Breaking Away From Yogi

Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.
ā€œGeorgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a ā€œpristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgiaā€™s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots couldā€™ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a ā€œselectiveā€ fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.ā€

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Ā© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

And how many ballots were in this 'pristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden'?

Remembering of course that Joe Biden won by 12,000 votes.
Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.
ā€œGeorgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a ā€œpristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgiaā€™s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots couldā€™ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a ā€œselectiveā€ fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.ā€

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Ā© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

And how many ballots were in this 'pristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden'?

Remembering of course that Joe Biden won by 12,000 votes.

But you said there was no evidence.....
"Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any. "

And then I smashed a custard pie in your ugly you'd like to quibble over how much evidence there is.

You remind me of nothing so much as Confederate General Wise, chased by Union General Cox, referring to his retreat a 'retrograde movement' of his troops.

Nice retrograde movement, there.
Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.
ā€œGeorgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a ā€œpristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgiaā€™s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots couldā€™ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a ā€œselectiveā€ fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.ā€

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Ā© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

And how many ballots were in this 'pristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden'?

Remembering of course that Joe Biden won by 12,000 votes.

But you said there was no evidence.....
"Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any. "

No, that would the Federal Judge in Pennsylvania that dismissed Trump's requested injunction lawsuit with prejudice yesterday....that said that there was no evidence.

There's a reason why the claims being made by Trump and his ilk in public.....don't match their claims in court.

If the 'evidence' is so compelling, then why hasn't Trump's team submitted it in court?

The problem with your argument isn't the belief....its the lack of evidence or rational reasoning to support that belief.

And the overwhelming evidence you choose to ignore to cling to it.

The tallies of ballots cast from each state are superb evidence of the election outcome. Evidence so compelling we've used it to deteremine the winner of elections for generations.
Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.
ā€œGeorgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a ā€œpristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgiaā€™s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots couldā€™ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a ā€œselectiveā€ fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.ā€

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Ā© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

And how many ballots were in this 'pristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden'?

Remembering of course that Joe Biden won by 12,000 votes.

But you said there was no evidence.....
"Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any. "

No, that would the Federal Judge in Pennsylvania that dismissed Trump's requested injunction lawsuit with prejudice yesterday....that said that there was no evidence.

There's a reason why the claims being made by Trump and his ilk in public.....don't match their claims in court.

If the 'evidence' is so compelling, then why hasn't Trump's team submitted it in court?

But you claimed that there is no evidence......until I had to wash your mouth out with soap.
Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.
ā€œGeorgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a ā€œpristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgiaā€™s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots couldā€™ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a ā€œselectiveā€ fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.ā€

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Ā© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

And how many ballots were in this 'pristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden'?

Remembering of course that Joe Biden won by 12,000 votes.

But you said there was no evidence.....
"Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any. "

No, that would the Federal Judge in Pennsylvania that dismissed Trump's requested injunction lawsuit with prejudice yesterday....that said that there was no evidence.

There's a reason why the claims being made by Trump and his ilk in public.....don't match their claims in court.

If the 'evidence' is so compelling, then why hasn't Trump's team submitted it in court?

But you claimed that there is no evidence......until I had to wash your mouth out with soap.

Nothing you've posted would shift the election. Everything you've cited is both unconfirmed....and too small to create the results you imagine.

There's no evidence of widespread voter fraud or a 'stolen' election.

Worse for your argument, we have superb evidence of the outcome of the election: the tallies by each State of votes cast. Evidence so superb that we've used it determine the outcome of every election for generations.

Again, you have no evidence of widespread voter fraud or a stolen election. And you ignore the evidence that does exist affirming the election outcome.

Not a great place to argue from.
Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.
ā€œGeorgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a ā€œpristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgiaā€™s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots couldā€™ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a ā€œselectiveā€ fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.ā€

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Ā© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

And how many ballots were in this 'pristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden'?

Remembering of course that Joe Biden won by 12,000 votes.

But you said there was no evidence.....
"Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any. "

No, that would the Federal Judge in Pennsylvania that dismissed Trump's requested injunction lawsuit with prejudice yesterday....that said that there was no evidence.

