Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

Could be faulty wiring or not up to code...but 2+2 still equals 4 what with whats been happening the past month there.

Meanwhile, I just read twitter...some arab tweets are thrilled and hoping for more and are urging forest fires to be started to burn out the infidels. Such nice folks, eh?

We MUST get ourselves protected until a better vetting procedure is in place and those fighting Trump need to back the fuck off. Seeing that apartment complex burning brought back some bad memories of two towers going thru the same thing not too long ago.
I'm on a limb
What would possess anybody in such rat.cages?

Poverty, people don't choose to live in such buildings, they economically have no choice but to be housed in such buildings.
Bull. Nobody holds a gun to their.heads. I'm poor,.and.I don't live in a high rise.

It depends on the environment, if it's a place where they are short of affordable housing, then yes they get put in these terrible tower blocks, either that or it's sleeping in the nearest park.
There is a shortage of affordable housing just about everywhere..which is why I bought my van. It came in handy.
A local woman said it's a council building with lots of young families, that people don't stay long.amd it's always very full.

Sounds like a refugee center.
Could be, she was choosing her words very carefully. I don't think it would be a refugee centre as such, but maybe several refugee families ?

Its typical in Europe for the government to select an apartment building to set up refugees in. Germany put a lot of them up in former US military barracks that had been handed back to the German government over the years as we keep closing bases down.
So sorry. No room here. Go to Germany. We need our military barracks for our own homeless. Thanks for your understanding.

(Said to nobody in particular)
Instead of focusing on the cause of the fire, press is.demonizing.whomever did the building UPGRADES. Figures.

The people who did the upgrades very possibly are going to be at fault, the aim of the upgrades was to modernise such a building and make it safe, now the whole building is a write off. They also didn't seem to put in any fire escape exits and the fire alarms didn't work or the smoke alarms....those who were lucky to escape have said neither fire alarms or smoke alarms went off and the whole building was going up and no alarms sounded.

Also why did the people who did the upgrade put in PLASTIC and FOAM cladding system that was bolted outside and was there effectively to just make the outside of the building look more attractive. That sort of cladding system is usually a mixture of plastic and sheet metal with a foam backing, plastic and foam both highly flammable, but they use them because they're cheap.

For the multi million pound upgrade it sounds like the company has cut corners and ignored safety regulations to maximise profit and now who knows how many people are dead.

That people who were lucky to escape have mentioned they heard an explosion points to gas, the BBC World Service was talking to to some local Councillor who said the building had just had a multi million pound upgrade but there was some problem with the gas supply and that the gas pipes went up the stairwells.

It points to a gas explosion and then the plastic and foam in the cladding system acted like kindling and then the whole building was engulfed in a very short space of time, within minutes, when the emergency services got there the whole building was already completely engulfed.

The plastic and foam in the cladding system acting like kindling is what spread the fire so it enveloped around the ENTIRE building starting at the bottom and spreading floor to floor up to the roof.

True. We recently had a fire in the building I work in. It was just built a few years ago to strict German specs, yet a fire started in one of the ceilings, no alarms went off, and the fire suppression/sprinkler systems did not go off. Only because people were working on the weekend and in the building did anyone notice it and call the fire department, otherwise the entire building would had gone down.
Could be faulty wiring or not up to code...but 2+2 still equals 4 what with whats been happening the past month there.

Meanwhile, I just read twitter...some arab tweets are thrilled and hoping for more and are urging forest fires to be started to burn out the infidels. Such nice folks, eh?

We MUST get ourselves protected until a better vetting procedure is in place and those fighting Trump need to back the fuck off. Seeing that apartment complex burning brought back some bad memories of two towers going thru the same thing not too long ago.

"We MUST get ourselves protected until a better vetting procedure is in place and those fighting Trump need to back the fuck off. Seeing that apartment complex burning brought back some bad memories of two towers going thru the same thing not too long ago."

