Breaking: AG Jeff Sessions Asks All Remaining 46 U.S. Attorney's From Last Adminstration To Resign

LOL, you can't post it because you can't get to it but you know the smears are true. You are special...

Let me play that game. I say that the DOD thinks Trump is mentally unstable, and won't give Trump the nuclear launch codes. If you think that's false, post Trumps launch codes. See, you can't do it. Trump must be crazy.
They don't give the President the launch codes unless a nuclear attack is imminent, you dumbass snowflake.
LOL, you can't post it because you can't get to it but you know the smears are true. You are special...

Let me play that game. I say that the DOD thinks Trump is mentally unstable, and won't give Trump the nuclear launch codes. If you think that's false, post Trumps launch codes. See, you can't do it. Trump must be crazy.
They don't give the President the launch codes unless a nuclear attack is imminent, you dumbass snowflake.

But the moron supports people who use "password" for their passwords having the codes.

Go figure.
Again, Sessions interpreted the question to mean "in his function as a campaign adviser." He didn't lie.

Bill Clinton interpreted "sex" to mean an act of procreation, So he didn't lie when he said he didnt' have sex with Monica Lewinsky.

True, but Sessions' interpretation was reasonable. Clinton knew he would be asked the question, and he came up with a preposterous lie weeks beforehand. No one believes his answer was a plausible response to the question asked.
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ROFL! The DOD has no such authority. Only a profound moron could believe it would even entertain such an action.

Actually they do. If the Sec Def thinks the President ordered a nuclear launch irresponsibly, he can refuse to confirm the launch, thereby aborting the president order.
You must be a fan of the movie 'Crimson Tide'. Don't pay attention to Hollywood movies. They're nothing but fantasy.

Actually knowing the Sec Def is needed for the President to launch a nuclear strike is the only thing letting me sleep at night with President Donald "tweeter" Trump's tiny fingers on the nuclear button.
What a god damned liar.
You must be a fan of the movie 'Crimson Tide'. Don't pay attention to Hollywood movies. They're nothing but fantasy.

When I served on active duty in the United States Air Force, one of my duties was to teach the Law of War. Under both international and domestic law, the United States is authorized to have nuclear weapons. To initiate a launch of weapons of mass destruction, it requires the approval of the National Command Authority (NCA). That’s an impressive sounding name, but the NCA consists of only two people: The President and his political appointee, the Secretary of Defense.

You claimed the generals could refuse to give him the command codes. You lied. Furthermore you made it sound like they would do it arbitrarily regardless of any existing procedures. To top it all off, you made is sound like the generals have expressed an opinion on this issue when they haven't.

To sum up, you posted a triple lie.
Sessions has a lot of nerve asking anyone for a resignation.

That's his job, moron.

It's his job to LIE under oath to CONGRESS. It's his job to fill out an application for pre confirmation hearing and LIE again and sign it. It's his job to get confirmed THEN refuse to go back into congress to answer questiions about his FUCKING lies.

"When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Jeff Sessions JOB right now is to protect Comrade Trump and his croni's, including himself, is what his job is all about.

And you thought Hillary Clinton was crooked--Sweet baby Jesus. If she would have done 1/10 of the shit that has gone on in the last 2 months that you're letting Trump get away with you Reich wingers would be calling for a PUBLIC HANGING right now.

You're no PATRIOTS of this country, you're nothing but a bunch of fucking partisan hacks.

There was no "application form" with such questions on it. There was simply a list of questions that the Congressional douche bags demand that he answer.

Again, Sessions interpreted the question to mean "in his function as a campaign adviser." He didn't lie.

I know you're stuck on the Trump media network aka the Sean Hannity show, but they showed the FORM on CBS national news and he most certainly CHECKED the BOX that he had no contact with any Russians. This was the application form (not a letter) that HE ALSO SIGNED prior to going into the Senate Confirmation hearing.

This is why Sessions is REFUSING to go back to congress and answer questions about it. Sessions also squashed the investigation into General Flynn, (after lying under oath to the FBI) and has released him from any charges.
Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected -
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy


It was a letter whipped up by the douche bags in the Senate. It's not some standard government form. Quit calling it a "form" as if it has some kind of legal implications.
So though the timing seems a bit abrupt and haphazard in Trump’s case — and he hasn’t nominated any replacements for any of them yet — there’s nothing unusual about a president wanting to fill these jobs with his own people. And once Trump does nominate his own choices, he will have to win confirmation of each of them from the Senate."""