There's a reason why the claims being made by Trump and his ilk in public.....don't match their claims in court.

If the 'evidence' is so compelling, then why hasn't Trump's team submitted it in court?

OK, OK>.....stop begging.

Here is your lesson in constitutional law:
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had no authority to allow counting of votes received beyond the close of business on election day.

Not only has it been decided in the US Supreme Court that only the state legislature, and not any court, may alter or set the dates, but this played an important role in the 2000 Gore v Bush case.

ā€œU.S. Supreme Court

McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892)

McPherson v. Blacker

Argued Oct. 11, 1892
Decided Oct. 17, 1892

ā€œThe validity of a state law
providing for the appointment of electors of President and Vice President having been drawn in question before the highest tribunal of a state as repugnant to the laws and Constitution of the United States, and that court having decided in favor of its validity, this Court has jurisdiction to review the judgment under Rev.Stat. Ā§ 709. Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.

Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.ā€

The Supreme Court should require that no ballots received beyond the 5 oā€™clock deadline of election day be counted.
Trump certainly contributed to Biden's victory.
The IMPOTUS campaigned hard for Biden, fer shure.

Another moron who feels that these should be the signposts of American society:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on an agenda of the aboveā€¦
ā€¦with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they donā€™tā€¦.because they canā€™t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.
  • Funny
Reactions: cnm
Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.
ā€œGeorgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a ā€œpristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgiaā€™s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots couldā€™ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a ā€œselectiveā€ fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.ā€

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Ā© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

And how many ballots were in this 'pristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden'?

Remembering of course that Joe Biden won by 12,000 votes.

But you said there was no evidence.....
"Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any. "

No, that would the Federal Judge in Pennsylvania that dismissed Trump's requested injunction lawsuit with prejudice yesterday....that said that there was no evidence.

There's a reason why the claims being made by Trump and his ilk in public.....don't match their claims in court.

If the 'evidence' is so compelling, then why hasn't Trump's team submitted it in court?

OK, OK>.....stop begging.

Here is your lesson in constitutional law:
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had no authority to allow counting of votes received beyond the close of business on election day.

Not only has it been decided in the US Supreme Court that only the state legislature, and not any court, may alter or set the dates, but this played an important role in the 2000 Gore v Bush case.

ā€œU.S. Supreme Court

McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892)

McPherson v. Blacker

Argued Oct. 11, 1892
Decided Oct. 17, 1892

ā€œThe validity of a state law
providing for the appointment of electors of President and Vice President having been drawn in question before the highest tribunal of a state as repugnant to the laws and Constitution of the United States, and that court having decided in favor of its validity, this Court has jurisdiction to review the judgment under Rev.Stat. Ā§ 709. Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.

Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.ā€

The Supreme Court should require that no ballots received beyond the 5 oā€™clock deadline of election day be counted.

And the word salad posting begins.

So in the absence of evidence of widespread voter fraud and contradicted by the superb evidence of the actual election results.... post a supreme court ruling form 1892?

Um, where in that 1892 ruling does it say that there was widespread voter fraud or a stolen election in 2020?
Trump certainly contributed to Biden's victory.
The IMPOTUS campaigned hard for Biden, fer shure.

Another moron who feels that these should be the signposts of American society:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on an agenda of the aboveā€¦
ā€¦with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they donā€™tā€¦.because they canā€™t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.

And we've reached the mass spam phase of a typical Polichic melt down.

Then comes the increasingly shrill personal insults.

Followed finally by her quiet retreat from the thread and a whole new batch of conspiracy nonsense elsewhere.

Meanwhile, in this thread....nothing you've posted would shift the election. Everything you've cited is both unconfirmed....and too small to create the results you imagine. You have no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

And ignore the superb evidence of the tallies by each state of the cast ballots.

Not a great place to debate from.
Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.
ā€œGeorgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a ā€œpristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgiaā€™s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots couldā€™ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a ā€œselectiveā€ fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.ā€

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Ā© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

And how many ballots were in this 'pristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden'?

