Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

it will be a miracle if no one dies,,,,how can anyone be trapped in the building and walk away?
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

The WTC and the Grenfell Tower were constructed from completely different materials that's why, I don't think the exterior of the WTC had from top to bottom had oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, this is why it only took the Grenfell Tower 15 minutes approx to become a completely engulfed inferno.
it will be a miracle if no one dies,,,,how can anyone be trapped in the building and walk away?
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?

the point is

who started that fire

the rest doesn't matter
Yes the rest does. Unless that building was doused for roof to base in gasoline it should not have gone up that fast. If it wasn't bombed then the local officials need to look into what materials went into that structure because I'd guarantee other buildings are made of the same stuff. They need to look into smoke detectors and sprinklers and whether or not they were working. Judging by the amount of injuries currently reported, the time of day it occurred and the minimal reports of death and eye witness reports of people trapped, the death toll is going to climb significantly. Their could be whole families cremated in mess.
It's breaking on Drudge Report via the BBC. This is another terrorist attack.

This is the Liberal dream to have all private property taken so more Public living spaces can be loaned out by the government. The USSR was notorious with events like this, as no one could have a house and all the citizens of the USSR lived in high rises, with poor quality of housing, poor quality of electrical and poor plumbing. We keep seeing the failure of government every time, by the events of the dept of the interior and BP oil, city of Detroit decayed city pipes(under Liberal mayor) and now the wonderful British government that allowed this shithole of a high rise to be occupied while the residents knew it was a death trap. Liberalism is about good intentions, but always ends in disaster.
it will be a miracle if no one dies,,,,how can anyone be trapped in the building and walk away?
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

Close up of the WTC, no oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam.


Close up of the Grenfell Tower with oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, the reason why the building went up like a Roman Candle in 15 minutes approx.

it will be a miracle if no one dies,,,,how can anyone be trapped in the building and walk away?
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

The WTC and the Grenfell Tower were constructed from completely different materials that's why, I don't think the exterior of the WTC had from top to bottom had oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, this is why it only took the Grenfell Tower 15 minutes approx to become a completely engulfed inferno.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.
I think the dumbasses blew themselves up.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !
I agree that's a fishy story. I've never heard of a frig blowing up. The only thing I can think of is if the refrigerator had faulty electrical and that's what the guy meant. Sounds to me that this place was a low income building so old or cheap refrigerators would probably be in use.
I think the dumbasses blew themselves up.
The witness on BBC said she heard one guy say get out my refrigerator blew up. How the hell does a refrigerator blow up?
There are giving the same explanation on the French média BFM Tv, it sound like a big bullshit a refrigerator just don't blow up !

Those terrible Beko ones manufactured in Turkey have a bad record, or perhaps there was something involving one of the flats was making Meth or one of the flats had been turned into a bomb factory.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online
good point.
Yes, it is quite possible San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have bomb-making materials in their kitchen



Q&A on quiet, devout Tashfeen Malik, wife at center of California terror probe
San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik ‘pledged allegiance to ISIS’ | Daily Mail Online

At this time nobody knows what the starter was, it could be anything from a gas explosion, to possibly an exploding household device, to a flat being a Meth Factory or a flat being a Bomb Making Factory.

I would bet money on what caused the spread of the inferno that engulfed an entire tower of 27 storeys in they say just 15 minutes and that's the exterior cladding that was a mixture of oil-based plastic and foam and it spread from top to bottom inside probably because of these softwood doors and non-fire resistant paint and could have been avoided if it wasn't for things being carried out on the cheap.
When we look at the photos we can see that the way the fire spread is Strange!

View attachment 132935

View attachment 132936
why strange? please explain .?
Because normally the fire extends to the ground but as you can see in Lucy Hamilton photos the fire seemed more concentrated in one place. As for an explosion?

This below is a picture of an elderly man looking out of the window last night while the horror was unfolding, I wonder if he managed to escape, looking at the condition of the structure around him and that the glass in the window is also intact, it suggests that he was in one of the floors 1-4 the only floors that remained unaffected by the inferno.


Scenes From the West London High-Rise Fire

The below picture shows the cladding panels, a mixture of oil-based plastic which will be backed with foam and sheet metal. As I've commented before, it will be this type of cladding that caused the inferno to engulf the exterior of the building up to the roof in such a fast 15 minute period.

This is the actual Grenfell Tower building pre-horror inferno.


This below picture is the actual Grenfell Tower building as it was before they put the above cladding panels on, as you can see it's all concrete, the reason why they put the above cladding panels on buildings is mainly for aesthetic reasons to make the building seem more attractive.


The Grenfell Tower before and after.


The concrete on the left, had they have used concrete on the right, the whole exterior of the building wouldn't have engulfed into a complete inferno.


The Grenfell Tower now.

They are saying that parts of the exterior are falling endangering firefighters, they really didn't think this one through did they.
it will be a miracle if no one dies,,,,how can anyone be trapped in the building and walk away?
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

The WTC and the Grenfell Tower were constructed from completely different materials that's why, I don't think the exterior of the WTC had from top to bottom had oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, this is why it only took the Grenfell Tower 15 minutes approx to become a completely engulfed inferno.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

The WTC and the Grenfell Tower were constructed from completely different materials that's why, I don't think the exterior of the WTC had from top to bottom had oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, this is why it only took the Grenfell Tower 15 minutes approx to become a completely engulfed inferno.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.
if u were on the third floor and above once the lower two were fully ablaze,,,yah,,,,,unless u had a rope/bedsheet to hang out the windows,,,,,dont think so
It's breaking on Drudge Report via the BBC. This is another terrorist attack.

