Breaking: Arnold Schwarzenegger Lobbies To Change Article 2 Section 1 For 2016 Run

Doesn't matter. Even if Obama was born in Kenya (he wasn't), the Constitution does not forbid him from the Presidency.

Based on what?

Based on the fact his mother was an American Citizen.
And that still wouldn't have made Obama a citizen at the time of his birth. Here's why.His mother was to young to confer citizenship to him at the time he was allegedly born in 1961 due to the immigration laws at that time.

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

Birth between December 23, 1952 and November 13, 1986
Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.

Stanley Ann Dunham at age 18 was 3 months and 25 days shy of meeting the requirement at age 19 to confer U.S. citizenship to Barack
He wants to run for President in 2016 but before he can do that he is lobbying to change Article 2 Section 1, the Constitutions natural born Citizen clause to be president. Since he was foreign born like Ted Cruz and most likely Obama, he can't run for office. The reason the founders installed the presidential clause was for allegiance purposes. They wanted a president born on U.S. soil to two U.S. citizen parents so there couldn't be any foreign influence on the commander in chief of the nations military. It made perfect sense back then and it makes perfect sense now. Remember, allegiance is the factor why the natural born Citizen clause was put in. If you research the founders past records, the proof is there.

Arnold lobbies for White House run | Page Six

He just trying to get a little publicity for his upcoming film with Stallone.

He's not serious.

He was the worst governor ever.
THE PRESINATOR ahahaaaaaaahaaaaa


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He wants to run for President in 2016 but before he can do that he is lobbying to change Article 2 Section 1, the Constitutions natural born Citizen clause to be president. Since he was foreign born like Ted Cruz and most likely Obama, he can't run for office. The reason the founders installed the presidential clause was for allegiance purposes. They wanted a president born on U.S. soil to two U.S. citizen parents so there couldn't be any foreign influence on the commander in chief of the nations military. It made perfect sense back then and it makes perfect sense now. Remember, allegiance is the factor why the natural born Citizen clause was put in. If you research the founders past records, the proof is there.

Arnold lobbies for White House run | Page Six

Actually natural born does not mean 2 parents of US citizenship, nor does it require you to be born in the USA if deployed over seas.
I like Arnold even though I would not vote for him.

And he has no chance of having the amendment ratified.

He has been saying this for many years because it enhances his 'star power'.
I like Arnold even though I would not vote for him.

And he has no chance of having the amendment ratified.

He has been saying this for many years because it enhances his 'star power'.

Yup even assuming Congress passed the legislation 2 years is not enough time to ratify BUT if it happened it would mean Arnold was a shoe in. LOL
There is no evidence Obama's mother ever visited Kenya. You can't be born in Kenya if your mother never went there.
There is no evidence Obama's mother ever visited Kenya. You can't be born in Kenya if your mother never went there.

Other then statements there is no physical evidence Obama was born in Hawaii either. He refuses to show the proof, every birth certificate he has presented as been a fake. And the State never presented one.

I believe he was born in Hawaii but his refusal to simply prove it causes the problem. He can solve the issue anytime he wants too.
There is no evidence Obama's mother ever visited Kenya. You can't be born in Kenya if your mother never went there.

But you have proven wrong on your notion that even if he was born in Kenya, he would have been a citizen because his mother was a American citizen. I have posted the evidence that proves he would not have been a Citizen.
There is no evidence Obama's mother ever visited Kenya. You can't be born in Kenya if your mother never went there.

Other then statements there is no physical evidence Obama was born in Hawaii either. He refuses to show the proof, every birth certificate he has presented as been a fake. And the State never presented one.

I believe he was born in Hawaii but his refusal to simply prove it causes the problem. He can solve the issue anytime he wants too.

There's no Physical evidence of anyone's birth once they leave the hospital.

How do even come up with this stuff?

It's all in paper after that.

So if you don't trust the Hawaiian state government, the Hawaiian Press and the US federal government..

Then there's no way to convince you.

Hey..wait a minute..

How do I know you ain't a fucking ruskie spy?
There is no evidence Obama's mother ever visited Kenya. You can't be born in Kenya if your mother never went there.

But you have proven wrong on your notion that even if he was born in Kenya, he would have been a citizen because his mother was a American citizen. I have posted the evidence that proves he would not have been a Citizen.

Like Ted Cruz, John McCain, Barry Goldwater, and George Romney?

Why did Republicans run Goldwater, Romney and McCain?

Are you guys the party of Constitution breaking un-American foreign born loving Manchurian Candidates?
There is no evidence Obama's mother ever visited Kenya. You can't be born in Kenya if your mother never went there.

Other then statements there is no physical evidence Obama was born in Hawaii either. He refuses to show the proof, every birth certificate he has presented as been a fake. And the State never presented one.

I believe he was born in Hawaii but his refusal to simply prove it causes the problem. He can solve the issue anytime he wants too.

It has been proved a long time ago. That you don't accept H's determination is your issue, not Barak's. Unless . . . you are a commie?
There is no evidence Obama's mother ever visited Kenya. You can't be born in Kenya if your mother never went there.

But you have proven wrong on your notion that even if he was born in Kenya, he would have been a citizen because his mother was a American citizen. I have posted the evidence that proves he would not have been a Citizen.

Like Ted Cruz, John McCain, Barry Goldwater, and George Romney?

Why did Republicans run Goldwater, Romney and McCain?

Are you guys the party of Constitution breaking un-American foreign born loving Manchurian Candidates?

Arizona was a U.S. territory when Goldwater was born. Panama was a U.S. territory when McCain was born. Romney's eligibility was starting to cause controversy and he dropped out before serious inquiries would have taken place. Cruz is flat out not eligible. He was born outside of the jurisdiction of the U.S.. Representative John Bingham, the principal architect of the 14th Amendment defined a natural born Citizen on the House floor as this:

“Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Cruz father owed allegiance to Cuba. Rubio's parents (who were not naturalized as U.S. citizens when he was born) owed allegiance to Cuba. Bobby Jindal's parents (who were not naturalized as U.S. citizens when he was born) owed allegiance to India. And lastly, Barack Obama's father owed allegiance to the British Crown when Barack Jr. was born. All of them are not Constitutional Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizens.

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