BREAKING: Australia has overwhelmingly voted YES to legalize gay marriage

Because now they don't have to "pretend".
That doesn't mean it was ILLEGAL.

I see you're not getting the point.

The OP is a LIE.

Gay marriage hasn't been LEGALIZED.


"For this reason shall a MAN leave his father and mother and cleave into his WIFE, and the two shall become one." Jesus
Still waiting.

Was it a CRIME to go thru a ceremony and pretend you're "married."

Nope and you can do that any time you like.
Thank you.

So why do they keep pretending it was ILLEGAL to pretend Adam and Steve are "married?

Why do homos keep lying?
Does someone really have to explain the difference between legal/ gov. recognized marriage as opposed to just a ceremony. ?? If you are going to say that you don't, you are either not that bright or it is YOU who lies.
Crocodile Dundee is really dead.

The idea of men has been disappearing for some time. Ireland recently went buttfuck and those guys used to be known as bare knuckle brawlers. Maybe it's something in the food or water.

Funny how the contards think that if a country doesn't jail homosexuals that there are no real men left.
Now Aussie boys & girls can be kept away for life from either a dad or mom by contract. Yippee!

LOL- maybe Silhouette will now move to Australia to promote her lies and campaign of hate against gays.

Nah- I would not wish that on the Aussies.
Because now they don't have to "pretend".
That doesn't mean it was ILLEGAL.

I see you're not getting the point.

The OP is a LIE.

Gay marriage hasn't been LEGALIZED.


"For this reason shall a MAN leave his father and mother and cleave into his WIFE, and the two shall become one." Jesus

See where you get confused is you think you get to require everyone else to follow what your fairy in the sky told you to do.

The OP is not a lie- perhaps incorrect- because it just means that marriage will include gay couples- technically 'gay marriage' will not be legalized- just that gay Australians will have the same legal rights as the straight Aussies.

Good for them.
Again. The OP is a LIE, because gay "marriage" was not ILLEGAL. It was not RECOGNIZED by the State,. Because it does not fit the definition of marriage.

It should have posted, Australia Redefines Marriage.
Crocodile Dundee is really dead.

The idea of men has been disappearing for some time. Ireland recently went buttfuck and those guys used to be known as bare knuckle brawlers. Maybe it's something in the food or water.

Funny how the contards think that if a country doesn't jail homosexuals that there are no real men left.
Jail! Who said anything about jail? You, that's who and you might be the only one.
More News From Austrailia
The British Prime Minister who introduced same-sex marriage has called on Australia’s government to legislate for same-sex marriage “soon”, following the country’s poll.

David Cameron was a passionate supporter of marriage equality while British PM, introducing the measure in 2013.

He famously declared at Conservative Party conference: “I don’t support gay marriage despite being a Conservative. I support gay marriage because I’m a Conservative.”

The remarks were paraphrased by Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, also a conservative supporter of equal marriage, during the country’s postal survey.
British PM who introduced same-sex marriage calls on Australia to act 'soon'

So what the hell is wrong with conservatives here??Conservatives who want smaller, less intrusive government and more freedom-except when they don't
Again. The OP is a LIE, because gay "marriage" was not ILLEGAL. It was not RECOGNIZED by the State,. Because it does not fit the definition of marriage.

It should have posted, Australia Redefines Marriage.
It fits the definition of marriage in the US, and soon will there too.
So what the hell is wrong with conservatives here??Conservatives who want smaller, less intrusive government and more freedom-except when they don't

You've got the focus all wrong bro. Conservatives want boys to get fathers and girls to get mothers (both vital and essential to each) from the marriage contract. Capiche?

And not JUST conservatives either: it runs the whole political spectrum. Have a look at this poll of 106 voters: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
So what the hell is wrong with conservatives here??Conservatives who want smaller, less intrusive government and more freedom-except when they don't

You've got the focus all wrong bro. Conservatives want boys to get fathers and girls to get mothers (both vital and essential to each) from the marriage contract. Capiche?

And not JUST conservatives either: it runs the whole political spectrum. Have a look at this poll of 106 voters: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
Oh please. I usually don't bother with your nonsense but I happen to have some time now. Do you not ever get tired of bleating that mem about a mother and father and the marriage contract? Do you really think that if it were not for same sex marriage, all those kids who do not have a mother and a father - for a variety of reasons will magically have a mother and a father? Do you think that all of those gay people who have had children - often in a heterosexual relationship- will marry someone of the opposite sex if they cant marry someone of the same sex? Plus , the theory that children need parents of the opposite sex has been soundly debunked.

But I understand, you are not smart enough, or in possession of adequate self awareness, to see how your bigotry clouds your perception of reality. I have asked these questions many times before and never got a straight or rational answer from you or anyone else, so I'm not really expecting one now.
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Because now they don't have to "pretend".
That doesn't mean it was ILLEGAL.

I see you're not getting the point.

The OP is a LIE.

Gay marriage hasn't been LEGALIZED.


"For this reason shall a MAN leave his father and mother and cleave into his WIFE, and the two shall become one." Jesus

Jesus doesn't have much to do with it.
Because now they don't have to "pretend".
That doesn't mean it was ILLEGAL.

I see you're not getting the point.

The OP is a LIE.

Gay marriage hasn't been LEGALIZED.


"For this reason shall a MAN leave his father and mother and cleave into his WIFE, and the two shall become one." Jesus

Jesus doesn't have much to do with it.
Right ! Try quoting Jesus in a Federal court. Oh wait. Shit!! With some of the theocrats that T-Rump is appointing to the courts, that might actually work.
So what the hell is wrong with conservatives here??Conservatives who want smaller, less intrusive government and more freedom-except when they don't

You've got the focus all wrong bro. Conservatives want boys to get fathers and girls to get mothers (both vital and essential to each) from the marriage contract. Capiche?

And not JUST conservatives either: it runs the whole political spectrum. Have a look at this poll of 106 voters: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
PS Do you not understand that all of those kids that are adopted by gay and lesbian couples were free for adoption because THEY HAD NEITHER A MOTHER OR A FATHER, and that there are not enough opposite sex couples to adopt all of the children in need of a permanent and stable home? Do you think that it is better for a child to languish in the foster care system as a ward of the state than be adopted by a same sex couple?

I will add that gay and lesbian people- both couples and singles- have been adopting children long before there was same sex marriage. It is really a separate issue except that marriage affords those children the legal protections, financial advantages and social status of having married parents who are both their legal guardians. That is what you want to deny children by taking away the possibility of that marriage contract. I find it hard to believe that anyone can be so god damned stupid as to not get that.

But again, I do not expect a reasonable and rational answer because you are not a reasonable and rational person.
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