BREAKING: 5-10 ISIS gunmen take hundreds hostage at Radisson Inn; "Recite Quaran or die"

And the military hardware that the left claims that ISIS captured? Why didn't the US, Obama, either take the equipment or destroy the equipment? Easy answer, they were providing, so they thought, the Syrian rebels with the equipment. Supplying arms to Syrian rebels is why Stevens lost his life at Benghazi and why Obama, Rice and Mrs. Clinton lied about it.

Well no, he lost his life because a group of militants pissed about an anti Islamic video attacked the consulate. Oh, and they were probably pissed about the CIA annex as well. Where their militant buddies were being held and tortured.

Was you link intended to support or denounce your statement? From the link:

In several hours of interviews since the attack, Mr. Abu Khattala was happy to profess his admiration for Osama bin Laden and other leaders of Al Qaeda. He insisted that American foreign policy alone was to blame for the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But he remained a distant admirer of Mr. Bin Laden’s organization, having spent most of his adult life in and out of jail for his extremism under Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.
And the military hardware that the left claims that ISIS captured? Why didn't the US, Obama, either take the equipment or destroy the equipment? Easy answer, they were providing, so they thought, the Syrian rebels with the equipment. Supplying arms to Syrian rebels is why Stevens lost his life at Benghazi and why Obama, Rice and Mrs. Clinton lied about it.
The first conclusion cannot be ascertained, and the second is an outright lie.

Oh right, Benghazi was all about a video, right. Talk about lies.

That's what the guy who led the attacks said.

You should maybe contact the Authorities and tell them he's lying. :lol:
And the military hardware that the left claims that ISIS captured? Why didn't the US, Obama, either take the equipment or destroy the equipment? Easy answer, they were providing, so they thought, the Syrian rebels with the equipment. Supplying arms to Syrian rebels is why Stevens lost his life at Benghazi and why Obama, Rice and Mrs. Clinton lied about it.

Well no, he lost his life because a group of militants pissed about an anti Islamic video attacked the consulate. Oh, and they were probably pissed about the CIA annex as well. Where their militant buddies were being held and tortured.

Was you link intended to support or denounce your statement? From the link:

In several hours of interviews since the attack, Mr. Abu Khattala was happy to profess his admiration for Osama bin Laden and other leaders of Al Qaeda. He insisted that American foreign policy alone was to blame for the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But he remained a distant admirer of Mr. Bin Laden’s organization, having spent most of his adult life in and out of jail for his extremism under Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.
You left out part of the article..which is indicative or your ilk:
"As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him."

And of course you couldn't be bothered about doing goggle searches for more in depth information:

A Conversation with Abu Khattala - The New Yorker

"He also maintained that the violence in Benghazi that night grew out of a protest against a movie produced in the United States that lampooned Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, rather than being a planned action by militants. (This has been a much-contested question; Kirkpatrick concluded that “the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests.… The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.”) But Abu Khattala was oblique when asked whom, specifically, he believed was responsible for carrying it out."
I don't celebrate slaughter. You sick faggot Obama voters embrace this shit and are enabling it to come here. Karma would be for you all to end up in a hotel with ISIS taking over...and begging the cops to come save you.

Yeah you do.

Well...if you say so...I suppose I should thank liberals and Obama/Clinton policy for ensuring more of it is coming here.
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The Onion is a satrical publication no wonder that is where you get your news. They are being satricial about YOU folks. ISIS did not grow out of Iraq or Afghanistan you folks have been shown this on one of many occasions. But like all libs being handed your ass only means you bring the same BS up a month later.

Although the following article blames the power vacuum created in Iraq for ISIS they then go on to say this:

Truth in Media: The Origin of ISIS - Ben Swann's Truth In Media

The militant group ISIS was formed as a small insurgent group in Iraq in 2006. Swann noted that while they tried to create problems for the U.S. military, they had no money and no real ability to recruit.

It wasn’t until 2009 that ISIS shifted its focus from Iraq, where it was largely unsuccessful in developing a foothold, and focused on the civil war in Syria,” Swann said.

While in Syria, ISIS still struggled to gain a foothold. Swann attributed this to the fact that two larger groups fighting against President Bashar al-Assad were overpowering them: al-Nusra Front – or al-Qaeda – and the Free Syrian Army.

Then, came a pivotal moment that most Americans aren’t even aware of,” Swann said. “In June 2013, a Northern General for the Free Syrian Army spoke out on Al Jazeera Qatar and stated that if international forces did not send weapons, the rebels attempting to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al-Assad would lose their war within a month.”

Swann noted that just months before this occurred he had personally confronted President Obama on the issue of why the U.S. was covertly funding Syrian rebels. Although Obama acted as if he was proceeding with caution, politicians such as Senator John McCain demanded action.

