BREAKING: Australia has overwhelmingly voted YES to legalize gay marriage

What I am seeing that you're interpretation of the infancy doctrine is made up bullshit and that you are ignoring and cannot mount a rebuttal to the factual and logical argument that I have made showing that NOT allowing same sex couple to marry is what harms children. Again, admit that you don't give a damn about the kids and are just using them to try to punish gays .!!

Everything you allege about my motives may (or may not) be true. However that has no bearing on contracts involving infants where a deprivation of a necessity to them (for life) has occurred in a contract in question. Your tangent will not protect your case in a court of law. Do take steps to stay on point.
I am quite on point . My "tangent" as you call it has already won in courts of law. Read the majority opinions in Windsor and Obergefell. There are others as well .I bet that you have not read any of them. Anyway, that you for admitting that you are motivated by bigotry by saying that my assessment of you "may be true" although you are to much of a coward to say it directly.
What I can't understand is why people keep saying there's no God.....
Well...IF there IS a God, and his word is actually the Bible, then he'll intervene at some point. Like Sodom & Gomorrah
No God.
Or...maybe he'll just move on and write off humankind. Maybe already did?
Or...maybe God approves of homosexuality after all and the Bible got it wrong?
After all, the gay side is making a LOT of gains.

Can you imagine a future where gay is as accepted as hetero and the races have all blended into one? Why did God even make different genders and races????
What I am seeing that you're interpretation of the infancy doctrine is made up bullshit and that you are ignoring and cannot mount a rebuttal to the factual and logical argument that I have made showing that NOT allowing same sex couple to marry is what harms children. Again, admit that you don't give a damn about the kids and are just using them to try to punish gays .!!

Everything you allege about my motives may (or may not) be true. However that has no bearing on contracts involving infants where a deprivation of a necessity to them (for life) has occurred in a contract in question. Your tangent will not protect your case in a court of law. Do take steps to stay on point.
I am quite on point . My "tangent" as you call it has already won in courts of law. Read the majority opinions in Windsor and Obergefell. There are others as well .I bet that you have not read any of them. Anyway, that you for admitting that you are motivated by bigotry by saying that my assessment of you "may be true" although you are to much of a coward to say it directly.

I admitted no bigotry. I simply pointed out that your tangent on using violin strings :boohoo: won't save you on the Infancy Doctrine debate.

I am unaware of how your cult has "won in courts of law" on the question of can a contract contain terms that legally deprive a child of either a mother of father for life. Link? At present, Texas and other states have on the books standing active applicable law that says certain adoption institutions don't have to adopt children out to "gay married" couples. ie: they can be denied solely on the fact that they are a gay couple and for no other reason necessary. I think the Infancy Doctrine's protections has something to do with that. Don't you?
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What I am seeing that you're interpretation of the infancy doctrine is made up bullshit and that you are ignoring and cannot mount a rebuttal to the factual and logical argument that I have made showing that NOT allowing same sex couple to marry is what harms children. Again, admit that you don't give a damn about the kids and are just using them to try to punish gays .!!

Everything you allege about my motives may (or may not) be true. However that has no bearing on contracts involving infants where a deprivation of a necessity to them (for life) has occurred in a contract in question. Your tangent will not protect your case in a court of law. Do take steps to stay on point.
I am quite on point . My "tangent" as you call it has already won in courts of law. Read the majority opinions in Windsor and Obergefell. There are others as well .I bet that you have not read any of them. Anyway, that you for admitting that you are motivated by bigotry by saying that my assessment of you "may be true" although you are to much of a coward to say it directly.

I admitted no bigotry. I simply pointed out that your tangent on using violin strings :boohoo: won't save you on the Infancy Doctrine debate.

I am unaware of how your cult has "won in courts of law" on the question of can a contract contain terms that legally deprive a child of either a mother of father for life. Link? At present, Texas and other states have on the books standing active applicable law that says certain adoption institutions don't have to adopt children out to "gay married" couples. ie: they can be denied solely on the fact that they are a gay couple and for no other reason necessary. I think the Infancy Doctrine's protections has something to do with that. Don't you?
Texas and other states that pass those laws are backward shit holes and bastions of bigotry and ignorance and the existence of those laws proves nothing else. You are STILL not dealing with the facts and logic that I presented that clearly shows how discrimination against gay parents harms children. You are either totally blinded by your bigotry or you are incredibly dishonest. You admit no bigotry but don't deny it either. Grow a spine!!
I am unaware of how your cult has "won in courts of law" on the question of can a contract contain terms that legally deprive a child of either a mother of father for life.
You are too damned obtuse for words!! I pointed out that children in the care of gay people already do not have either a mother or a father, and in some cases had neither until being adopted, and in all cases are not going to have both by banning same sex marriage. You are blinded by you bigotry, or maybe it is just stupidity. I suspect a combination of both..