Well yes, but that apartment complex was not a terrorist attack, I would bet money on it 100% NOT being a terrorist attack.

"Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows"

Some inmates escaped from the 17th floor of a jail in Chicago on a rope made of bed sheets in Dec 2012.

Inmate describes death-defying Chicago jailbreak

"I had no intent or desire to play stunt man with my life," wrote Joseph Jose Banks.

So says Joseph Jose Banks, a convicted bank robber who escaped from the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown Chicago last December. He and his cellmate Kenneth Conley chiseled, then wiggled, their way out of their narrow cell window, 17 stories up. Then they used bed sheets as a rope, and shimmied down to an adjoining parking garage, and freedom.
Instead of focusing on the cause of the fire, press is.demonizing.whomever did the building UPGRADES. Figures.

The people who did the upgrades very possibly are going to be at fault, the aim of the upgrades was to modernise such a building and make it safe, now the whole building is a write off. They also didn't seem to put in any fire escape exits and the fire alarms didn't work or the smoke alarms....those who were lucky to escape have said neither fire alarms or smoke alarms went off and the whole building was going up and no alarms sounded.

Also why did the people who did the upgrade put in PLASTIC and FOAM cladding system that was bolted outside and was there effectively to just make the outside of the building look more attractive. That sort of cladding system is usually a mixture of plastic and sheet metal with a foam backing, plastic and foam both highly flammable, but they use them because they're cheap.

For the multi million pound upgrade it sounds like the company has cut corners and ignored safety regulations to maximise profit and now who knows how many people are dead.

That people who were lucky to escape have mentioned they heard an explosion points to gas, the BBC World Service was talking to to some local Councillor who said the building had just had a multi million pound upgrade but there was some problem with the gas supply and that the gas pipes went up the stairwells.

It points to a gas explosion and then the plastic and foam in the cladding system acted like kindling and then the whole building was engulfed in a very short space of time, within minutes, when the emergency services got there the whole building was already completely engulfed.

The plastic and foam in the cladding system acting like kindling is what spread the fire so it enveloped around the ENTIRE building starting at the bottom and spreading floor to floor up to the roof.

True. We recently had a fire in the building I work in. It was just built a few years ago to strict German specs, yet a fire started in one of the ceilings, no alarms went off, and the fire suppression/sprinkler systems did not go off. Only because people were working on the weekend and in the building did anyone notice it and call the fire department, otherwise the entire building would had gone down.

In the below article they specifically mention the cladding which was put on the outside of the building which USED to be concrete, as I said the cladding they put on will have been a mixture of plastic, sheet metal and foam.

If it's some sort of gas explosion, the situation wouldn't have been as extreme without that cladding, the whole building wouldn't have been engulfed, it's the plastic and foam in the cladding that will have caused the complete devastation.

Also access for emergency vehicles was severely restricted.

Ignored warnings, people will be charged with criminal negligence and will go to prison for what happened in the early hours of this morning, they even could get a Manslaughter charge because it's certain there will be dead people.

Grenfell Action Group warned of a catastrophic fire at tower on fire in West London

"An action group at a west London tower block ravaged by fire have said their warnings fell on ‘deaf ears’ after highlighting safety concerns about the block.

The cause of the blaze at the Grenfell tower, north Kensington, is not known, but a blog post from the Grenfell Action Group from November 2016 said ‘only a catastrophic event’ would expose issues residents had.

Several hundred people would have been in the block when the fire was reported at 1.15am on Wednesday, while 30 have been taken to hospital.

The group said there was one entry and exit to Grenfell Tower during improvement works at the block in Latimer Road and it had issues with evacuation procedures at the building.

Following the fire, the group posted: ‘All our warnings fell on deaf ears and we predicted that a catastrophe like this was inevitable and just a matter of time.’

The group claimed access to the building was ‘severely restricted’ for emergency services and other vehicles and that residents were advised to stay in their flats in case of fire.