Remembering of course that Joe Biden won by 12,000 votes.

But you said there was no evidence.....
"Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any. "

No, that would the Federal Judge in Pennsylvania that dismissed Trump's requested injunction lawsuit with prejudice yesterday....that said that there was no evidence.

There's a reason why the claims being made by Trump and his ilk in public.....don't match their claims in court.

If the 'evidence' is so compelling, then why hasn't Trump's team submitted it in court?

OK, OK>.....stop begging.

Here is your lesson in constitutional law:
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had no authority to allow counting of votes received beyond the close of business on election day.

Not only has it been decided in the US Supreme Court that only the state legislature, and not any court, may alter or set the dates, but this played an important role in the 2000 Gore v Bush case.

ā€œU.S. Supreme Court

McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892)

McPherson v. Blacker

Argued Oct. 11, 1892
Decided Oct. 17, 1892

ā€œThe validity of a state law
providing for the appointment of electors of President and Vice President having been drawn in question before the highest tribunal of a state as repugnant to the laws and Constitution of the United States, and that court having decided in favor of its validity, this Court has jurisdiction to review the judgment under Rev.Stat. Ā§ 709. Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.

Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.ā€

The Supreme Court should require that no ballots received beyond the 5 oā€™clock deadline of election day be counted.

And the word salad posting begins.

So in the absence of evidence of widespread voter fraud and contradicted by the superb evidence of the actual election results.... post a supreme court ruling form 1892?

Um, where in that 1892 ruling does it say that there was widespread voter fraud or a stolen election in 2020?

Are you an imbecile?

a. That decision is still in effect
b. As I pointed out, it applied to Bush v Gore and applies to every alteration in voting procedures not done by legislatures.

So you were the government school valedictorian?
Trump certainly contributed to Biden's victory.
The IMPOTUS campaigned hard for Biden, fer shure.

Another moron who feels that these should be the signposts of American society:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on an agenda of the aboveā€¦
ā€¦with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they donā€™tā€¦.because they canā€™t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.

And we've reached the mass spam phase of a typical Polichic melt down.

Then comes the increasingly shrill personal insults.

Followed finally by her quiet retreat from the thread and a whole new batch of conspiracy nonsense elsewhere.

Meanwhile, in this thread....nothing you've posted would shift the election. Everything you've cited is both unconfirmed....and too small to create the results you imagine. You have no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

And ignore the superb evidence of the tallies by each state of the cast ballots.

Not a great place to debate from.

What debate?

I simply explained why I am correct, and you, a moron.
Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.
ā€œGeorgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes ā€œPristineā€ Batch of Ballots ā€“ 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a ā€œpristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgiaā€™s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots couldā€™ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a ā€œselectiveā€ fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.ā€

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Ā© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

And how many ballots were in this 'pristineā€ batch of ballots that were marked ā€œ98%ā€ of the time for Joe Biden'?

Remembering of course that Joe Biden won by 12,000 votes.

But you said there was no evidence.....
"Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any. "

No, that would the Federal Judge in Pennsylvania that dismissed Trump's requested injunction lawsuit with prejudice yesterday....that said that there was no evidence.

There's a reason why the claims being made by Trump and his ilk in public.....don't match their claims in court.

If the 'evidence' is so compelling, then why hasn't Trump's team submitted it in court?

OK, OK>.....stop begging.

Here is your lesson in constitutional law:
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had no authority to allow counting of votes received beyond the close of business on election day.

Not only has it been decided in the US Supreme Court that only the state legislature, and not any court, may alter or set the dates, but this played an important role in the 2000 Gore v Bush case.

ā€œU.S. Supreme Court

McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892)

McPherson v. Blacker

Argued Oct. 11, 1892
Decided Oct. 17, 1892

ā€œThe validity of a state law
providing for the appointment of electors of President and Vice President having been drawn in question before the highest tribunal of a state as repugnant to the laws and Constitution of the United States, and that court having decided in favor of its validity, this Court has jurisdiction to review the judgment under Rev.Stat. Ā§ 709. Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.

Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.ā€

The Supreme Court should require that no ballots received beyond the 5 oā€™clock deadline of election day be counted.

And the word salad posting begins.

So in the absence of evidence of widespread voter fraud and contradicted by the superb evidence of the actual election results.... post a supreme court ruling form 1892?

Um, where in that 1892 ruling does it say that there was widespread voter fraud or a stolen election in 2020?

Are you an imbecile?

a. That decision is still in effect
b. As I pointed out, it applied to Bush v Gore and applies to every alteration in voting procedures not done by legislatures.

So you were the government school valedictorian?

So is Loughborough V. Blake. What do either have to do with your baseless claims of widespread voter fraud?

Bush V. Gore doesn't back your baseless claims of widespread voter fraud either. that it? Just you citing random cases as you flee from the *actual* evidence of the election outcome: the tallies of each state of the cast ballots?

If so, that was easy.
Trump certainly contributed to Biden's victory.
The IMPOTUS campaigned hard for Biden, fer shure.

Another moron who feels that these should be the signposts of American society:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on an agenda of the aboveā€¦
ā€¦with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they donā€™tā€¦.because they canā€™t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.

And we've reached the mass spam phase of a typical Polichic melt down.

Then comes the increasingly shrill personal insults.

Followed finally by her quiet retreat from the thread and a whole new batch of conspiracy nonsense elsewhere.

Meanwhile, in this thread....nothing you've posted would shift the election. Everything you've cited is both unconfirmed....and too small to create the results you imagine. You have no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

And ignore the superb evidence of the tallies by each state of the cast ballots.

Not a great place to debate from.

What debate?

I simply explained why I am correct, and you, a moron.

And now we've started the 'increasingly shrill personal insults' phase of our meltdown.

No, your fantasy is not 'right'. Nor is it backed by evidence. Nothing you've posted would shift the election. Everything you've cited is both unconfirmed....and too small to create the results you imagine.

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud or a 'stolen' election. There is superb evidence of a Biden victory: the tallies by each State of the ballots cast.

Yet you cling to your fantasy and ignore superb evidence to do it.

Good luck with that.
Now.....with due respect to the great Yogi, .......about the future:

4. One possibility is that of entropy, the further disorder and uncertainty in our political, economic and social systems. No one will care, the same two parties will play the their roles with no desire more than personal aggrandizement. Maybe simply ennui, just giving up.

To insure re-election, the empty suits will keep giving to the undeserving, those who do not strive or have responsibility, and in order to do so, will restrict, regulate, mandate, and out-right steal from those who produce and earn.

ā€˜Fruits of their own laborā€™ will be forgotten. Instead, the Green New Deal will provide ā€œeconomic security to those who donā€™t care to work.ā€ (Yesā€¦.it said that.)

5. Possibly the rapid disintegration of the freedoms and unalienable rights that once characterized America, that shining city on the hill, will succumb to the violence and threats of violence that distinguished the Democrat/BLM/ANTIFA efforts these few months, will become common to the extent that America citizens will become no more than slaves to government. All will wear the signs of surrender across their mouths as Wuhan masks, a literal representation of the loss of free speech, the aim of Democrat governance.

No, I donā€™t believe there will be a Civil War.

6. Orā€¦..perhaps Trump has left his mark on this country, and those who saw what was possible, might continue to grow. Perhaps the Republican party will shed the Romneys, and learn from what Trump taught them. Just perhaps, a re-birth in the America that the Founders envisioned.

6a. Never a successful route in the past, but perhaps there is a third party, based on the path that Trump blazed.

Your flawed analysis is premised on imagination: that the election was 'stolen'. This belief is unsupported by evidence. Nor can you present any.

Worse, your belief is buttressed only by your willful ignorance of the the superb evidence of the actual election results: the tally of cast votes from each state.

So you predicate your analysis on unfounded fantasy. And ignore overwhelming evidence to do it.

Not a great place to argue from.

Let the bread and circuses, while Antifa and BLM run rampant.....

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