You have said that girls need mothers and boys need fathers. So are you opposed to Lesbians adopting girls and gay men adopting boys. After all, if a mom is good for a girl and a dad is good for a boy, why not two of each for boys and girls??

Your team?

So, gay "marriage" wins in Australia.


Lefties paint a huge mural of two blokes wanking each other in a lefty suburb.
Arabs come and paint over it in disgust.
The lefties don't know how to deal with their friends "the oppressed minority"

Watch here
So, gay "marriage" wins in Australia.


Lefties paint a huge mural of two blokes wanking each other in a lefty suburb.
Arabs come and paint over it in disgust.
The lefties don't know how to deal with their friends "the oppressed minority"

Watch here
That's awesome! He's right, it is pornography and has no business being seen in a pubic venue such as a wall facing the street.

Spot on mate!
The institution of "marriage" as recognized by the State (regardless of which State you are talking about) and the institution of marriage as recognized by the Church (regardless of which church you are talking about) are not the same, and never have been (except where there is a Church-State, such as in Islamic countries).

There have always been Catholics who are married in the eyes of the State, but living in sin in the eyes of the Church; divorced in the eyes of the State, yet still married in the eyes of the Church, and so on.

The reasons why a State would recognize non-traditional "marriages" are many and various. They could include taxation, inheritance, health insurance considerations, real estate titles, and so on. But in these times, the States are recognizing gay "marriages" mostly due to political pressure, and without giving it sufficient thought. Because the same considerations that impel recognizing gay marriages could be understood to impel recognizing polygamy, incest (between or among adults), or even inter-species "marriage." "I love my Horse," and all that.

Religious officials should disclaim any authorizations they hold from civil authorities to officiate over legal marriages. This would force couples to consider, and ascertain for themselves, whether they want to be married by the state, by the church, by both, or by neither. It is a significant decision and should be made overtly, and not by default.

If legal gay marriage makes people happy, then why not?
The reasons why a State would recognize non-traditional "marriages" are many and various. They could include taxation, inheritance, health insurance considerations, real estate titles, and so on
They are the same reasons why same sex marriage is recognized.
the States are recognizing gay "marriages" mostly due to political pressure, and without giving it sufficient thought. Because the same considerations that impel recognizing gay marriages could be understood to impel recognizing polygamy, incest (between or among adults), or even inter-species "marriage." "I love my Horse," and all that.
Yes political pressure played a role, but there is much more to it than that. You can not say that insufficient thought went into the decision. It has been debated for decades at all levels of government and in many forums. Some states had same sex marriage for many years at the time of Obergefell. That social and political pressure forced the courts to take a hard look at the constitutionality of banning same sex marriage. Social norms change and evolve and it is proper to expect that the law will evolve with it.

Numerous courts rules against it. There are reams upon reams of court documents on the subject. In the end, the vast majority of judges and justices concluded that no state was able to come up with a compelling reason or even a rational basic to ban same sex marriage- .

Compel polygamy?? No so. Our concept of marriage and the laws that support it are based on the joining of two people. When you start to talk about marriage involving groups of people or other species-you are raising a whole new set of social issues and legal matters. The basis for gay marriage is that -in the language of the court- same sex couples who are "similarly situated" were being deprived a right the opposite sex couples had and there was not good reason for it.
If someone wants to marry two other people are a horse, they are free to pursue that through the political process and legal system just like gays did. Obergefell in no way automatically opens that door. The majority opinion was clear in saying that same sex couples now have that same rights (and only the same rights as opposite sex couples as per their respective state laws. Polygamy and marrying an animal is still illegal. No one who wants to do those things can claim discrimination, because no one can do it. I suspect that if challenged , the states would have a much easier time justifying what they should remain illegal.

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