On a blog, the action group wrote seven months ago: ‘Unfortunately, the Grenfell Action Group have reached the conclusion that only an incident that results in serious loss of life of [Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation] residents will allow the external scrutiny to occur that will shine a light on the practices that characterise the malign governance of this non-functioning organisation.’

Some residents have complained about the cladding that had been put on the outside of the building, which used to be concrete."

Residents warned of a catastrophic fire at tower ablaze in West London
Instead of focusing on the cause of the fire, press is.demonizing.whomever did the building UPGRADES. Figures.

The people who did the upgrades very possibly are going to be at fault, the aim of the upgrades was to modernise such a building and make it safe, now the whole building is a write off. They also didn't seem to put in any fire escape exits and the fire alarms didn't work or the smoke alarms....those who were lucky to escape have said neither fire alarms or smoke alarms went off and the whole building was going up and no alarms sounded.

Also why did the people who did the upgrade put in PLASTIC and FOAM cladding system that was bolted outside and was there effectively to just make the outside of the building look more attractive. That sort of cladding system is usually a mixture of plastic and sheet metal with a foam backing, plastic and foam both highly flammable, but they use them because they're cheap.

For the multi million pound upgrade it sounds like the company has cut corners and ignored safety regulations to maximise profit and now who knows how many people are dead.

That people who were lucky to escape have mentioned they heard an explosion points to gas, the BBC World Service was talking to to some local Councillor who said the building had just had a multi million pound upgrade but there was some problem with the gas supply and that the gas pipes went up the stairwells.

It points to a gas explosion and then the plastic and foam in the cladding system acted like kindling and then the whole building was engulfed in a very short space of time, within minutes, when the emergency services got there the whole building was already completely engulfed.

The plastic and foam in the cladding system acting like kindling is what spread the fire so it enveloped around the ENTIRE building starting at the bottom and spreading floor to floor up to the roof.

True. We recently had a fire in the building I work in. It was just built a few years ago to strict German specs, yet a fire started in one of the ceilings, no alarms went off, and the fire suppression/sprinkler systems did not go off. Only because people were working on the weekend and in the building did anyone notice it and call the fire department, otherwise the entire building would had gone down.

In the below article they specifically mention the cladding which was put on the outside of the building which USED to be concrete, as I said the cladding they put on will have been a mixture of plastic, sheet metal and foam.

If it's some sort of gas explosion, the situation wouldn't have been as extreme without that cladding, the whole building wouldn't have been engulfed, it's the plastic and foam in the cladding that will have caused the complete devastation.

Also access for emergency vehicles was severely restricted.

Ignored warnings, people will be charged with criminal negligence and will go to prison for what happened in the early hours of this morning, they even could get a Manslaughter charge because it's certain there will be dead people.

Grenfell Action Group warned of a catastrophic fire at tower on fire in West London

"An action group at a west London tower block ravaged by fire have said their warnings fell on ‘deaf ears’ after highlighting safety concerns about the block.

The cause of the blaze at the Grenfell tower, north Kensington, is not known, but a blog post from the Grenfell Action Group from November 2016 said ‘only a catastrophic event’ would expose issues residents had.

Several hundred people would have been in the block when the fire was reported at 1.15am on Wednesday, while 30 have been taken to hospital.

The group said there was one entry and exit to Grenfell Tower during improvement works at the block in Latimer Road and it had issues with evacuation procedures at the building.

Following the fire, the group posted: ‘All our warnings fell on deaf ears and we predicted that a catastrophe like this was inevitable and just a matter of time.’

The group claimed access to the building was ‘severely restricted’ for emergency services and other vehicles and that residents were advised to stay in their flats in case of fire.

On a blog, the action group wrote seven months ago: ‘Unfortunately, the Grenfell Action Group have reached the conclusion that only an incident that results in serious loss of life of [Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation] residents will allow the external scrutiny to occur that will shine a light on the practices that characterise the malign governance of this non-functioning organisation.’

Some residents have complained about the cladding that had been put on the outside of the building, which used to be concrete."

