BREAKING: 5-10 ISIS gunmen take hundreds hostage at Radisson Inn; "Recite Quaran or die"

The real truth is Obama and Hillary fucked up big time just before the election. They knew the buck would stop at their doors and if word got out to the voters of their fuckup it could affect the election outcome. So they initially lied to everyone who would listen. And as usual the fucking naive gullible DEMs wanted to believe the lies more than they wanted to know the truth.

I have to doubt this rationale. Nothing was going to stop Obama's reelection it was in the bag. Being a riot over a video or a planned attack I don't see a big election fall out. What I do see is at least three people either knowingly lying or telling us stuff they did not know to be true. We can know with the surety of the Sun rising that they did in fact mis-represent the truth.

The question then becomes why? I don't believe it was because of the election. I believe it was either to cover for gun running or the CIA was using the annex as a prison, neither of which Obama wanted known.
Every time a new terror attack happens, it never fails that the thread will immediately attract progressives that have to attack the US, Christians, or of course Boooooosh!!!
Every time a new terror attack happens, it never fails that the thread will immediately attract progressives that have to attack the US, Christians, or of course Boooooosh!!!
That's not happening at all, unless the far right tries to excuse the stupid invasion of Iraq in 2003.
You left out part of the article..which is indicative or your ilk:
"As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him."

And of course you couldn't be bothered about doing goggle searches for more in depth information:

A Conversation with Abu Khattala - The New Yorker

"He also maintained that the violence in Benghazi that night grew out of a protest against a movie produced in the United States that lampooned Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, rather than being a planned action by militants. (This has been a much-contested question; Kirkpatrick concluded that “the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests.… The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.”) But Abu Khattala was oblique when asked whom, specifically, he believed was responsible for carrying it out."

I didn't leave it out because it is factual, I left it out because it is BS. "People that heard him?" What people? I quoted him, not "some people." Which is not what your ilk likes to do, you know be factual.

The guy seems to be mad as a hatter, thus anything he says can't be trusted. Hey let's have a protest and bring mortars. Yeah.

Yes. For conservatives reality is bs.

We are going to be greeted as liberators and democracy will flower from Iraq once Saddam is gone.

Just stay the course.
Gunfire, explosions, hostage situation as jihadists attack luxury Radisson hotel in Mali

This thing is breaking the past few hours. Radisson Inn in Mali. Tourist hotel with lots of Americans and Western tourists. ISIS affiliated gunmen, 5-10 of them, take a couple hundred hostage. Gunfire and explosions. TV news saying they are saying "Allah Akbar" and forcing hostages to "Recite the Quaran or die". Police and military have the Radisson surrounded.

Ah. This should be a peaceful ending.

But hey...the JV team is nothing to worry about. The religion of peace is...well...peaceful.
Nothing to do with Muslims according to Leftards.
Did you clean up before posting?

I don't celebrate slaughter. You sick faggot Obama voters embrace this shit and are enabling it to come here. Karma would be for you all to end up in a hotel with ISIS taking over...and begging the cops to come save you.

Yeah you do.

Well...if you say so...I suppose I should thank liberals and Obama/Clinton policy for ensuring more of it is coming here.
View attachment 55218
Good greif, more leftwing rhetoric via comedy and lampoon.

Did you know that the Onion is a humor site, dumb fuck?
"Recite Quaran or die"

...anyone remember the recent US shooting where Christians were told if they were Christians to stand up...and then were immediately shot?

I don't care what Obama says, the U.S. is still a Christian nation...and when one outside religion has declared war on Christians and are carrying out the attacks on and murder of Christians religion should play a considerable factor in whether they are allowed into the U.S.

I am not saying being Muslim or Islamic Faith should be an immediate disqualifier to be allowed in, but it should be considered. For example, if you know a person / refugee comes from a specific or area known for being Radical (and violent / intolerant) that should raise a 'red flag' - 'closer scrutiny required'!
Terror in Mali


An area once called the French Sudan. It's been at war for centuries. So, why terrorism now? Is it somehow related to the Paris attack?

Ansar Dine can be seen @ Ansar Dine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia while al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb can be read @ al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It appears all to be part of the expanding attacks upon the west my Muslim jihadis.

Where will it spread to next? This is the Guardian report on the situation @ Mali hotel hostage situation over as UN troops report seeing 27 bodies
Gunfire, explosions, hostage situation as jihadists attack luxury Radisson hotel in Mali

This thing is breaking the past few hours. Radisson Inn in Mali. Tourist hotel with lots of Americans and Western tourists. ISIS affiliated gunmen, 5-10 of them, take a couple hundred hostage. Gunfire and explosions. TV news saying they are saying "Allah Akbar" and forcing hostages to "Recite the Quaran or die". Police and military have the Radisson surrounded.

Ah. This should be a peaceful ending.

But hey...the JV team is nothing to worry about. The religion of peace is...well...peaceful.
Nothing to do with Muslims according to Leftards.
Nothing to do with Islam, only with crazy fundy Muslims is what they say. The crazy fundy far righty Americans say it is all Muslims.

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