the chances of it being an accident vs a terrorist attack what with all the crap they have been dealing with lately? Coinkydink seems to not apply. And having a muslim mayor who said there is nothing to worry about yet people are dead from the last crap that happened...I dunno. I lean towards a planned pouring of a flammable fluid all around the first or second floors, then up higher and higher all around so they made damn sure the whole thing went up in flames.
It did seem to go up like a roman candle. I've heard on the news one witness say she heard explosions allegedly form a refrigerator.
A local woman said it's a council building with lots of young families, that people don't stay long.amd it's always very full.

Sounds like a refugee center.
Could be, she was choosing her words very carefully. I don't think it would be a refugee centre as such, but maybe several refugee families ?


I mean if it was done by them....

total savages
This is what COULD happen if we slam OPEN our gates. They will not be stopped. Little here. Little there. All in the name of...whatever. IF it is ruled as terrorist.

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