Residents warned of a catastrophic fire at tower ablaze in West London

Here is Grenfell Tower Action Group's Blog:

Posted on June 14, 2017

"Watching breaking news about the Grenfell Tower fire catastrophe. Too soon to even guess at numbers of casualties and fatalities.

Regular readers of this blog will know that we have posted numerous warnings in recent years about the very poor fire safety standards at Grenfell Tower and elsewhere in RBKC.

ALL OUR WARNINGS FELL ON DEAF EARS and we predicted that a catastrophe like this was inevitable and just a matter of time. Below is a list of links to previous blogs we posted on this site trying to warn the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea who own this property and the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation who supposedly manage all social housing in RBKC on the Council’s behalf:

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!




Instead of focusing on the cause of the fire, press is.demonizing.whomever did the building UPGRADES. Figures.

The people who did the upgrades very possibly are going to be at fault, the aim of the upgrades was to modernise such a building and make it safe, now the whole building is a write off. They also didn't seem to put in any fire escape exits and the fire alarms didn't work or the smoke alarms....those who were lucky to escape have said neither fire alarms or smoke alarms went off and the whole building was going up and no alarms sounded.

Also why did the people who did the upgrade put in PLASTIC and FOAM cladding system that was bolted outside and was there effectively to just make the outside of the building look more attractive. That sort of cladding system is usually a mixture of plastic and sheet metal with a foam backing, plastic and foam both highly flammable, but they use them because they're cheap.

For the multi million pound upgrade it sounds like the company has cut corners and ignored safety regulations to maximise profit and now who knows how many people are dead.

That people who were lucky to escape have mentioned they heard an explosion points to gas, the BBC World Service was talking to to some local Councillor who said the building had just had a multi million pound upgrade but there was some problem with the gas supply and that the gas pipes went up the stairwells.

It points to a gas explosion and then the plastic and foam in the cladding system acted like kindling and then the whole building was engulfed in a very short space of time, within minutes, when the emergency services got there the whole building was already completely engulfed.

The plastic and foam in the cladding system acting like kindling is what spread the fire so it enveloped around the ENTIRE building starting at the bottom and spreading floor to floor up to the roof.

True. We recently had a fire in the building I work in. It was just built a few years ago to strict German specs, yet a fire started in one of the ceilings, no alarms went off, and the fire suppression/sprinkler systems did not go off. Only because people were working on the weekend and in the building did anyone notice it and call the fire department, otherwise the entire building would had gone down.

In the below article they specifically mention the cladding which was put on the outside of the building which USED to be concrete, as I said the cladding they put on will have been a mixture of plastic, sheet metal and foam.

If it's some sort of gas explosion, the situation wouldn't have been as extreme without that cladding, the whole building wouldn't have been engulfed, it's the plastic and foam in the cladding that will have caused the complete devastation.

Also access for emergency vehicles was severely restricted.

Ignored warnings, people will be charged with criminal negligence and will go to prison for what happened in the early hours of this morning, they even could get a Manslaughter charge because it's certain there will be dead people.

Grenfell Action Group warned of a catastrophic fire at tower on fire in West London

"An action group at a west London tower block ravaged by fire have said their warnings fell on ‘deaf ears’ after highlighting safety concerns about the block.

The cause of the blaze at the Grenfell tower, north Kensington, is not known, but a blog post from the Grenfell Action Group from November 2016 said ‘only a catastrophic event’ would expose issues residents had.

Several hundred people would have been in the block when the fire was reported at 1.15am on Wednesday, while 30 have been taken to hospital.

The group said there was one entry and exit to Grenfell Tower during improvement works at the block in Latimer Road and it had issues with evacuation procedures at the building.

Following the fire, the group posted: ‘All our warnings fell on deaf ears and we predicted that a catastrophe like this was inevitable and just a matter of time.’

The group claimed access to the building was ‘severely restricted’ for emergency services and other vehicles and that residents were advised to stay in their flats in case of fire.

