BREAKING: Australia has overwhelmingly voted YES to legalize gay marriage

Legalizing gay marriage is easy

It is those wedding cakes that are hard

“Liberals” don’t find it too hard to use the state to force them to conform.

Gay marriage is not compulsory.
It is being made compulsory to acknowledge their unions as something they have not been according to the entire history of mankind.
Legalizing gay marriage is easy

It is those wedding cakes that are hard

“Liberals” don’t find it too hard to use the state to force them to conform.

Gay marriage is not compulsory.
It is being made compulsory to acknowledge their unions as something they have not been according to the entire history of mankind.
Not true.

History of same-sex unions - Wikipedia
Legalizing gay marriage is easy

It is those wedding cakes that are hard

“Liberals” don’t find it too hard to use the state to force them to conform.

Gay marriage is not compulsory.
It is being made compulsory to acknowledge their unions as something they have not been according to the entire history of mankind.
Not true.

History of same-sex unions - Wikipedia
Revisionist nonsense.
Legalizing gay marriage is easy

It is those wedding cakes that are hard

“Liberals” don’t find it too hard to use the state to force them to conform.

Gay marriage is not compulsory.
It is being made compulsory to acknowledge their unions as something they have not been according to the entire history of mankind.
Not true.

History of same-sex unions - Wikipedia
Revisionist nonsense.
I suggest you do some research before making demonstrably wrong statements in future.
I’ll make it simply for you regressive traitor types.

If want an example of gay marriage actually being banned and illegal, look to your beloved Muslim countries. For example, in Saudi Arabia the penalty is stoning to death. In ISIS it’s throwing them off rooftops.

The big push to normalize gay marriage and have it accepted as a legal form of marriage by the state is solely to allow queers access to young children.

I tend to agree. But the link above suggests a remedy, no?
“Liberals” don’t find it too hard to use the state to force them to conform.

Gay marriage is not compulsory.
It is being made compulsory to acknowledge their unions as something they have not been according to the entire history of mankind.
Not true.

History of same-sex unions - Wikipedia
Revisionist nonsense.
I suggest you do some research before making demonstrably wrong statements in future. says right there in your link that faggot unions were not considered marriages.
Gay marriage is not compulsory.
It is being made compulsory to acknowledge their unions as something they have not been according to the entire history of mankind.
Not true.

History of same-sex unions - Wikipedia
Revisionist nonsense.
I suggest you do some research before making demonstrably wrong statements in future. says right there in your link that faggot unions were not considered marriages. says right there in my link that "Various types of same-sex unions have existed, ranging from informal, unsanctioned, and temporary relationships to highly ritualized unions that have included marriage."
Again. The OP is a LIE, because gay "marriage" was not ILLEGAL. It was not RECOGNIZED by the State,. Because it does not fit the definition of marriage.

It should have posted, Australia Redefines Marriage.
Australians voted yes to legalizing gay marriage- fact.

And now their legislature is acting on it.

SYDNEY, Australia — The public opinion survey that yielded majority approval for same-sex marriage in Australia on Wednesday was an emotional breakthrough born of a long, curious and still-continuing struggle.

The survey drew a huge response, and the margin of victory sent a clear message about where Australians stand. But the costs of the mail-in survey — both financial and psychological — have been staggering.

So even as the “yes” side celebrates, many Australians are frustrated. Their country, they believe, could have gotten to this point faster if lawmakers and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull had simply done their jobs and passed a bill reflecting what previous polls showed most Australians wanted.

“I don’t feel like it says that we’re ahead of any sort of pack on this issue, but ultimately the popular will has overridden the cynical use of a system — and that’s heartening,” said Peter Lewis, one of Australia’s most respected pollsters for progressive causes. “It shows the people are way ahead of the current government.”

Lawmakers introduced a bill on Wednesday with bipartisan support that could legalize same-sex marriage by the end of the year. But critics point out that it could have been introduced a year or two ago, and debate over the details has only just begun.
It is being made compulsory to acknowledge their unions as something they have not been according to the entire history of mankind.
Not true.

