Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

A reporter states one family he knows heard something strange, and decided to get out, never knowing the building was on fire at the time.

From the below picture it shows that the 200 firefighters have put the inferno out, the building is finished though, it's about 50-50 if it's going to collapse from looking at the below picture.

View attachment 132892

Nobody is trapped alive in the building, they are going to be dead.

I would say from observing these close up pictures that it's a 70-30 chance the building is going to collapse.

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The below picture seems to be the rear of the building, looks even worse than the front of the building

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The below picture is of the rear of Grenfell Tower as the inferno began to take hold.

What this picture shows is that both of the two stairwells are completely engulfed from bottom to up to the roof. The left side of the building from bottom to up to the roof has yet to become engulfed and you can see that the flats on that side still have their lighting on.

As both stairwells are engulfed and as the emergency services ladder system only reached to the tenth floor, I would say it would be virtually impossible how anyone from floor eleven to floor twenty seven (sixteen floors of people) could escape alive from this.

I add that both stairways were concrete with no plastic or foam materials. Concrete stairways do not just become engulfed like they did at Grenfell Tower and by the looks of the below, some type of accelerant might have been used by a nefarious party or both stairwells were full of garbage which ignited.

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grumpy is saying this should not have happened with modern fire walls.....but that if ones opened both fire exit doors at the would just blow the fire upwards...he contends that building should not burn like it other words....not a natural fire at all....

he is now going on about how hot it has to be for sprinklers to come on.....
this may be a good advice: he is saying that the sprinkler head has to get so hot that if you are in a building and there is a fire with sprinklers to put a lighter or some other flame under one to get them started as soon as possible...he actually said start beating the hell out of a sprinkler head whatever you need to get them started dont wait for them to start on their own....

myself i would be getting my ass out....
grumpy is saying this should not have happened with modern fire walls.....but that if ones opened both fire exit doors at the would just blow the fire upwards...he contends that building should not burn like it other words....not a natural fire at all....

he is now going on about how hot it has to be for sprinklers to come on.....

"he contends that building should not burn like it other words....not a natural fire at all...."

The building was engulfed from the outside which spread inward, it was engulfed from the outside because of the exterior cladding, a mixture of plastic, sheet metal and foam. So it was a natural fire ie. it's not caused by an act of terrorism.

"he is now going on about how hot it has to be for sprinklers to come on....."

That Grenfell Tower had no sprinkler system installed, so there were no sprinklers.
A reporter states one family he knows heard something strange, and decided to get out, never knowing the building was on fire at the time.

From the below picture it shows that the 200 firefighters have put the inferno out, the building is finished though, it's about 50-50 if it's going to collapse from looking at the below picture.

View attachment 132892

Nobody is trapped alive in the building, they are going to be dead.

I would say from observing these close up pictures that it's a 70-30 chance the building is going to collapse.

View attachment 132893

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View attachment 132896

The below picture seems to be the rear of the building, looks even worse than the front of the building

View attachment 132897

View attachment 132898

The below picture is of the rear of Grenfell Tower as the inferno began to take hold.

What this picture shows is that both of the two stairwells are completely engulfed from bottom to up to the roof. The left side of the building from bottom to up to the roof has yet to become engulfed and you can see that the flats on that side still have their lighting on.

As both stairwells are engulfed and as the emergency services ladder system only reached to the tenth floor, I would say it would be virtually impossible how anyone from floor eleven to floor twenty seven (sixteen floors of people) could escape alive from this.

I add that both stairways were concrete with no plastic or foam materials. Concrete stairways do not just become engulfed like they did at Grenfell Tower and by the looks of the below, some type of accelerant might have been used by a nefarious party or both stairwells were full of garbage which ignited.

View attachment 132923

some type of accelerant might have been used by a nefarious party or both stairwells were full of garbage which ignited.

not necessarily

if automatic fire doors and barriers had not been installed

the fire would quickly travel from the bottom to the top

like a big ol wind tunnel
A reporter states one family he knows heard something strange, and decided to get out, never knowing the building was on fire at the time.

From the below picture it shows that the 200 firefighters have put the inferno out, the building is finished though, it's about 50-50 if it's going to collapse from looking at the below picture.

View attachment 132892

Nobody is trapped alive in the building, they are going to be dead.

I would say from observing these close up pictures that it's a 70-30 chance the building is going to collapse.

View attachment 132893

View attachment 132894

View attachment 132895

View attachment 132896

The below picture seems to be the rear of the building, looks even worse than the front of the building

View attachment 132897

View attachment 132898

The below picture is of the rear of Grenfell Tower as the inferno began to take hold.

What this picture shows is that both of the two stairwells are completely engulfed from bottom to up to the roof. The left side of the building from bottom to up to the roof has yet to become engulfed and you can see that the flats on that side still have their lighting on.

As both stairwells are engulfed and as the emergency services ladder system only reached to the tenth floor, I would say it would be virtually impossible how anyone from floor eleven to floor twenty seven (sixteen floors of people) could escape alive from this.

I add that both stairways were concrete with no plastic or foam materials. Concrete stairways do not just become engulfed like they did at Grenfell Tower and by the looks of the below, some type of accelerant might have been used by a nefarious party or both stairwells were full of garbage which ignited.

View attachment 132923

some type of accelerant might have been used by a nefarious party or both stairwells were full of garbage which ignited.

not necessarily

if automatic fire doors and barriers had not been installed

the fire would quickly travel from the bottom to the top

like a big ol wind tunnel

Agree that's another possibility.

