Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online

At this time nobody knows what the starter was, it could be anything from a gas explosion, to possibly an exploding household device, to a flat being a Meth Factory or a flat being a Bomb Making Factory.

I would bet money on what caused the spread of the inferno that engulfed an entire tower of 27 storeys in they say just 15 minutes and that's the exterior cladding that was a mixture of oil-based plastic and foam and it spread from top to bottom inside probably because of these softwood doors and non-fire resistant paint and could have been avoided if it wasn't for things being carried out on the cheap.
When we look at the photos we can see that the way the fire spread is Strange!

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why strange? please explain .?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

The BBC World Service interviewed someone who said that the doors in Grenfell Tower were of softwood, that is completely against EU Law for such a building and also the paint used internally was not fire resistant, so they used softwood for cheapness and normal paint for cheapness and outside they put cladding that contained oil-based plastic and foam, again for cheapness.

Everything they did is against EU Law for such a building.

But then the UK is leaving the EU, so its govt can go around getting more people killed.

^ Ignore this idiocy that contributes nothing to the topic of this thread.

To clarify for the non Trolls, those cost cutting measures that the building sub-contractor performed at Grenfell Tower would also be against British Health and Safety Standards ie. against British law.

Fuck you. Most of the time you have nothing but bullshit to offer this forum.

Yes that's why I have such great ratings and you don't you Bullshitting Little Troll, most of the forum has you on Ignore if you didn't already know, now go away.

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So very low ratings, nobody loves you :itsok:

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Oh wow, you're going on ratings.

Problem is, the fucking right love their fucking ratings and will pat each other on the back for coming out with the same old illogical crap.

But hey, I'll tell you now. Fuck you, and bye, I'm putting you on the ignore list. All you have are attacks on people. You think you're debating, but you never do, it always descends into fucking nonsense with you.
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online

At this time nobody knows what the starter was, it could be anything from a gas explosion, to possibly an exploding household device, to a flat being a Meth Factory or a flat being a Bomb Making Factory.

I would bet money on what caused the spread of the inferno that engulfed an entire tower of 27 storeys in they say just 15 minutes and that's the exterior cladding that was a mixture of oil-based plastic and foam and it spread from top to bottom inside probably because of these softwood doors and non-fire resistant paint and could have been avoided if it wasn't for things being carried out on the cheap.
When we look at the photos we can see that the way the fire spread is Strange!

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why strange? please explain .?
Because normally the fire extends to the ground but as you can see in Lucy Hamilton photos the fire seemed more concentrated in one place. As for an explosion?
I'm not sure, what I read though is that area has a heavy immigrant population, that's non-European immigrants.
cnn and bbc talking with witnesses. all of them have moslem names

Does that make you happy?
no.i'm just suspicion

Well, if you start making short statements, people can read lots into those, because it's not clear what you mean.

i dont know but maybe terrorism??
or hate crime???

Okay, so you don't know, and no one really knows what you're talking about either. So... what's the point?
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online

At this time nobody knows what the starter was, it could be anything from a gas explosion, to possibly an exploding household device, to a flat being a Meth Factory or a flat being a Bomb Making Factory.

I would bet money on what caused the spread of the inferno that engulfed an entire tower of 27 storeys in they say just 15 minutes and that's the exterior cladding that was a mixture of oil-based plastic and foam and it spread from top to bottom inside probably because of these softwood doors and non-fire resistant paint and could have been avoided if it wasn't for things being carried out on the cheap.
When we look at the photos we can see that the way the fire spread is Strange!

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Yes sometimes situations like this do have a strange pattern of destruction.

There are six confirmed dead at the moment, the death total expected to rise. Inside that building will be shocking, it could take some time to determine what is what, forensic teams will have to go throughout the building with a fine tooth comb to identify human remains among all types of charred debris.

London fire latest: Six confirmed dead in Grenfell Tower as death toll expected to rise

"At least six people have been confirmed killed in a huge fire that ripped through a west London tower block, but police expect the death toll to rise.

Up to 600 people are believed to have been inside Grenfell Tower's 120 flats when the blaze tore through the 24-storey building in the early hours.

Twenty people are in critical care after 74 injured people were taken to hospital, but many are still missing after residents were left trapped on upper floors as flames rapidly ripped up the block.

Residents who escaped spoke of others trapped and screaming for help, with some throwing children from windows and others jumping from upper floors. Some were reported to have attempted to use bin bags as makeshift parachutes.

Pictures showed flames engulfing the block and a plume of smoke visible across the capital, while others showed desperate residents looking out of windows in the block."

London fire latest: Six confirmed dead in Grenfell Tower as death toll expected to rise
Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online

At this time nobody knows what the starter was, it could be anything from a gas explosion, to possibly an exploding household device, to a flat being a Meth Factory or a flat being a Bomb Making Factory.

I would bet money on what caused the spread of the inferno that engulfed an entire tower of 27 storeys in they say just 15 minutes and that's the exterior cladding that was a mixture of oil-based plastic and foam and it spread from top to bottom inside probably because of these softwood doors and non-fire resistant paint and could have been avoided if it wasn't for things being carried out on the cheap.
When we look at the photos we can see that the way the fire spread is Strange!

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View attachment 132936
why strange? please explain .?
Because normally the fire extends to the ground but as you can see in Lucy Hamilton photos the fire seemed more concentrated in one place. As for an explosion?

It doesn't have to extend to the ground, unless it starts at the ground level or near the ground level, fire travels upwards not downwards and it depends where it begins.

You can see from the below picture, it appears to have started on the fifth floor, the ground floor and the four floors above are completely untouched, it begins on the fifth floor and travels upwards engulfing the building up to the roof.