Actually, no cause has been determinrd.

What this is is proof that we actually need our regulations for building safety.

One stairwell, no central alarms, no sprinkler system. Disaster.

This is what Trump & the Republicans want here in America. To allow corporations to decide what safety equipment & design goes into our buildings.
At this time nobody knows what the starter was, it could be anything from a gas explosion, to possibly an exploding household device, to a flat being a Meth Factory or a flat being a Bomb Making Factory.

I would bet money on what caused the spread of the inferno that engulfed an entire tower of 27 storeys in they say just 15 minutes and that's the exterior cladding that was a mixture of oil-based plastic and foam and it spread from top to bottom inside probably because of these softwood doors and non-fire resistant paint and could have been avoided if it wasn't for things being carried out on the cheap.
When we look at the photos we can see that the way the fire spread is Strange!

View attachment 132935

View attachment 132936
why strange? please explain .?
Because normally the fire extends to the ground but as you can see in Lucy Hamilton photos the fire seemed more concentrated in one place. As for an explosion?

This below is a picture of an elderly man looking out of the window last night while the horror was unfolding, I wonder if he managed to escape, looking at the condition of the structure around him and that the glass in the window is also intact, it suggests that he was in one of the floors 1-4 the only floors that remained unaffected by the inferno.


Scenes From the West London High-Rise Fire

The below picture shows the cladding panels, a mixture of oil-based plastic which will be backed with foam and sheet metal. As I've commented before, it will be this type of cladding that caused the inferno to engulf the exterior of the building up to the roof in such a fast 15 minute period.

This is the actual Grenfell Tower building pre-horror inferno.


This below picture is the actual Grenfell Tower building as it was before they put the above cladding panels on, as you can see it's all concrete, the reason why they put the above cladding panels on buildings is mainly for aesthetic reasons to make the building seem more attractive.


The Grenfell Tower before and after.


The concrete on the left, had they have used concrete on the right, the whole exterior of the building wouldn't have engulfed into a complete inferno.


The Grenfell Tower now.

They are saying that parts of the exterior are falling endangering firefighters, they really didn't think this one through did they.

The firefighters male and female are complete heroes and heroines, this morning entire groups of them where inside that building, the London Deputy Fire Chief she gave a press conference and said that her people had reached the 20th floor of the 24 storey building.

Entire teams of them also were going in and out of that building in the middle of the night, donning their full kit and just going into the inferno.

These people are amazing, so brave and fearless, they ALL deserve medals.
At this point they can't. That building is toast, if they didn't get out in the beginning, they are probably dead.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

The WTC and the Grenfell Tower were constructed from completely different materials that's why, I don't think the exterior of the WTC had from top to bottom had oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, this is why it only took the Grenfell Tower 15 minutes approx to become a completely engulfed inferno.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.
Considering those left in the building were essentially cremated there's a possibility that not all the people will be found depending on how hot that building got and how destroyed the bodies are. Last night they were saying that ambulances were arriving but not leaving; that's never a good sign.
if there is no fire escape/stairs...yah,,,your toast.,,,but even if there was,,,the fire spread quickly,,,,,so they only had ..what? 10 minutes to run?
I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. Compared to last night I'd say the London building went up much faster than the WTC and the WTC had Jet fuel in it. I don't get it WTF?

The WTC and the Grenfell Tower were constructed from completely different materials that's why, I don't think the exterior of the WTC had from top to bottom had oil-based plastic cladding backed with foam, this is why it only took the Grenfell Tower 15 minutes approx to become a completely engulfed inferno.
Why the hell would you allow any building to be clad in an oil based product? That makes no sense. If that's the case the UK needs to revamp their safety codes and pull that crap off any other buildings that might have the same materials.

The WTC was made of steel,glass and concrete. Unfortunately it also had a large amount of asbestos so all that dust after the building collapsed was toxic. The death toll on that day was near 3000 but many more have died and continue to die as a direct result of that attack.

Yes it's complete madness.

They are saying, the London Police this is, are saying that up to 600 people might have been in the Grenfell Tower last night. What they have said is that 6 are confirmed dead, these might or might not be some of those who witnesses observed jumping out of the windows of the Grenfell Tower, so 6 confirmed dead, 75 in the hospital and the rest are unaccounted for, that leaves potentially 519 people still in the Grenfell Tower and by looking at that building I would say the chance is zero that they are still alive.
if u were on the third floor and above once the lower two were fully ablaze,,,yah,,,,,unless u had a rope/bedsheet to hang out the windows,,,,,dont think so

I think the 75 that escaped will have been from floors 5-10, the emergency ladders could only reach to the 10th floor, I'd say anyone who was in from floor 11-24 is dead.

That inferno blazed from about 1.20AM until 6AM and then smouldered for several more hours, the chances of being alive after being trapped for four hours and forty minutes in that inferno are zero.
It's breaking on Drudge Report via the BBC. This is another terrorist attack.

Actually, no cause has been determinrd.

What this is is proof that we actually need our regulations for building safety.

One stairwell, no central alarms, no sprinkler system. Disaster.

This is what Trump & the Republicans want here in America. To allow corporations to decide what safety equipment & design goes into our buildings.

^ This is all President Trump's fault :rolleyes-41:

President Trump wants hundreds, thousands of American's to be cremated in horrific infernos :uhoh3:

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