History of same-sex unions - Wikipedia
Revisionist nonsense.
I suggest you do some research before making demonstrably wrong statements in future. says right there in your link that faggot unions were not considered marriages. says right there in my link that "Various types of same-sex unions have existed, ranging from informal, unsanctioned, and temporary relationships to highly ritualized unions that have included marriage."
It was never a widespread thing either way, it was elitist homo-pedos that practiced such filth and degeneracy.
SYDNEY, Australia — The public opinion survey that yielded majority approval for same-sex marriage in Australia on Wednesday was an emotional breakthrough born of a long, curious and still-continuing struggle.

Was the public also surveyed about how the new contract change would affect children? Because when the results of this poll came out, we were told that "a majority supports gay marriage" also (even as it had died twice in the most liberal state in the Union: CA, and still remains illegal there to this day on the books). 85% surveyed across all political spectrums spread evenly would not have approved of gay marriage had they thought through the new terms of the contract to its end: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did Australia do a similar poll? No? Why not?
SYDNEY, Australia — The public opinion survey that yielded majority approval for same-sex marriage in Australia on Wednesday was an emotional breakthrough born of a long, curious and still-continuing struggle.

Was the public also surveyed about how the new contract
Did Australia do a similar poll? No? Why not?

Because Australia is not delusional like you.

Australians were asked a simple question- Should same gender couples be able to legally marry?

And Australians said overwhelmingly yes.
I suggest you do some research before making demonstrably wrong statements in future. says right there in your link that faggot unions were not considered marriages. says right there in my link that "Various types of same-sex unions have existed, ranging from informal, unsanctioned, and temporary relationships to highly ritualized unions that have included marriage."
It was never a widespread thing either way, it was elitist homo-pedos that practiced such filth and degeneracy.

Poor little snowflake.

Gays getting married all over the world and all you can do is whine and imply that all gays are pedophiles.

No one is going to force you to gay marry.

Really- not going to happen.
I’ll make it simply for you regressive traitor types.

If want an example of gay marriage actually being banned and illegal, look to your beloved Muslim countries. For example, in Saudi Arabia the penalty is stoning to death. In ISIS it’s throwing them off rooftops.

The big push to normalize gay marriage and have it accepted as a legal form of marriage by the state is solely to allow queers access to young children.

I tend to agree. But the link above suggests a remedy, no?

Australia has the remedy- they are moving to legalize same gender marriage for Australians.

Good on them.
Revisionist nonsense.
I suggest you do some research before making demonstrably wrong statements in future. says right there in your link that faggot unions were not considered marriages. says right there in my link that "Various types of same-sex unions have existed, ranging from informal, unsanctioned, and temporary relationships to highly ritualized unions that have included marriage."
It was never a widespread thing either way, it was elitist homo-pedos that practiced such filth and degeneracy.

Poor little snowflake.

Gays getting married all over the world and all you can do is whine and imply that all gays are pedophiles.

No one is going to force you to gay marry.

Really- not going to happen.
Fags will never be married in truth...gubmint granted rights can be taken away.... *smooches* you silly trick.
I suggest you do some research before making demonstrably wrong statements in future. says right there in your link that faggot unions were not considered marriages. says right there in my link that "Various types of same-sex unions have existed, ranging from informal, unsanctioned, and temporary relationships to highly ritualized unions that have included marriage."
It was never a widespread thing either way, it was elitist homo-pedos that practiced such filth and degeneracy.

Poor little snowflake.

Gays getting married all over the world and all you can do is whine and imply that all gays are pedophiles.

No one is going to force you to gay marry.

Really- not going to happen.
Fags will never be married in truth...gubmint granted rights can be taken away.... *smooches* you silly trick.

People get married- straight and gay- all over the world- and I know it pisses you off.

I am okay with that.

But still be reassured- no one is going to force you to gay marry.

Really- not going to happen.

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