Within a matter of weeks of the Syrian general making his plea for international help, the U.S., the Saudis, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and Israel began providing weapons, training and money to so-called rebel groups like the Free Syrian Army,” Swann said.

In September 2013, American media outlets began reporting that weapons were being given to Syrian rebels. CNN reported that while the weapons are not “American-made,” they were “funded and organized by the CIA.”

However, Swann said that things began to fall apart when less than one year after the U.S. supplied Syrian “freedom fighters” with weapons, those weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS fighters.

Aside from your right wing propaganda which draws it's "facts" from an alternate reality, the bottom line is, No Illegal Invasion of Iraq. No ISIS. Period.

You have no basis to make that statement. None, zero, zip. It is the mother load of liberal lies.

But there is basis, just like the article linked, that the US supplying arms to the rebels, thus ISIS, did allow ISIS to grow and become powerful. One might say it was Fast and Furious ME style.
You left out part of the article..which is indicative or your ilk:
"As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him."

And of course you couldn't be bothered about doing goggle searches for more in depth information:

A Conversation with Abu Khattala - The New Yorker

"He also maintained that the violence in Benghazi that night grew out of a protest against a movie produced in the United States that lampooned Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, rather than being a planned action by militants. (This has been a much-contested question; Kirkpatrick concluded that “the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests.… The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.”) But Abu Khattala was oblique when asked whom, specifically, he believed was responsible for carrying it out."

I didn't leave it out because it is factual, I left it out because it is BS. "People that heard him?" What people? I quoted him, not "some people." Which is not what your ilk likes to do, you know be factual.

The guy seems to be mad as a hatter, thus anything he says can't be trusted. Hey let's have a protest and bring mortars. Yeah.
And the military hardware that the left claims that ISIS captured? Why didn't the US, Obama, either take the equipment or destroy the equipment? Easy answer, they were providing, so they thought, the Syrian rebels with the equipment. Supplying arms to Syrian rebels is why Stevens lost his life at Benghazi and why Obama, Rice and Mrs. Clinton lied about it.

Well no, he lost his life because a group of militants pissed about an anti Islamic video attacked the consulate. Oh, and they were probably pissed about the CIA annex as well. Where their militant buddies were being held and tortured.

Still bleating the same Obama lie, simply amazing.

Conservospeak Reality=Lie Propaganda=Fact

Liberal reality = What ever Obama says = Fact
But hey...the JV team is nothing to worry about. The religion of peace is...well...peaceful.
But Christians do bad stuff too!

Christians are really really bad!

The Crusades! The Crusades!


Which is interesting when one considers that the groups pushing the hardest to bring these refugees into the country are Christian groups. Interesting indeed.
But hey...the JV team is nothing to worry about. The religion of peace is...well...peaceful.
But Christians do bad stuff too!

Christians are really really bad!

The Crusades! The Crusades!


Which is interesting when one considers that the groups pushing the hardest to bring these refugees into the country are Christian groups. Interesting indeed.
They're also the ones risking their lives to help them around the world.
But hey...the JV team is nothing to worry about. The religion of peace is...well...peaceful.
But Christians do bad stuff too!

Christians are really really bad!

The Crusades! The Crusades!


Which is interesting when one considers that the groups pushing the hardest to bring these refugees into the country are Christian groups. Interesting indeed.
They're also the ones risking their lives to help them around the world.

Another intersting thing, if I wanted to list all the Christian charities I could not because the list would be too long.

If I wanted to list the Jewish or Muslim charities I equally could not, cause I can't think of one.
8 years of obama fail and its all still booossshhhhsssssssssss fault.
And the military hardware that the left claims that ISIS captured? Why didn't the US, Obama, either take the equipment or destroy the equipment? Easy answer, they were providing, so they thought, the Syrian rebels with the equipment. Supplying arms to Syrian rebels is why Stevens lost his life at Benghazi and why Obama, Rice and Mrs. Clinton lied about it.
The first conclusion cannot be ascertained, and the second is an outright lie.

Oh right, Benghazi was all about a video, right. Talk about lies.

That's what the guy who led the attacks said.

You should maybe contact the Authorities and tell them he's lying. :lol:
Funny. Hillary and Obama disagree with you. They say the attack was well planned and had nothing to do with the video.
If it hasn't been posted, US Special Forces are supposedly on the way.
The real truth is Obama and Hillary fucked up big time just before the election. They knew the buck would stop at their doors and if word got out to the voters of their fuckup it could affect the election outcome. So they initially lied to everyone who would listen. And as usual the fucking naive gullible DEMs wanted to believe the lies more than they wanted to know the truth.

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