In the below article they specifically mention the cladding which was put on the outside of the building which USED to be concrete, as I said the cladding they put on will have been a mixture of plastic, sheet metal and foam.

How much do you want to bet all that shit put in was for "green" compliance reasons?
Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online

At this time nobody knows what the starter was, it could be anything from a gas explosion, to possibly an exploding household device, to a flat being a Meth Factory or a flat being a Bomb Making Factory.

I would bet money on what caused the spread of the inferno that engulfed an entire tower of 27 storeys in they say just 15 minutes and that's the exterior cladding that was a mixture of oil-based plastic and foam and it spread from top to bottom inside probably because of these softwood doors and non-fire resistant paint and could have been avoided if it wasn't for things being carried out on the cheap.
When we look at the photos we can see that the way the fire spread is Strange!

View attachment 132935

View attachment 132936
why strange? please explain .?
Because normally the fire extends to the ground but as you can see in Lucy Hamilton photos the fire seemed more concentrated in one place. As for an explosion?

This below is a picture of an elderly man looking out of the window last night while the horror was unfolding, I wonder if he managed to escape, looking at the condition of the structure around him and that the glass in the window is also intact, it suggests that he was in one of the floors 1-4 the only floors that remained unaffected by the inferno.


Scenes From the West London High-Rise Fire

The below picture shows the cladding panels, a mixture of oil-based plastic which will be backed with foam and sheet metal. As I've commented before, it will be this type of cladding that caused the inferno to engulf the exterior of the building up to the roof in such a fast 15 minute period.

This is the actual Grenfell Tower building pre-horror inferno.


This below picture is the actual Grenfell Tower building as it was before they put the above cladding panels on, as you can see it's all concrete, the reason why they put the above cladding panels on buildings is mainly for aesthetic reasons to make the building seem more attractive.


The Grenfell Tower before and after.


The concrete on the left, had they have used concrete on the right, the whole exterior of the building wouldn't have engulfed into a complete inferno.


The Grenfell Tower now.

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In the below article they specifically mention the cladding which was put on the outside of the building which USED to be concrete, as I said the cladding they put on will have been a mixture of plastic, sheet metal and foam.

How much do you want to bet all that shit put in was for "green" compliance reasons?

I don't think so because all this Environmental stuff more often than not is more expensive, this was done purely for cheapness, the Council gave the contract and the millions to this Rydon, who then will have sub-contracted the job out to someone local, who then used the cheapest materials to keep the cost down, enabling Rydon to maximise on profit and they probably gave the sub-contractor a cut of the maximised profit.
if the skeleton of the building is still in tact,,,,guessing it may take two years to rebuild?

The building looks like a write off, however yes if Structural Engineers examine it it could be rebuilt, internally it's gutted and wrecked, but externally it would depend on how solid it is, for all we know the most damaged parts might structurally be too fragile to save.

So who knows, it might be a candidate for a rebuild or it might be a candidate for a demolition.
In the below article they specifically mention the cladding which was put on the outside of the building which USED to be concrete, as I said the cladding they put on will have been a mixture of plastic, sheet metal and foam.

How much do you want to bet all that shit put in was for "green" compliance reasons?

False. The Labour Party proposed a law earlier this year to require landlords not to let properties which were unfit for habitation and requiring minimum standards for rental properties, and May and the Conservatives rejected it.

Residents have been complaining for months that the building was a fire hazard.

It was Conservatives, many of whom own rental properties, who rejected laws to protect tenants.
if the skeleton of the building is still in tact,,,,guessing it may take two years to rebuild?

The building looks like a write off, however yes if Structural Engineers examine it it could be rebuilt, internally it's gutted and wrecked, but externally it would depend on how solid it is, for all we know the most damaged parts might structurally be too fragile to save.

So who knows, it might be a candidate for a rebuild or it might be a candidate for a demolition.
thats the hard part,,,,arent there structures all around it? how would they take it apart?
My worst fear is being trapped in something like this. It is why I will never live in high density housing.

London fire latest: Six confirmed dead in Grenfell Tower as death toll expected to rise

At least six people have been confirmed killed in a huge fire that ripped through a west London tower block, but police expect the death toll to rise.

Up to 600 people are believed to have been inside Grenfell Tower's 120 flats when the blaze tore through the 24-storey building in the early hours.

Twenty people are in critical care after 74 injured people were taken to hospital. But many are still missing after residents were left trapped on upper floors as flames rapidly ripped up the block after initially being told to stay in their homes.

My worst fear is being trapped in something like this. It is why I will never live in high density housing.

London fire latest: Six confirmed dead in Grenfell Tower as death toll expected to rise

At least six people have been confirmed killed in a huge fire that ripped through a west London tower block, but police expect the death toll to rise.

Up to 600 people are believed to have been inside Grenfell Tower's 120 flats when the blaze tore through the 24-storey building in the early hours.

Twenty people are in critical care after 74 injured people were taken to hospital. But many are still missing after residents were left trapped on upper floors as flames rapidly ripped up the block after initially being told to stay in their homes.


^ Duplicate thread in the same section as the large existing thread already posted, do we need duplicate threads? No.

Above OP to be merged into the below thread.

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
it will be a miracle if no one dies,,,,how can anyone be trapped in the building and walk away?
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?
if the skeleton of the building is still in tact,,,,guessing it may take two years to rebuild?

The building looks like a write off, however yes if Structural Engineers examine it it could be rebuilt, internally it's gutted and wrecked, but externally it would depend on how solid it is, for all we know the most damaged parts might structurally be too fragile to save.

So who knows, it might be a candidate for a rebuild or it might be a candidate for a demolition.
thats the hard part,,,,arent there structures all around it? how would they take it apart?

Well yes there are many structures all around it and in all directions and it's all quite a compacted area, as you can see from the below picture.


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