The people who did the obviously very bad upgrade, they only had one fire escape, the fire alarms and the smoke alarms didn't work and there was no sprinkler system installed and they put an oil-based plastic cladding on the exterior of the building.

Pretty criminal, they'll be going to prison.
okay grumpy wants a defination of a natural fire.....and he ask how old is this building.....he leaves for work shortly

all that aside...we are both so sorry this is happening in your country.....we are sorry for the loss of life....
and we wonder why the news isnt covering this more here
okay grumpy wants a defination of a natural fire.....and he ask how old is this building.....he leaves for work shortly

all that aside...we are both so sorry this is happening in your country.....we are sorry for the loss of life....
and we wonder why the news isnt covering this more here

Well a natural fire would be one that isn't deliberately started. Someone said it was built in the middle of the 1970s, but it recently had this upgrade that was sub-contracted out for cheapness to cut costs and has cost lives.

It's a horrific and beyond tragic situation, our thoughts and prayers with our British friends who are our European brothers and sisters, they are getting all these bad things in short duration, two actual terrorist attacks and now this shocking situation with the tower building.
I think the dumbasses blew themselves up.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
I think the dumbasses blew themselves up.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

The BBC World Service interviewed someone who said that the doors in Grenfell Tower were of softwood, that is completely against EU Law for such a building and also the paint used internally was not fire resistant, so they used softwood for cheapness and normal paint for cheapness and outside they put cladding that contained oil-based plastic and foam, again for cheapness.

Everything they did is against EU Law for such a building.
was tower for moslem ?

I'm not sure, what I read though is that area has a heavy immigrant population, that's non-European immigrants.
cnn and bbc talking with witnesses. all of them have moslem names

Does that make you happy?
no.i'm just suspicion

Well, if you start making short statements, people can read lots into those, because it's not clear what you mean.
I think the dumbasses blew themselves up.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online
I think the dumbasses blew themselves up.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

The BBC World Service interviewed someone who said that the doors in Grenfell Tower were of softwood, that is completely against EU Law for such a building and also the paint used internally was not fire resistant, so they used softwood for cheapness and normal paint for cheapness and outside they put cladding that contained oil-based plastic and foam, again for cheapness.

Everything they did is against EU Law for such a building.

But then the UK is leaving the EU, so its govt can go around getting more people killed.
I think the dumbasses blew themselves up.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

The BBC World Service interviewed someone who said that the doors in Grenfell Tower were of softwood, that is completely against EU Law for such a building and also the paint used internally was not fire resistant, so they used softwood for cheapness and normal paint for cheapness and outside they put cladding that contained oil-based plastic and foam, again for cheapness.

Everything they did is against EU Law for such a building.

But then the UK is leaving the EU, so its govt can go around getting more people killed.

^ Ignore this idiocy that contributes nothing to the topic of this thread.

To clarify for the non Trolls, those cost cutting measures that the building sub-contractor performed at Grenfell Tower would also be against British Health and Safety Standards ie. against British law.
I think the dumbasses blew themselves up.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online

At this time nobody knows what the starter was, it could be anything from a gas explosion, to possibly an exploding household device, to a flat being a Meth Factory or a flat being a Bomb Making Factory.

I would bet money on what caused the spread of the inferno that engulfed an entire tower of 27 storeys in they say just 15 minutes and that's the exterior cladding that was a mixture of oil-based plastic and foam and it spread from top to bottom inside probably because of these softwood doors and non-fire resistant paint and could have been avoided if it wasn't for things being carried out on the cheap.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

The BBC World Service interviewed someone who said that the doors in Grenfell Tower were of softwood, that is completely against EU Law for such a building and also the paint used internally was not fire resistant, so they used softwood for cheapness and normal paint for cheapness and outside they put cladding that contained oil-based plastic and foam, again for cheapness.

Everything they did is against EU Law for such a building.

But then the UK is leaving the EU, so its govt can go around getting more people killed.

^ Ignore this idiocy that contributes nothing to the topic of this thread.

To clarify for the non Trolls, those cost cutting measures that the building sub-contractor performed at Grenfell Tower would also be against British Health and Safety Standards ie. against British law.

Fuck you. Most of the time you have nothing but bullshit to offer this forum.

Yes that's why I have such great ratings and you don't you Bullshitting Little Troll, most of the forum has you on Ignore if you didn't already know, now go away.


So very low ratings, nobody loves you :itsok:

I think the dumbasses blew themselves up.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online

At this time nobody knows what the starter was, it could be anything from a gas explosion, to possibly an exploding household device, to a flat being a Meth Factory or a flat being a Bomb Making Factory.

I would bet money on what caused the spread of the inferno that engulfed an entire tower of 27 storeys in they say just 15 minutes and that's the exterior cladding that was a mixture of oil-based plastic and foam and it spread from top to bottom inside probably because of these softwood doors and non-fire resistant paint and could have been avoided if it wasn't for things being carried out on the cheap.
When we look at the photos we can see that the way the fire spread is Strange!


was tower for moslem ?

I'm not sure, what I read though is that area has a heavy immigrant population, that's non-European immigrants.
cnn and bbc talking with witnesses. all of them have moslem names

Does that make you happy?
no.i'm just suspicion

Well, if you start making short statements, people can read lots into those, because it's not clear what you mean.

i dont know but maybe terrorism??
or hate crime???

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