On a blog, the action group wrote seven months ago: ‘Unfortunately, the Grenfell Action Group have reached the conclusion that only an incident that results in serious loss of life of [Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation] residents will allow the external scrutiny to occur that will shine a light on the practices that characterise the malign governance of this non-functioning organisation.’

Some residents have complained about the cladding that had been put on the outside of the building, which used to be concrete."

Residents warned of a catastrophic fire at tower ablaze in West London

Here is Grenfell Tower Action Group's Blog:

Posted on June 14, 2017

"Watching breaking news about the Grenfell Tower fire catastrophe. Too soon to even guess at numbers of casualties and fatalities.

Regular readers of this blog will know that we have posted numerous warnings in recent years about the very poor fire safety standards at Grenfell Tower and elsewhere in RBKC.

ALL OUR WARNINGS FELL ON DEAF EARS and we predicted that a catastrophe like this was inevitable and just a matter of time. Below is a list of links to previous blogs we posted on this site trying to warn the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea who own this property and the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation who supposedly manage all social housing in RBKC on the Council’s behalf:

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!





Here's who is to blame, this based on what has been mentioned so far, these are the people who did the upgrade Rydon.

To spruce up the exterior of the building, the whole building is now a write off and people will be dead, the spruce up acted effectively as kindling that engulfed the entire building.

"Externally, rain screen cladding, curtain wall façade and replacement windows were fitted, improving thermal insulation and modernising the exterior of the building."

Contract Name: Grenfell Tower
Contract Value: £8.7 million
Contract Period: 66 weeks
Client: KCTMO Limited

Rydon delivered an £8.6m upgrade to the 24-storey Grenfell Tower as part of a £57m borough-wide regeneration in Kensington & Chelsea, London.

"Located in the Lancaster West Estate in North Kensington, the project on the 1970s-built tower has delivered a number of improvements, with residents still in occupation, to the community facilities and energy efficiency of the building. Additional new homes have also been created using vacant space.

Externally, rain screen cladding, curtain wall façade and replacement windows were fitted, improving thermal insulation and modernising the exterior of the building."

Grenfell Tower
Last edited:
Whatever the findings are...I feel badly for those people.

Yes I agree.

Also only one fire exit, in a 27 storey block of 120 apartments with several hundred people living there. I can't find anything where it says where the one fire exit was, but I would think that if people lived above the fourth floor, they wouldn't have had much chance to get to the one fire exit, not with the entire building engulfed so fast.

People interviewed on the BBC World Service who were observing the horrific situation in the middle of the night, they said that they saw people jumping out of the windows, didn't say where they were jumping from, but the chance is that the jumpers could very well be dead.

Also the emergency services rescue ladder system could only reach to the tenth floor, so people above the tenth floor had no chance to be rescued.
Whatever the findings are...I feel badly for those people.

It looks ominous, up to 600 people they say could have been in that building when it was engulfed, many unaccounted for, several confirmed dead and only 50 so far confirmed escaped as they are in the hospital.

London fire latest: Fatalities confirmed as Grenfell Tower residents trapped in huge blaze

"Several people have died after a huge fire ripped through a west London tower block, with many residents still missing amid reports of people trapped in their homes.

Up to 600 people are believed to have been inside 120 flats in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower when the blaze began. At least 50 injured people were taken to hospital - it is unclear how many managed to get out safely.

As an investigation into the cause of the fire begins, residents reported that fire alarms had not sounded and an action group claimed their warnings of a "catastrophe" fell on "deaf ears" after highlighting safety concerns three years ago.

Residents who escaped spoke of others trapped and screaming for help, with some holding children from windows and others jumping from upper floors.

Pictures from the scene showed flames engulfing the block and a plume of smoke visible across the capital, while others showed residents looking out of windows in the block."

London fire latest: Fatalities confirmed as Grenfell Tower residents trapped in huge blaze

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