Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows


A horrible and desperate situation
I really don't like these huge towers of apartments. I hope they build less of them now.

Just a few blocks from me in the old Safeway parking lot and center, they are prepared to build 642 new housing units.

Also here in Mountain View, CA, there is this huge development being planned. When I first read about it in this newsletter, I pictured it like a whole new city, and I bet a lot of the new buildings will be towers. idk though. 9,850 new units in one new block or area!

An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the updated North Bayshore Precise Plan will study the possibility of adding a maximum of up to 9,850 new multi-family residential units in addition to the existing 360 units in the area. The Draft Plan and EIR are expected to be released in Fall 2016 with adoption hearings scheduled for early 2017.
A reporter states one family he knows heard something strange, and decided to get out, never knowing the building was on fire at the time.

As Marianne said the whole building went up like a Roman Candle. In a situation like that usually a few floors will go up, but it won't spread to engulf the entire building so fast, usually the emergency services get there within minutes and begin to take immediate measures to get the situation under control so it doesn't spread.

However by the time the emergency services got there the whole building was already engulfed.

There are reports of people who did get out of them hearing some sort of bang noise, at this time something like a gas explosion can't be ruled out.

I don't think it's any form of terrorist attack.
These commentators on Sky News are already covering for Muslims, that it's Ramadan and people would had been up at that time of night for prayer.

those commentators are the worst

they have sold their souls to Globalism.

Total european scum
i really dont believe this was an accident. i dont think a ciggy would of burnt down 27 floors

It depends what was in there.

There could have been plenty of dangerous things that might explode in there, there might have been a drug making factory in there.
A reporter states one family he knows heard something strange, and decided to get out, never knowing the building was on fire at the time.

From the below picture it shows that the 200 firefighters have put the inferno out, the building is finished though, it's about 50-50 if it's going to collapse from looking at the below picture.

A reporter states one family he knows heard something strange, and decided to get out, never knowing the building was on fire at the time.

From the below picture it shows that the 200 firefighters have put the inferno out, the building is finished though, it's about 50-50 if it's going to collapse from looking at the below picture.

View attachment 132892

Nobody is trapped alive in the building, they are going to be dead.

I would say from observing these close up pictures that it's a 70-30 chance the building is going to collapse.




Heavy Somali presence.....120 apartments means about a thousand ppl. Fridges blow when idiots.use them to store bomb materials. Blew themselves up like Ayers' idiot.girlfriend.
A reporter states one family he knows heard something strange, and decided to get out, never knowing the building was on fire at the time.

From the below picture it shows that the 200 firefighters have put the inferno out, the building is finished though, it's about 50-50 if it's going to collapse from looking at the below picture.

View attachment 132892

Nobody is trapped alive in the building, they are going to be dead.

I would say from observing these close up pictures that it's a 70-30 chance the building is going to collapse.

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The below picture seems to be the rear of the building, looks even worse than the front of the building


Instead of focusing on the cause of the fire, press is.demonizing.whomever did the building UPGRADES. Figures.
Instead of focusing on the cause of the fire, press is.demonizing.whomever did the building UPGRADES. Figures.

The people who did the upgrades very possibly are going to be at fault, the aim of the upgrades was to modernise such a building and make it safe, now the whole building is a write off. They also didn't seem to put in any fire escape exits and the fire alarms didn't work or the smoke alarms....those who were lucky to escape have said neither fire alarms or smoke alarms went off and the whole building was going up and no alarms sounded.

Also why did the people who did the upgrade put in PLASTIC and FOAM cladding system that was bolted outside and was there effectively to just make the outside of the building look more attractive. That sort of cladding system is usually a mixture of plastic and sheet metal with a foam backing, plastic and foam both highly flammable, but they use them because they're cheap.

For the multi million pound upgrade it sounds like the company has cut corners and ignored safety regulations to maximise profit and now who knows how many people are dead.

That people who were lucky to escape have mentioned they heard an explosion points to gas, the BBC World Service was talking to to some local Councillor who said the building had just had a multi million pound upgrade but there was some problem with the gas supply and that the gas pipes went up the stairwells.

It points to a gas explosion and then the plastic and foam in the cladding system acted like kindling and then the whole building was engulfed in a very short space of time, within minutes, when the emergency services got there the whole building was already completely engulfed.

The plastic and foam in the cladding system acting like kindling is what spread the fire so it enveloped around the ENTIRE building starting at the bottom and spreading floor to floor up to the roof.
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I'm on a limb
What would possess anybody in such rat.cages?

Poverty, people don't choose to live in such buildings, they economically have no choice but to be housed in such buildings.
Bull. Nobody holds a gun to their.heads. I'm poor,.and.I don't live in a high rise.

It depends on the environment, if it's a place where they are short of affordable housing, then yes they get put in these terrible tower blocks, either that or it's sleeping in the nearest park.

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