This is just like Obamacare. Repeal and Replace. Trump has repealed the US Attorneys, without nominating their replacements. That's not how you run a government.
Unfortunately it becomes necessary when the government is infested with opposition moles intent on sabotaging your administration.
Sorry, but what Sessions said couldn't be considered a lie even by the most partisan douche bags. He simply interpreted Franken's question differently than the way the partisan douche bags want to interpret it after the fact.

Franken asked what Sessions would do as Attorney General, if he was given evidence of contacts between Trump associates and the Russians.

If Sessions didn't understand the question, he could have asked Franken to repeat it. Instead he LIED saying he did not have communications with the Russians, which hasa been documented to be false by two meetings he had with the Russian ambassador during the campaign.

Here is the pertinent exchange, which has been grossly misrepresented by the LW loons.

Franken: Okay. CNN has just published a story, and I’m telling you this about a news story that’s just been published. I’m not expecting you to know whether or not it’s true or not. But CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that, quote, “Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” These documents also allegedly say, quote, “There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump’s surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.” Now, again, I’m telling you this as it’s coming out, so you know. But if it’s true, it’s obviously extremely serious, and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?

Sessions: Senator Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn’t have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it....

Read more at: The Perjury Allegation against Jeff Sessions Is Meritless

The confirmation application FORM that Sessions signed with the box checked NO that he had no contact with Russians IS NOT meritless, and this is why he is refusing to go back into congress to answer more questions.

"When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

CBS national news showed the copy of this form, with his signature on it.


It was not an "application form." It was just a piece of douche bag political propaganda.
How do you know that Trump didn't already have his replacements chosen during the transition phase? They just need to wait till these 46 get their desks cleaned out along with their personal.

If he did, he would have nominated them to the senate like he did with his first executive orders. Actually Sessions is doing an end around run, around Trump, since the current law allowed the Attorney General to fill vacancies with 'interim' US Attorneys not subject to confirmation, and not nominated by the President.
Current law allows him to fire them all, and I don't believe their replacements require Senate approval.
there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians,

Did anyone in the campaign communicate with the Russians?
If he communicated with Russians as a Senator, why would you feel that was campaign related?

Franken didn't ask "campaign related" he asked Sessions what would Sessions would do? Sessions answered that he had no communication with the Russians, to both his answer to Franken, and his answer to Leahy's written question.

Franken didn't state one way or the other, and it was perfectly reasonable for Sessions to assume Franken didn't mean the encounters he had during the normal course of performing his Senate duties.
Why is the Trump administration so tone deaf?

Yes, attorneys in the past have been asked to resign. But they did so in an orderly fashion which allowed federal prosecutors to finish important cases or hand them off to their successor

Trump just fires them in one day?
What a moron
Wrong. Clinton fired all 96 on day-one. I don't recall you douche bag snowflakes whining that he was "tone deaf" or called him a moron. In fact, you all defended him to the last man.
Why is the Trump administration so tone deaf?

Yes, attorneys in the past have been asked to resign. But they did so in an orderly fashion which allowed federal prosecutors to finish important cases or hand them off to their successor

Trump just fires them in one day?
What a moron
You mean like how Clinton did it? remind me how butt hurt you were then?
No, not like Clinton did
Clinton lined up replacements before he dismissed them. No cases were compromised due to petty political posturing
Horseshit. They were all fired on day-one.
Why is the Trump administration so tone deaf?

Yes, attorneys in the past have been asked to resign. But they did so in an orderly fashion which allowed federal prosecutors to finish important cases or hand them off to their successor

Trump just fires them in one day?
What a moron
Wrong. Clinton fired all 96 on day-one. I don't recall you douche bag snowflakes whining that he was "tone deaf" or called him a moron. In fact, you all defended him to the last man.
He also made provisions beforehand to have replacements ready

Trump fired attorneys in the middle of cases....what a moron
Why is the Trump administration so tone deaf?

Yes, attorneys in the past have been asked to resign. But they did so in an orderly fashion which allowed federal prosecutors to finish important cases or hand them off to their successor

Trump just fires them in one day?
What a moron
Wrong. Clinton fired all 96 on day-one. I don't recall you douche bag snowflakes whining that he was "tone deaf" or called him a moron. In fact, you all defended him to the last man.
He also made provisions beforehand to have replacements ready

Trump fired attorneys in the middle of cases....what a moron
We already know that's a big fat lie, douche bag.

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